79.31% Deity of Destruction / Chapter 46: The Golden Beast is back.

บท 46: The Golden Beast is back.

Tensura 46



A year had passed, and the landscape of Fullbrosia was bathed in an eerie, unnatural twilight. Standing at the heart of this twilight was Yuuki Kagurazaka, his presence commanding and ominous. Behind him, nine figures stood silently, each exuding an aura of dread and power. These were the Numbers, the elite forces of the Eastern Empire, each a force to be reckoned with in their own right.

Yuuki, with a calm yet chilling demeanor, raised his hand, signaling the beginning of a ritual that would shake the very foundations of Fullbrosia. "It is time," he intoned, his voice echoing through the still air. "The day has come to awaken the true power within us and to fulfill the will of the Emperor."

The Numbers, responding to Yuuki's command, took their positions around him, forming a circle. Each one of them began to chant in an ancient, arcane language, their voices blending into a single, haunting melody that resonated with dark energy. As the chants grew louder, the ground beneath them began to tremble, and a massive, intricate sigil appeared, glowing with an ominous light.

"This world shall witness the rise of a new era," Yuuki declared, his eyes glinting with a malevolent gleam. "An era where the weak shall perish and the strong shall reign supreme. We are the harbingers of this new dawn."

The air grew thick with the palpable sense of impending doom. In the distance, the Harpy settlements, home to 400,000 souls, lay unaware of the fate that awaited them. The sky above the settlements darkened, swirling with unnatural clouds as if the heavens themselves recoiled from the evil being unleashed.

Yuuki extended his hand toward the settlements, and a beam of dark energy shot forth from the sigil, enveloping the entire area. The harpies, sensing the imminent danger, began to panic, their screams of fear and confusion echoing through the valleys. But it was too late. The ritual was in motion, and nothing could stop it now.

As the beam of energy intensified, it began to consume the very life force of the harpies. Their bodies disintegrated, their souls drawn into the swirling vortex of energy above the sigil. The sheer volume of souls created a cacophony of wails and cries, a symphony of despair that fueled the ritual.

Yuuki's eyes glowed with an unholy light as he felt the power surging through him. The ritual was nearing its climax, and the swastika placed in Fullbrosia was beginning to activate. The ground beneath the settlements cracked open, and pillars of dark energy shot up into the sky, forming a towering structure that pulsed with raw, chaotic power.

The Numbers, standing firm in their positions, channeled their own energy into the sigil, amplifying its power. Each of them was a conduit, a vessel for the immense dark energy that was being harnessed. They stood as silent witnesses to the massacre, their expressions cold and unfeeling.

As the last of the harpy souls was consumed, the sigil's glow reached its peak, casting an otherworldly light over the entire region. The air was filled with the oppressive weight of dark magic, a tangible force that seemed to warp reality itself. Yuuki, standing at the center of it all, looked up at the towering structure that had formed.

"It is done," he said, his voice a mixture of triumph and satisfaction. "The first step towards our ultimate goal has been completed. The Swastika of Fullbrosia is now active, and with it, we are one step closer to awakening the true power that lies dormant within this world."

The Numbers, their task complete, stepped back, their expressions unchanged. They had witnessed countless atrocities in their service to the Emperor, but this was something different. This was the beginning of a new chapter, one that would reshape the world according to the Emperor's will.

Yuuki turned to face them, his eyes still glowing with dark energy. "Prepare yourselves," he commanded. "There are still other swastikas to activate. We must not rest until our mission is complete. For the glory of the Empire, and the dawn of a new era."

With that, the Numbers dispersed, each moving towards their next target. The ritual had been a success, and the massacre of the Harpy settlements was a grim testament to their power and resolve. The stage was set for the next phase of their plan, and nothing would stand in their way.

The land of Fullbrosia lay in ruins, a silent witness to the horrors that had been unleashed. The once vibrant settlements were now nothing more than a desolate wasteland, filled with the lingering echoes of despair. The activation of the swastika marked a turning point, a harbinger of the dark days to come.

And at the center of it all stood Yuuki, a figure of terrifying power and ambition. His gaze swept over the devastated landscape, and a cold smile played on his lips. The ritual was only the beginning, and the world would soon know the true extent of the Empire's might.

Yuuki, standing in the eerie aftermath of the ritual, turned his cold gaze toward Jiwu and Bernie, Numbers 09 and 07 respectively. "Jiwu, Bernie," he called, his voice commanding and icy. The two elite soldiers of the Empire immediately stepped forward, their expressions stoic and unyielding.

"You two will head towards Farmus," Yuuki ordered. "Ensure that the swastika there is awakened today. Make no mistake—at least three swastikas must be opened by day's end for Lord Reinhard to finally manifest himself."

Jiwu, a short woman with a menacing presence, and Bernie, a slim man with a perpetual scowl, nodded in unison. Their loyalty to the Emperor and their mission was absolute. Yuuki's eyes narrowed as he continued, "Remember, your success is paramount. Should you fail, your souls will be consumed without mercy. Do not underestimate the demon lords. They will notice any disturbance."

The two warriors shared a determined glance before bowing to Yuuki. Without another word, they turned and left, their steps filled with purpose and resolve.

The journey to Farmus was swift, their incredible speed and strength allowing them to cover vast distances in mere moments. As they approached the borders of the small country, they could see the bustling cities and peaceful villages, unaware of the doom that was rapidly approaching.

Jiwu and Bernie paused for a moment on a hill overlooking the capital city of Farmus. "It's a shame," Jiwu remarked, her voice tinged with a rare hint of sadness. "This place is so peaceful, so unaware of the storm that's about to descend upon them."

Bernie nodded, his eyes cold and unfeeling. "It's necessary. For the awakening of Lord Reinhard, for the Emperor, and for the future of the Empire. This country's fate is sealed."

With a grim determination, they descended upon Farmus. Their entry was marked by an explosion of power, sending shockwaves through the city and drawing immediate attention from the guards and citizens alike. Panic spread like wildfire as people screamed and fled from the sight of the two formidable figures.

Jiwu unleashed a torrent of dark energy, obliterating buildings and soldiers alike. Her attacks were precise and devastating, leaving no room for resistance. "For Lord Reinhard" she murmured, her eyes glowing with a fanatical light. "For the future that he will bring. His vision will reshape this world."

Bernie, with his immense strength, tore through the defenses of Farmus like paper. He crushed anyone who dared to stand in his way, his movements a blur of destruction. "Reinhard Nava," he intoned, his voice booming over the chaos. "The harbinger of change, the one who will lead us to a new dawn. Your sacrifices will pave the way for his arrival."

The populace of Farmus, numbering over a million, stood no chance against the might of Jiwu and Bernie. The capital city became a slaughterhouse, with bodies strewn across the streets and buildings reduced to rubble. The screams of the dying filled the air, a symphony of despair that echoed through the once-peaceful land.

Amidst the carnage, Jiwu and Bernie continued their relentless assault, ensuring that no one would be left alive to hinder their mission. "Lord Reinhard's legacy," Jiwu said, her voice rising above the din of destruction. "His vision is our guiding light. This is but a necessary step towards the grand design."

As the last of the resistance fell, Jiwu and Bernie converged at the heart of the city, where the swastika was located. They channeled their energy into the ancient symbol, causing it to pulse with a dark, malevolent light. The ground trembled as the swastika began to awaken, drawing power from the countless souls they had harvested.

The sky above Farmus darkened, and a massive vortex of energy formed, signaling the activation of the swastika. Jiwu and Bernie stepped back, their faces reflecting satisfaction and triumph. "It is done," Bernie said, his voice reverberating with the weight of their achievement. "The swastika of Farmus is awakened."

Jiwu nodded, her eyes fixed on the swirling vortex. "Lord Reinhard will soon be upon us. This world will witness his might, and the Empire will rise to its true glory. Let this be a testament to our unwavering loyalty and our unyielding strength."

With the swastika of Farmus now active, Jiwu and Bernie turned their attention to their next target. They knew that their mission was far from over. The demon lords would not remain idle for long, and the true battle was yet to come.

Back in Fullbrosia, Yuuki could sense the activation of the swastika. A cold smile crept across his face as he felt the surge of power. "Excellent," he murmured. "The first step is complete. Soon, Lord Reinhard will walk this world once more, and our enemies will tremble before us."

The Numbers had their orders, and nothing would stand in their way. The world was on the brink of a new era, one forged in blood and darkness, under the banner of the Eastern Empire and its unrelenting will.

In the icy fortress of the Northern Continent, the atmosphere was tense as the demon lords gathered. Guy Crimson stood at the center, his expression stern and unyielding. Milim arrived first, her eyes blazing with fury and sorrow. She clenched her fists tightly, her usual playful demeanor replaced by a steely resolve.

"Milim," Guy began, his voice cold and serious. "What happened to Frey and the Harpies is a consequence of Rudra's actions."

Milim's eyes flashed with grief and rage. "They massacred them, Guy. Her entire kingdom, wiped out. I couldn't do anything to stop it!"

Guy clicked his tongue in frustration. "They've moved faster than we anticipated. The prophecy was supposed to start a year from now."

The other demon lords arrived one by one, drawn by the gravity of the situation. Rimuru appeared with Veldora, their faces set in grim determination. Dagruel, imposing and silent, exuded a quiet rage, while Dino, usually so laid-back, now looked unusually serious. Velzard, Luminous, and Ramiris followed, each bearing expressions of solemn resolve.

"They've opened two swastikas already," Rimuru said, his voice tense. "We can't let this continue. Emperor Rudra has to be stopped."

The demon lords looked at the sky, where the two swastikas glowed ominously, their light piercing through the clouds to reveal the night sky. The beams of light formed a massive circle, a beacon of impending catastrophe. The air was thick with tension and an unspoken fear of what this heralded.

Guy turned his attention back to Milim, who stood apart from the others, her mind clearly troubled. "Milim," he said, his tone unwavering. "You need to decide where you stand."

The question hung heavy in the air. Milim's expression wavered, her inner turmoil evident. These were her friends, her allies, but Reinhard was her brother. He had been there for her through everything, from infancy to adulthood. He had taught her, cared for her, and his influence had shaped much of who she was.

Guy stepped closer, his red eyes boring into hers. "If you side with Reinhard, you'll be standing against us. You know what that means."

Milim's eyes filled with tears as she struggled with her emotions. "Guy, I... I don't know what to do. He's my brother. He's always been there for me."

Guy's expression remained hard. "Reinhard is a threat. If you side with him, you become our enemy. Think carefully, Milim."

Milim's gaze dropped to the floor, her mind a whirl of conflicting emotions. Memories of Reinhard's teachings and their time together flooded her mind. She remembered his kindness, his strength, and his unwavering sense of duty.

Guy kept his gaze fixed on her, understanding the depth of her struggle. In his thoughts, he recalled Reinhard leaving Milim under his care, trusting him to guide her. This was a test of that trust, and he hoped Milim would see the path she needed to take.

Milim looked up, her eyes still shimmering with unshed tears but now filled with determination. "You're right, Guy. Brother wouldn't want me to turn my back on my friends or the world. I'll stand with you all."

A collective sigh of relief passed through the group. Guy nodded, a rare smile touching his lips. "Thank you, Milim. Now, let's prepare. We can't afford any more losses."

The demon lords began to strategize, their minds focused on countering the threat posed by the Empire. But the weight of Milim's decision hung over them, a stark reminder of the personal sacrifices each would have to make in the days ahead.

Guy placed a hand on Milim's shoulder, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "We'll get through this, Milim. Together."

Milim nodded, a determined light in her eyes. "Together," she echoed. "For Frey, for the Harpies, and for everyone who's counting on us."

The group's resolve solidified, and they began to form a plan to confront the Empire and stop the opening of more swastikas. 

The air in the icy fortress crackled with tension as the demon lords continued to strategize. Guy Crimson, his piercing red eyes scanning the gathered lords, broke the silence.

"Based on their movements and the countries they've targeted, Dwargon is likely their next target," he stated. "It's the weakest of the nations without a demon lord guarding it."

Rimuru's concern for his friend, King Gazel, was evident. "I'll go to Dwargon and help protect it," he volunteered.

Guy shook his head, his expression resolute. "No, Milim will go. She needs to vent her anger from what happened in Fullbrosia."

Milim, her eyes still blazing with fury, nodded without hesitation. "I'll make them pay."

With that, Milim was dispatched immediately. She arrived at Dwargon to find it already in chaos. Smoke filled the air, and the sounds of battle echoed through the city. Buildings lay in ruins, and the streets were littered with the bodies of fallen soldiers and civilians. At the center of the devastation, two figures stood, their presence radiating an aura of invincibility. They were Number 08, Marco, and Number 03, Granit.

Marco, a tall, imposing man with a scarred face, wielded a massive broadsword. Granit, shorter but no less formidable, had an aura of deadly precision, his movements swift and calculated. Both were Saints, their power comparable to King Gazel's. Their experience, however, far surpassed that of the king.

Milim landed with a thunderous crash, her rage palpable. "You will pay for what you've done!" she roared, her voice echoing through the ruined city.

Marco turned, a cruel smile playing on his lips. "So, the infamous Milim Nava has come to play," he taunted. "This should be interesting."

Granit's expression remained cold and focused. "Don't underestimate her, Marco. She's not called the Destroyer for nothing."

Milim's eyes blazed with fury. Without another word, she launched herself at the two knights. Her speed was blinding, and she closed the distance between them in an instant. Marco raised his broadsword to block her attack, but the sheer force of her punch sent him skidding backward, his feet digging trenches in the ground.

Granit moved to flank her, his movements a blur. He aimed a precise strike at her side, but Milim's reflexes were faster. She dodged and retaliated with a powerful kick that sent Granit crashing into a nearby building.

The battle raged on, the ground trembling under the force of their blows. Milim's anger fueled her attacks, each strike carrying the weight of her fury. Marco and Granit fought back with all their might, but it quickly became clear that they were outmatched.

Marco swung his broadsword in a wide arc, aiming to cleave Milim in half. She caught the blade with her bare hands, her eyes glowing with an intense blue light. With a roar, she shattered the sword into pieces, the shards scattering like dust.

Granit, seeing an opening, unleashed a flurry of rapid strikes. Milim dodged each one effortlessly, her movements fluid and precise. She countered with a series of punches and kicks, each one landing with devastating force. Granit was sent flying through the air, his body slamming into the ground with a resounding crash.

Despite the beating they were taking, Marco and Granit showed no signs of frustration. Instead, they smiled, a chilling, satisfied grin that unnerved Milim. "Why are you smiling?" she demanded, her voice dripping with contempt.

Marco wiped blood from his mouth, his grin never wavering. "We've already fulfilled our mission," he said cryptically.

Milim's eyes widened in realization, but it was too late. The ground beneath her began to tremble, and a dark, ominous energy surged from the bodies of the fallen. The quality of the souls from the slaughter was enough to activate the swastika.

A massive, dark symbol began to form in the sky, its energy pulsing with malevolent power. Milim's heart sank as she realized what had happened. Despite her efforts, she had been unable to stop the activation of the swastika.

Marco and Granit's bodies started to disintegrate, their smiles never fading. "We may have lost this battle, but the war is far from over," Granit said, his voice echoing as his body turned to dust.

Milim stood amidst the ruins of Dwargon, her fists clenched in frustration and sorrow. She had defeated the knights, but at what cost? The swastika was now activated, its dark energy looming over the city like a harbinger of doom.

Back at the icy fortress, Guy Crimson and the other demon lords felt the shift in the air. The activation of the swastika sent a ripple of dark energy across the land. Guy's expression darkened as he sensed the change.

"Milim has failed," he said, his voice grim. "The swastika has been activated."

Rimuru clenched his fists, his resolve hardening. "We need to move quickly. We can't let them activate any more of these swastikas."

The demon lords nodded in agreement. The battle was far from over, and they knew that the true fight was just beginning. 

The circle of light in the sky pulsated with dark energy, casting a foreboding shadow over the land. The demon lords watched in tense silence, their expressions a mix of dread and determination. Suddenly, the dark energy began to wane, and the circle of light started to dissolve.

Before they could comprehend what was happening, a new light began to emerge from the heavens. It was not dark or ominous, but a brilliant golden hue that shone with an almost divine radiance. The golden light spread rapidly, engulfing the entire sky and banishing the dark clouds that had gathered.

Guy Crimson's eyes widened in shock. "It's starting.."

Milim, still standing in the ruins of Dwargon, looked up, her expression a mix of awe and apprehension. "It's so bright..."

Rimuru shielded his eyes from the intense light, feeling an overwhelming power emanating from the golden glow. "This is different... What is going on?"

Veldora's normally confident demeanor faltered as he gazed at the sky. "This light... There's no doubt!"

The golden light intensified, its brilliance becoming almost unbearable. The entire world seemed to stand still, every living being gazing up in wonder and fear. The demon lords could feel the immense power radiating from the light, a power unlike anything they had ever encountered.

Luminous, her eyes narrowed against the brightness, whispered, "This is undoubtedly his light.."

Dagruel clenched his fists, feeling the weight of the moment. "We must prepare for whatever is coming."

The golden light continued to grow, filling every corner of the world with its radiant glow. The demon lords and their allies could do nothing but stare, their minds racing with the possibilities of what this new phenomenon could mean. 

Just as the light reached its peak, it exploded in a final, blinding flash. Everyone was forced to close their eyes against the overwhelming brilliance, the golden light consuming everything in its path.

In that instant, the world was engulfed in the blinding radiance, leaving everyone in stunned silence. The fate of their world, and the true nature of the golden light, remained a mystery, but one thing was certain: nothing would ever be the same again.


A sinister laugh was all that heard.



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