21.73% Fantasy May Cry: The Red Demon / Chapter 5: a green welcome

บท 5: a green welcome

I lay down on the roof of a building and looked at the holographic screen of my bracelet with a smile.

[Kill a Goblin Mage:


Goblin Mage - An evolved goblin capable of casting magic. Its Mana levels are significantly higher than those of an average goblin, allowing it to cast low-rank magic repeatedly without tiring. The dungeon where this Goblin Mage resides is located in the northern region of Lunaria.]

Previously, I had been curious about these dungeons. They are said to be portals created by the gods of this world as tests to strengthen the beings that inhabit it.

While it's clear that dungeons are accessible to adventurers, I am not one of them, which presents a problem. But I think I have a solution.

I tapped on my bracelet, bringing up its interface.




I sighed, about to attempt something, when suddenly a notification popped up on the holographic screen.

[Arthur (your kind captain!) is calling:

Answer the call?


"Perfect," I muttered, selecting "YES." Arthur's face appeared on the screen, his eye narrowing as he leaned closer. I sighed in response, "Yeah, I finished the previous mission. I'm already on my way to another one."

"Great! That was quick!" Arthur exclaimed, a broad smile stretching across his face. "Well... now I have to head to a dungeon, but I'm not sure if I'll be able to get in. You see, I'm not an adventurer, and from what I understand, dungeons are only accessible to adventurers, right?"

"Don't worry, I've got a plan," Arthur assured me. "I've asked Austin for some help, and I was thinking, do you have a fake name in mind? Just in case."

"Tony Redgrave," I replied without hesitation. It was the first thing that came to mind, and technically, it was a genuine name that Dante had given himself.

Arthur paused, apparently speaking to someone behind him. When he turned back, a broad smile stretched across his face. "Well then, take a look at this. Austin sent you something that might be useful for your mission; he's an expert in these matters."

A card materialized on top of my bracelet—a novel occurrence. Intrigued, I reached out and grabbed the card, finding it to be an adventurer's ID.

[Tony Redgrave:

Adventurer Rank: E]

"This could come in handy," I mused.

"I was actually planning to give that to you when you got here," Arthur explained. "It's a fake adventurer ID, but it should do the trick. Austin will fill you in on the rest. Well, good luck out there!" With a wave, Arthur's smile faded from the screen, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

I studied the ID card, a sense of satisfaction washing over me. "I think I made the right call..."

I got to my feet and headed north, eager for the adventure that awaited me.


I joined the queue to enter a building that served as a gateway to the dungeons. It seemed like it was going to be a long wait... As I stood in line, I noticed individuals who could only be described as nobles, adorned in shiny metal armor. I even spotted a girl with purple hair—definitely an anime trope. My eyes widened further as I spied a dwarf, a beastman, and what appeared to be a cat girl standing in line as well.

Half an hour later, my turn finally arrived. The guard standing at the entrance was clad in large silver armor and carried a long spear. "ID," he demanded. I handed over the fake ID Arthur had provided, and he scrutinized it closely. He then took out an object resembling a stone and passed it over the card. The stone shone slightly before glowing a bright green. "You may enter," the guard said as he returned my ID. From his appearance and demeanor, I guessed he might be an A-rank adventurer.

Portals lay ahead, guarded by vigilant sentinels. I approached one, my bracelet buzzing with information. It informed me that, upon completing my objective, I needed to bring my bracelet close to the Goblin Mage's corpse to confirm the mission.

Without hesitation, I stepped into the portal, its surface shimmering like a turbulent sea.

"Well... a classic cave..." I remarked as I surveyed my surroundings. Torches lined the walls, casting a flickering light on the damp cave. Turning back, I spotted the portal—a large, black and blue spot in the middle of the air, rippling like water. "Well! Time to get to work," I said with a smile.

I continued my exploration, summoning the system interface to peruse through additional options. 

{ORBS: 4,000



Curious, I delved into the "skills" section.

{ORBS: 4,000



Only two options "Styles" and "Familiar." 

I decided to enter into the "Styles" category, thinking it might hold something useful.

{ Royal guard: 500,000 orbs

quicksilver: 400,000 orbs

doppelganger: 300,000 orbs

gunslinger: 40,000 orbs

swordmaster: 35,000 orbs

trickster: 30,000 orbs}

Indeed, the first three options were significantly more expensive, requiring hundreds of thousands of orbs. However, the last three were much more affordable, leading me to believe that I could acquire them in the not-too-distant future.

As I perused the menu, my ears picked up on a faint noise. I looked up, my sword at the ready. On the ground, I spotted fresh bloodstains. "Someone else has been here recently," I mused. My suspicions were confirmed as I heard the faint sound of approaching footsteps.

I felt a sudden rush of air behind me, indicating an impending attack. With a swift dodge, I avoided a wooden stick that swung in my direction. Turning to face my assailant, I spotted a green creature, roughly the size of a ten-year-old child. It wore only a loincloth, and its long green ears and prominent nose stood out. The stench that emanated from it was disgusting.

Disgusted by the goblin's appearance, I commented, "Eh... how ugly." With a casual kick to its stomach, I sent the goblin flying through the air. It crashed into a wall, its chest caving in from the impact. The goblin fell to the ground, motionless. easy.

{you have killed a living being!

You have earned: 10 orbs!}

I watched as the goblin's body began to melt, leaving no trace behind. Even its loincloth had disappeared. "Must be some sort of dungeon magic," I muttered to myself.

Continuing my journey, I soon encountered more goblins. "It's isekai time!" I exclaimed, brandishing Rebellion. With quick and precise strikes, I swiftly dispatched them, their bodies falling to the ground. Suddenly, I heard the telltale whistle of an arrow slicing through the air. Instinctively, I dodged, the arrow narrowly missing my face. It embedded itself in the wall, a testament to the archer's skill.

My gaze fell upon the archer goblin, its green nose the only feature visible beneath its tunic. "Well, well, Green Arrow. Fancy meeting you here," I quipped.

In a blur of motion, I closed the distance between us, appearing next to the goblin. With a swift stroke of my sword, I severed its head from its body. The air tore as the goblin's body disintegrated, leaving behind a spray of blood.

{you have killed a living being!

You have earned: 15 orbs!}

{ORBS: 4,085}

"Almost there," I muttered, my gaze fixed on the prize.

I tensed my legs, feeling the potential for even greater speed. Taking a deep breath, I exhaled and propelled myself forward like a rocket. The ground beneath me split, cracks spreading in my wake. A sonic boom reverberated through the cave as I ran, swiftly killing several goblins that crossed my path.

{you have killed a living being!

You have earned: 10 orbs!}

{ORBS: 4,210}

"Finally!" I exclaimed as I reached a set of large double doors. Pushing them open, I beheld a goblin unlike any I had encountered before. It wore a black robe, its dirty green hands and feet the only visible features. Seated on a crude stone throne,the boss of this dungeon, probably...

"Jackpot!" I exclaimed with a wide smile. "Not only did I find the goblin mage, but also his silver chihuahua companion. Looks like luck is on my side today, huh?"

The goblin snarled, its hand outstretched as sparks of magic danced in the air. "Oh, you know magic? That's fantastic! I've always wanted to learn magic. It's so fascinating, don't you think?" I took a step forward, my sword at the ready. "You know, I could use a teacher. What do you say?"

As I drew closer, the wolf let out a low growl, its eyes never leaving me. The goblin pointed its hand at me, and a fireball materialized in its palm. With a swift motion, it hurled the fireball in my direction. My reflexes kicked in, and I dodged the projectile with ease.

"Now, now," I chided. "That's dangerous. You don't play with fire."

With a swift dodge, I evaded the silver-furred wolf as it lunged at me. Letting out a sigh, I kicked it squarely in the stomach, sending it flying towards the ceiling. Blood dripped from its mouth as it crashed into the stone above. The goblin mage growled and leapt to its feet, rushing towards me with open palms. Fireballs flew at me with the speed of bullets, but I easily dodged them. "Oh come on! Is that all you've got!?" I taunted with a broad smile.

Closing the distance, I kicked the goblin in the face, sending it careening towards the stone throne. The throne shattered under the impact, spraying blood across the ground. The goblin lay on the ground, its robe stained with its own blood. "Hey... that's all...? I thought you'd put up more of a fight," I sighed, raising my sword. "Well, another mission complete."

But just as I turned to kill the goblin, a roar filled the room, and my trench coat fluttered in the sudden gust of wind. Sighing once more, I looked behind me to find the silver wolf, its fur standing on end as a tornado-like wind swirled around it.

The wolf vanished, only to reappear in front of me. With a casual dodge, I avoided its attack. "Come on, puppy! Come to your owner!" I clapped my hands and goaded it, a smile playing at the corners of my mouth.

The wolf growled and roared, the wind whipping around it with even greater force. "Are rookies supposed to face monsters like this? Or did a higher-ranked creature just show up?" I mused aloud.

Regardless, I was determined to end this quickly. The wolf lunged at me once more, but I was faster. Dodging its attack, I tightened my grip on Rebellion and sliced the wolf in half. Blood splattered across the ground as the wolf's body fell in two pieces.

{You have killed a living being!

You have obtained: 200 orbs!}

Impressed by the great reward, I turned my attention to the goblin, who was now attempting to flee. "Sorry, little buddy!" I said with a small smile. In a blur of motion, I appeared next to the goblin and, with a swift stroke of my sword, severed its head from its body. The headless corpse fell to the ground with a thud. Bringing my bracelet close to the goblin's remains, I watched as a light scanned the body and my bracelet vibrated, confirming the completion of my mission.

[Mission complete!

You have obtained: 5,000 Solar]

"Well, that was easier than I expected," I mused with a smile, stretching my arms above my head. "Once again, the great Dante proves his prowess."

Now, the most important task remained: to kill more goblins, gather enough orbs, and claim my precious weapons.


{Do you want to buy {Ebony & Ivory}?


Without hesitation, I pressed "Yes." Instantly, the system screen shone with a crimson light, and two guns materialized in the air before me. "Finally!" I exclaimed, reaching out to grasp them in my hands. "I have my precious weapons!"

Ignoring the small mountain of goblin bodies behind me, I tested my new acquisitions, aiming at the wall and pulling the trigger. To my confusion, no bullets emerged from the barrels. "System... where are the bullets!?" I queried, not relishing the thought of having to scavenge for ammunition.

{Ebony & Ivory's "bullets" have been modified and require covering the weapons with "demonic energy" in order to function properly.}

My confusion only grew. "...But I don't know how to use demonic energy... I think I've only seen it when I was healing..."

{You have obtained your first weapon with a "demonic energy" requirement. I suggest you train to utilize "demonic energy" effectively.}

Sighing, I asked, "How do I use it? Or how do I access it?"

{I recommend focusing and using the example of the individual named "Elisa."}

Following the system's advice, I closed my eyes and exhaled slowly. In that moment, I felt... alone. My mind was at peace, and I remained in that state for a while.

Suddenly, I felt a strange sensation, as if something was passing through my arms and into the pistols clutched in my hands.

{You have achieved "Demonic Energy Control"!}

Opening my eyes, I beheld Ebony and Ivory, now glowing with a slight crimson hue, as if enveloped in a layer of crimson energy.

"So... this is demonic energy?" I mused aloud.

But... I'll have to increase my control over demonic energy on my own, right?"

{Indeed, the system provides the host with weapons, skills, and other enhancements, but it will not offer a traditional "status screen." It is recommended that the host be aware of their own strength and energy levels.}

"Well... no status screens..." I murmured, processing this new information.

Eager to test my new discovery, I aimed at the wall and pulled the trigger. This time, small crimson bullets emerged from the guns, impacting the wall with enough force to create slight indentations and cracks. "Hey, System... these bullets are made from my energy, right? So technically, I have an infinite supply unless I run out of energy, correct?"

{Exactly. The "bullets" have been reclassified as "Demonic Energy Bullets."}

Grinning, I continued, "Shouldn't I be able to enhance the power and speed of the bullets as well?"

{You have been rewarded with: Inventory.}

"Inventory, huh?" I said aloud, my eyes narrowing in thought. Suddenly, my guns vanished from my hands, only to reappear when I willed them to.

{The Inventory allows you to store items within a separate dimensional space. Weapons can be kept inside and can also be summoned by their Bearer when they think or speak of them.}

"So, I have my own personal dimensional ring now..." I mused, pleased with this new development. "Although, I don't particularly like being without my weapons on hand... But it could be useful for the Devil Arms, considering they have demons inside. It might come in handy when they get annoying or something similar."

Having completed my mission, I decided it was time to leave the dungeon. "I'm going to rest for now. Two missions in one day is enough," I said, stretching my arms wearily. "Yes, tomorrow is another day."


I approached the door of my new home, grateful that Arthur had provided me with a key. Unlocking the door, I stepped inside, and suddenly found myself in the familiar living room, with its comfortable sofa and large television. James was engrossed in his usual video game session.

"So, two missions in one day, huh?" he remarked without taking his eyes off the screen. "Yeah, I was bored, and I wanted the money," I replied casually as I took a seat on the couch, setting Rebellion on a nearby table. "You're really fast... When I first became a mercenary, I almost died, and I was inexperienced," James admitted, his thumbs moving deftly across the controller.

Intrigued, I asked, "What mission did you choose that almost got you killed?" James sighed, setting down his controller and grabbing another one from the table between us. "It was a simple mission to kill a skeleton that had escaped from a dungeon. It happened a long time ago..."

He offered me the second controller, and I smiled, gladly accepting the invitation to play. "What game are we playing?" I asked. "I think a fighting game wouldn't be too bad," James suggested.

We played for a while, and during a brief pause in the action, James commented, "I hope you get used to it. Sometimes we have team missions, and they can be dangerous. But it's clear at first glance that you're strong..."

"Thanks for the compliment," I said, attempting a complex combo but quickly finding myself on the receiving end of James' airborne kick. This guy was good.

"Also... I hope you get along well with Jess and Austin," James continued. "You could say they're the newest on the team, though they've been here for a few months now."

James said, his eyes still fixed on the screen. "People become mercenaries for various reasons—money, power, revenge... Everyone has their motivations. But I want to ask you, Dante—why did you become a mercenary?"

"Arthur found me," I replied, my gaze shifting to the screen as I recalled the memory. "He offered me a deal I couldn't refuse. Most likely, if I hadn't found him, I'd be wandering aimlessly through an unfamiliar city, probably getting into all sorts of trouble."

"Ah... well, Arthur..." James trailed off, his thumbs moving across the controller as he continued playing. "Arthur is... special, in his own way. When there are no missions, he's just a normal guy. But when it's time to work, he's all business."

Yawning, James suggested, "I think it's time we called it a night. It's getting late, and we've played enough for one day, don't you think?"

"Yes... quite..." I agreed, a smile playing at the corners of my mouth.

Standing up, James said, "Well... I hope you're enjoying your new... home? I guess."

I rose from the couch and replied, "Yeah... it's been fun. Thanks."

"Hey, Dante..." James' voice stopped me in my tracks. "What's up?" I asked, turning to face him.

"If someone in our group betrayed us... would you kill them?" James' question caught me off guard. I sighed and replied, "Probably.."

Sensing the weight of the conversation, James suggested, "Let's call it a night. It's getting late, and we've had a long day."

I waved goodbye and said, "See you tomorrow."

Grabbing Rebellion, I made my way to my room, ready to call it a day. "Time to sleep..." I murmured, setting Rebellion next to my bed before jumping under the covers.

But just as I was about to close my eyes, my bracelet vibrated, signaling an incoming message. Curious, I touched the bracelet, and a holographic screen appeared.

[Elisa: I burned your old clothes, by the way. Next time, remember to take your things, okay?]

Ah... the clothes from that place... I had forgotten about them for the moment. Well, at least she took care of it.

[Dante: Thank you... I'll keep that in mind. Good night.]

The screen disappeared, and I finally closed my eyes, ready to embrace the peace of sleep.

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








เขียนรีวิว สถานะการอ่าน: C5
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คะแนนรวม 0.0

รีวิวโพสต์สําเร็จ! อ่านรีวิวเพิ่มเติม
โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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