24.24% Kampf / Chapter 8: The Incorporation and The First Flight

บท 8: The Incorporation and The First Flight

June, 1924. 

Four days has passed since Felix went to the shooting range.

Since then, he had already talked to his Father about starting a munitions and weapons company, with the intention to create brand new weapons.

At first, his father was a bit skeptical, since the Gewehr rifle is the best in the current world. The Royal Family also owns the biggest weapons manufacturing company in the country, which is the Königliche Waffenherstellungsfirma (Royal Arms Manufacturing Company). 

The Emperor trusts his son a lot, but still, creating a company out of thin air is no easy task. He also has doubts about the weapon that Felix is trying to produce. 

Felix knew this, so he planned a 'outdoor picnic' with the whole family. He told them to set aside just an hour in their busy lives for a little 'family bonding'. Little did they know, the 'family bonding' is a bonding with guns.....

Dressed in a simple attire, and with dark shades hiding their eyes, the family then went outside their home, as a whole family, for the first time in a while.

When the family arrived at the range, obviously his father was a little bit angry, he thought that they will now have the quality time that he desired.

Knowing that his father was angry, Felix, together with his Jarvin, still showed the gun that they made. 

The emperor saw a gun which was a bit peculiar. It was shorter than the current guns in circulation, yet it is a bit different to the designs of the current times. 

Felix explained the details of the gun, that it can be a fully automatic gun, and that the person using this will be a bit flexible in aiming since the gun is shorter and has less weight than the Gewehr.

Felix also explained the effective range of the gun which includes the maximum effective range of the AVH-1. 

Safe to say that the Emperor liked what he heard. So the Emperor asked Felix to fire the gun to show if what he claimed is true.

Felix gave the gun to his Royal Guard since Felix's shoulder is currently bruised due to his reckless automatic firing. Felix then gave his family some earmuffs in order to lessen the sound of the gun.

The Royal Guard grabbed the gun and went in front of the range. He aimed at the 200m far target and shoot at it. Immediately, a metal sound can be heard. The Royal Guard also aimed at the 800m far target and shoot at it. Another metal sound can be heard after a short while.

The Emperor was amazed by the range and accuracy of the gun. Although the AK was known to be a highly inaccurate gun, it still comes down to the user of the said gun. In the hands of a capable user, the AK is as good as the others. 

Also, the AKs in Felix's previous world was known to be inaccurate because most users of the rifle made it themselves (i,e, terrorists). If a developed nation build their own AK, then the accuracy will be much better than the self-made AKs. 

Going back, the Emperor was now curious on the fully-automatic option of the gun, so Felix told his Royal Guard to open fire, and open fire he did.

Almost all of the bullets hit the 200m target, with an accuracy rating of 28/30. This means that for every bullet fired, there is an 93% chance that it will hit. 

This Emperor was impressed since most rifles in the current time only have a semi-automatic firing. Those who have the option to fire automatically are only the light and heavy machineguns. This is not in the realm of rifles since they are intended to be mounted on something and let hell loose. 

The AVH-1 on the other hand, can be carried and fired in a standing, crouch, or prone position without the need to mount it, yet it has the capacity to let hell loose on the enemy. 

The Emperor knew that this gun will be a game changer in the big picture, so he gave his full support to his son and his gunsmith. He will also pull out some workers from the Königliche Waffenherstellungsfirma and transfer them to his son's new company in order to increase workforce.

After the field testing, they then continued their picnic which the family intended to do. 

Once they went back home, the Emperor tasked the butler to help his son create his company. 

Back to the present, Felix is at his Father's study room, sitting at the sofa. 

Beside him is his gunsmith, Jarvin, who was a bit nervous since he is at the Imperial Palace. Even though he and the Emperor met a few days ago in the shooting range, he was still nervous since the person he was talking to is the Emperor which is currently in front of him, at the opposite side of the table.

Beside the Emperor, standing, is the Grand Butler who delivered numerous papers which noticeably has pictures in it. These papers contain the information of those people currently working at the Königliche Waffenherstellungsfirma, and other manufacturing companies in the country.

Felix and Jarvin are currently scanning and reading the information of these people in order to find capable workers. These workers will be the backbone of their company so they are meticulously looking at it. 

"Hmm, Jarvin, what do you think of him as our general manager?"

Felix passed a piece of paper to Jarvin containing a sizable information of a person,

Reading the paper, Jarvin noted the numerous achievements the person has done throughout his career. All of these achievements is, one way or another, shows his immense patriotism towards his own country.

The Grand Butler added a little bit more information as a testament to the trustworthiness of the person in the paper.

"Ah, I knew that guy, your highness. He was my friend back in the olden days, when we were infantries in the battlefield. His leg was cut off due to an injury, but even though he was injured, he still gave his all for the Empire as a great arms manufacturer. If you pick him, your highness, then he will definitely be a great help to you."

Felix, hearing such great recommendation from the Grand Butler, immediately shortlisted the name. 

They then went on for another hour looking at the different resumes, but to no avail. They only found a handful of people that fits their requirements.

The Emperor then suggested to Felix and Jarvin to have a sort of a competition, since the information found in the paper does not necessarily show the true prowess of the people.

"Felix, Jarvin, why not held a competition. We can do this as a disguise for the real intention. The reward for those who won is to be part of your company. We can do it batch by batch and give them a task for them to finish."

Hearing a great idea from the Emperor, Felix and Jarvin looked at each other. They then nodded at each other and decided to go with the Emperor's suggestion. 

"So... the task we might make them do is the task requiring them to make a milled receiver. We can then grade it to how accurate and how fast they made it."

"I like that, your highness. We need to schedule it as soon as possible if you want it to be fielded within 3 months."

The Emperor and the Grand Butler looked at Felix, wondering why he want the new guns to be fielded within 3 months.

Looking at the curious gazes of his father and the butler, he answered the question lingering in their minds.

"Father, I think my war senses are tingling. I feel that the Dacian Grand Duchy will declare war and invade our lands within these 3 months."

"Surely not, son. The Dacian army is underequipped as opposed to ours. Surely, they will know the difference in our power. Also, son, why do you feel that the Dacian Army will invade us?" 

"Well... Since we are currently fighting in two fronts, other countries will definitely be aiming to grab some of our lands, father. With most of our armies in the north and the west, other countries may get the idea that the Great German Empire is up for pickings. Also, it is not bad to be ready just in case right?"

Felix can't just say that he know the general plot of the world, but he also knew that some changes can happen now that he is in this world, so he made sure to be ready to face anything that may come.

Hearing at the yap of his child, he take note of it but heed no importance to it. He will just send a spy at the Dacian Duchy in order to know the events currently happening in that country. Regardless, Franz, the emperor, was proud of his son for thinking about the future.

With the conclusion to have a competition as the basis for employment, the group then stood up and was now getting ready to leave. Before that, the Emperor asked Felix and Jarvin an important question.

"So.. what will be the name of your company?"

Jarvin looked at Felix.

"It's your call, your highness, after all, it will be your company."

Felix thought about it. He came up with numerous names this past few days and came up with a shortlist of these names, however, one name stood out the most. 

"Let's call it Kaiserliche Stahlsturm GmbH (Imperial SteelStorm Ltd.), or just KS. It is a badass name that I came up!"

Hearing this, all of them smiled a little bit. True enough, a child will still be a child, but... it has a great ring to it. It is actually quite bad ass too.

They then left the study room and head down stairs. 

All of them said their goodbyes to Jarvin and went back to their own work. 

Felix was aiming to design a bit more guns, but his father stopped him before he ran off.

"Felix, stay for a bit."

Felix looked at his father and was curious on why he was stopped. 

Franz then reached out to his pocket, and showed two pocket watch like devices in his hands.

The first one looks like a typical pocket watch the only difference was it is a bit larger than a typical pocket watch. It also obviously does not show the time, but underneath the glass surface in the middle of the device, is a bunch of clockwork-like design, full of gears and stuffs.

The other one also looks like a pocket watch, with the exception of a wing-like design in both the sides. A glass surface can also be seen in the middle but with a much more complicated clockwork-like design. 

Seeing the two devices in his father's hands, Felix was excited and had already forgotten the things that he will do.

Looking at the excited eyes of his child, Franz then went on to introduce the two devices in his hands. 

"The one on my right is the standard single cored orb that is used in the army. It is known as the Type 13 Standard Operation orb. My son, you will use this as your practice tool."

"The one on my left is the newly invented, dual core. We do not yet have a name for this, but it is known as just the "dual core" orb. It is a bit more harder to control, that is why I need you to practice properly first using the single core orb before I give you this dual core orb."

"Yes Father! I will practice with all my heart!" 

Felix attempted to grab the single core orb to practice but his father immediately moved his hand back.

Felix was flabbergasted and stood still for 10 seconds before looking at this father with betrayed eyes. 

Franz laughed at this and told Felix the reason why he held his hand back.

"Don't be hasty son, I still have something to show you."

Franz took an ancient pocket watch that was hidden in his chest.

It was a bit antique and the exterior of the pocket watch shows the age of the watch. The material used in the pocket watch seems to be silver. The front shows an elegant design with an engraved Hohenzollern Family crest in the middle and some German words around the periphery of the watch, reading Haus Hohenzollern, Herrscher von Schwaben, Beschützer der Menschen (House of Hohenzollern, Ruler of Swabia, Protector of People).

Behind the watch, a year and the name of the maker was engraved, saying 1542, Peter Henlein (The inventor of pocket watches).

Franz, Felix's father, opened the pocket watch. Inside, no hour hands or minute hands can be found, but a gorgeous design of gears and sockets can be found. Notably in the middle, four circles were continuously but slowly moving in a clockwise motion. 

Felix was amazed by the design of the pocket watch. He had read the year behind the watch yet this watch was centuries ahead in design. 

The four continuously moving circles also attracted his eyes, this might indicate that this was a quad cored orb.

Franz, knowing what his son was thinking, introduced the device to his son.

"This is one of the Imperial Regalia of our house. This was made by Peter Henlein during the twilight year of his life. He made this device for our ancestors because our house saved his life during his youth. Since then, while inventing pocket watches, he also begun researching about how to make the magic of our family better as a thank you for our family."

"This lead him to create this wonderful device, which was centuries ahead of his time. After he finished this device, he died a month after. Before dying, he made it so that only people with Hohenzollern blood can use this. He was a genius who was ahead of his time."

"This device was studied back then meticulously in order to manufacture it in batches, but after centuries, only the recent Type 13 Standard Operation Orb was made. However, a new quad core has now been made, which was a miracle in itself since only a piece works."

"This pocket watch is being safeguard by our family for centuries now, however most of the mages in our family cannot properly use this device. Even I, cannot properly use this."

"As the only mage in our family, besides me, you will have to inherit this my son."

Felix knew that quad cored orbs where way ahead of the current age. It was amazing to think that a 16th century inventor invented such device, but the result was in front of him. A fully functioning quad core without any intervening miracle from a higher being.... or is it...

Back in his previous world, while reading the Youjo Senki manga, he theorized that only those blessed by a god or a goddess can use quad cores, since it uses a lot of mana and mana control. 

Now, he was thinking if this is fate. A quad core appearing right in front of him... if it is one of the fates that his Goddess was talking about, then... thank you goddess, or to whoever you are.

Going back, Franz was now looking at his deeply thinking child. He was wondering what is going on inside the head of his child after looking at the regalia of his house. 

Felix then suddenly stared right at his father's eyes, and said seriously.

"Father, I will do my best to be worthy of the pocket watch. Until then, please hold unto it."

Impressed by the determination of his child, he messed with his hair and laughed for a bit. 

"Alright, son. Practice well until you are worthy of bearing this."

Felix, annoyed by the sudden hair messing, nodded at his father and grabbed the single cored operation orb and was about to run when his father stopped him.

"Hey, wait for a bit. In 2 weeks time, the imperial palace will be having a ball. In this ball, there will be a small ceremony which is awarding of a noble title. Don't schedule anything around that time okay?"

Felix was a bit confused, he wondered about what kind of ball is it when he suddenly thought of the War College's graduation. 

"Father, is the ball for the War College graduates?"

"Yes, son."

"Then can I have an advance copy of the list of those who will graduate. Pleaseeee."

Hearing the sudden request of his child, Franz raised his eyebrow thinking of what his child will do with the list, but the request is quite small so he will grant what his child wants.

"Alright, go now, practice flying. I had already told the captain of your Royal Guards to teach you the basics, he is now at the training ground, so go."

Felix, upon hearing that his request will be provided, was internally happy. He was also excited to see Tanya in 2 weeks time, but for now, he needs to practice. 

Felix head to the training ground only to find the captain of his guards, Carl Schmidt, at the middle of the field with his arms crossed in his chest. 

Felix approached him and attempted to inquire about what he will be doing.

"Umm, Carl what-"

"Your highness, in this place, and during practice, you will call me as der Lehrer (teacher, masculine form)."

Felix was startled by the sudden strictness of the captain, but he chose to follow it since technically, he will teach him.

"Yes, der Lehrer!"

Hearing this, Carl let out a small laugh, before going back to his serious face.

This mischievous piece of human turd.

After the small interaction, Carl taught Felix the basics of flying, the Dos and the Donts. What to expect during flight, and what to do during emergencies. 

After an hour of verbal teaching, which Felix wrote down in a small notebook that he grabbed from his pocket, they then now move on to practical teaching, after all, experience is still the best teacher.

The both of them was now standing in the middle of the training grounds. 

Felix wore the Type 13 Operation Orb around his neck and excitedly waited for the instruction of his Lehrer. 

Looking at the excited eyes of his student, he knew not to wait for longer and go straight to teaching, so he taught.

"You remember what I taught you a while ago? What to do in order to fly, and what to expect during flying?"

"Yes der Lehrer! First, I need to calm down. Second, is to check my equipment. Third is to circulate my mana in my body. Fourth is to drive that mana to the operation orb by creating a path towards it. Fifth, is to let go of anything and fly!"

"Yes, next?"

Felix continuously yapped about the different things he learned during the verbal teaching earlier.

"During flight, you need to calm down. Think of swimming in the sea, but in this instance, the sky. Think of gliding your way through the bountiful blue skies and let your mana do the work. You need to regulate your mana in order to properly fly, the higher the mana usage, the higher the speed."

"You also need to take into account the G force, the drag, the thrust, and the weight. Also, the capacity of how strong can your orb handle needs to be accounted for. You also need to..."

Felix continually yapped for 5 minutes straight. At the end, he was then had the permission to fly.

Felix, excited at the prospect of flying. Seriously, who does not want to fly on their own? The thrill, the adrenaline, the rush, all of it is great to experience. Felix then psyched himself up internally.

Come on, Felix. You can do this! This will show the result of your magic control training. Come on! You can do this. Believe in yourself. JUST DO IT!

After thinking of Shia LaBeouf's 'just do it', he calmed himself down, took a deep breath, and released it. He then begun to circulate his mana in his body. After 10 circulations, he then created a path for his mana towards his operation orb, which his operation orb greedily absorb, 

After absorbing a substantial amount, the operation orb starts to glow, afterwards, he begun to float.

The sensation of floating was incredible yet scary. Imagine this, you are swimming in the deeper parts of the pool. You attempted to float while standing, yet if you stay still, you know that you will fall down to the deep, so what you will do is to wag your feet continuously in order to propel you upwards. In this case, Felix is using his mana as his feet. 

Though there is still a lingering urge to wag your feet, you must not wag your feet, because if you wagged, then you will be bogged. 

Felix began floating for 5 meters up in the air, he stayed in this position for a few minutes and started to move slowly. He willed his mana, through the operation orb, to propel him a bit forward, and so it did. 

He also tested his eyes if there is something new, and yes, a line can be seen in front of him. Basically, Felix has now been turned into a human projectile. 

Felix increased his speed bit by bit until he was close his own running speed. 

Felix was having fun flying, though he can't still do advance tricks like the flips, the Cobra Maneuver, or Tanya's evade maneuver, he is still tempted to test them, but he knows better, he does not want to have a bloody pancake as his head.

He increased his speed and went around the training grounds until he gets his stride. He stopped for a moment to have a breather yet he saw his family cheering him on through a window in the upper floors. They are all wearing a thumbs up, indicating that they are proud of their son/brother.

Felix was obviously happy and was invigorated by this. He practiced more until he get tired, which took for about 2 hours. 

Throughout all this, his Lehrer, Carl, was watching him in the sidelines, ready to swoop in and save him in case something goes wrong. Now, he was like a mama bird who watched his son flew for the first time. 


Late at night.

Felix and his Golden Eagle snuck out of the palace. 

In the Imperial Study Room, the Grand Butler entered and attempted to tell his liege about his son, but the emperor already knew about it.

"He snuck off did he?"

"Yes, your majesty."

The Emperor put down his pen and looked at the window behind him. He can see his son, flying with the Golden Eagle, in the distance. 

"Seriously, he just learned how to fly this morning, and yet he is flying outside now. How greatly talented is my son?"

The Emperor was proud of his son for learning how to fly very rapidly. He knew that the fate of the antique regalia in his chest is with that boy. He wonders and worries about how he will be in the future. Will he join the war, or will he stay back in the Capital. Regardless, he will support his son on whatever decision he makes.

"Grand Butler, tell the military to not shoot down the mage flying. Also, tell them to get familiar with the mana signature since they will have to encounter it many times in the future. Make them also ready to respond to any emergencies."

"Your will be done, your majesty."

Back to our MC.

Felix is now flying over 3,000 feet high in the air. By his side is his trusted pet who was feeling the air around him. They are now currently cruising over 100 kph, which is not even half of how fast the single cored orb can do.

They stopped at the middle of the Capital, floating above the city like Pain in Naruto. His eagle also perched on his head.

Felix was admiring the sights of the city. The intertwining alleys, the streets, the drunken sounds coming from a nearby bar, the beautifully lined streetlights, the illuminated fountain in the middle of the square, the shops who are closing down, the full moon shining down on the grand city, and the obvious solemnity of the scene. 

He then thought about how small he is. In the face of the world, he is just a mere speck of dust. yet he knows that a mere speck of dust can make a difference. 

He swore to protect the beautiful sight that is in front of him now. He swore to protect his people and ward off any enemies from his lands for this is his duty as a prince. This is his responsibility as a royal. 

I wonder how Tanya is right now..

Felix looked at the dimly lighted War College, and thought about how he will meet with Tanya in the ball, in two weeks time.

After thinking for a bit, e then looked back at the beautiful sight he swore to protect.

"A beautiful sight ain't it?"

*Screech* *Screech*

"Yeah, a truly beautiful sight."


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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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