60% Being a Titan in the Multiverse / Chapter 4: A New Univers and Long Plans

บท 4: A New Univers and Long Plans

*Etharium's Teretory, dubed Omniversal Ocean*

We return to our two Friends about a Week later and still holding a lively Conversation with Etharium talking about his Live and Trypticon about his Previous one, Trypticon was curently in Robot Mode and siting on Etharium's head, where the 278,89 Meters or 915 Feet tall Cybertronian looked like a Smurf

And weil the 2 wher conversing Trypticon was pulling uninstaled Weaponry to Snack on here and ther, as for what happend to his Crew or if they where crushed during his Transformation?, They where fine since during the Transformation ther wher Rooms unaffected by it

The Geth simply put theyr Platforms on the Charging Stations and went into the Consenssus Server they had Built, It was an Impressiv thing honestly, with it going from Floor to Cealing making it Total of 25 meters tall and 10 meters wied, with the 50 Jaeger Hard Drives still visible and 25 on each seid

The Geth Platform number had also increased from Five to almost 250 in total and the Server Room was only shifted around during Transforming to wher a Humans Liver would be, Where as Claptrap was somwher around his Lower Back and most likely still Exachanging ideas

Claptrap must have also conected to Teletraan since he could not hear them Talk with his Inner Mikrophones, It was strange how he could see and Check his Innards for anything being wrong, seeing his own Brain Moduel, Spark Chamber and T-Cog was surreal for sure but not the Reson he did that in the First Place

Trypticon wanted to Check on the Protoform Facility inseid himself and See wher it is, Turns out it encircled his Spark Chamber and had already produced Five Protoforms and blank Sparks

The problem was that Trypticon would need access to something like the Underbase, for all Baseline Code that a Cybertronian needed to Function in the First Place and was dicovered when some Geth tryed to Uplode themselfs into a Protoform when offered

Sadly the Geth than reporter that the Protoforms Lack the Baseline Code that Trypticon had and his owen could not be used since the WfC Trypticon was Forged in Space with a Titan Baseline Code

This was confirmed after the Geth interacted with his Brain Module, It was a strange feeling to have the Budding Consenssus of about 20.000 indevidual Geth Codes in ther

It was worth it tho, Since now Trypticon had another Goal to Compleat and that was an All Spark or Underbase Access, It was in the Shops Extra Tab for a whopin 4 Billion, wich should have come as no surprise since it has the Base Code for every Typ of Cybertronian that isent a Prime

Primes Knowledge is in Vector Sigma but enough about that

"So you and that Violet Kitsune drank some Cosmicly Strong Alcohol together and simply talked about Exsisting, Even tho you hate it whenever someone comes here?" Said Trypticon as he ate the Second Fang Blade, he had already eaten the Incinerator Turbines and the Absolut Zero Cannon was next on the Menü

"Well she is one of the Few beings that, as Humans say, you dont Fuck with since she can use something that is quit Dangerous if used willy nilly, that and she anounced that she was entering in an as Polite manor as possible" was the Recived answer from the Titan Shark

Trypticon pondered on why that sounded Familier but it was elouding him no matter how much he tryed to recall "Honestly Etharium, Why is it that Omniversal Gods are such Assholes, wher as Omniversal Primordials and Titans are so Chill about everything?" was the Question asked by the Cybertronian to his Friend

"Honestly, It started with the whole 'Good' and 'Evil' Gods not getting along and then Factions forming, with the Light one trying to Kill Primordial Sin and than getting curbstomped by the other Primordials and Some Titans that liked and knew Sin well" was the Explaination

"And what where you Doing?" Was another Question from Trypticon as his Curiosity pulsed through him

"I simply Patroled my Teretory and ate any that wanted to Controle me, Gave Shelter to those that had enough and wanted to stay or become Neutral, any that Lied wher also eaten.... wich looking back must have been why no one comes to Visit me, other than fellow Titan and Primordials here and ther"

"That could have been it, Yes" the Cybertronian was not even trying to understand his Shark Friend since he thinks differently than himself "dont you have any other Friends? Other than Me"

"No, Most that visit just want to know if I am still here or not and any Gods in my Teretory are way to Formal or Busy with over looking theyr Multiverses"

"Ohh, quite a shame, now how long have been here, for a Week... Time flys when you are havin Fun, I should select my next Adventure, Than I can tell you of other things you havent seen befor"

Trypticon was getting up to standing again and eating the Last pice from the Absolut Zero Cannon

"You do that since I seam to have another Visitor" said the Shark as he canged course "Happy eating than and till Later" said the Cybertronian as he Jumped of his Freinds head

With Etharium swimming away at an Increasing speed, Trypticon opend his Archives Selection Mode

[ Selection Mode: Reseting in 0:25:34 Minutes


•Isekai Universe


•Gears of War


Where is it going? ]

Trypticon was now pondering the Five Universes he could chose from, That they where so vague did not help at all, since he could End up in any Time, Reality or Continuity of said Universe and Yes, Reality and Continuity is different

With a Reality being a Version of a Universe that differs from how it should be and a Continuity being something like how G1 and Armada are not the same Transformers Continuity, but Beast Wars and G1 are

Trypticon chose to first Set prioritys, MegasXLR was out, even if he wanted to Visit it, Because he did not need more Missiles like what that Megas has, Invincible was also out since he only Watched S1 of the Show but has Bare Bones knowledge on the Comics

Same for Isekai since the Chance of Going to one where Technologie was Present where astronomicaly low, Gears of War was not as great Technological speaking, the only things that Interested him from ther being the Hammer of Dawn and the Chainsaw attachment for Guns

That left him with Transformers, wich kinda had a limited issue like the Isekai Option, being less Options on where he could land but still a luck of the Draw, differenc being that if he puls the Jackpot, he would gain quit a lot or End up with a One and done Kind of Deal

'Screw it ' Thought the drifting Titan as he selected the Transformers Option

[ Are you sure? Y/N_ ]

He selected Y to confirm his Choice and shortly after vanished from Etharium's Teretory in a Flash of White Light

*Somwher in a Transformers Continuity Universe*

"And I am once again Floating in Space, I have the Feeling that will be my Common starting Point" said the Titan in a Deadpan Tone

"I personaly think that starting like that is better than scaring someone by apearin out of thin Air "

was the coment from Claptrap who, Thanks to both the Geth and Teletraan, got his coding reworked so that he could chose what to Sound like and be less Clumsy

Claptrap was very Thank full and Hugged a Teletraan station and the Geth Server for Three whole Hours after the Reworking was done

"I know, But is it to much to ask and want to start somewher other than the Void of Space?" Asked the Titan the resident Steward Bot

"Mhmmm, No I think it is not, but startin in Space is better than in a Planets Gravity Field or near a Black Hole, in my humble Opinion " was the answer from Claptrap over the Comms Chanel

"Fair enough, Now than Time to see wher... are thos Decepticon Protoforms on course to Earth?"

The around Mars floating Titan questiond

"Answer: Yes that seams to be the Case Home Unit: Trypticon, Query: Do you know in wich Continuity we are? " was the Geth's Observation and Question through the Comms

"Yes I do and it is one of the Weaker versions over all, the Bayvers Continuity, where explosions in Fights are as common as Shooting a Gun" replied the Reptilian Cybertronian as he Transformed into his Space Ship Mode and Set cours to get access to the Internet at Maximum Speed

": Claptrap, ready the Modified and Down siezed Weapons from Teletraan in the Weapons Laboratory and Armory, Geth Consenssus, make ready for Combat since I would rather have a Small Task Force on the Ground shooting hostiles if needed:" where the Orders over the Interior Speakers

"Roger that, Captain" answere the Saluting Claptrap, bevor doing his Tasks

"Answer: Afirmativ" was Valors respons

'Now to Change Insignia ' was his own Task, Changing out the Decepticon one, to a Gipsy Danger one but the Star being switched out for the Cybertronian Mercenary one

Now with a new Insignia, Trypticon needed to Rename his Ship Mode into something else, that being the name Harbinger and engaging his Jammer Systems to not be discovered by Humans and atracting the Decepticons or Autobots

*30 Minutes Later*

Having arived in Earths Orbit and keeping just out of Sight from Telescopes in all forms was quit anoying, The good thing was that Earth is in the Year of 2000, wich was also a Bad thing that meant nothing major would happen for 7 Years and the 2003 Rover incident on Mars wasent worth interveaning in

But this was also a major Opertunity, Gaining Data on and from the All Spark, via a Geth Transmission or Heist Mission, wich would provide the Baseline Code for the Protoform Facility and a lot of Energy

The only thing this could Fail on, is that any Geth Platform that gets to close to the All Spark, gets Turned into a Cybertronian and thus Losing any stealth they had

But it should not be to big a Problem since they should keep the Cloaking Tech from Teletraan, thus in theory, Giving Time to scan an Alt Mode that would help blending into the Hoover Dam Sector Seven Base

Aditionaly, Material Runs could be made through out the System, Mining Asteroids like Psyche 16 or obtaining them from Planets like Mercury would not be hard with the Constantly growing and efficient Geth since they Resently startet to realy exspand from Twenty Units, to Thousends after they found the Supply Hold

Wich is where the rest of the Metal and Scrap was shifted to after Trypticon Transformed into Robot Mode in Etharium's Teretory, Wich than led the Geth to become real busy ants with SIVA, They are still increasing theyr Number

All that was left now, Waiting and looking at the Objective Tab

[ Objectivs:


•Keep your Identity hidden or unknowen from everyone, be they Human or Cybertronian

•Kill Megatron in Battel

•Kill the Fallen in any way

Reward: Random Cybertronian Equipment, Megatron Armarments and Fallen Armaments


•Get Data from the All Spark or Optain it

•Hold the Matrix of Leadership for a Time or Permanently

Reward: Prime level Protoform and Matrix level Artifact


•Kill Decepticons in the Solar System

•Find the Nemesis in the Solar System

Reward:Cybertronian Weapons Arsenal and Dropships


•Majorly affect the Solar System with out any one the Weiser

•Destroy the Harvester

Reward: Upgrade to Sandbox Dimension and Harvester Two ]

'This could become tricky, but I like the Chalenge this is giving me ' was the thoughts that the Crusing War Ship had 'Finding the Nemesis shouldend be to Hard, All we need to Find is an icy Moon in the Solar System and ther arent many of Thos '

":My Crew, We now have a cours of Action and that is to Stealth this Adventure from Start to Finish, We will conduct Stealth Missions, Mining Operations and many more such things, I want you all to still be Ready for Combat, Go Test Weapons, Test Stealth Gadgets and make sure everything works at Top Levels, We are in it for a long Run:"

Finished with his anouncement to the Crew and seting course for a different Orbit, Trypticon went over the Shop Tab to see what he could Buy with 2.000 Credits only to find subpar Tech, Meaning ther was only a one Dreeded Option left

'To the Gacha I go....' where the Depressed thoughts as the Gacha Tab was opened and some how, Sad and depressing Music was playing in Trypticon's Mind

[☆★☆GACHA ☆★☆

10 Item pull: 1.000 Credits

6 Item pull: 600 Credits

2 Item pull: 200 Credits ]

Trypticon selected the 10 Item pull and exspected it to Imidiatly start, but instead it asked if he wants to do a Normal pull or wants to focus it to a Univers from a Previous pull

Trypticon the ever Curious, looked at the Options for the Focus pull

[ 10 Item Focus pull:


•Mass Effect

•Call of Duty Zombies


•Dead Space





•Star Wars ]

That was a lot more Forward than what one would exspect from a Gacha, It was a bit sad that he could only Focus a Universe once, but the Option could be Unlocked again via Standard pull

Chosing from the Universes was not quit Hard since Trypticon knew the Universes to an exstend and was fairly sure that the Halo Univers had the most Stealth based Tech out of the Ten options curently present and with that, the Item pull was selected

The Animation this time around was a different one than befor, a slipspace Portal opened and out came a Transport Pelican with what seamed a Container conected to it, Like how the UNSC transported Warthog's

The Pelican flew into the Hanger, offloded the Container and left the hanger shortly after leaving to who knows where, The Container hissed as it opened, Vapor filled the Air and the Ten Items where revealed

[ Halo Universe Cache, Inventory:

•Atriox's Weapons, Chainbreaker and Willcrusher (the Name I have given his Power Gauntlet isent canon)

•Phantom Dropship ×10

•Upgrade Seed ×23

•Blisterback ×6

•Mantis and Variant Blueprints

•Promethean Battalion ×1

•C712 Longsword ×3

•Banished Arsenal Blueprints

•M808S "Lockdown" Scorpion ×10

•Osmium base Nanolaminate Armor, 777 Tons worth ]

Thos wher quit a lot of things that Trypticon did not know in-deepth, like the Upgrade Seeds where compleatly unknown to the Orbiting Ship's Mind, That did not mean he did not recognize some of the Names, With the Phantom being quit a Stealthy craft from what he Remembered

Once Trypticon began reading the Describtions of his New Items, Ther was a lot of Questions that where answered, the Banished Arsenal Blueprints where mainly theyr Weapons, Armor and the Material list needed to construct them, Even Personal Weapons, like a Fuel Rod Hammer

With things like the Blueprints for the Mantis and it's Variants giving a lot of insight into Mechs of half the Seize of a Normal Cybertronian, but in theory enough Power to kill one depending on the Armament

The Blisterback's, C712 Longsword's and M808S Lockdown Scorpion's wher quit frankly, very good Vehicles that could become good Alt Modes in the Future

With the three Blisterback's being different variants, that being three Standard, one Enduring and two Ironclad Blisterback's

The "Lockdown" Scorpion's having Energy Shielding and being Faster than Normal Scorpion Tank for Ramming with it's mine plow

And the C712 Longsword's that comes with it's normal M9109 coilguns but none standard Anti Armor Missiles

The living Ship would let the Geth Consenssus and Teletraan scan the Vehicles for Enhancment and Modification

The Osmium base Nanolaminate Armor was definetly something else, Maybe the Geth Consenssus and Teletraan could figure out what it is made off and how to replicate the Produktion Method used

Last was the Promethean Battalion, A Battalion normaly consisted of 1.000 Soldiers on Earth, But Forerunner where known to Upscale quite a lot of things

Mening that a standard Promethean Battalion could be from 1.000 to 10.000 strong for all Trypticon could know, so Reading the Describtion on it was the only way to Find out and by Primus why did he need to be right

The Promethean Battalion consisted of Crawler's×600, Sniper Crawler's×40, Alpha Crawler's×24, Armiger Soldier's×1.200, Knight's×400, Knight Lancer's×80, Knight Battlewagon's×40, Knight Commander's×24, Watcher's×60 and Warden Eternal×12 units

...Trypticon did not know what to think of the 2.480 Unit strong Battalion and the fact that according to the Describtion was only a small one, meaning four Company's of 620 units each, That would walk and patrole the Hals in his Body no matter his Form, He chose to keep them in the Inventory till he is done with his Gacha stuff

It was also clear that the Battalion wasent realy Cannon as far as he knew, The Living Space Vessel chose to Deposit the Vehicles in a Hangar Bay for examination by Taletraan and Geth Consenssus, Maybe Claptrap would look over the Weapons

The Blueprints and Upgrades Seeds where set into the Laboratory for Teletraan and Geth Consenssus to learn from and upgrade, If able, with theyr Knowledge

And 70 Tons of the Osmium base Nanolaminate Armor was Placed into the now mostly empty Supply hold, thanks to the Geth using most of the Material with SIVA for exspanding the Consenssus and Platforms, 7 Tons into the Laboratory and the rest kept in the Inventory

'Now that all that is done with, Time to chose from where to pull from next ' was the concealed Titans thought

[ 10 Item Focus pull:

•Mass Effect

•Call of Duty Zombies


•Dead Space





•Star Wars ]

The Nine Options left all had theyr own advantage but considering that, with the Geth Consenssus and Teletraan going over the Phantom Dropships, that stealth was taken care of for quit some Time and would only Improve from here on out

A pull could be made for only fun and to Trypticon in his Human Live, Nothing was more fun than Killin some Zombies

With Call of Duty Zombies selected, another Custom Animation was Played, This time of a Purple Ball of Energy crashing into one of the Hanger Bay's

[ CoD Zombies, Aether Supply Drop:

•Pack A Punch Maschin

•Aetherium Unit ×10

•Treyarch Mystery Box

•Panzersoldat Armor Blueprints

•Omni Crafting Bench

•Dark Aether Portal Maschin

•Ragnarok DG-5

•"Der Wunderfizz" Vending Maschin

•Zombie-Shild Blueprints

•Advanced Warfare Exoskeleton ]

The CoD Zombies Items wher Strange, not as strange as some of the esoteric Artifacts the Primes used, Like the Lenses of Alchemist Prime, but some of them are up ther, Like how does the Aetherium Units make a contained Zombie Area

Or how does the Treyarch Mystery Box work and why is it defined as Maschin even tho it is made of Wood(Maybe), What is certain about the Box was that it did have access to virtualy every Weapon ever available in the CoD Treyarch Zombies games, meaning Granades, Mele, Guns, Blueprints and Wonder Weapons

It also had no duplicats because the Weapons arent bound to the Video Games they originate from, meaning ther are no Multiple MP40's and everything comes without attachments

The Omni Crafting Bench was mainly used for the Blueprints of Shilds, Special Weapons and Granades like the Monky Bomb

The Pack A Punch Maschin was in a way a weaker than the Forge and Lathe of Solus Prime, where the Pack A Punch could empower a Weapon without changing it to much, the Forge and Lathe changed a Weapon into something New and more Power Full than it was originaly

the Panzersoldat Armor Blueprints, AW Exoskeleton and Ragnarok DG-5 where sent to the Laboratory for Examination, The Blueprints and Exoskeleton could most likely be combined with the Banished Powered Armor and Exoskeletons(like the one from Decimus) to create something better than what they are indevidualy

Trypticon was curious about what would happen if he Set of one of the Aetherium Units in one of his Lower Decks in combination with the Dark Aether Portal Maschin, He would most likely add the Pack A Punch Maschin, Treyarch Mystery Box and Omni Crafting Bench up on that Lower Deck as well

What he chose was to Set them to his Lowest Deck, Deck 20 becoming a Simulation Deck for the Experiment and if it is successfull, subjequent Z Deck in his Ship Mode and maybe Station Mode depending on to wher the Z Deck is shifted during the Transforming

Now all Trypticon needed, was a to implement the Experiment and observer what happens, so he did, Deposeting a Aetherium Unit and the Dark Aether Portal Maschin in the centermost position of Deck 20

With the Treyarch Mystery Box, Omni Crafting Bench and Pack A Punch Maschin being placed around the two Aether devices, a panel in the cealing opend up and a robot Arm was lowered to activate the devices

Once in range Trypticon commandered the arm to flip the switch on the Portal and press the button on the Unit, both devices powered up and soon after the Aether was released into Deck 20 by the Aetherium Unit and portals to the Dark Aether where opened every wher by the Portal Maschin

Both devices working in tandem and boosting the Effects of each other to greater hights than anticepated by the living Nemesis Class, the portals bring in Zombies and Aether Creatures of all typs began exiting the Portals shambeling around or Imidiatly runing for cover or hiding spots

Crystalised Aetherium began to manifest and the Omni Crafting Bench, Tryarch Mystery Box and Pack A Punch Maschin wher wisked away by multiple energy waves that seamingly stabelised the now activ Z Deck

What Trypticon felt during the formation of Z Deck was not to dissimmiler from nausea but once the energy waves stabelised the changes, the nausea disapeared as well, finding the wisked away Items was easy, the Mystery Box was in the empty Supply Hold of the now named Z Deck, the Pack A Punch was in the empty Armory and the Crafting Bench was in a Recharge Room

With the Z Deck created, Trypticon now needed someone to Test it, Valor came to mind but he was busy over seeing the development of Analysing, Understanding, Reproducing and Upgrading of Weapons Tech, The Banished Weapons and Armor should have his Focus curently

With the other four Original Geth Platforms being equaly busy with theyr own self appointed Jobs that they chose from a list provided by Teletraan to them and after the Consenssus Server was built, Teletraan helped the Geth become proper AI

With each one being able of Writing another Geth Programm that will than develop into a different Geth AI, the Consenssus Server curently held 20.000 indevidual Geth AI and around 200 Programm's in development to AI, After the Protoform failure they slowd down making more of each other

The 50 Jaeger Hard Drives wher also all compleatly uncorrupted, making the Geth now formidable improvision Fighters due to the multitude of Martial Arts and Weapons used by the 50 pairs of Pilots

The White Hopper, now named Glint, was assisting Valor in the Laboratory, She was mainly testing functions, making sure everything was in order and Valor on track, Valor had the quirk that he could get seid tracked and Glint's quirk being that she could vanish like Batman

The three Geth Troopers wher busy as well, with all three going over the Vehicles that wher in the Hanger Bay, Optimising and Upgrading them wher they could, Curently they where Refiting the Blisterback's into a Version that would Combine the Variant Abillitys into a Standard template that would than be the only one built in the Future

Two of the Three Troopers choose to become variants, that being a Rocket Trooper in Red Armor with some Black angular war paint and a Shock Trooper in Whith with Blue flowing war paint with the Last Trooper becoming the First ever Commando Trooper wich sports a Black armour with Silver zigzaging war paint

Trypticon tended to Call them the T-Trio theyr Names being Force(Rocket), Flash(Shock) and Tracker(Commando), He found the Last on a bit of a funny Coincidence to Star Wars

The three of them chose Hanger Jobs, with Force cheking condition and calibartion of the Crafts, Flash going over the Wepons conditions and maintenance, and Tracker goin over fuel and armor condition, They off course where not the only three in the hanger but where the official Bosses ther

That left Trypticon with Claptrap who had improved quit a lot from the Depressed Robot that he once was, to a Happy and Proud Robot in his own Right

":Claptrap, would you kindly go to a Lift and Go to Deck 20:" sounded the Intercomms with a Firm but Frindly command

Not even three minutes later and Claptrap was at a Lift "What do you need from the Resident Armory Master, Captain?" Was the Question of the Yellow Box bot

":I belive, I have a Present for you Claptrap, How is the New Body by the Way?:" that was right not only did Claptrap recive a Coding rework that made him free to Show more Emotion than just happyness but an Upgrade to his mobility as well

The New body was a Project that both Teletraan and the Geth Consenssus worked on in the Cybertronian Medical Bay, Originaly only a Geth Platform but on Request of Claptrap, His old body was used in the Construction ending in a sleek yet angular armored body that seamed a Cross of a Geth and Minicon

The Modle of Body that Claptrap Reacived was a Prime but only 2.48 meters or 8 feet tall in Yellow with White stripes, one stripe on the Torso and reminicent of his Original Stripe, verticaly on the more boxy Juggernaut pouldrens, horizontaly on both forarms and verticaly on the front leg armour

"I am doing great honestly, I am quit Happy that I will never be stuck on that obnoxious tone off voice ever again" was the reply from an all new and not Depressed Claptrap

":..... You do know that what you said could be counted as a jinx:" was the worryed statement from the defacto Captain by virtu of being the Ship

"... No I did not and would have been way more Happy not knowing that" said the Yellow Robot in a tone that had traces of worry

": I belive that I have just the thing for you Claptrap to forget your worry, I pulled some Items agian as you know and on Deck 20 I Experimented with my second Pull and You should be able to enjoy the end result quite well, so please explore Deck 20 and enjoy:" the Lift's Armored doors opened

"Why is ther Blood on the Foor?" was the befudled Claptraps question as he had a sneackin suspicion

The lift moved down the Decks until it Reached 20 wich glitched from a number to the letter Z and as the Armored Door of the Lift opened, Trypticon could have sworn heard Claptrap rattle after he steped out of the Lift

":Dont worry about it and be vor I forget it:" the "Der Wunderfizz" Vending Maschin apeared next to the right seid of the Lift entrance ":Survive and become Stronger:" with that Claptrap was alone on Lowest Deck Z

"At least it can not get any Wor-" Claptrap was interupted by the sound of shambeling feet and disturbing groaning, he turned to the direction from wher it was coming from turned on his eye inbuild flashlight and saw what was making the sounds

It was a humanoid in pants a torn up shirt and with only the left shoe on but it was wrong in so many other ways, the eyes where glowing a sickly Purpel light, it's skin was decayed and missing in places that showed the rotting flesh underneath than it screamed


To be continued...

AN: And that is a wrap, Man this took longer than I wanted, But I belive it was worth it and let's be honest, Who of my Readers thought I would make a Deck in Trypticon's Alt Modes into a Zombies zone and throw Claptrap into it? I at least think that it was no one

I now have named all five of the original Geth Platforms mening four more names to the OC list and dont worry the T-Trio will get theyr personality quirks

Comment some Technologie or Universes that you would like to see in the Future and I will see what I can do

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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