21.31% Pokemon: Ace's Adventures! / Chapter 11: Chapter 11:Boulder Badge Challenge!

บท 11: Chapter 11:Boulder Badge Challenge!

Ace stood outside the Pewter City Pokémon Center, the early morning sun shining brightly. He stretched his arms, feeling refreshed after a good night's rest. His Pokémon were in high spirits too, having enjoyed a hearty breakfast.

"Alright, guys! Time to make our way to the Pewter City Gym," Ace said, a determined grin on his face. Beside him, his Pokémon nodded. Mankey pumped his fists excitedly, Clefairy clapped her hands, Elekid sparked with enthusiasm, and Staryu's gem glowed faintly. Nidoran nodded with a serious expression while Smeargle barked happily.

Ace made his way to the imposing gym. The structure stood tall, its rocky design perfectly representing its theme.

The gym's interior was dimly lit, the stone walls giving it an ominous feel. Ace walked down a long, echoing corridor, his footsteps reverberating in the silence. His eyes darted around, scanning for movement.

Suddenly, a deep voice broke the silence. "Are you here to challenge the Pewter City Gym?"

Ace stopped, narrowing his eyes in the direction of the voice. "Yeah! My name's Ace Drago, and I'm here for a Gym Battle!"

The lights switched on all at once, illuminating the vast battlefield ahead of him. The arena was rugged, with large boulders scattered across the floor. Perched casually on one of the largest rocks was a teenager with spiky brown hair and closed eyes. It was Brock, the Pewter City Gym Leader.

Brock stood up, his arms crossed. He looked Ace over before speaking. "Welcome to the Pewter Gym. How many badges do you have, Ace?"

Ace pulled out his Cascade Badge, proudly showing it. "I've got one, but I'm here to earn my second."

Brock smirked, nodding. "Alright, then. I'll give you a proper challenge. This will be a three-on-three battle. As the challenger, you're allowed to switch Pokémon."

Suddenly, a younger boy with a similar appearance to Brock stepped into the referee booth. It was Brock's younger brother, Forrest.

"Forrest will be the referee," Brock explained. "Ready?"

"More than ready," Ace said, clenching his fist.

Forrest raised his flags. "This Gym Battle between the challenger, Ace Drago, and Pewter Gym Leader Brock will now begin! Both trainers, send out your first Pokémon!"

Brock sent out his first Pokémon, a Geodude. "Geodude, let's rock!" Brock commanded.

Ace took out his Pokédex.

[Geodude, the Rock Pokémon. Type: Rock/Ground. It climbs mountains easily, using its arms.]

Ace nodded and tossed a Pokéball. "Mankey, I choose you!"

Mankey leapt out of the Pokéball, landing on the battlefield in a fighter's stance. He started bouncing on his feet, fists raised like a martial artist. "Man-keey!"

Forrest raised his flag. "Battle, start!"

"Alright, Mankey! Start with Leer!" Ace commanded.

Mankey's eyes glowed red, and Geodude flinched slightly, its defenses lowering.

"Not bad," Brock said. "But keep your distance, Geodude! Use Rock Throw!"

Geodude pulled a large rock from the ground and hurled it toward Mankey, followed quickly by another.

"Mankey, dodge and use those rocks!" Ace shouted.

Mankey sprang onto the first flying rock, using it as a springboard to leap to the second. Brock's eyes widened in shock.

'He's using my own move as a platform?!' Brock thought.

"Now, Low Kick!" Ace commanded.

Mankey somersaulted off the second rock, his leg glowing as he delivered a powerful sweep kick to Geodude. Geodude was sent skidding back, grunting in pain.

"Geodude, use Rock Polish, then Rollout!" Brock countered.

Geodude's stone body gleamed as it spun into a ball and launched itself toward Mankey at high speed.

"Mankey, dodge and use Focus Energy!" Ace ordered.

Mankey narrowly avoided the first pass of Rollout, glowing faintly as it powered up. But on Geodude's return, it landed a hit, knocking Mankey back.

"Mankey, you okay?" Ace called out. Mankey grunted but got back to his feet, glaring defiantly.

"Alright! Hit it with Night Slash!" Ace yelled.

Mankey's claws shimmered darkly as he slashed at the oncoming Geodude. It was a clean, critical hit, sending Geodude tumbling backward.

"Geodude, use Mega Punch!" Brock shouted.

But before Ace could react, Mankey raised his hand to stop him. "Man-key!" It was clear Mankey had something planned.

'Is… is he letting himself get hit?!' Ace thought, shocked.

Geodude's Mega Punch landed clean, but Mankey grinned through the pain. Suddenly, his own fist glowed with white energy.

"No way…" Ace whispered. "Mankey, you learnt Mega Punch by getting hit with Geodude's Mega Punch?!"

Mankey dashed forward, fist charged with Normal-type energy. "MAAAANKEY!"

The punch connected with Geodude, sending it crashing into a boulder and knocking it unconscious.

Forrest raised his flag. "Geodude is unable to battle! The winner is Mankey!"

"Yes! Way to go, Mankey!" Ace cheered, pumping his fist. Mankey raised his arms victoriously before Ace returned him to his Pokéball.

Brock returned Geodude to its Pokéball, smiling slightly. "I didn't expect you to take out Geodude so quickly. You've got a strong Mankey."

Brock released his second Pokémon. "Rhyhorn, let's go!"

The large, armored Rhyhorn emerged with a heavy thud, its rocky plates gleaming under the lights of the gym. It snorted aggressively, pawing at the ground, ready to charge.

Ace was already prepared. "Alright, Staryu, it's your turn!"

Ace tossed his Pokéball, and in a flash of white light, Staryu materialized. Its white-gold armor and shimmering blue gem immediately caught Brock's attention.

"A shiny Staryu?" Brock asked, clearly surprised. "You don't see that every day. That's rare."

Ace smirked. "Staryu and I were meant to find each other. And together, we'll win this battle!"

Brock nodded, impressed by Ace's confidence. "We'll see. Rhyhorn, start with Bulldoze!"

Rhyhorn roared as it stomped the ground with tremendous force, sending shockwaves rippling across the battlefield. The earth cracked and shook as the attack advanced toward Staryu.

Ace's eyes narrowed. "Staryu, avoid it with Rapid Spin and take to the air!"

"Hiyaaa!" Staryu's arms folded inward as it spun like a disk, quickly launching itself upward. The shockwaves dissipated harmlessly below as Staryu hovered in midair, its core glowing faintly.

Brock raised an eyebrow. 'A smart move. But can he counter this?'

"Rhyhorn, Thunderbolt!" Brock commanded.

"Thunderbolt?!" Ace exclaimed in surprise as yellow sparks crackled around Rhyhorn's horn. A massive bolt of electricity shot up toward Staryu.

"Quick, Staryu! Use Gyro Ball to ground it!" Ace shouted.

Staryu's body began to glow silver as it spun rapidly. The electricity struck the spinning Staryu, but instead of dealing major damage, the energy discharged harmlessly into the ground due to Staryu's spinning motion.

Brock blinked in shock. "He neutralized it…"

Ace grinned. "Now, Staryu, hit it with Psybeam!"

Staryu stopped spinning and fired a multi-colored beam of psychic energy. The beam hit Rhyhorn squarely, making it stumble back, but Brock wasn't done yet.

"Rhyhorn, Earthquake!" Brock roared.

Rhyhorn reared up on its hind legs and smashed the ground with a thunderous force. The whole arena trembled violently as the Boulders on the battlefield actually were shot in the air before slamming down on their original position. Staryu was knocked out of the air by one of the boulders and hit the ground with a thud.

"Staryu!" Ace called out, concern in his voice.

Staryu's core flickered, but the Pokémon quickly pushed itself up with its arms. Ace breathed a sigh of relief. "Good job, Staryu. Now, let's heal! Use Recover!"

Staryu glowed softly as its body repaired itself, the scratches and cracks disappearing. Rhyhorn snorted, clearly frustrated.

Brock gritted his teeth. "Don't give it time to recover! Rock Blast, now!"

Rhyhorn summoned chunks of rock and hurled them at Staryu. Ace knew he couldn't dodge all of them. He decided to reveal the move Staryu learnt with the TM he got from Cerulean City, prepared just for a giant rock snake. "Staryu, weave through and use Water Pulse!"

Staryu zipped to the left, dodging the first rock, but the second one clipped it. Gritting his teeth, Ace shouted, "Launch Water Pulse!"

Staryu's gem glowed as it shot out a glowing orb of swirling water. The ball hit Rhyhorn head-on, exploding in a burst of water that drenched its rocky hide.

"Now, follow up with Rapid Water Gun!" Ace commanded.

Staryu unleashed a barrage of high-pressure water blasts, hammering Rhyhorn repeatedly. Rhyhorn staggered under the onslaught, its footing slipping.

Brock tried to counter. "Rhyhorn, get up! Use Bulldoze!"

But before Rhyhorn could act, Ace seized his chance. "Staryu, one more Water Pulse—let's finish this!"

Staryu's water attack blasted forward with increased intensity, striking Rhyhorn square in the chest. Rhyhorn roared one last time before collapsing with a loud crash.

Forrest raised his flag. "Rhyhorn is unable to battle! Staryu wins!"

Ace pumped his fist in excitement. "Yes! Great job, Staryu!"

Staryu's gem glowed brightly in response, a soft hum resonating from its body. Brock recalled Rhyhorn, his expression serious. "You're stronger than I thought, Ace."

"You haven't seen anything yet!" Ace replied confidently.

Brock grabbed his final Pokéball. "Alright, time to get serious. Onix, go!"

With a loud roar, the massive Onix appeared. Its towering, segmented rocky body loomed over the battlefield like a giant serpent. The ground trembled slightly under its weight.

Ace narrowed his eyes. "We've got this, Staryu. You ready?"

Staryu's gem pulsed in determination.

"Forrest!" Brock called out.

Forrest nodded. "The final round begins now!"

"Onix, Rock Polish!" Brock ordered.

Onix's rocky hide shimmered as its speed increased dramatically.

Ace remained calm. "Staryu, set up with Harden!"

Staryu's body gleamed as it hardened its structure, preparing to withstand Onix's attacks. The tension in the gym grew as both trainers stared down the battlefield, their next moves brewing in their minds.

Brock was the first to act. "Onix, Dig!"

Onix roared and burrowed underground with incredible speed, disappearing into the earth as dust and debris flew up from its entry point.

Ace was ready. "I've seen this before. Staryu, follow it in! Use Rapid Spin to go into the hole!"

Staryu's arms folded inward, and it spun like a disk, diving into the hole Onix had created. Brock's expression faltered for a moment—he hadn't expected Ace to counter so boldly.

Brock clenched his fist. "Onix, prepare to strike with Dragon Breath the moment it emerges!"

Ace smirked. 'I've got you this time.' "Staryu, blast Water Gun directly into the tunnels!"

From deep underground, a rush of pressurized water echoed up as Staryu unleashed its attack. Water erupted from the hole Onix had dug, spraying up into the air. Brock's face fell as Onix roared in pain, the water hitting it directly underground.

Onix burst out of the ground, its body soaked and weakened. "Onix, don't give up! Use Iron Tail!" Brock shouted.

Onix swung its tail, now glowing with a metallic sheen, directly at Staryu.

"Staryu, dodge it with Rapid Spin!" Ace called out.

Staryu narrowly avoided the tail strike, spinning mid-air like a sparkling top. Ace's adrenaline surged as he prepared his next move.

"Alright, Staryu, now combine Gyro Ball with Water Gun!" Ace shouted.

Staryu's body began glowing silver as it spun rapidly, and at the same time, a steady stream of water shot out, surrounding it like a spiraling torrent. Staryu charged forward, looking like a Water+Metal style rasenshuriken.

Brock's eyes widened. "Onix, Dragon Breath! Stop it!"

Onix opened its mouth and released a stream of purple-green energy. The Dragon Breath collided with the spinning Staryu, slowing it down, but Ace refused to let up.

"Keep pushing through, Staryu!" Ace yelled, his voice full of determination.

Staryu spun harder, breaking through the Dragon Breath and slamming directly into Onix's midsection. The force of the combined Gyro Ball and Water Gun knocked Onix backward, making it roar in pain as water seeped into its cracks.

Ace clenched his fist. "Finish it! Psybeam!"

Staryu stopped spinning, aimed its core, and fired a beam of shimmering psychic energy straight at Onix. The attack struck true, and Onix roared one last time before collapsing onto the ground with a tremendous thud, unconscious.

The gym fell silent for a moment before Forrest raised his flag. "Onix is unable to battle! Staryu wins! The challenger, Ace Drago, is the victor!"

Ace pumped his fist in victory, his face lighting up with excitement. "We did it! Yes!"

Staryu, however, began glowing brightly. Ace's victorious shout trailed off as he stared in awe. The white light surrounding Staryu intensified, and its shape began to shift and grow.

"Staryu… it's evolving!" Ace exclaimed, unable to contain his excitement.

The light finally faded, revealing a magnificent Starmie. Its body was now a deep, dark blue, with crimson-red armor replacing its golden frame. At its center was a shimmering blue diamond that sparkled like a polished gem.

Ace immediately pulled out his Pokédex.

[Name:Starmie (Shiny), the Mysterious Pokémon.

Description:Its central core glows with the seven colors of the rainbow. Some people value the core as a gem.

Type: Water/Psychic

Ability: Natural Cure

Gender: Genderless

Moves: Gyro Ball, Harden, Protect, Tackle, Rapid Spin, Water Gun, Recover, Minimize, Psybeam, Cosmic Power, Brine.]

Ace grinned as he saw the updated move list. "It learned Brine and Cosmic Power! Amazing."

Brock smiled and approached Ace. "That was an incredible battle. You and your Pokémon share a strong bond."

Brock handed Ace the Boulder Badge and a TM for Rock Tomb. Ace's face lit up with excitement as he placed the badge in his case. "Thanks, Brock! I won't forget this battle."

As Ace stepped outside, his heart raced with excitement. "Two badges down…Six more to go!"

Starmie sparkled in the sunlight as Ace and his team walked toward their next adventure.

(Pls give me some power stones!)

(Find out next time on Pokemon:Ace's Adventures!)

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Stone -- หินพลัง








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