
ตอน 7: Chapter 6: The Awakening

Asahi stood there, trying to catch his breath. He couldn't believe what just happened. The devil that attacked him was now just a pile of ashes on the ground. Next to him was a creature made of shadows and fire - the thing he had somehow created.

"We need to go," Asahi said, trying to sound calm even though his heart was racing. "Can you change how you look? Maybe become less... noticeable?"

To Asahi's surprise, the shadow creature started to change. It got smaller, about the size of a big dog. The fire parts of it dimmed down, leaving what looked like a living shadow. Now it looked like a sleek, black dog with glowing red eyes. Its body seemed to swallow up the light around it, making it look almost like it wasn't fully there.

"Wow," Asahi said quietly, looking at the changed creature. "That's really useful. Let's go home - we have a lot to talk about."

As they walked back to Asahi's apartment, his mind was buzzing with thoughts. Sacred Gear. Annihilation Maker. Making monsters. Devils. It was all so new and exciting.

When they got to his apartment, Asahi quickly let the shadow-dog in and locked the door.

"Okay," he said, sitting down on his couch and looking serious. "Let's figure this out step by step."

The shadow-dog sat down at his feet, watching him.

"So, I have a Sacred Gear," Asahi started, talking out loud to help organize his thoughts. "It's called the Annihilation Maker. It lets me create living things. Is that right?"

The shadow-dog seemed to nod, and Asahi heard a voice in his head: [Yes. The Annihilation Maker is a very powerful Sacred Gear. It can create any creature you can think of.]

Asahi's eyes lit up. "That's amazing! But why did it start working now? What made it wake up?"

[It started because you were in danger. Sacred Gears usually wake up when the person who has them is really scared or in trouble. Sometimes people can also wake them up by training really hard.]

Asahi nodded, thinking about this. "So, almost getting killed by a devil made it wake up. Interesting. Now, what else did that devil say before it died?"

He thought hard, trying to remember. "It said something about others... Rias and Sona."

Suddenly, Asahi realized something. "Rias Gremory... I've read that name before in some old books about magic and demons. It's a name for important devils. Could it be...?"

He leaned back, thinking hard. "Rias Gremory and Sona Sitri - or Shitori, which is what she's called at school. They're always in those special clubs, and there's always something mysterious about them. Maybe they're devils too? It makes sense, but I need more proof to be sure."

Asahi smiled, feeling clever. "This is really good information to have. I have a power they don't know about. I could do a lot with this, in both the normal world and the magic world."

He looked down at the shadow-dog, which was watching him closely. "We're at the start of something big. Rias, Sona, and whatever other magic beings are out there - they have no idea what's coming."

Asahi paused, looking thoughtful. "But we need to be careful. We can't let anyone know about you or my Sacred Gear until we know more and get stronger."

He smiled again, feeling ambitious. "We'll start small. We'll use your abilities to do secret things, get money and resources. Maybe we could start a security company or make new kinds of energy - your shadow-fire could change a lot of things if we use it right."

Asahi chuckled, feeling excited and determined. "Asahi Indra, tech genius and secret monster maker. Sounds pretty cool, doesn't it?"

The shadow-dog made a soft growling sound that seemed like it agreed.

"Now, you need a name," Asahi said, looking at the creature. "Something normal, but still fitting. How about... Tommy? It's a common name, so no one will think it's weird, but it's kind of funny because you're not really a normal dog."

The newly named Tommy made a happy rumbling sound.

"Alright, Tommy," Asahi said, his eyes shining with determination. "We have a lot of work to do. This world of devils and Sacred Gears is about to change big time."

As the sun started to come up, Asahi finally felt tired. He looked at Tommy, who was still alert and watching.

"We're starting something big," he said, trying not to yawn. "Together, we're going to change everything in the magic world. Devils, angels, and whatever else is out there - they're all part of our plan now."

With that, Asahi went to sleep, dreaming about shadows doing what he told them and the big, powerful group he would create. In the corner, Tommy kept watch, while the world outside had no idea about the changes that were coming.

But Asahi didn't know that his awakening hadn't gone unnoticed. All over Kuoh, powerful beings were starting to pay attention, interested in this new player in their complicated game.

Everything was set up, all the players were getting ready, and Asahi Indra, with his newly awakened Annihilation Maker, was about to find himself in the middle of a big conflict that would change more than just Kuoh City. But for now, he slept, smiling confidently as his mind kept making plans even while he was asleep.

The next morning, Asahi woke up feeling different. Everything that happened last night felt like a dream, but when he saw Tommy curled up in the corner of his room, he knew it was all real. He sat up in bed, rubbing his eyes.

"Good morning, Tommy," he said. The shadow-dog lifted its head, red eyes glowing softly.

As Asahi got ready for school, he couldn't stop thinking about everything he'd learned. Devils were real. He had a Sacred Gear. And most importantly, Rias Gremory and Sona Sitri might be devils too.

Thinking about Rias made Asahi pause. He remembered how she'd been acting lately - always watching him, trying to talk to him more. At first, he thought she might have a crush on him, but now... could it be something else?

"Tommy," Asahi said, turning to his new companion. "Do you think Rias might know about my Sacred Gear? Is that why she's been so interested in me yesterday?"

Tommy tilted his head, and Asahi heard the voice in his mind again: [It's possible. Some devils can sense Sacred Gears, especially powerful ones like the Annihilation Maker. If Rias Gremory is indeed a devil, she might have noticed your potential.]

This made Asahi think hard. If Rias knew about his Sacred Gear, that changed things. She might be trying to recruit him, or maybe even planning to get rid of him if she thought he was a threat.

"We'll have to be extra careful around her," Asahi muttered. "And Sona too. We can't let them know that we know about them."

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Stone -- หินพลัง








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