
The mud villain incident.

A few days later

"You're in the third grade now and you should seriously think about your future! Now, I will distribute the career aspiration documents!" shouted the teacher at the front of the classroom, with a stack of documents on their desk.

"But well, most of you are going to put down 'hero' as your ambition, right?" said the teacher, tossing the documents aside as the room erupted in excited cheers.

"Well, well, everyone here has 'good quirks,' but please be aware that using them on school grounds is against the regulations," said the teacher, as the excited students began to use their powers a bit.

"Sir, I would appreciate it if you didn't lump me in with everyone else," said a young blond with spiked hair, casually resting his legs on the table.

"I really don't intend to make friends with people who have 'low popularity quirks,' you know?" said the blond casually, smiling, which caused many students to shout in indignation at him.

"Oh yes, Bakugou, you want to go to 'Yurei School,' don't you?" said the teacher casually, causing widespread surprise among the students.

"The national school? Wasn't the admission exam cutthroat?" the students questioned among themselves upon hearing the teacher's words.

"I got an 'A' on the exams, me! I'm the only one from the school going to Yurei!" shouted the blond, standing on the table excitedly.

"I, all powerful, will surely pass and become the greatest hero of all! I will forever leave my name on the list of the richest people in the world!" continued the blond, shouting.

"Now that we're on the subject, is it true that Midoriya and Kent also want to get into Yurei?" said the teacher, causing everyone to freeze and look at Izuku and Clark before bursting into laughter.

"Seriously, Midoriya?! That's impossible for you!! Someone who can't do anything but study can't get into the hero section!" shouted the other students at Midoriya. Clark watched this unfold, irritated, but he remained silent. He couldn't defend Izuku forever; he needed to react, but if the situation escalated, he would definitely intervene.

"I-i-it's not true, just because you've never seen..." But before he could continue, Bakugou suddenly lunged forward, releasing an explosion at Izuku's desk, causing him to fall backwards.

"You don't have a 'low popularity quirk,' you're not like everyone else! So why don't you try entering the same arena as me, huh?!" Bakugou shouted at Izuku, who remained on the ground in shock.

"Bakugou, enough! This is too much," said Clark, standing up upon seeing his friend on the ground. Bakugou turned angrily towards Clark.

"Stay out of this, Kent. This has nothing to do with you!" Bakugou said angrily. He wouldn't try to attack Clark; he remembered their last confrontation and how he couldn't harm him. The blond still harbored a lot of anger towards Clark, but his revenge would be when he succeeded in getting into the hero school and Clark did not. Until then, he would just insult Kent.

Clark, in turn, simply watched the angry blond without taking action. His classmates found this unusual; normally, Clark was kind and smiling towards everyone, but they knew he would intervene when Bakugou mistreated others. Seeing him serious made them surprised.

"Go to hell, Kent!" Bakugou said as he returned angry to his seat, spitting on the ground in Clark's direction.

Seeing Bakugou return to his seat, Clark put his usual smile back on and went to help Izuku.

~~time break~~

Everyone in the classroom was getting ready to leave, including Clark and Izuku. Izuku had his backpack on his back and was checking the news on his phone. After checking, he went to pick up his hero notes notebook from the table. But before he could, a hand grabbed it — Bakugou's hand.

"I still have things to settle with you, scumbag," Bakugou said disdainfully, holding Izuku's notebook in his hand.

"What's this, Bakugou?" said Minion 1 as he approached the blond. "Planning for the future? Hahaha, that's a good one, Midoriya," added Minion 2 with a sneer.

Without saying a word, Bakugou released an explosion on Izuku's notebook, leaving the green-haired boy stunned.

Clark, seeing this, began to approach, anger simmering inside him.

"Some say that starting from the school years, you can see most of the people who will be part of the best hero class, the top tier," Bakugou said, looking at Izuku.

"I'll be the first, and also the only one from this poor municipal school," Bakugou said, now gripping Izuku by the neck.

''Clearly for now, forget about passing the yurei entrance exams, dirty nerd'' Bakugou said with a cynical smile on his face.

Having said that, the blond moved his arm to throw the notebook, burned by the explosion, out the window, but a hand grabbed his wrist, stopping him.

"Let go of my arm, Kent or You'll regret this!" Bakugou said angrily, glaring at the flat-haired boy who was holding him back.

"Enough, Bakugou!" Clark said angrily, pressing harder on the blond's wrist.

Feeling Kent's strength, Bakugou angrily released the notebook, which fell to the ground.

Seeing this, Clark released Bakugou's wrist, who in turn backed away with his two "friends."

Clark went over to help his friend on the ground, who was looking at the burned notebook almost in tears, but he accepted Clark's help.

"Hah! At least say something," one of the minions said, smiling at Izuku.

"He can't. It's so pathetic to see that, even in the third grade... He still can't see the obvious things right in front of him," Bakugou said, stopping at the exit door.

"There's a method that can be really effective if you want to become a hero so badly," he said, looking at Izuku out of the corner of his eye and smiling.

''Do an angel jump on the roof... believing with all your strength that there is an quirk in the other world!'' He said smiling as he left the room.

Clark, upon hearing this, felt his blood boil. How could anyone say such a thing to someone?! In his anger, he moved to confront the blond, but a hand stopped him. It was Izuku.

"L-let him go, Kent...It's not worth it," the green-haired boy said, his voice and body trembling, fighting back tears.

Clark stopped at his friend's request. He knew Izuku needed help more than he needed to act out of anger. Yet deep in his eyes, amidst his rage, there was a faint red glow.

~~~Time Break~~

Clark and Izuku were walking back home, Izuku still visibly shaken.

"Midoriya, don't listen to what Bakugou said. He's an idiot," Clark said softly trying to cheer up his friend.

"You're right, Kent. I have to stop listening to people and I need to keep my head up and—" His voice was cut off by a mud monster that emerged from a sewer grate behind them.

They didn't have time to react, and in the next instant, the mud monster was engulfing Izuku, who began thrashing about desperately.

Clark and Izuku looked stunned at the sight until they heard a voice coming from the creature.

'A villain!' they both thought at the same time.

"Stay still! It will hurt for 45 seconds... then the pain will disappear," they heard the villain say.

Clark poised to act, but before he could do anything, a muscular figure emerged from the sewer where the villain had come from.

"Don't worry, boys!" said the figure, assuming an attacking stance.

"Because I'm here!!" said the figure, whom Clark now recognized as All Might !!

The number one hero in Japan, the symbol of peace.

"TEXAS SMASH!!" exclaimed the hero as he punched the mud villain, thus saving Izuku.

Clark, seeing his friend being freed, ran at super speed, catching him before he fell. When observing his friend he realized that he was unconscious, so he did a quick scan with his x-ray vision to look for any injuries.

Seeing his friend unharmed, he sighed in relief and gently placed him on the ground.

''Are you guys okay?'' the Number Hero asked as he approached the boys, probably to check them for wounds.

''We are fine, thank you for your help sir'' Clark says smiling as he stands up grateful for the hero

''That's nothing kid, I'm happy to help'' All Might said with his characteristic smile placing his large hand on Clark's shoulder.

''You did well to help your friend just a little while ago, definitely the hero material the world needs'' He says encouraging Clark.

''Thank you sir, I'm just worried about my friend, he fainted and I don't know where he lives'' Clark said looking at Izuku on the floor worried.

''Don't worry kid, why don't we do it like this, you can go home, your parents will probably be worried if you're late in showing up. Meanwhile I'll take care of your friend until he wakes up'' he says placing izuku on his shoulders.

Clark stopped to think for a moment. He was worried about Izuku, but it was All Might who would be taking care of him. After some time thinking, he made up his mind.

"Alright sir, please take good care of him," Clark said, smiling as he extended his hand to shake All Might's.

All Might smiled and reached out to shake the boy's hand, but when their hands touched, All Might felt immense strength in the boy's grip. 'He's strong,' All Might thought quickly.

Upon looking at the boy again, he found him with a serious expression on his face.

"I'm trusting you to take care of him, sir. Don't make me regret it," Clark said with a serious tone.

"Don't worry, young man. He'll be fine," All Might reassured, noting the young man's caution.

"Great," Clark said, releasing All Might's hand and taking a few steps back.

'I really needed to stop by the market before going home,' Clark thought. He took one last look at the two and disappeared at high speed.

All Might looked at the spot where Clark had been, where now only a bit of dust was slowly floating in the air.

"What an interesting young man. Now, what am I going to do with you?" he said thoughtfully, looking down at Izuku on his shoulders.

~~Time Break~~

"Organic eggs, whole wheat bread, fabric softener..." Clark counted his purchases on the way back from the market.

Clark passed by just in time to see a crowd forming. "Hey, isn't that the villain All Might was chasing earlier?" With his super hearing, he overheard people talking about a villain that All Might had been chasing earlier. It can't be...can it??

Turning to get a better look, using his enhanced vision to observe the crowd from afar, Clark froze when he saw Izuku, now awake, running towards the villain they had encountered earlier.

'Damn it!' Clark thought before dropping the bags and rushing towards Izuku at super speed.

Getting close and passing through the crowd now at normal speed, he arrived just in time to see Izuku attempting to attack the villain. No, upon closer inspection, he saw someone trapped by the villain—it was Bakugou. Izuku was trying to save him. Clark observed.

As Clark ran up to his friend still at normal speed. He heard someone shout behind him.

"Get out of there, kid! You're going to get yourself killed!" Clark quickly looked back and saw the hero Death Arms shouting at him, but he ignored it and continued on his way.

"Midorya!" Clark shouted, getting the attention of the green-haired boy who was fighting the mud villain.

"Kent! Kacchan's trapped in there, he needs help!" Midoriya shouted desperately to his friend.

"I know, Midoriya! Step back, I'm going to try something!" Clark shouted to his friend, who, aware of some of Clark's abilities, moved away, fearing for the blonde's life.

Seeing Izuku move away, now he needed to act. 'Let's go, Clark, just a little strength,' he thought to himself.

"What do you th-AHHGH!" shouted the villain, who was shattered into pieces by Clark's weak punch, now scattered everywhere.

"Phew, that went better than I thought," Clark said, smiling to himself.

Looking around, he saw bakugou now lying on the ground looking at him very surprised. Clark understood, he never showed the extent of his powers to anyone at school, only Izuku knew a little about it. When he turned around he saw Izuku running towards him.

"Kent, you were amazing! You saved Kacchan and defeated the villain!" Izuku shouted excitedly, seeing his friend in action.

Clark sighed and smiled at his friend. Even in such situations, Izuku remained enthusiastic. Unfortunately, their happiness didn't last long.

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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Stone -- หินพลัง



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