50% Being a Titan in the Multiverse / Chapter 3: Rewards, Shop and Story Telling

บท 3: Rewards, Shop and Story Telling

Anteverse, a week after Trypticon's arrival

Destruction, Craters, Fire and Ice is what we return to, Trypticon in the Middel of Kaiju Corpses that form Mountains around him, The Death toll for the Precursors reached the Billion mark as Trypticon laid waste to the Planet in the week he was ther

If one where to look from Orbit, You would see that a Third of the Planet is nothing more than Wasteland, Frozen Tundra, Molten Hellscape and Bombed Terrain that Trypticon created in his Rampage, Nothing being Spared from the Destruction with only Foundation out lines and rubble telling of Buildings having Existed

Was that much Destruction needed? No, Most likely not. Did the Precursors deserve it? Yes, they certainly did with the uncountable times and lives they had taken with the Tactics used to Colonise other Planets, Plus it was a Great way to blow off Steam from his Previous live as a Human, Not the Healthyest but better than Nothing

"And so My Rampage and Brodcast ends, I realy Hope that the Precursors will give me a Chalenge next Time I come around" said a calm Trypticon to no one as he preped for take off "Now than, It is Time to Transform and Rise Up!" Said the Reptilian Cybertronian as he flew into the air with his Jet Pack

At the one kilometer mark above Ground, He Transformed into his Space Ship Mode and flew Full Speed away from the Planet and into Space, once ther he took a Picture of the Planet to Remember his Power and as a Reminder to not Lose himself to it

"Time to leave and get my Rewards for this Adventure" said the Nemesis Class Ship as he opend the System

[ Status

Shop !

Inventory !

Objectivs !

Universe Archive ! ]

'Sooo, Let's see my Objectivs first to get my Rewards than my Inventory, the Shop after and the Archive last ' Thought the Curious living Space Ship

[ Objectives:

Main: Compleated

•Find out wher you are: 100%

•Get used to the Cybertronian Brain and Body: 100%

Reward: Pacific Rim Universe and 100% Body Controle

Extra: Compleated

•Meet the Good, Bad or Neutral Cast: 100%

Reward: Decore for the Space Ship and Station Interior

Side: Compleated

•Plunder usefull Tech from at least 6 Jager Husks or Limbs: 100%

Reward: Random Jager Armament ×3

Optional: Compleated

•Fight at least 10 Kaiju, Kategorie 4 and Up give Bonus Progress

Reward: Kaiju Blood Fuel

Secret: Compleated

•Colapse a Breach and/or Visit the Anteverse: 100%

Reward: Space and Ground Bridge Projector

•Destroy Precursor Structurs and make them Fear you: 100%

Reward: Sandbox Dimension with Arena and Training Mode

•Become a Legend for the First Time

Reward: One Free Shop Item Coupon ]

If Trypticon where in his Robot Mode, his lower Jaw would have Hit the ground, If he stood on any, since the Secret Objectivs wher a surprise but the Shop Coupon takes the Cake by a Landslide for the amount of Options it provides

"That is Nuts, Crazy and a whole bunch of other words that would take to long to list, That Coupon evem with Restrictions opens quite a Lot of Doors for me once I know what the Shop has in store for me" said Trypticon as he thought about all the Things that could be an Option now

"No matter for now, collect the Rewards" and the System got to work on giving out the Rewards

[ Rewards Collected: Pacific Rim Universe, 100% Body Controle, Pacific Rim Decal Pack, Pacific Rim hologram Models, Incinerator Turbines, Fang Blades, Rotery Maschin Gun, Kaiju Blood Fuel, Space and Ground Bridge Projectors, Sandbox Dimension with Arena and Training Mode and One Free Shop Item Coupon ]

"This is Certainly a Great haul, For my first Adventure but Cybertronian Tech is better compared to Jaeger Tech, The only good things are the over all Arsenal add ons, Mele Options, Movement Boosters and Materials that the Universe has Provided"

"Now to open my Inventory, see what to keep and what to scrap or sell in the Shop" said the Titan ponderingly

[ Inventory:

Jaeger grade Power Core ×10

Jaeger grade Joint(Meaning Pivots, Hinges, Swivels and other such joints) ×958

Jaeger grade Plating: 5.270 Tons worth (Plating that could be used for Jaegers again)

Scrap Metal: 235.973 Tons worth (This is all the Rusted and Broken parts)

Jaeger AI Core ×1(Hunter Vertigo)

Rock and Earth: 2 Tons worth

Signal Jammers (AN:Obsidian Furry never got them removed after every Jaeger was needed for the War)

Booster Rockets ×16

RG-28 Accelerator Limb Data

Corrupted Jaeger Data ×50

Incinerator Turbine ×2

Fang Blade ×2

Rotery Maschin Gun ×2

Space and Ground Bridge Projector ]

".....makes sense, I did Eat everything I could get my Claws on when it goes to Jaeger stuff, I will definetly sell the Earth and Rocks or Keep them for Later, One dosent know when you need Pocket Earth and Rocks" said the Crusing Titan as he flew through space

"Time to browse the Shop!" as excitment flowed through Trypticon as he thought about what to Buy once he sells some things, like all the Joints, Scarp Metal, Plating and Energy Cores, Something that Imidiatly came to Mind was a Protoform to Use or something that enables Mass Shifting

[ Shop: Curent Credits: 0

Body Weapons

Extras Gadgets

Sell Gacha ! ]

"Offcourse ther is a Gacha, Why should ther not be a Gacha, It isent like Gambeling is an Adiction or Anything" being exsasperate was Trypticon's way of Coping with his Inevitable Gachadiction wich will be either his Ruin or Salvation "Bloody Open the Gacha"

[ ☆★☆GACHA☆★☆

10 Item Pull: Once Free

6 Item Pull: 600 Credits

2 Item Pull: 200 Credits ]

"Depending on the Exchange Rate for Selling Stuff, This could become my Hell or Heaven" Said the Depresso Titan, simply Accepting that Gacha will be a Part of his New life just like it was in his old one with any Gacha relation, Like Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Links

"Let's get this Free pull over With, Time to start Praying to Primus and RNGesus" activating the Gacha, Trypticon started his Prayer for a Good Pull as a Cybertronian Version of a Pulling Animation was Played in his Mind,That being a Cybertronian Cargo Ship bringin Suppleise

[ The Cargo you have been Brought is:

•Forruner Hardlight Projector (Gadget, Halo)

•5 Geth Colectivs and Platforms (Extra, Mass Effect)

•Walter P38 (Weapon, Call of Duty Zombies)

•Omni Wrench (Gadget/Weapon, Ratchet&Clank)

•Force Gun (Weapon, Dead Space)

•CL4P-TP (Extra, Borderlands)

•Absolut Zero Cannon (Weapon, Godzilla aginst Mechagodzila)

•Container of SIVA Nanites (Gadget/Weapon/Extra, Destiny)

•Energon Can, Now Sparkeling (Extra, Transformers)

•Tractor Beam Projector (Gadget, Star Wars) ]

"Does that now Mean I have a Sad, Depressed and Friend wanting Robot that tells Jokes to Distract itself, Five Pacifist AI Colectivs and a War Crime waiting to Happen (SIVA)... Honestly could have been Worse, My Mass Effect Adventure could become a Lot More complicated tho" said the surprised Titan to no one In particular

"I mean the 5 Geth cant be Bad Company once I allow them to make a Server and Dock Stations for them to Live and Store theyr Bodys, Claptrap could become Anoying but at least ther would be someone to take the edge out of situations" pondered Trypticon on his Future Pasengers

"Ther is also the fact I can do quit a lot of Modifications on that Walter P38, Hardlight Projector, Force Gun, Tractor Beam Projector, Omni Wrench and Absolut Zero Cannon to Cybertronian Specifications" Trypticon's Ideeas were numerus thanks to the Option of SIVA and Geth Knowledge working in tandem

"Guess I will get the Beginning of my First Crew sooner than I thought" Trypticon could not help but feel Excitment at that and let his Thoughts Wander on what he knew

(AN: Transformers Titan Lore incoming but for Trypticon, That would be wird and Narzisstic)

For most Titans where Forged as ways to establish Colonys on different Worlds, it is Paramount to have a Crew or Citizens to watch Over, Bond with, Seed new Cybertronian Live once a Colony is founded and Be the Last Line of Deffens or Ultimate Weapon in the Case of War Titans

Examples being Cromaton in Cybervers, Metrobase on Arduria in IDW Comics, Devisiun who in Death Birthed Linked Cybertronians under Binary Stars, Tempo who was on the starnge World of LV117 wich expirienced Time none Linearly, Caminus who let itself be disassembled so that it's Citizens could Flourish,Gravitas on Velocitron and even the Violent and War Loving Iaconus in Cybervers Loved his Citizens and mourned the Loss of his Last

Ther are offcours Titans that were Just Violent or Turned into Weapons like IDW Nemesis, Necro Titan(Quintessa formerly) under IDW Shockwave and the IDW Vigilan with his bond to Liege Maximo

Ther is also a Titan in IDW Comics that was almost compleatly struck from the Records in the Archives on thet version of Cybertron, with only Name and Achivement known,being Way Point, The Titan that Broke an entire Empire, wich begs the Question, What did Way Point do to get his Records scrubed down to his Name and Achivement?

Ther where also Titans who had unfortuned Ends like Emissary who, in his Loyalty after Prima's Demise, carried his Body to the Stars, Crashed on a Planet to never fullfill it's Role due to being sabotaged and Prion who landed on a Barren World, populating it with Minicons only to be attacked and Sterelized by the Robot Hating organization Black Block Consortia

"Why did my Thoughts need to turn Dark ther, Damn you Intrusif Thoughts, Begone!, Now to fill my Cargo Hold with Components and my First Crew and Citizens" said Trypticon as he switched from the Outerhull Cameras to the Cargo Hold Cameras

Selecting the Hardlight, Space and Ground Bridge and Tractor Beam Projectors, The Container full of SIVA, Omni Wrench, Walter P38 and Force Gun to deposit into his Cargo Hold, Good thing that 2 of the Projector Typs are Human Sized since the Space and Ground Bridge one took a Fifth of the Cargo Space

The Energon Can went into his Energon Storage wich it took a Fourth of the Space once Deposited ther, It was a good thing it had an Option for a Drain so that Normal Cybertronians could get a Glass of it, The Absolut Zero Cannon was to be frank better instaled by Eating it and the Weapons where not put into the Armory so that Claptrap could be Distracted and Given a Task at the same Time

"Now to use a more Cartoony Version of my Head and Hands to great my Crew and Interact with them for now Until I make a Smaller Body or ask the Geth if I could Borrow a Body Temporaly" said the Titan as he Spawned his 6 first Crew Members and Citizens

As in a Flash of Whith Light the 5 Geth and Claptrap were Spawned into the Cargo Hold that had its Lights turned off for Dramatics, First to Boot up was Claptrap, surprisingly

"Wha... Where am I, I am sure I was falling down a Clife last I remember" said a Confused Claptrap as his Optik lite up and Looked around, The Geth were next in Booting Up

"Query: Where are we and Why cant we conect to the Larger Geth Consenssus?" Asked a Geth Juggernaut with a White Hopper and 3 Trooper Typs not saying anything

"Ohhh Thank my Luck, I am not the only One here, Hello I am CL4P-TP or Claptrap, Awsome Fighter and Pun Teller Extraordinare, Who are you Five?"

"Answer: We are Geth, We dont have Indevidual Names like you do, We are in Consenssus to Decide on them Curently and what to do" said the Juggernaut Unite to Claptrap

"Maybe screaming for Help will work, HEEEEELLLLP!!!.... That did not seam to wo-" Claptrap was Interupted by the Cybertronian Lights turning On and Showing where the Six of them where, Being a Cybertronian Cargo Hold

(AN: Think the Interior of the Prime version of the Nemesis War Ship but give it a WfC/FoC Look, Meaning lots of Purple Highlights and Intricat Lining)

"-rk... Or maybe it did, Yahoo to ME! and it seams we are in a Cargo Hold, A very Big One... Oh no, Could it be that I was Bot Napped!?!?!" Said Claptrap switching between Emotions like a Light Switch from On to Off

"Answer: The Chance of that are 70% and Rising that Unit:Claptrap and Geth have been, quot 'Bot Napped' unquot, as Unit:Claptrap has said" Said the Juggernaut after few seconds to Claptrap

The Speakers in the Cargo Hold turned on, ": You where not 'Bot Napped' but sort off Teleported here, as I dont think that Teleportation can Cross Realitys, My name is Trypticon and you are Inseid my Cargo Hold:" said Trypticon as he supressed his giddyness at Talking to the Geth... And Claptrap

"Query: If this is your Cargo Hold wher are you to Speek with us?" Asked the Juggernaut

"Yeah, What Red said over ther, If this is Your Ship's Cargo Hold, Than why arent you here to Great us or something like that, Mhmm?" Asked a Sceptical Claptrap as he Set his Clamps to where a Human would have a Waist

":Because, I AM the Ship!:" told the Titan, activating the Hologram Projectors on the Cealing and projected the Ship, his Cartoonish Head and a waving Right Claw at the Five Geth and Claptrap

":Hello and Welcome Abored as part of my Crew and Citizens, I am Trypticon, a Cybertronian of the Titan Classification and bevor you Ask, A Cybertronian is a Technological Life Form hailing from the Planet Cybertron that is able to Change Form and Titans were made with Colonization in Mind and some for War, I fall under the latter as I was made from a repurposed Research Space Station:" told Trypticon his New Crew Members of Six

The Geth Stayed Silent, Most likely being in Consenssus and deciding on the Next course of Action, Claptrap on the Other Hand "I have never Heard of you Kind, Show me Prove!" demanded the Anoying little Yellow Box with his Right Arm pointed at the Hologram

A Panel on the Cealing opened and a Satellit Dish came out aiming at Claptrap, starting to spark with Energy ":If you keep being rude you Chater Box, I will Offline you:" Threatend the the living Space Ship in a no Nonsens Tone, The waving Claw disapearing from the Hologram Projection and the Head taking on a More Realistic look with narrowed Yellow Eyes

Claptrap wisely choose to stay silent and Hold his arms in the Air, the Geth asked "Query: Why cant we conect to the Greater Geth Consenssus and are you conected to the Reapers?"

Trypticon retracted the Dish aimed at Claptrap and replied ":No, I am not related to the Reapers and as for the reason of not reaching the Consenssus, That is because we are no where near that Univers, or Reality for that Matter:" showing a Star Map of the Anteverse

Wich was in a Horribel state honestly, No Asteroid Fields, no Comets in Sight, Stars dimed by Artificial means, Planets stripped of Rescources and Populated like Ant Colonys, Honestly Trypticon could not wait to leave, wich wasent all that long from now, the Edge of the Galaxy was in Sight and Reached in about an Hour

":Once we are out of this Overpopulated Galaxy we will go somwher Between Reality, a Friend of Mine called it the Omniversal Ocean:" told the Space Ship his Crew as he showed the Rout he is Using ":Since we are a Crew now, I will give you things to do:"

Claptrap was given the Task of Bringing the Walter P38, Omni Wrench and Force Gun to the Armory including Maping the Ship Interior to make sure he is Busy and cant Fuck something Up with his Bad Luck and Over Achiver attitude

The Geth were Given free choice on what to do, They off course asked for Materials to Build a Geth Server, Platform Stations and more Platforms

Trypticon provided them with Construction Material from his Inventory like a Jaeger Power Core, the Jaeger AI Core, the Corrupted Jaeger Data that came in the Form of Fifty Jaeger Hard Drives, a Tone of Metall, 150 Small Joints and Half a Ton of Scarp for conversion and Access to the Container of SIVA

Trypticon also asked them to look over the Hardlight, the Tractor Beam and the Space and Ground Bridge Projectors to see what they could do to Improve on them and if they could instal them with theyr Knowledge and SIVA

the Geth where told to see what they Could Learn from the Data, since he Knew they could Reconstruct the Data back together and with SIVA in the Geth's Hands would speed up the Progress and not lead to a Bad End like it did the Iron Lords

"Query: The Geth thank you for the Material and New Lerning Material but What do you Unit: Trypticon want after from the Geth to Do?" asked the Geth Juggernaut Platform As the Other Platforms started on using SIVA to Convert the Materials into what they Need, moving the AI Core and Hard Drives to the Recharge Room the will make theyr New Home in

":That you Exist in Peace, Thrive and Defend your selfs and Me from the Enemys and Problems I can not Deal with becuse my Power isent Enough, Such as Invaders that somehow get past and Try to Destroy Me from the Inseid, That and keeping Claptrap from making a Mess:" Answered Trypticon the Geth Platform

"Answer: The Geth wont let You down, Home Unit:Trypticon" Trypticon could have Sworn that it was more an Othe, But decided not to ask and let the Geth do theyr Work but asked a last Question

":What Names have you decided to Wear as Indevidual Platforms and I dont Mean a Serial Number:" said Trypticon Humorusly, witing for an Answer from the only Geth Platform Present in the Cargo Hold

"Answer: This Platform can be Revered to as Valor, For we Scrificed our Selfs in the Reaper War, evening the Way for Shepared Commander as Platform Legion Refered to Her" was the Reply of the Platform

":That sounds like an Interesting Story, I hope you add it to the Database for me and other Crew Members to Read im the Future... Bevor you Plug into the Database and/or my Brain Moduel know that the Omnivers is a Giant Ocean that Everything has most likely Happend in, This isent my First Live and Please dont bother me with Question or drag me into a Consenssus when it isent of Great Importenc:"

After Dilivering that Statement, Trypticon deactivated the Projectors and returned to looking at the Space around him through the Cameras and Sensor Arrays, Making sure Claptrap dosent mess with anything, Looking at the Progress the Geth have Made with theyr Construction of a Server, They where stupidly fast thanks to SIVA and Making sure nothing is Following them

'Now to Sell things to the Store and get myself away from Poverty for now ' thought the War Ship as he opend the sell Option in the Shop Tab of the System

[ Sell:

Please chose Items to sell, Note that the Credit exchange isent One to One ]

Trypticon chose to sell 150.000 Tons of Scrap Metal wich got him 3.000 Credits, when he Sold 1.000 Tons of Plating, It got Trypticon 15.000 Credits and as Trypticon looked at the Body Tab for it and found out that Scrap Armor is a measly 5 Credits per Ton

Jaeger Armor of MK.6 is 50 credits per Ton and Cybertronian Armor is 500 Credits per Ton, The most Expensiv was a Ton of Xnth Metal Armor from DC with a whopin 9 Million per Ton due to it's reality warping property

Selling 4 of the Power Cores gave him 40.000 Credits, the Buying Price was 20.000 per Cor wher as a Titan Spark Chamber would cost 750.000, a Spark Chamber on the Power of Primus or Unicron would cost 1 Trillion due to how the Sparks of thos Tow are like God Souls wich would Grant Power of a God to Trypticon, Just not the ones of Unicron or Primus since Trypticon would get his Own Powers

Trypticon than Sold 700 Jaeger grade Joints and got 7.000 Credits, Buying Price being 25 Credits per Joint, One Cybertronian Joint was 600 Credits worth, Small Titan grade Joints being 6.000 Credits and Primus and Unicron garde being 600.000 Credits

Now Armed with 65.000 Credits and One Free Shop Item Coupon, Trypticon for his First order of Business in the Shop looked over the Ruels of the Coupon, Because ther are Allways Ruels to such things, Like Tickets from Duell Links only Unlocking certain Things

Reading the Describtion on the Coupon, Trypticon learns that he could Purchase anything up to Cybertronian Technologie, Excluding Reality Altering Tech, Materials, Weapons, Body Parts, Extras and Gadgets meaning no Psycho Frame, no Mobius Chair, no Ultimate Nullifier or any other such fancy things in that or close to that Power Range

And even If it Allowed Trypticon to use the Coupon for something that Power Full, It would be Boring, Etharium and Future Him would be Disapointed that he Chose the Easy way to Power and It would take most Fun out of Adventuring around the Omnivers

Back to Trypticon and the Items in the Shop that Interest him the Most first Being the Hydra Cannon in the Weapons Tab for 37.820.900 Credits, second Being a Protoform Creation Facility from the Extra Tab meant to Convert any Metal and Energy feed to it into Sentio Metallico and Sparks for creating Protoforms that can be Shaped into any Typ of Cybertronian, Original Price being 25.290.000 Credits

Examples being Combiners, Minicons,Headmasters, Beasts, Insecticons and many other Typs that could be chosen from, making Trypticon able to form New Citizens or Upgrade his curent Crew

Third on the List was another Extra, a Teletraan Access from the Cybertron Games with its Multitude of Weapons, Gadgets and Upgrades for Cybertronians, It would also enable him of Feeding it Blueprints of None Cybertronian Tech to Bring them to Cybertronian Standard and an Original Price of 98.350 Credits

Fourth was a Gadget that in Trypticon's opinion, Was quit Power Full, an Omni Jammer, Original Price being 647.000 Credits, a Gadget that would make Trypticon into a Ghost anywher he goes no matter what is trying to find him

And last from the Body Tab was a Ton of Prometheum from DC, A Metal that is capable of absorbing and generating near limitless amounts of Energy for 74.860.600 Credits

Of Course, Everything had it's use but the thing that would Show Results Imidiatly Was the Protoform Creation Facility, not only would it be able to produce imidiat Results and more able Bodys with in 5 Earth Days but also Upgrades for the Crew, not to Mention that his own Spark could Fuel it for Eons on End if he chose to conect it

But with his Spark being Fueld by the Game version of Dark Energon, The Protoforms could become unstable and voliteil or worse than that, Terrorcons beings of Mindlessness and Instinct only good as Cannon Foder and nothing Else

But back to Trypticon's choice on spending his Credits, Having a way of producing Cybertronian Bodys, The Next Goal was to Somehow get access to Teletran for All its Data on Cybertronian Typs, Not that Hard since he would only need to sell more Metal, Joints and Cores untill he gets to 100.350 Credits to buy the Teletraan Access

Using the Coupon for the Protoform Creation Facility, Deciding that it will be near his Spark and than making sure that no Facilitys like Medical Bay's where affected a space of 3 Deck sections was needed to instale it

Deck section One would be wher Material and Energy is Feed into it for conversion, than on the lower section Tow would the Protoforms and Sparks take Shape and on lower section Three would the Five Day Forging Process happen wher the Protoforms would Learn everything they need, from theyr Form to Alt Mods and how to Transform

Buying the Teletraan Access and having 2.000 Credits left after the purchase, Instaling it was a pice of cake for him, the Access Stations where being set in places like the Bridge, Medical Bay's, Armory's, Hanger Bay's and many more on every Deck he had in his Space Ship Mode

And the same would need to be done for his Space Station Mode once he takes that form

With his goals achived and everything Set in motion, Trypticon selected the Archive Tab in the System to go back to Etharium and tell of his Adventure to the Cosmic Titan Shark and prep for his next

[ Universe Archive:

Unlocked Universes:

- Omniversal Ocean of Etharium

- Pacific Rim Universe: Normal and Anteverse

Universe Jump Typ:

•Random Mode

•Selection Mode

The Selection will Refresh every hour

Time to the next Refresh 0:56:08 Minuts ]

'Honestly, it is great to know that I have Options on wher to Go in the Omnivers, Hopefully it has a Pining Option ' with his thought finished, Trypticon selected Etharium' Section of the Omnivers and with a Flash of Light, The Nemesis Class War Ship disapeared from the Anteverse

*Transformers Transition*

Being back wher it Began was quit odd, Made his Adventure feel unreal, if it wasent for the Broadcast he had recorded and the Picture of the Planet he had Rampaged on, Trypticon would have thought it a Real good Dream

To his own Luck he could feel his Spark Pulse with Power when he focused on it, reasuring him that it was real, the Geth Server Room, the Platforms in the Room made it another Point that it was all real and by Primus where the Geth fast, They had already grown to Fifteen Platforms with Most of the Metal used up and the Scrap alomst gone

Trypticon thought it a good investment to give them more Material to Build with, that being Nineteen Tons of Metall and 72,5 Tons of Scrap, They had even Figured out how to Change SIVA's Color from it's menecing Red and Black, to a more soft Blue and Gray, He apriciated that they adjusted to the Design of the Room to not look to out of Place

Claptrap being in his Engin Room and having Conversation with Teletraan was... He did not even know that Claptrap knew so much about Weapons the Vault Hunters used, It also seamed that the Conversation was more a Brainstorming of Ideas on how ro make Teletraan's Weapons more Leathal

Good for Claptrap honestly, Primus knew how much Depresion Was stuck in the Little Boxy Bot, He will most likely become the Weapons Expert of the Crew if he stays that Interested in the Field and with how much Destruction Claptrap causes with out trying, He was Curious what Claptrap could achive if he actualy tryed to Destroy things

And ther was Etharium, Swiming about in his Teretory, going on an Interception cours was harder than Trypticon thought, mainly because he was quit small compared to Etharium but once the Shark noticed, he slowed his Speed down so that Trypticon could catch up

"I have returned from my first Adventure, my Cosmic Friend" said the caught up Nemesis Class

Ship, being at about Eye level with the Shark and Crusing along, Trypticon started his tale with a Question "Tell me Etharium, Do you know a Univers wher Giant 2 Maned Robots fight with Giant Monsters?"

Etharium narrowed his Eyes in thought "No, I cant say I have my small Friend, but I belive you will tell me about it and the Adventure you had during the Time you where ther" you could hear the Curiosity in Etharium's voice

"Than get ready for an Awsome Adventure story, that is 100% true my Cosmic Friend, After you Granted me my Wishes, I awoke around the Planet Saturn" and so began Trypticon to Tell his Adventure to Etharium

From his Journy that started around Saturn to Earth and Hacking into the Internet, Finding out in wich Universe he was, To his Entrance, disruption of a hopeless Fight and Killing the Category 6 Kaiju, Breacher

His Travel around Australia, his Fight aginst the Five Kaiju and the Eating of Apex after the Kaiju where Killed, The Feasting on the Canyon Jaeger Husks, snacking on Hunter Vertigo during his way to the forme Home of Apex and Plundering the Boneyard for All it was worth

His Capturing of a Latherback, weidening the Breach that the Kaiju came from, Going through and Destroying the Breach and the Week that Followed in the Anteverse

From him Broadcasting his Attcks, like his First Missile barrage, Plasma Bombardment, simply Crushing Complexes in his way, Using a Kaiju like Nunjakus, Freazing entire Citys and Raining destruction in general directions on his Rampage

Trypticon left out no Detail and Etharium listened to it all and comenting things like 'That was nIce', 'Must have been theyr first Plasma rain' and 'Must have been a cool Throw'

And after Trypticon was done, He asked Etharium for a Story, The Shark started with a Time he mett a Purple Kitsune with Infinit Tails and shared a Drink with her, the Light and Dark Gods coming to Recruit him and how he Crunched down on the Fools, of a Twelth Dimensional Eldritch God and the Shannanigans he got up to for the sake of keeping Boredome away

Etharium than shared his Likes and Dislikes to Trypticon, with his Likes being the Beauty of his Teretory and the Taste of Foolish Gods, his disliks where quite forward, Etharium disliked it a lot when someone came to his Teretory and messed things up or was plain Rude

And at one Point the Friends started telling Jokes to Each other, from the Classic 'Knock, Knock' to 'why did the Chicken cross the Road', during this time Trypticon started the Protoform Creation Facility

Feeding it most of the remaining Materials, thos being 3.000 Tons of Metal, 85.000 Ton of Scrap, 73 Joints and hooked up the three Jaeger Power Cores, The left over materials wher put into the Cargo Hold, meaning the Cargo Hold had 250 Tons of Metal, 900 Tons of Scrap and lastly the Space and Ground Bridge Projector

Over all, Trypticon was Happy and Fullfiled like he never was bevor in his previous Human Life

To be Continued...

Long AN: And that is another Chapter from me to You, my Readers and I hope you like it and I will be honest, The Gacha pull was Hard to Fill, Please coment what Trypticon should pull Next

You must have Noticed that a lot of things can fall into the Extra Tab from the Shop, I made the Extar Tab for things that cant be Classifeid in the Weapon, Gadget or Body Tabs with the Tabs Describtions being the following

Body: Material for Armor and Cybertronian Biologie Components such as Spark Chambers, Transformation-Cogs and Energon Pipes, Energon and other such Power Sources fall into this Tab

Weapon: Armerments of the Build in or Hand held variants like Guns and Blades, Blueprints for Weapons fall in this Tab as well

Gadget:Things that count as Tools like a Shield Generator, the Omni Wrench, the Phase Shifter or the Forge and Creation Lathe of Solus Prime and Blueprints for such Gadgets that have them

Extra: The things that fall into this Tab are many things that dont fit into the Previous Tabs, such as Robots from different Universes, other examples would be Exo Suits, Drones of any Typ, the Apex Armor and other personal Armor

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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  • การดำเนินเรื่อง
  • กาสร้างตัวละคร
  • พื้นหลังโลก

คะแนนรวม 0.0

รีวิวโพสต์สําเร็จ! อ่านรีวิวเพิ่มเติม
โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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