18.96% Deity of Destruction / Chapter 11: True Dragon?

บท 11: True Dragon?



Of course, unlike what everyone thought, Reinhard didn't really leave Ramiris. It just happened that he was called by his Father this time leaving no chance to explain. Besides, even if he was given, he wouldn't bother to explain it. With Reinhard's character, there is no possibility that he would tire himself just to explain something. Misunderstanding might happen but he has no interest in the consequences, all that matters is his opinion about himself.

Reinhard appeared at the place designated by his father and it didn't take long for them to arrive too. Veldanava was with his usual troops, the 7 Primordial Angels. "Greetings, Father. It appears that you have been enjoying these previous years" Reinhard greeted his Father the Creator as he noticed the slight change from his face. "You can tell? As expected. It is just, the dreams that I built before are slowly becoming a reality. New species were being created and I absolutely adore them. Their growth provided me with happiness" Veldanava explained while smiling lightly.

"I see, it is great that the Divine Ancestor has been doing his job well. You must be really grateful for his results, that should be enough to spare him for a few centuries" Reinhard was delighted to hear the joy in his Father's voice. "Hahaha, if one does not know you then they take your words as jokes" Veldanava chuckled. "Can I ask how you feel about being with Ramiris now? Did it change your perspective, even just for a bit?" Reinhard stopped hearing that. He contemplated for a second before answering truthfully. "Not at all, Father. She might be a marvelous influencer however her words are little of use to me. A mere spirit cannot change my ways"

Veldanava fell silent. He could not forcefully change the path of Reinhard so he just wished that Ramiris could somehow help him. Unfortunately, it appears that the boy became more aware of his task because of the realization he felt being with Ramiris' side. Veldanava can't say that he didn't try. "Do you really wish to destroy my whole life of work?" He asked, staring deeply into Reinhard's eyes. The golden eyes did not even flinch from the question, it merely returned the same gaze before answering. "I might be your son, Father. But I can also be called your greatest adversary. I love everything you created and thus I must undoubtedly destroy it."

"I see, I won't change your mind. I am also certain that there will be a person that can divert you from your path" Veldanava smiled as he rubbed the head of Reinhard. Their conversation was quite intense but no hatred was shown between the two. In fact, their respect for each other rose to another level. "Ridiculous. However, I won't dismiss those words of yours Father. Show me the potential of your creations, they are free to stop me from my conquest" Reinhard smiled as he accepted Veldanava's words. "By the way, why have you called me here? Is there something important that requires my presence?" Reinhard finally went to the point.

"Nuh, I just wanted to invite you to witness the birth of another of my kind. In other words, your future uncle. Are you interested?" Veldanava asked, smiling slyly at Reinhard who closed his eyes. "You should have already known what my answer will be, Father. Is there a need to ask?" He responded, opening his eyes and taking a glance at the horizon. He is now ready to watch the birth of the Storm Dragon, Veldora. It is one of the characters that gained the fan's recognition after all.

(A/N: Cringe shit alert)

Reinhard materialized in a desolate expanse, a stark contrast to the vibrant world he'd glimpsed before. Jagged, obsidian mountains clawed at a sky perpetually choked with swirling storm clouds. Lightning, a perpetual ballet of silver fury, danced across the heavens, illuminating a vast, churning ocean below. Here, the raw power of nature thrummed in the very air.

Veldanava stood upon a colossal, obsidian platform that seemed to defy gravity, his seven Primordial Angels flanking him like an honor guard. Each angel, a radiant being of pure energy, pulsed with an otherworldly power that made normal creatures within the vicinity, gasps in awe. Yet, despite their awe-inspiring presence, it was the figure at the platform's center that truly commanded attention.

A colossal sphere of pure, crackling energy pulsed with an erratic rhythm. Within its swirling depths, a nascent consciousness stirred, a storm yet to be unleashed. This was the embryonic form of Veldora, the Storm Dragon, a being of immense power and tempestuous spirit.

The platform trembled as the energy sphere intensified its erratic pulsing. Veldanava raised a hand, his voice booming across the desolate landscape, "Witness this well son, the birth of a new True Dragon"

The storm above mirrored the turmoil within the sphere. Lightning intensified, arcing with a ferocity that seemed to tear at the very earth they were standing on. The churning ocean rose in a frenzy, waves crashing against the obsidian platform with a deafening roar.

Reinhard, his golden gaze unwavering, felt a tremor of anticipation course through him. This wasn't mere birth, it was a tempestuous birth, a being of immense power clawing its way into existence. A primal understanding bloomed within him: Veldora wouldn't be a passive dragon that would be pressured by his sisters. This dragon, this storm given form, would be a force of nature, a wild card in the grand scheme of things.

A sudden, ear-splitting shriek echoed across the wasteland. The energy sphere pulsed one last time, a blinding flash erupting outwards. When the light subsided, a magnificent creature stood on the platform, its scales shimmering a deep, electric blue. The Storm Dragon had arrived.

The Storm Dragon was a sight to behold. Towering over even the Primordial Angels, its draconic form pulsed with raw power. Electricity danced across its scales, crackling with an energy that mirrored the storm above. Its eyes, twin maelstroms of churning blue, seemed to contain the fury of a thousand tempests.

The young dragon flexed its powerful claws, a tremor shaking the platform. A primal roar erupted from its throat, a sound that echoed with raw, untamed power. The storm above responded, the lightning dancing in a chaotic ballet that mirrored thr Dragon's burgeoning emotions.

Veldanava chuckled, a sound that boomed across the desolate landscape like thunder. "Behold, son. Witness the potential of True Dragons. Can you still see the future that lies within this boy?"

Reinhard met his father's gaze, a flicker of something akin to respect dancing in his golden eyes. "That is a respectable challenge" he admitted, a hint of amusement in his voice. "Perhaps your kind do hold some value, Father"

Veldora, sensing the exchange, turned its head towards Reinhard, the storm in its eyes momentarily focusing on the golden-haired figure. Veldanava decided that it would end to no good if this continued so he took over.

Veldanava's booming laughter echoed once more, a sound that seemed to momentarily calm the raging storm above. "A magnificent existence, indeed. A spirit that rivals the tempest itself" he stated, his voice brimming with relief. He then turned his gaze towards the magnificent dragon, his eyes glowing with a soft, brotherly light.

With a dramatic flourish, Veldanava raised his hand, a vast expanse of energy swirling around it. "Hear me, child of the storm. You, who embody the untamed fury of the tempest, I bestow upon you a name" The energy coalesced, forming intricate symbols that danced around Veldanava's hand before flying towards the young dragon.

The symbols sank into the Dragon's scales, causing them to glow momentarily before fading. A profound silence descended upon the desolate landscape. Then, with a voice that rumbled like a distant avalanche, Veldanava spoke the chosen name.

"Veldora. The Storm Dragon"

The name echoed across the wasteland, carried by the wind and amplified by the storm. Veldora roared in response, the sound a magnificent display of raw power and newfound identity. The storm above mirrored the dragon's elation, the lightning flashing with renewed vigor.

But amidst the celebration, a sudden change jolted everyone present. The air crackled with an unnatural energy, a dark aura emanating from a point far beyond the platform. The once turbulent storm clouds above stilled, replaced by a swirling vortex of inky blackness. An oppressive silence descended, smothering the celebratory roar of the young dragon.

Veldanava's smile faltered, a flicker of concern crossing his features. The Primordial Angels tensed, their forms radiating a protective light around the Creator. All eyes turned towards the ominous vortex, a sense of foreboding settling upon the desolate landscape.

Despite the chilling atmosphere, Veldora remained unfazed. He turned his head slowly, his gaze locking onto Reinhard, who stood stoic on the platform. The dragon's eyes, once filled with newfound pride, now burned with a renewed intensity. This unexpected turn of events wouldn't deter him. The challenge he issued to Reinhard still stood.

The storm may have faltered momentarily, but the fire within Veldora, the Storm Dragon, had just been ignited. And as he glared at Reinhard, a silent promise crackled through the oppressive air: This was just the beginning. The storm would rage on.

The oppressive silence stretched, broken only by the low growl emanating from Veldora's throat. Veldanava's brow furrowed, a flicker of worry flashing in his eyes. He turned towards Reinhard, his booming voice now tinged with a hint of awkwardness.

"Reinhard," he addressed his son, "your... aura. It seems to have a rather... unsettling effect on Veldora."

Reinhard tilted his head slightly, his golden gaze unwavering. "Unsettling?" he echoed, a hint of amusement dancing in his voice. "Perhaps it's simply my presence, Father. After all, I represent the antithesis of your creation."

Veldanava sighed, his shoulders slumping slightly. "Indeed. Your aura is troublesome, it induces many things. An instinctual fear, a primal terror, it washes over all living things in your presence. Even Veldora, a newborn with immense power, cannot escape its effects huh"

The young dragon's growl intensified, a tremor shaking the platform. He whipped his head towards Veldanava, a storm of confusion and frustration swirling in his electric blue eyes. He roared, a challenge laced with a hint of desperation.

"Why? Why does he make me feel this way?" Veldora boomed, his voice echoing across the desolate landscape. "I am Veldora, the Storm Dragon! I will not fear the weak!" (A/N: Veldora at this time is still bratty so..)

Veldanava raised a placating hand towards the enraged dragon. "Veldora, calm yourself. Reinhard isn't here to harm you. He is simply here to greet his uncle" he tried to reason with the newly born dragon, hoping that a fight won't break.

But Veldora wasn't listening. The primal fear ignited by Reinhard's aura had morphed into a different kind of storm – a tempest of defiance. With a mighty roar that shook the very foundations of the platform, Veldora unleashed his power.

Lightning, far more concentrated and furious than before, arced from his horns, striking the platform with a deafening crackle. The obsidian ground beneath his claws shattered, replaced by a churning vortex of pure energy that mirrored the storm raging above. The once docile celebration had morphed into a chaotic battleground, all because of the unintended consequence of Reinhard's presence.

Veldanava winced, his eyes filled with a mixture of disappointment and concern. He had hoped to introduce his brother to his son peacefully, but Reinhard's very existence seemed to be a catalyst for conflict. The future, it seemed, was far more unpredictable than even he had anticipated.

The platform shuddered violently as Veldora unleashed his fury. Reinhard, however, remained unfazed. He watched the storm dragon with an analytical glint in his golden eyes, a stark contrast to the chaos erupting around him.

Veldanava's voice boomed once more, laced with exasperation as he sighed. "Reinhard, Can you not see what you're doing? Veldora is a newborn, barely in control of his own power. There's no need for a fight right?

Reinhard remained silent, his gaze fixed on Veldora's crackling form. He ignored his father's words, his mind preoccupied with a different observation. Even for a newborn dragon, Veldora's magical signature was impressive. It surpassed that of both Velzard and Velgrynd, his sisters, even at their prime. A flicker of interest ignited within him.

A cruel smile played on Reinhard's lips. "An impressive display of power, for a hatchling," he finally spoke, his voice dripping with condescension. "Perhaps your fear is not entirely unfounded, Veldora. You do possess a spark worth nurturing."

Veldora's roar intensified, tinged with a new emotion – fury. He wouldn't be belittled by this strange, fear-inducing being. He focused his power, a massive bolt of lightning surging from his maw, aimed directly at Reinhard.

The bolt slammed into Reinhard's outstretched hand, dissipating harmlessly. Not even a flicker of surprise crossed his face. "Impressive," he repeated, his voice devoid of emotion. "But still far from enough."

He raised his other hand, a malevolent aura swirling around it. "However, with proper training, you might become a valuable asset. You will be placed under my tutelage, Veldora."

Veldanava's face contorted into surprise. "Are you sure? I never thought you would take interest in him" he sounded really pleased.

Reinhard ignored him, his golden gaze pinning Veldora in place. "Do you accept, Veldora? Become stronger under my guidance, and perhaps, just perhaps, I might consider sparing your pathetic existence."

The weight of his words hung heavy in the air. It wasn't a request, it was a command, one laced with a threat so potent that even Veldora, fueled by defiance, felt a tremor of fear. But the storm within him still raged. He wouldn't submit to this oppressive being.

With a defiant roar that shook the very heavens, Veldora lunged, claws outstretched, towards Reinhard. The battle lines were drawn.

A few hours passed and the result of the battle ended with Reinhard's overwhelming victory. Despite Veldora's effort to inflict damage, it was futile. He could not even leave a scratch against Reinhard's clothes. If he has an abundance of experience like his sisters then he might have a chance to injure but sadly that is hardly the case.

Veldora is now lying on a huge crater formed by his fall. He was knocked out of consciousness, and it appears that he won't be waking up soon. He exhausted almost all of his energy trying to harm Reinhard so this is not a surprising result. "Oh right, if he does wake up, remember to remind him that he is not the second born alright? Considering his chaotic character, he might think that those two are younger than him. Even as a joke, I still don't want to see him exploding into nothingness" Veldanava made sure to remind Reinhard about that. He already has a clear understanding of Veldora's character and he fears that the newborn might cause some trouble.

"I'll take that in mind, Father. I'll bring him to the space where I was born, it is a suitable place to train. I apologize but I might not see you for a while. If the two finally revived, please tell them that I am not sorry for what I did" Reinhard gave Veldanava a smile as he vanished, carrying Veldora with him. "Sigh, what a crazy son. Those two will surely get angry, especially when their new precious brother has been taken away from them…" Veldanava fears the future that lies await.



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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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Stone -- หินพลัง



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