40% Naruto: Kurogami, The Gamer Shinobi / Chapter 4: Chapter 4: Little Ninja Academy Test Part 2

บท 4: Chapter 4: Little Ninja Academy Test Part 2

A/N: For anyone wondering how the Regen and Bars are calculated:

HP = Calculated by: Every level = 100HP + 1STR = 10HP

HP Regen per min = Calculated by: Base 10% of HP + 1% for every 10 DEX

CP = Calculated by: Every level = 100CP + 1CHA = 10CP

CP Regen per min = Calculated by: Base 10% of CP + 1% for every 10 INT

SP = Calculated by: Every level = 100SP + 1 VIT = 10SP

SP Regen per min = Calculated by: 10% of SP + 1% for every 10 VIT


Usami hadn't allowed the kids any rest, as up first were Rito Sarutobi and the Momo girl. Unsurprisingly, the Sarutobi member won against the girl much to his reluctance due to not wanting to hit females.

The second match was a Richie vs Tobi, with the battle being close but Tobi ultimately winning. 

And now, "Naruto Uzumaki, Kurogami, forward!" Usami called out, causing Naruto to smirk before turning to his friend and opponent,

"I won't be goin' easy on you, Kurogami!" He stated loudly with a fist bump, which Kurogami returned, "Likewise" He replied. The two then performed the seal of confrontation before Naruto hurriedly rushed at Kurogami, leaving him no time to think about what to do.

[Naruto Uzumaki, The Nine-Tails Jinchuriki], [Level: 8], [Reputation: 20], 'No, I shouldn't be worrying about levels, and just let my skills and stats do the talking' He thought to himself, not wanting to overly rely on statistics in the future as he doesn't want it to cloud his judgement, 'After all, levels don't determine everything!' 

Naruto jumped up and grabbed Kurogami by the back of his head, pulling it down towards his knee, 'Fast!' Kurogami noted, blocking the knee with his hands in front of his face before pushing Naruto away forcefully.

"Heh!" Naruto grinned before running at Kurogami with his arm cocked back, "Haaahhh!" He cried, going for a punch to Kurogami's baby face.

With his [Boxing] activated, raising his STR and DEX to 9 respectively, Kurogami dodged the fast punch by moving his head with some struggle before grabbing Naruto's arm, "Eh?" Naruto yelped as Kurogami spun round and made him lose his balance, causing him to fall flat onto the ground with Kurogami having him in an arm bar.

"Forfeit, Naruto" Kurogami said with a small smile, sitting on Naruto's back confident of his victory.

"Never!" Naruto shouted in response, gritting his teeth as he helplessly wiggled in an attempt to get out of Kurogami's grasp, "The future Hokage... won't lose!" As if Naruto had been buffed by a support mage in an RPG, Kurogami got knocked off by Naruto's sudden rise in strength.

"I'm gonna win, Kurogami!" Naruto claimed with a smile, giving a thumbs-up as he and Kurogami stood opposite each other once more a metre apart, "Believe it!".

"Huuu!" With a big inhale of air, Kurogami took the initiative by taking as big as a first step his short body could do to appear in front of Naruto, "Hup!" He exhaled, sending two quick jabs one to Naruto's face and the other to his body.

Naruto winced a little, but firmed the punches as he went for the counter attack by going for a low sweep to Kurogami's legs.

Jumping over the sweep with relative ease, Kurogami looked to see Naruto smirking as he realised he was now in mid-air, unable to dodge, 'Shit!' 

Naruto punched as strong as he could towards Kurogami's stomach, to which he could only block as best as he could. [-150HP] He saw a red indicator, his health going down to 250 as he landed roughly on his ass, wincing at the pain in his skinny arms from the Uzumaki punch.

'HP, ay...? I wonder how much damage I've done to Naruto, if only I could see his health' He thought to himself, looking at the smiling Naruto who slowly walked over to him with an unconscious squint.

[New Skill Gained after continuously observing your surroundings: Observe]

[Active Skill: Observe - Lv.1] 

[Activating the skill allows you to see the unseeable of anything. Increasing the level allows you to see more information]

Kurogami decided to use the skill on Naruto, and could see new information appear for him.

[Naruto Uzumaki, The Nine-Tails Jinchuriki], [Level: 8], [Reputation: 20], [Status Condition: Happy, Excited]

'Status condition, ay?' Kurogami raised his brow slightly, 'Guess that shows me how people are feeling... though that's not what I asked for' He sighed, 'Though, I guess you can't get everything you want' He lifted himself up off the ground, a smile on his face as he looked at his arms, 'It doesn't really hurt, but I definitely took damage... that's weird' He ignored it though as he looked back at Naruto.

"Give up yet?" Naruto asked, to which Kurogami shook his head in denial before getting in his stance with a serious expression.

"Let's go" Kurogami said, running towards Naruto as they engaged in their scuffle once more.

"Teacherrrr, how long is this gonna take?" A little girl whined as she grabbed Usami's pants and tugged on it, the match having gone on for a few minutes already - the longest match yet.

"I don't know, if there's no clear winner in 5 minutes I'll end the match and decide the winner myself!" Usami huffed in annoyance, this was the fifth child to whine and complain about the length of the fight, 'If the pay wasn't so good, I wouldn't be dealing with these bloody kids' She pinched her nose, taking deep breathes to calm herself down.

After a few minutes passed, Naruto and Kurogami breathed heavily as they stared at each other. Usami went to raise her hand to call the match, which they saw as they smiled at each other, both of them agreeing 'The final blow'.

"Haaaahhh!" The two cried, reeling their arms back and punching each other in the face. The two were at a standstill for a few seconds, before Kurogami fell to one knee, his fist going down Naruto's body weakly, "Hah...hah..." He breathed heavily, a big smile on his face.

"Naru-" With some reluctance, Usami went to call Naruto as the winner of the match. Much to her and the other kids shock however, they saw him fall flat on his back, "Uh..." She looked between Naruto and Kurogami, who now stood up over Naruto.

"Winner, Kurogami!" Usami called out as Kurogami held his hand out for Naruto to grab, which he did proudly.

"That was a good fight, Kurogami!" Naruto exclaimed with a big, toothy smile plastered on his bruised face, placing his hands behind his head as he chuckled.

"Yes... yes it was, Naruto" The two fist bumped, walking back in line as Hanabi and Shikamaru stepped forward for their bout.

[Secret Quest: Defeat the Original Protagonist - Complete!]

[Secret Objective: Defeat Naruto Uzumaki, the Original Protagonist of the Naruto World]

[Secret Quest Rewards: +5 Instant Level-ups, Fuinjutsu Skill, +10 VIT, +10 CHA]

Not only that, Kurogami had also levelled up once more after defeating Naruto.

[Name - Kurogami

Age - 6

Race - Human 

Title - Bully Destroyer

Clan - Clanless (Orphan)

Level - 4 (580/800) -> Level - 10 (100/2600)

HP - 400/400 (Regen: 40/Min) -> 1000/1000 (Regen: 100/Min)

CP - 350/350 (Regen: 35/Min) -> 1050/1050 (Regen: 105/Min)

SP - 360/360 (Regen: 36/Min) -> 1060/1060 (Regen: 116.6/Min)

Control - 10%

STR - 7

VIT - 3 -> 13

DEX - 7

INT - 5

CHA - 2 -> 12

CC - 2

Luck - 5

Stat Points - 5 -> 35

Money - 1,000 Ryo]

[Active Skill: Fuinjutsu - Lv.1]

[Fuijutsu is the art of seals, having the ability to seal objects, living beings, chakra, along with a wide variety of other things within another object. Increasing the skill allows for better, stronger seals to be made]

[CP Usage: Dependant on the seal made]

(A/N: Hopefully I didn't miss anything or mess anything up? If I did, feel free to correct me)

Looking at all his new things, Kurogami couldn't help but become giddy. Level ups, a fuinjutsu skill, and a whole bunch of stat points to allocate whenever he needed, 'Awesome!' He yelled internally, wishing to just jump up in joy, but he stopped himself from doing so as the spars were still going on.

Eventually, the match between Hanabi and Shikamaru ended, with Hanabi being the winner. Which meant both Shikamaru and Naruto were now in the loser brackets, and Hanabi would be Kurogami's next opponent.

And so, the winning bracket match-ups were as such:

Rito Sarutobi vs Tobi and then Kurogami vs Hanabi Hyuga. 

Usami allowed a quick, few minutes to allow the kids to go toilet, get some water, and rest just a little bit. After 5 minutes, she called everyone back as she called Rito and Tobi forward.

The match was close, but Rito prevailed as the winner much to Tobi's disappointment and sadness towards himself.

"Kurogami, Hanabi Hyuga, forward!" Usami shouted, the two kids stepping forward. As Kurogami was on his break in the 'toilet', he took some time to look at the system which showed him all his skills, and what he finally knew about reputation (Which, by the way, Naruto's had increased to 30). To begin with, his skills. Kurogami already knew about the skills he gained, such as the sprint skill, the new fuinjutsu skill, etc.

Boxing, as well, which had increased by 2 levels from the spar with Naruto much to Kurogami's joy. Which had increased his STR and DEX gain to 4, and his punch speed to 16.

However, there were two skills which he hadn't gained, so he assumed it must've already been there by the time he awoke in this world and received the system:

[Passive Skill: Gamer's Mind - Lv. MAX]

[Allows the user to calmly and logically think things through. Allows peaceful state of mind. Immunity to mental disorder]


[Passive Skill: Gamer's Body - Lv. MAX]

[Grants a body that allows for the user to live the real world like a game. Sleeping in a bed restores HP, CP, SP and all mass effects.]

[Gamer's Mind], Kurogami assumed that skill must be the reason why he suddenly calmed down that one time he was angry after being told he would be punished. [Gamer's Body], Kurogami assumed this was the reason why his arms didn't hurt that much by Naruto's punch, but rather his HP got reduced.

'Gamer's Body... that's a really scary ability' Kurogami shivered at the thought that his body may never be the same again, 'Then again... it's not like I remember how my body was in my past life, which I'm sure I have if I remember all these fictional works' He joked in an attempt to make himself feel better.

He then remembered the Reputation system which he also took a look at: The scores were an average/estimation/rough statement of what the numbers meant based off 'previous times' whatever that meant

-100 = I want to kill you and your whole bloodline for the rest of time

-50 to -99 = I want to kill you

-20 to -49 = I hate you so much

-10 to -19 = I hate you

-1 to -9 = I don't like you

0 = Neutral, I don't really care about you, respectfully

1 to 5 = You're not bad

6 to 19 = I like you

20 to 49 = Close Friend

50 to 74 = Best friends for ever (Guys), I love you (Girls)

75 to 90 = I'd die for you

91 to 100 = Bloody obsessed 

Kurogami stood opposite Hanabi, who looked at him with no expression on her face as they performed the seal of confrontation, to which she bowed slightly straight after as a sign of respect, which Kurogami copied.

[Hanabi Hyuga, A Potential Hyuga Heiress], [Level: 11], [Reputation: 6 -> 7] He saw her reputation go up by 1, which he assumed must've been because he bowed, which the other immature kids didn't do, [Status Condition: Calm, Bored, Struggling]

Kurogami's interest was piqued when he saw the 'struggling' status, wondering what that meant. He'd love to talk to her about it, but he was confident that he wouldn't be able to do that unless he grew closer to her like his friendship with Naruto.

The two entered their stances, Kurogami with his guard up and Hanabi with her palms open. "Begin!" Usami called out. Kurogami watched as Hanabi seemingly observed his every move even though her Byakugan wasn't activated.

The two were at a standstill, and Kurogami was sure Hanabi wasn't going to make the first move so he did. He rushed at her and sent a barrage of punches, which she gracefully parried or evaded at the last second.

'Damn, she's good!' Kurogami complimented, his punches looking very close to hitting her every time but she'd parry it or evade it, 'And strong... my hands bloody sting' He winced, her parries hurting his hand a little which he shook off.

"You're predictable, you should add more to your arsenal" He heard her say with a bored tone, making it seem as if she was ridiculing him. She struck Kurogami's stomach with her palm, causing him to spit out saliva from his mouth as he gagged from the pain, clutching his pained stomach. [-400HP]

[New Skill Gained after continuously getting hit: Physical Endurance]

[Passive Skill: Physical Endurance - Lv.1]

[The body's durability increases, allowing for less damage taken. 1% decrease in damage taken by attacks]

"Fuck..." He couldn't help but groan, the need to throw up getting worse and worse. He looked up at Hanabi who had her arms by her side, "You only using punches makes it easy to tell what you're going to do... and leaves you quite open as well" She said with no expression on her face

She liked instructing people on their mistakes and helping them improve, but due to her tone of voice which she can't help due to her struggles at home, the people she attempts to help always turn away the help from her and look at her with anger at her pointers.

"Thanks..." Kurogami muttered with a small smile and sweat dripping down his forehead, standing upright after his stomach felt fine, "Thanks for the tip" He said once more after recovering, her eyes widening in surprise before a small smile appeared on her face.

"No problem... proceed?" She asked, to which Kurogami nodded as they went back to fighting. However, rather than simply using punches, Kurogami also implemented kicks in his attacks which caused his [Boxing] skill to change.

[Skill Change: Boxing -> Kickboxing]

[Boxing -> Kickboxing: Active Skill - Lv.4]

[Activating the skill grants +4 STR and +4 DEX. Speed of punches -> and kicks increased by 16%]

Though his arsenal was now better, Hanabi's speed was too much for him as she hit him once more with her palm. [-396HP] Fortunately, a minute had passed so he regained 100HP, bringing him to 304HP left, which meant he could only firm one more attack. His physical endurance skill levelled up once more because of it, bringing it to 2%.

He looked at his stat points, and began debating whether or not he should allocate some points. He was too slow to hit Hanabi, and he was also too weak to deal a lot of damage. He wanted to originally keep his stat points and, hopefully, raise his stats by himself by training. However, he looked at the untouched Hanabi opposite him who waited for his next move and bit his bottom lip in doubt.

'I'll use some...' He thought after some time, bring his DEX to 15 and STR to 10 (19 and 14 with Kickboxing skill activated) which used up 11 points. He now had 24 left. His HP went up by 30, and his regen to 113.3/min.

He hoped this would increase his chances of winning at least a little, however

"Winner, Hanabi Hyuga!" Usami called out as Hanabi stood over a panting Kurogami who clutched his stomach once more. She held her hand out for him to grab, which he did and the two performed the seal of reconciliation before the two stood back in the line. He was glad though that her reputation went up by another point to 8.

He clenched his fist, not liking the feeling of losing which felt weird to him as he didn't think of himself as some battle-crazy dude who hates losing to others like a certain monkey-alien named vegetable with a crap hairline.

Now in the loser bracket, Kurogami watched as Hanabi won against Rito Sarutobi, giving her the win in the winners bracket.

After that match, Naruto (Who won against Shikamaru due to him forfeiting because he didn't feel like fighting) faced against Maya Izuno, with Maya winning as she, unconsciously, listened to Hanabi's pointers and kept her guard close against the untaught Uzumaki who had no actual fighting style, giving her the win after much struggle due to Naruto's resilient nature.

And so, the second to last match to end the tournament was Kurogami vs Maya, with the winner facing against Hanabi once more for a rematch. 


A/N: Next chapter is gonna be quite short, and the end of the 'test' segment of the Little Academy. After that, I'll delve in more into the plot.

Thanks for reading

Hope you enjoyed reading

Any questions/suggestions? 

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Casual7 Casual7

[Name - Kurogami

Age - 6

Race - Human 

Title - Bully Destroyer

Clan - Clanless (Orphan)

Level - 10 (100/2600)

HP - 1030/1030 (Regen: 113.3/Min)

CP - 1050/1050 (Regen: 105/Min)

SP - 1060/1060 (Regen: 116.6/Min)

Control - 10%

STR - 10

VIT - 13

DEX - 15

INT - 5

CHA - 12

CC - 2

Luck - 5

Stat Points - 24

Money - 1,000 Ryo]

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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คะแนนรวม 0.0

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โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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