
บท 2: Benjen I

[Black Water Bay, 282AC]

Currently sat within his quarters on the Merman, the flagship of the Maderlys, was Benjen Stark, the third-born son and fourth youngest child of Lord Rickard Stark and his Lady-wife Lyarra Stark.

Benjen still couldn't believe how much everything had changed in just a few short years.

First, his sister Lyanna ran off with the dragon prince, leading his father and older brother Brandon to an early grave, shortly followed by his mother Lyarra, a sickly woman whose heart was as compassionate and kind as they came, yet couldn't hold out at hearing the deaths of her husband and oldest child.

Ned was gods knows where, and so that left him and his young nephew Alaric.

'The poor boy.' Benjen thought as he mulled over just how much they all had lost in just two years.

Although Alaric was only three name-days old, he lost so much already, as did the rest of them.

'may the gods damn that mad king to the lowest pits, Rhaegar too.' Benjen thought bitterly, the pang of guilt still eating at him for not speaking up about Lyanna leaving willingly.

Although his whole life Benjen wished nothing more than to join the Night's Watch and serve as an honorable black brother, his father, in his infinite wisdom, had arranged a betrothal for him with Dacey Mormont, cousin to Lord Jorah Mormont.

While he was still conflicted on the matter, the main thing that stopped him from taking the black was little Alaric, he wished to stay by his side along with Ned and help raise the boy to lead the north.

'Well, I still have some growing up to do myself I suppose.' Benjen thought sheepishly before he heard a knock on his cabin door. 

"Enter!" He called out as the door opened and in came Lord Wyman Maderly.

Followed closely after the large lord was Ser Torrhen Stark, the sworn shield of Alaric and a member of the junior branch of House Stark based in White Harbor descended from, funnily enough, Benjen Stark, youngest son of Artos "The Implacable" Stark.

"Lord Manderly, Ser Torrhen, is there something that needs my attention?" Benjen asked hoping there weren't any problems.

"Haha, no Lord Benjen everything is well, we just wanted to notify you that we are close to the docks at King's Landing." Lord Manderly said with a jovial light-hearted laugh

"You couldn't tell from the smell of shit in the air?" Ser Torrhen said sarcastically, looking back to the dock where Alaric was somehow, despite all of the movement from the waves, was playing with little Rodrik Stark who was about the same age as Alaric. Rodrik is the only son of Ser Torrhen and his late wife, Rowena Arryn of the Gulltown Arryn's.

"Thank the gods I can get back on dry land soon, I wasn't made for this!" Benjen exclaimed with a small laugh.

"Haha, yes, well, it should be a good hour or two before we reach the docks so make sure you've got everything, from what the ravens we've received have said, it seems Lord Eddard has already reached the capital and is with his grace, the new king right now.

'His grace huh.' Benjen thought, still having an odd feeling at the prospect of Robert Baratheon of all people ruling over the Seven Kingdoms.

Deciding to walk out of his cabin and get some fresh air, as fresh as it can be anyway being so close to the shit stain that is King's Landing, Benjen went over to his nephew and their distant cousin to see what they were talking about.

As he was making his way over there, Benjen couldn't help but lament over having been dragged here by Torrhen despite his protests of having to be the Stark in Winterfell, only to be told that, according to a raven sent by Ned before his departure from the city to gods knows where, the four-and-ten-year-old boy Edwyle Stark, younger brother of Torrhen would be staying in Winterfell as the Stark in Winterfell.

With a sigh, Benjen arrived before his nephew and young kinsman as they were talking about what seemed to be the group of ships breaking off to go and assist Stannis at Dragonstone led by Rodrik's grandfather, Torrhen, and Edwyle's father; Ser Beric Stark, the current family head of the Starks of White Harbor.

The White Harbor Starks, although distant kin, were still very closely connected with the mainline along with the other junior branch founded by Artos' older son Brandon.

As he was thinking about their distant kin, Benjen was brought out of his thoughts when he heard Rodrik ask an important question with the innocent tone that only a child could have.

"Alaric, will you be the new lord of the north or cousin Ned?" Rodrik asked almost as if in passing with how casual it was

Looking toward his nephew who for some reason had quieted down, he saw his nephew look like he had the makings of some words yet they died down in his throat, although, Alaric did mutter something about 'only' followed by 'Lord'.

Observing Alaric for a moment longer, Benjen could almost spy out a look that seemed almost... disappointed? deciding not to linger any longer on his nephew's odd behavior toward the mention of the Seat of the North, Benjen answered Rodrik's question.

"Yes Rodrik, once we finally get back to Winterfell, Alaric will be the new lord of the north, after all, he is the legitimate son of Brandon, which makes him the heir to the north," Benjen replied, reminiscing about his older brother and how happy he was when he had told Benjen about his secret marriage to Serena Umber, the younger sister of the Greatjon.

Benjen also vividly remembers how wroth his father was with Brandon to the point that Bran had run off with his new wife until she sadly passed in childbirth and he came back with Alaric in his arms.

He could still see his father's conflicted face seeing baby Alaric with the long face and a set of light piercing gray eyes denoting his descent from the builder.

Mother had been overjoyed that she finally had a grandchild, sadly she only had been able to spend a couple of years with Alaric but Benjen could've sworn those years his mother had seemed to almost be healed from her persistent illness, all until... well, the rebellion.

Given his nephew one more look, he noticed his brow slightly creased in thought but dismissed it for the musings of a child who has a large responsibility ahead of him.

'Sigh, by the gods it is going to be quite a spectacle when Lord Tully learns of Alaric's existence.' Benjen thought tiredly, not ready for the onslaught of curses and damnations that the trout will surely spout once he learns his grandson won't be the future Warden of the North

'Well, too late now.' Benjen mentally shrugged thinking back to the raven they had received from Riverrun when the rebellion was in its final stages telling them of the birth of Ned's son.

[King's Landing]

Benjen was currently walking throughout the deck of the ship, watching the sailors rummage around completing their duties as they pulled into port, the grand, and shitty-smelling, city right before them in all of its grandeur.

closing into the dock they were set to make port at, Benjen could notice a handful of men waiting for them on the docks.

He could barely make out one of them being his brother's foster father, Lord Jon Arryn, and to his side was someone Benjen didn't recognize by face, however, he soon took note of the bronze-colored armor that had various first men runes embedded in the chest plate.

'Lord Royce I presume.' Benjen thought passingly as he helped the sailors finish their task so they could stop this gods forsaken vessel and touch down onto dry land once again.

Benjen could only thank the gods old and new that he would be tagging along with Ned on their journey to Riverrun and from then on back to Winterfell.

[King's Landing Docks]

As they made their final arrangements, the party of Northmen finally stepped off of the 'Merman' and made their way toward the group of men awaiting them led by Lord Arryn.

"What a grand welcome." Ser Torrhen said sarcastically as Rodrik stifled a soft giggle as his father ruffled his hair as they walked down the ramp.

Meanwhile, looking toward his nephew, Benjen had a small smile as he saw Alaric looking fascinated with the city surroundings and basking in the sight of people from all over the Seven Kingdoms and even the known world going about their business.

However, not all was well in the capital city of the Seven Kingdoms, smoke still rose from many a building showcasing the destruction and carnage that the earlier sack of the city by Lord Tywin Lannister had brought upon the city and its inhabitants.

"Ah, Lord Manderly, Lord Benjen, welcome to King's Landing!" Lord Arryn said in welcome to the party as they stepped off the ship onto the docks.

"Haha, Thank you for the king greeting Lord Arryn!" The Large Lord Lamprey bellowed out a laugh as he shook hands with Lord Arryn while moving to greet Lord Royce as well.

As the two groups were exchanging greetings Lord Arryn went up to Ser Torrhen and gave his condolences to his later wife Rowena Arryn of the Gulltown Arryns.

"Ser Torrhen, I give my condolences for your late wife, although distant she was still a kinswoman of mine, and she shared a name with mine own late lady-wife." Lord Arryn said offering his sympathies, Benejn recalling Jon Arryn's second wife being his cousin Lady Rowena Arryn.

Following some more words with one another, the two parties watched as Ser Torrhen went over toward Bronze Yohn as the two men sized each other up, Ser Torrhen being Lord Royce's junior by ten or so name days.

The two men kept staring at one another, a stern look adoring their faces before the twenty-name-day-old knight let out a hearty laugh, uncharacteristic of the usual stoic sword shield of his nephew.

"Hahaha, how have you been Uncle?" Ser Torrhen exclaimed through a laugh as he embraced the bronze lord who let out an equally jovial laugh.

Registering Ser Torrhen's words, Benjen had almost forgotten that Ser Torrhen's mother was Alayne Royce, older sister to Lord Yohn Royce, sadly she died from a sudden illness a couple of years back 

"I've been good nephew, I hear you were stuck up north while the fighting went on, I'm guessing you were too craven to come and fight with your dear old uncle huh?" Bronze Yohn asked with a heavy laugh

Benjen winced at Lord Royce's words, most men would've taken such words as a slight against them, especially with how it was his distant cousins and kin whose deaths helped kick off the rebellion.

Looking over to the Vale group, Benejn could also see they had aghast looks at their fellow lord's words, however, contrary to what they all expected to happen, Ser Torrhen let out another laugh but sported a stoic look when he replied to his maternal uncle.

"Aye, while I wish I could've joined the fighting to take down the blasted dragons, I've been up north protecting the next Warden of the North, after all, he is the son of my late best friend." Ser Torrhen replied to his uncle, gesturing toward Alaric who just looked toward the two and smiled.

Ser Torrhen was one of Brandon's best friends, the two being thick as thieves since they were boys, the two's friendship had developed during the years when Torrhen had moved to Winterfell to foster under their father Lord Rickard Stark, while Torrhen's older and younger brothers had stayed at White Harbor due to their father Ser Beric, the current head of the Starks of White Harbor, having spent most of his time at sea commanding his small merchant fleet, or at some city across the Seven Kingdoms and Essos conducting business or overseeing his investments.

The White Harbor Starks, although the current generation, that being Ser Torrhen and his brothers, were only Benjen and Ned's 3rd cousins, they spent more time at White Harbor than they did at Winterfell, the reason mainly being their blood ties to the Manderly's being slightly more recent than the main branch of House Stark.

Benjen Stark, Son of Artos, was raised at Winterfell with his brother and cousins. Benjen from an early age had reveled in stories of naval battles and faraway lands like Yi-ti and Asshai, so when his father told him about the opportunity to head to White Harbor and apprentice under Lord Wyman's Grandsire, Lord Derrick Manderly in the way of the sea, Benjen jumped at the opportunity. During his stay at White Harbor, he would become friends with and later develop a crush on Alyssa Manderly, Lord Derrick's only daughter, and Lord Wyman's Aunt.

On his 17 name-day, already a man-grown, he finally worked up the courage to ask for Alyssa's hand in marriage, to his surprise, Lord Manderly boomed out in laughter, not in ridicule or contempt, but in joy since according to his own words "It was about damn time he finally asked". For the dowry, Lord Manderly further surprised Benjen by giving him four merchant ships and a flagship of his own called the "Sea Wolf", a war galley that had been constructed for this very moment.

From then onward, Benjen and Alyssa Stark nee Manderly built a profitable trade network and upon their death, Ser Beric Stark took over and greatly expanded the trade his family conducted and invested in a slue of business endeavors, of course, the whole way he had been aided and likewise helped his cousin and best friend Lord Wyman.

Coming back to his senses, Benjen looked quickly toward the Vale lord's seeing mixed expressions of surprise, and contemplation and some who just had an impassive look about them

"Did I hear you right Ser, truly is this boy here the legitimate son of Brandon Stark?" Jon Arryn asked, clearly skeptical of such a claim, especially due to Brandon less then, ideal reputation when it came to bedding women.

Turning toward Lord Arryn, Ser Torrhen replied. "Aye, my lord, this boy here is Alaric Stark, legitimate son of Brandon Stark and his Lady-wife Serena Umber, married in secret within a Godswood of the Wolf's Wood, witnessed by myself and lord Denys Umber, younger brother of the Greatjon Umber." Ser Torrhen said in a stoic voice, well, as stoic as a man of twenty could sound.

"Well, it seems we will have much to talk about once Eddard is back, and I'm sure Lord Tully won't be too happy about the news." Jon Arryn said while wiping his brow, no doubt already exhausted from thinking about the arguments that were to come

"The Trout can flail around for all I care, the fact remains that my nephew here is the rightful heir to the north," Benejn said, finally speaking up for the first time.

His words were accompanied by a few men replying 'Aye', Ser Torrhen and Lord Wyman among them.

As the atmosphere around the lords grew tense due to no one speaking, the silence was cut when Rodrik pulled his father's sleeve.

"Father, can we please go see the Red Keep, please?" Rodrik said slightly begging. The lords who were awkwardly silent earlier let out a light-hearted chuckle at the boy's excitement, especially when he started shaking Alaric as he started to talk about the history of the city and kingdoms as well, only for poor Alaric to have to endure the barrage of words looking toward Benejen for help.

'Haha, you're on your own there nephew.' Benjen thought, chuckling at his nephew's plight.

Now that greetings were out of the way, the procession of lords began their departure from the docks toward the infamous Red Keep


Author's Note:

Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed the chapter, I just wanted to reiterate that this story will have AU elements in it and the ages of quiet a few characters will be slightly tweaked to make more sense from a narrative standpoint.

Thanks for reading today's chapter!

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