94.28% I Cast Fist (Celestial Grimoire - DxD) / Chapter 33: Chapter 31

บท 33: Chapter 31


'His casting speed really is impressive,' he noted as Michael teleported them to the Underworld.

The spell was cast so quickly, and he couldn't even catch him doing it as it happened almost instantaneously. Rihan also couldn't feel him use his Magic Power, only sensing it the moment the Magic Circle appeared.

Michael truly was an interesting one, and lively things kept happening around him. The people from his faction were all pushing themselves that much harder than before, unwilling to let another person trounce them in the same manner. Losing one after the other against Michael had lit a fire under their asses, especially because they hadn't even succeeded in tiring him out.

Then there was the attack on both of their factions that happened in Kyoto. Unfortunately, he didn't get the chance to let loose there other than quickly taking care of the swordsman.

Plus, Rihan couldn't rightfully say that the attack happened due to Michael even if he had some clear grievances with the attackers. He simply doubted his friend was somehow responsible for it. No, it was far more likely that it was nothing more than coincidence.

That didn't change the fact that lively things happened around Michael. However… Rihan somehow ended up missing out on the fun. The attack was one thing, but then Michael got challenged by the White Dragon Emperor, who happened to be a half Devil, which meant that he had greater potential than all previous users of Divine Dividing.

Riha had been too busy fighting copies of himself that used different swords in that fascinating virtual reality, and no one thought of informing him about the fight! Then again, he heard that it hadn't been much of a fight, and Michael had thoroughly trounced him. Regardless, he still would've liked to see it at least!

'Maybe I can challenge him when he comes back later today?' Rihan thought, a smile growing on his face. That would be interesting, though he would have to use a different weapon than Gram.

Otherwise, the fight would be… boring, to say the least. Gram was the strongest Demon Sword for a reason, and it was also a Dragon Slaying blade as well. Using it against the White Dragon Emperor would result in a quick and decisive win.

Regardless, he could think about it later since they had arrived in the Underworld. It was his first time here, so Rihan curiously looked around, noting the purple sky above him.

Then his gaze landed on the Devils waiting for them, and he had to hold back his grin. Those guys seemed strong, especially the Bael heir. New and challenging opponents for him to spar with? How fun was that?

Their introduction was short and simple. They already knew about each other since Michael had clearly informed both parties about the other. Rihan liked it this way since he felt he could get to know the others better once they clashed in a fight.

He hoped that was what Michael meant when he invited him to train with them. For how else were they supposed to get stronger other than sparring with each other?

"Alright, let's get started!" Michael said as he clapped his hands, leading them towards a massive building a short distance away. "We have only one hour, after all. Hehe."

"One hour?" Rihan frowned as he narrowed his eyes. That didn't sound right. How were they supposed to get anything done in just one hour? He looked around, only to see the others snickering or smiling for some reason, none of them looking like they would answer his query.

Rihan had even more questions once they entered the building and saw the multiple mundane-looking gym equipment. Sure, there was something slightly off with them from what he sensed, but was that truly it?

He looked questioningly at the rest, seeing them all emptying their Demonic Power into a red crystal in the wall one by one. Michael poured his own Magic Power into a blue crystal before beckoning him over.

"Dump your Youki over here," he said, pointing at an orange crystal.

"You are aware that this will only weaken me a bit, right?" Rihan asked, though he followed along, deciding to trust him.

"I know," Michael replied as he started typing away on a screen next to the crystals.

Two things happened at that moment, catching him by surprise. The first was obvious as a tremendous pressure descended upon him, straining his body and making him feel weaker. The second… wasn't so obvious, but he knew something else was going on here.

"There," Michael said with a proud nod before turning to him with a grin. "Now we have a whole day to train."

"A whole day? Didn't you say an hour just a moment ago?" Rihan asked before his eyes widened as he came to a conclusion.

"One day here is equivalent to one hour in real time," Michael explained, confirming his suspicion.

"Hahaha!" Rihan laughed as he shook his head. What a loveable and cheating bastard, just casually granting him an extra twenty-four hours every single day. No wonder Michael's life force was larger every time he saw him.

"How long can we stay here?" He then asked, failing to hide his excitement.

"Just one hour for now." Michael shrugged with a frown, though Rihan noted how he said, "for now."

"What about the pressure? Can it be increased even more?" He continued probing as he moved around, getting used to the pressure restricting his movements.

"Yes, but, we're not the only ones here," Michael said, nodding at the rest.

"Ah, that makes sense." Rihan nodded in understanding. Some of them could certainly handle it if they increased the pressure, but the rest? Not so much.

"But if this isn't enough for you, we have some extra weights you can attach to yourself," Michael continued, pointing at Sairaorg and the big guy, Gadoma, who were doing just that. Both gave him a thumbs up as they saw him looking.

"If you still have energy after we finish here, you can jump in the Gravity Chamber to continue pushing yourself under higher gravity. Borg usually does that."

"Oh?" Now that sounded interesting. Perhaps he could commission Michael to build one of those Gravity Chambers at their compound? Surely, the Youkai there would love to experience this.

"Sparring zone is over there." Michael then pointed at an empty square that had some weird poles in each corner. "Activate the barrier before you start, so you don't break some of the equipment around here."

"Over there." He turned towards another square on the opposite side of the room. "You can practice your spells or other such abilities. Though if you're doing it to empty your reserves, you're better off just dumping them in the crystal since we use it to power up the entire room."

"I see." That made sense to him, and it also explained why they all poured their energy in the crystals.

"You got any questions?" Michael asked as he walked over to put on some of those weights, and Rihan followed after him.

"Not for the time being," he replied, eager to start training in this fascinating environment.

Michael really came up with some fun things, didn't he? A place where he could push his body for an entire day while only an hour passed in the real world. And a place where he could fight to his heart's content against opponents as strong as him. Challenging him a week ago was truly one of Rihan's best decisions, even if he ended up getting slapped in that humiliating way.

"Liban, right?" He turned to the one carrying two of the Demon Swords he gave to Michael.


"Perhaps you'd be interested in a spar? I'm still getting used to wielding a double-edged sword." He tapped Gram with pride. "Since I've used only katanas up until now."

"That… sounds like a good idea. Sparing with another swordsman will be a nice change of pace. Plus, I'm still getting used to those two," Liban replied, tapping his own two swords before looking at Michael with a complicated expression. "Not all of us can pick up a weapon and start swinging it around as if we had wielded it our entire lives."

Rihan blinked in surprise as he turned to the snickering Michael. This new friend of his was full of surprises, wasn't he? He would have to test him in a sword match in the future, just to see how good Michael actually was.

Liban activated the barrier after they entered the square, They sized up each other for a moment before they sprung to action, clashing against each other with their Demon Swords between them before they backed away.

'I'm stronger, but I can't overpower him due to the pressure,' Rihan thought as an excited grin formed on his face. 'I have to rely on my skills as a swordsman to win this fight. How truly wonderful!'

–Vali Lucifer–

Returning to the Youkai was hard for him. Vali wanted nothing more than to hide under a rock after the humiliating fight with Michael, but he said he would return for a rematch, so here he was, no matter how embarrassed he felt from the loss.

'I did warn you that we will lose,' Albion said in his head before continuing with a bit of awkwardness in his tone. 'Though I admit that what happened surprised even me.'

'He stopped our Divide.' Vali was still having a hard time accepting this, and he did it not once, but three whole times!

Albion told him this was the first time someone had outright stopped his unique ability. Stronger opponents could resist it, yes, but he could still drain part of their power even if it was just a tiny portion. However, none had completely stopped Divide in such a way.

'He is far trickier than we gave him credit,' Albion admitted, and Vali agreed with that. Michael clearly hadn't displayed all of his capabilities in the fight with the Hero faction. At least they figured out there was a limit to the number of times he could block Divide.

'He is also stronger than we assumed,' Albion continued. They discovered as much once they finally managed to use Divide on him and drained part of Michael's energy, only to find out that he had a hidden massive reserve of energy they couldn't even get to.

'I won't hold back today!' Vali promised to himself and Albion. He would go all out from the start, immediately entering his Juggernaut Drive, and… He still wasn't sure what he would do after that.

The best course of action was to blitz Michael and quickly exhaust his ability to block Divide, but then what? His newest rival showed that he was not limited to close ranged attacks, not to mention that he could enhance his attacks with Senjutsu, guaranteeing that they would always hit their opponent.

Damn it! Michael hadn't even used that cool move of his, the one that created miniature stars with his punches. Initially, Vali wanted to test himself against that, but he wasn't so sure about it now that he knew Michael could completely bypass his defenses with Senjutsu.

According to Biku and Kuroka, his mastery of Senjutsu was of a pretty high level as well. The monkey Youkai even admitted that he was still struggling with the ability to manipulate the probability of his attacks.

Michael was by far the most annoying opponent he had ever faced. There were just so many things he would have to deal with first if he wanted to defeat him. Instant teleportation, Senjutsu, the ability that blocked his Divide, and whatever else he was still hiding.

Oh, and he couldn't forget about the ability to somehow add both Dragon Slaying and Holy attributes to his attacks. That made no sense to both him and Albion. Michael had no Holy Power, they confirmed as much, yet he still somehow applied it to his attacks! The Dragon Slaying aspect made even less sense!

'You will learn a lot from fighting him,' Albion encouragingly said. 'And it will be that more satisfying when you finally defeat him.'

'Yes… yes, it will,' Vali agreed as he landed near the Youkai compound already covered in his Scale Mail.

"I'm here for my rematch," he called out and crossed his arms, taking a cool pose while pretending the events from yesterday hadn't happened. The guards snickered at him, and he considered beating them up as a warmup, but he held back. Thankfully, he didn't have to wait for long, and his new rival walked out from the compound.

"Yo!" Michael greeted him with a wave of his hand.

"Let's go," Vali impatiently said, eager to get away from the snickering Youkai. They were… beneath him, he just had to ignore them.

"Ah, you're rushing too much," Michael said with a smile that just made Vali want to punch him in the face. "Why don't you come inside for a bit?"

"Why? This is a waste of time!" Couldn't this guy see that Vali only wanted to fight? Why was he wasting his time like that?

"Trust me, you won't regret it," Michael told him with a grin.

'Just play along and see what he wants.'

"Alright,' Vali begrudgingly agreed after hearing Albion's suggestion. "What do you want?"

"I want to show you something interesting," Michael replied as he led the way. "Something that you'll really like, I promise."

"It better be worth my time," he grumbled as he followed along.

"Oh, it will," he said as they entered a room with some weird large devices, some of which were already occupied by a group of Youkai. "This is it."

"This? What even are those things?" Vali snapped, already feeling like this was a waste of time.


His opinion changed the moment he heard what those things were capable of. The ability to fight his enemies over and over while completely disregarding his life? This was almost everything he'd ever dreamed of! The only issue was that he could only improve his skills with them, but this was still incredibly good!

'We should give it a try,' Albion suggested with a hint of interest.

"Let's hope this is as good as you say it is or…" Vali trailed off, his Scale Mail disappearing as he got ready to enter the pod,

"Or else what?" Michael asked with a challenging grin.

"You'll see," he warned as he stepped inside and placed the stupid helmet on his head.

Moments later, Vali appeared in a large grassland that extended as far as his eyes could see. In front of him were five motionless figures. One was a copy of Michael while the other four were copies of a single Youkai, all of them wielding a different sword.

'This one will be troublesome,' he thought, staring at the copy with Gram, knowing that he couldn't win against it without using Juggernaut Drive. Vali's eyes then opened wide as he didn't receive a response from his partner.

"Albion!" He yelled just as Michael appeared next to him. "What did you do, you bastard?!"

"Just a moment," Michael said as he teleported away from Vali's attack.

That was when he noticed that he could still use Divine Dividing as the wings of his Sacred Gear formed on his back. Though that didn't change the fact that he still couldn't communicate with his partner! If Michael had done something to Albion… he would do anything in his power to destroy him!

"There it is," Michael told him with a grin as he turned to the side.

"ROAR!" A monstrous roar echoed from the distance, and Vali snapped in the direction it came from.

There he witnessed a massive white Dragon soaring through the air, elegantly spinning as he continued roaring, declaring his presence to all who heard him. He circled them around for a bit before he landed next to them with a loud thud, shaking the ground with his sheer weight.

Albion rough images.

"You…" Albion said as he towered above them, staring at Michael. "You have my respect for this. I haven't had the chance to spread my wings in such a long time. You have my thanks for this gift."

"How does your body feel?" Michael asked while Vali was still trying to understand what was going on.

Albion was in front of him. Various emotions flowed through him as he wasn't sure what to think about this. On the one hand, Vali was happy that his partner got the chance to leave his prison.

On the other hand… he was scared that Albion would leave him. His partner had been with him for a long time, and he was the only one Vali was comfortable with being himself with. Just the thought of Albion leaving him… made his heart twist itself, filling him with a very uncomfortable feeling.

"I feel weak," Albion replied as he flapped his wings and stretched his body. "I'm not even close to my prime, but this is better than nothing."

"Give me a moment," MIchael said as he stared in the distance. "It's kind of hard to accurately simulate your power, but this should do it."

Albion's energy suddenly soared as he roared, his presence increasing to the point where Vali's entire body started shivering, both from fright and excitement. In front of him was one of the strongest beings in existence, the Vanishing Dragon, the White Dragon Emperor of Supremacy, and… his partner.

"HAHAHA!" Albion's voice boomed in the air. "This… this can only get better if Ddraig was here for me to fight against! No! For Ddraig and his wielder to be here, so my partner and I can face them together!"

Warmth surged inside Vali. Albion referred to him as his partner even though he was currently free. He couldn't even describe with words how much that meant to him.

"We will crush them both," Vali declared as he clenched his fists, promising this to both himself and Albion.

"That we will, partner, that we will," Albion agreed with him, his lips stretching into a menacing grin that revealed his massive fangs.

"Ayo, Vali," Michael called out to him, and he turned to him to see him contemplatively staring at Albion. "Wanna team up against him?"

"Yes," the words flew out of his mouth before his brain could even process the question. To fight against the second strongest being he had ever met? How could he say no to that? His heart thumped in excitement just thinking about how thrilling such a fight would be!

"Yes! What a great idea!" Albion voiced his own agreement. "Partner, use this chance to learn how I use my abilities in my true form!"

"I will." Vali nodded with a serious expression, knowing how valuable this experience would be for him.

"Now, both of you, come at me and don't hold anything back!" Albion roared his challenge.

Michael's aura erupted from beside him as golden Touki covered his body. Not willing to be outdone by him, Vali started chanting, "I, who am about to awaken…"

Both of them went all out from the start and charged the Heavenly Dragon, only to be met with a breath attack that completely annihilated their bodies in a single hit. Vali blacked out for a moment before his body was reconstructed in this weird illusionary realm. Michael appeared beside him, staring at Albion with a complicated expression as he had suffered the same fate.

"I…" His partner sheepishly looked away. "Might've gotten a bit excited. I'll hold back a little from now on."

"We… have to work together," Vali unwillingly said to Michael.

"Agreed," he replied with a nod.

"I'll take point and distract him," Vali added, knowing this was the most optimal way. "You try to damage him with your Dragon Slaying attacks."

With their strategy made, they charged the Heavenly Dragon once more. Naturally, the results were the same as Albion crushed them again even though he was supposed to hold back. This was simply a fight they had no chance of winning.

So what did they do when they revived again? They charged once more, and they continued doing it again and again, getting better with every single death. Their tactics and teamwork improved as they refined their abilities.

Vali couldn't even remember how many times he died, but he knew that he learned a lot from this. He realized exactly how far away he was from Albion's original strength, and he also found out exactly how much Michael was holding back against him. There was quite a distance between him and his new rival, though that only served to motivate him to train harder.

"I want one of those things," Vali demanded after they left the illusionary realm and pointed at the weird devices.

"They'll be released to the public in a few days," Michael replied, making him frown since he really wanted one of those at the moment. "But you can come back tomorrow at around the same time, so we can go against the overpowered Dragon again.

Vali nodded, a small smile forming on his face. Michael really would be a nice teammate to have as he was similar to him. Both of them clearly loved fighting and wished for a good challenge.

And what better challenge than one of the Heavenly Dragons? Well, he knew of at least one stronger, but that one was way out of their league for the time being.

"I'll be back," Vali said before leaving.

'I learned quite a bit about our newest friend,' Albion informed him as they flew away. 'Now listen carefully…'


Cori hummed as she trailed her finger over my back while I did my best to follow along, moving the Seal to match her movements.

"So you decided not to invite this Vali here in the end?" Cori asked after I finished retailing my story of today.

Fucking weird-looking bullshit Dragon. The stupid overgrown lizard destroyed my body before I could even abuse my overpowered healing! Damn, cheater! My Anti-Magic didn't even work on him because he was that much stronger than me. It just bounced off and fizzled out whenever I tried nullifying any of his bullshit attacks.

"I figured it's best to wait for a bit longer, so I can get to know him better," I replied while cursing Albion's bullshit abilities in my mind. "Plus, he works for or alongside Azazel. I wanna figure out what their relationship is first before making a decision."

"That sounds reasonable," Cori agreed before finally pulling back. "There. It's done. Let me show you how it looks."

Tattoo Image. 

"Pretty good," I said with a nod as I stared at the picture of my back. I wasn't sure what it was about it, but it felt right.

"It's far better than the first one you wanted," Cori said and rolled her eyes.

"There was nothing wrong with it!"

"It was a cross with a skull on it! You would've become the number one enemy of Heaven if they ever saw it!"

"It wasn't a cross!" I objected to her accusation. "It was a sword with wings, and the skull was a representation of the Emperor of Mankind and his rotten bones."

"It sure looked like a cross, and I'm sure they would've definitely understood your reference." She shook her head at me, and I pouted in response. It wasn't my fault they weren't aware of the Emperor's glory.

"The second one was nice. I had a lot of fun making it, and I honestly like it more."

"I liked it as well." It was a copy of Kazuma Kiryuu's tattoo, but the Dragon resembled Shenlong for obvious reasons. "It just didn't feel right."

"But this one does?" Cori curiously asked.

"It does." I nodded. "Though I can't explain why. Maybe it's because Yggdrasil represents life, and I made the Seal with the intent to store my Ki. Maybe the World Tree is connected in some way with the life stream? I'm not quite sure, but it definitely feels right."

"As long as you like it," she said, offering me a warm smile.

"I do," I said as I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her close before gently kissing her neck. "And how should I thank you for helping me design it?"

"Oh." She moaned as she melted against me. "I won't mind a nice massage since I've been feeling a bit stiff from all the training. Maybe it can even have a happy ending…"

"As you wish, my lady." I grinned as I picked her up in a bridal carry as I rushed towards our bedroom while she giggled in my arms.

I had something else planned for the day, but making sure my girlfriend was happy and satisfied was more important for the time being. Once she passed out in bliss, I could deal with the thing I had been delaying for a bit now as it was finally time to meet a God and beg for their blessing.

'Wait for me, Ereshkigal! I'll come find you after I ravish my girlfriend!'



It happened again! The loud mortal was being weird and sending her perverted prayers! She would… she would definitely punish him for his shameles behavior when she got her hands on him! Ereshkigal silently seethed at the audacity of this mortal.

"I really will teach you a lesson when I find you," she muttered, promising to beat him up when she eventually found him, though her heart kept rapidly beating for some reason. It was definitely in excitement from her thinking of how she was going to punish him. Yes, that must be it.

Ereshkigal nodded to herself before taking a deep breath to calm her heart. Things had changed for her recently. For her entire Pantheon, really. Before, they barely had any believers left, and she would feel lucky if she got a dozen new souls passing through her realm.

The most useless Goddess of the Dead. That was how she viewed herself since her part of the Underworld was so empty in comparison to the rest. All of the other Death Gods got so many different souls passing through their domain. Hades naturally had the most since he was the one responsible for dealing with the mortals that weren't followers of any of the Pantheons.

Ereshkigal was fine with her lack of work because that meant she had so much free time! That was the little lie she told herself to make herself feel better. Not like there was anyone else to brighten her mood around here since she barely got any visitors.

Then everything changed, starting with the loud and perverted mortal that frequently called her his favorite Death God. That always made her heart skip a beat when she heard it. Ereshkigal was someone's favorite Death God! His prayers used to be quieter back then, but they were just as startling. Then out of nowhere, Ereshkigal started receiving even more prayers!

They hadn't forgotten about her! People still believed in her! She had been over the moon even if some of their prayers were… similar to the loud mortal's. However, unlike him, they didn't call her their favorite Death God, though that didn't change the fact that people were praying to her! She was single handedly bringing back faith to her Pantheon, and she had no idea how she had even done that.

It took her a while to figure it out, but Ereshkigal finally discovered what had started it all. It was a simple game that had included her. The discovery of it was a bit surprising, especially because Ishtar was also in it. That meant that people were now probably praying to that whore as well as sad as that was.

Nevertheless, Ereshkigal hadn't been forgotten! People prayed to her again, and their belief slightly altered her appearance. With her permission, of course.

Eresh Image. 

She looked at herself in the mirror, thinking that blonde looked good on her. It was a nice change of pace from the black hair she had for the past thousands of years. It also served as a symbol for her new status as she would no longer be the most useless Goddess of the Dead!

Ereshkigal couldn't believe all of this started with that loud and perverted mortal. Giggling to herself, she dropped on her bed, only to jump up when she felt a presence entering her domain.

The mortal that was approaching her palace was so full of life. He had so much life force that she would've easily mistaken him for a Buddha or even a God of Life if it wasn't for his lack of divinity.

And that wasn't all. There was something else about his soul that made him feel… like a kin? No, that wasn't right. Perhaps a champion was a better word for it? Yes, a champion of the Dead, though that made just as little sense since she also didn't feel any blessing on him.

'How weird,' she thought as she followed his presence with her divine senses. He stopped for a moment as if waiting for something before he proceeded onwards.

Soon enough, he entered her palace, and Ereshkigal felt her cheeks heat up in embarrassment. There wasn't even a single being in her domain to greet him, let alone stop him from entering. How embarrassing was that?

Ereshkigal rushed over to her throne room and quickly sat down as she composed herself. The mortal then entered, and she observed him carefully. He was quite handsome with piercing blue eyes, and he was big, so much that two of her could easily fit in his embrace.

'Why am I thinking such indecent things?! That loud mortal has definitely corrupted me!' Naturally, she blamed the perverted mortal for her thoughts.

'Wow. Ereshkigal is even more beautiful than I thought.'

"Kyaa!" It was him! He was here! He really had come to find her! What was Ereshkigal even supposed to do now?

She wanted to teach him a lesson, but he was far stronger than she thought he would be. It would be a challenge to defeat him if it came to a fight. Plus… she really didn't want to fight someone with such a soothing presence.

He tilted his head in confusion before his lips slowly stretched into a grin. 'Those thighs of hers are simply divine.'

"Kyaa!" He was doing it on purpose now! This indecent, perverted, and loud mortal! He was bullying her!

'I just want to bury my face in them.'

"Kyaa!" Ereshkigal covered her face with one hand while she pointed to the outside with the other. "Out! Out! Out!"

"Wait, I'm sorry!" He called out as he raised his hands, one of them holding onto a beautiful pendant that contained a small pocket space. "I came to seek your blessing and even brought a gift."

Ereshkigal started running before she could process his words, arriving in front of him in a split second. She placed a gentle kiss on his forehead as she snatched the pendant from his hand, her heart loudly thumping in her chest.

'What have I done?' He asked for a blessing, and she immediately rushed over to give him one before he could change his mind. She even kissed him! How embarrassing!

"Kyaa!" Ereshkigal jumped and proceeded to dropkick him, sending him flying through the walls of her palace.

"Don't come back until I call for you!" She yelled out before quickly running away, rushing inside her bedroom and jumping underneath her bed covers.

Ereshkigal was a Goddess of the Underworld! So then why was she acting like a mortal? Why was her heart beating so rapidly? And why was she thinking such indecent thoughts about him?

He must've corrupted her! That was the most logical explanation. Ereshkigal focused on his presence, noticing how it became just that much more pleasing to her senses now that he was blessed by her.

'Maybe… maybe it isn't so bad to be corrupted,' she thought as she slowly followed him as he left her domain.

After she calmed down, Ereshkigal would call for him. And then… and then… she wasn't sure what, but something would happen then!


Hades - Blessings of the Gods - 400 CP

The steady favor of deities is a truly rare gift, given their capricious natures. However, one thing remains true of all divine beings. They always favor a hero on an epic quest. While you might not always play the hero, their aid will shine down upon you as if you were. Deities, both in this world and in future ones, will offer you their blessings and aid on a regular basis so long as you are in pursuit of a quest on the scale of Hercules, Achilles, or other fabled Greek heroes. They may even offer you a choice of boons depending on the local pantheon's tendencies. Should you find yourself in a world that is lacking in divine beings, you will find those you have met before stepping in from afar. 


Beta'd by Gerald of Revea.


This is the Perk that I skipped. It's just so more fitting to get it after being blessed in my opinion. 

I chose Yggdrasil as the tattoo for one simple reason. The new Grimoire is named after the World Tree. It's just fitting to have an image that represents it. Or so I think. If you have a more fitting image of Yggdrasil, I won't mind changing it.

I also can't find a good image for Albion. If any of you have one, do share please. 

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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คะแนนรวม 0.0

รีวิวโพสต์สําเร็จ! อ่านรีวิวเพิ่มเติม
โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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