เขียนรีวิวAcho uma fic muito foda, adoro a Belatriz como personagem e é muito raro uma fic com a Belatriz como protagonista ou aré mesmo personagem secundário, por isso eu lhe entrego 5 estrelas
lo que leí hasta el momento me ha gustado bastante seguiré pendiente que dé como será la historia y como se desarrollara el mundo y como será su relación con los demás miembros de la familia black.
I really like. I've been looking for something like this for a long time and now. Hooray!!! Thanks a lot to the author! (I apologize English is not my native language, there may be mistakes) ;)
I was very afraid to open this fanfic because of the small number of chapters. But it was not in vain that I opened it, we are waiting for further chapters.
It's such such a shame, that you're no longer updating this story. Truth be told I genuinely enjoyed this one because it was so much different. I really do hope you come back
Acho uma fic muito foda, adoro a Belatriz como personagem e é muito raro uma fic com a Belatriz como protagonista ou aré mesmo personagem secundário, por isso eu lhe entrego 5 estrelas
lo que leí hasta el momento me ha gustado bastante seguiré pendiente que dé como será la historia y como se desarrollara el mundo y como será su relación con los demás miembros de la familia black.
I really like. I've been looking for something like this for a long time and now. Hooray!!! Thanks a lot to the author! (I apologize English is not my native language, there may be mistakes) ;)
I was very afraid to open this fanfic because of the small number of chapters. But it was not in vain that I opened it, we are waiting for further chapters.
It's such such a shame, that you're no longer updating this story. Truth be told I genuinely enjoyed this one because it was so much different. I really do hope you come back