17.24% Wench of Nirn / Chapter 5: Missing Token

บท 5: Missing Token

Alexa blinked her eyes open as the morning sun peeked through the trees, its warm rays dancing across her face. A shiver ran down her spine - the crisp mountain air nipped at her bare skin. The sad little nest of leaves and twigs she'd piled together did nothing to keep out the chill.

With a frustrated sigh, she brushed aside the crackling pile and grimaced at the state of her tattered clothes. Her skirt hung in shredded strips, barely clinging to her wide hips and thick thighs. As for her top? Just a few measly scraps that didn't even attempt to cover her massive, heavy breasts.

A pang of hunger twisted her empty stomach, reminding her of the dire situation at hand. She needed supplies badly - food, water, maybe a blanket or some decent clothes to keep from freezing her tits off out here. But her pockets were empty, not a single septim to her name.

Alexa chewed her lip, weighing her shitty options. Begging for coin? Fat chance - like any of these proud villagers would give a "wench" like her the time of day. Stealing was possible, but with her non-existent Sneak skill, she'd get caught for sure and likely punished harshly.

That left...selling her body. The thought made Alexa's stomach churn. Those vile words that brute Vanher had spat at her – calling her a "fertile broodmare" – echoed in her mind, her cheeks flushing hot with shame. Was literally becoming a whore the only way she could survive?

Alexa shook her head, squaring her shoulders as she rose to her feet. No use dwelling on it – she just had to find a way to get by, whatever it took. Hopefully some honest labor, trading work for a few coins without degrading herself.

Riverwood was just stirring to life as Alexa wandered into the little village. Folks were spilling out of their homes, getting an early start on chores and the day's work. She couldn't help feeling self-conscious as eyes lingered on her skimpy, tattered clothes.

Up ahead, the path led to the lumber mill. Its big water wheel creaked steadily as it turned. A big, burly guy in workman's clothes was splitting logs for firewood, rhythmically swinging his axe. Alexa watched him for a moment before mustering the courage to approach.

"'Scuse me," she called out. "I'm new around here and...well, I've lost everything. Any chance you could help me out?"

The woodcutter paused, straightening up to face her. Like all the other men she'd seen, he looked like he could be a model. He looked her up and down appraisingly. One bushy eyebrow quirked up when his gaze lingered on her exposed breasts.

"Well now, you've certainly gotten yourself in a pickle, haven't you?" A hint of amusement colored his deep voice. "Name's Hod. And you are?"

"Alexa," she said, unable to meet his direct gaze as her cheeks flushed. She crossed her arms self-consciously over her ample breasts. "As you can see, my clothes are in rough shape. I was hoping maybe I could do some work to earn enough coins for proper outfitting?"

Hod's eyes roamed over Alexa's scantily clad form, one bushy eyebrow arching up. "Work, eh?" A deep chuckle rumbled from his broad chest. "I'd happily give you a thick creampie for a few coins, but my wife would have my hide if I started dallying with wenches."

Alexa's eyes widened in horror. "Oh gods, no! I didn't mean anything like that!" The words tumbled out in a flustered rush, her cheeks burning crimson. "I just want real work - chopping wood, carrying supplies, whatever you need. Honest labor."

Hod's expression turned apologetic as he slowly shook his head. "Aye, I can tell you're eager to earn your keep through hard work. But..." He paused, clearly choosing his words carefully. "Well, for a woman in your particular situation, that's just not how it's done 'round these parts."

Alexa frowned, brow furrowing in confusion. "What do you mean I can't do basic labor? Just because of..." She trailed off, gesturing vaguely at her scantily clad form.

Hod sighed, running a work-roughened hand through his tousled hair. "Look, it's not my place to judge. But in this world, the Divines have carved out different paths for all of us." He met her eyes, his expression open and sympathetic. "For a woman blessed with your...assets, your journey lies elsewhere than hauling logs or swinging tools."

Alexa felt her cheeks flush hot with a mix of anger and humiliation as his meaning sank in. "That's not fair! Just because of this body, you're saying my only purpose is to be...to be..."

"A wench?" Hod supplied gently. "Aye, I know it seems a harsh lot. But those are the rules laid down by greater powers than you or me. We can only walk the paths set before us."

He held up a calloused hand when she opened her mouth to protest further. "Look, I get where you're coming from. Being a wench, pleasuring men and women with your, eh, charms - it's an important role in its own right. Sanctioned by Dibella herself." A rueful half-smile tugged at his lips. "But I can see why you might not be too keen on that idea just yet."

Alexa started to argue again, but the rumbling in her empty stomach stopped her short. As unfair as this situation was, she couldn't deny her growing desperation for even basic food and shelter.

Hod's expression softened as he took in her plight. "Look, I can see you're in a tough spot here," he said in a gentler tone. "I don't mean you any ill will. If you need a few coins to get yourself sorted out, well..." He shrugged. "I might be able to help with that."

Hope flickered in Alexa's chest. "You...you would do that for me?" She couldn't hide the eagerness in her voice. "Truly? It would mean so much..."

Hod chuckled and shook his head, "Look, I'd love to just hand you some coin, but a pretty thing like you?" His eyes roamed over her scantily clad form, "There's an...expectation - my wife wouldn't approve, but if you're willing to make a little exchange and keep it between us, I could part with, say, ten septims."

Alexa felt her stomach drop as Hod's meaning sank in. Of course - he was offering to pay her for sexual favors, just like any common whore. Bile rose in her throat as nausea churned her gut.

"I...I can't do that," she said, shaking her head as she instinctively took a step back. "Please, don't ask me to degrade myself like a...a wench. There has to be another way."

Hod let out a deep chuckle, shrugging his broad shoulders. "Suit yourself, Alexa. But you'd best figure something out soon." He fixed her with a frank stare. "A pretty young thing like you, walking around without a coin to her name or proper clothes? You'll be drawing the wrong sort of attention before long."

Alexa felt her mouth go dry as his words hit home. He was right - wandering around half-naked was just begging for trouble. Flashes of that drunken bastard Ulfgar filled her mind, how he'd nearly...she shuddered, refusing to finish the thought. Maybe taking Hod up on his offer, humiliating as it was, would be better than the alternative. At least he seemed decent enough, not like those other pigs. This way, she could at least get some clothes.

Alexa hesitated, anxiety churning in her gut. She wet her lips before finally finding her voice. "What exactly did you have in mind? For this...exchange?"

Hod gave her an appraising look. "Well now, I'm just a simple man with simple needs. I reckon you could sit yourself on my lap, spread those pretty legs for me to admire, and use your hands to take care of me once I'm satisfied." His eyes roamed over her body. "Seein' as you're new to this work, that's about all I'd ask to start. I can spare ten septims for those...services."

Alexa's cheeks flushed crimson as his meaning sank in. At first she assumed he wanted to fuck her, but... "Wait, you mean using my hands? While I'm...sitting on your lap?"

"Aye, that's right," Hod nodded. "Get yourself settled on my lap, let me enjoy what the Divines blessed you with. Then you can take me in hand, as it were." He chuckled at his own double meaning. "Ten septims is all I've got on me currently, otherwise I'd have given you more. "

Heat prickled under Alexa's skin as shameful realization set in. He intended to have her give him a handjob while positioned lewdly across his lap for his viewing pleasure. The thought made her feel exposed and degraded. But ten septims could buy her basic supplies to get by...

Her throat was dry as she forced out the words. "Alright...I'll do it. For the ten septims."

Hod gave her a sympathetic look. "Come on then, best we get this done privately." He led her behind the mill to a secluded spot, shielded from view by a large oak tree.

Once they were concealed, Hod undid his trousers, letting them pool at his feet. Alexa's breath caught at the sight of his half-hard cock, already thickening with arousal. Even soft, it looked impressively large.

Alexa hesitated as Hod patted his lap invitingly. Her stomach twisted with anxiety, but she slowly moved to straddle him, trying not to dwell on how intimate this position felt.

As she settled across his thighs, Hod's rough hands gripped her ass cheeks. Before she could react, he was shifting her forward, bringing her sex tantalizingly close to his growing erection.

Alexa's breath caught as she felt the hot, rigid length nudging against her folds. Instinctively, she reached down to grasp him, giving an exploratory stroke.

"Uh, I'm just...you know, giving you a handjob?" she said uncertainly, unable to meet his gaze. "That's what you wanted, right?"

Hod chuckled deeply, shaking his head. "Not quite."

With a grunt, he hitched her up higher before abruptly dropping her down onto his thick shaft in one harsh thrust.

Alexa cried out sharply as he impaled her in one go, stretching her impossibly wide around his girth. Her eyes went wide with shock and a hint of fear as she felt him burying to the hilt inside her tight sheath.

"Wh-what are you...?" she gasped out, gripping his shoulders. But Hod just gave a rumbling chuckle, already starting to rock his hips in a slow rhythm.

"Gods, you're squeezing my cock like a virgin bride," he groaned appreciatively.

She could feel every throbbing inch of his thick shaft stretching her open obscenely. His sack slapped against her asshole with each thrust and the weight of his full balls were impossible to miss.

Alexa opened her mouth to protest the violation, but Hod simply sealed his lips over hers in a deep kiss. His mustache tickled her face as his tongue pushed past her lips, muffling her whimpers.

She could feel the blunt head of his cock knocking insistently at her womb with each rough thrust. Tears streamed down Alexa's cheeks as she weakly tried pushing against Hod's broad chest, but he simply chuckled into their kiss.

"Easy now, little one," he rumbled soothingly, not breaking their liplock. "Just breathe and let your petals get used to taking cock."

One large, calloused hand stroked her hair tenderly even as he continued impaling her on his thick length. "Such a tight fit...I'll be pumping you full of seed before long, fertilizing you nice and proper."

Alexa's eyes went wide with panic at Hod's words about inseminating her. She opened her mouth to protest, to explain she didn't have the Fertility Control perk and couldn't prevent pregnancy, but his thick tongue muffled her words into a muffled whine.

"Easy there, no need to fret," Hod rumbled soothingly against her lips. One of his large hands stroked her hair in a deceptively tender gesture, even as his hips continued jackhammering up into her tight sheath.

"But don't you worry, little one. You wenches have ways to prevent an unwanted baby," he whispered into her mouth.

Alexa managed to tear her lips free with a gasp. "N-no, you don't underst—"

Her words cut off in a sharp cry as Hod's hips snapped up viciously, burying himself to the hilt inside her. A stinging slap landed on her ass cheek at the same time, the harsh sting making her jolt.

"Wh-what I'm trying to...ah!" She panted out, only to be interrupted again by another punishing thrust and slap to her other ass cheek.

Hod chuckled at her futile attempts to speak. His free hand found her heavy breast, groping and kneading the soft mound roughly.

"You really are an eager little thing," he groaned in pleasure. "Best save your breath for moaning instead of babbling."

Alexa whimpered, mouth opening to try explaining once more. But Hod simply sealed it shut with another demanding kiss, his mustache scratching her face as his tongue invaded her mouth dominantly.

She could feel the thick crown of his cock knocking insistently at her womb with each rough thrust. A confused blend of panic, humiliation and shameful arousal swirled through her core as she tasted herself on his invading tongue.

After what felt like an eternity, Hod finally broke the kiss with a growl. His lips immediately latched onto the sensitive curve of her neck, sucking hard enough to leave a mark. Sharp teeth nipped at her skin as his cock seemed to swell even thicker inside her abused depths.

"Nngh...I can't...fertility control..." Alexa managed to pant out in a tiny voice. She felt herself stretching wider around his girth and her slick walls fluttered helplessly.

Hod just put another hickey on her neck, hips pistoning up sharply. Another harsh slap landed on her ass, sure to leave a red handprint.

"You really don't know when to stop talking, do you wench?" he chuckled.

With a grunt of effort, he slammed her down once more, impaling her on his thick cock until his heavy balls slapped against her aching core.

She opened her mouth to protest again about not having any fertility control, but all that escaped was a breathless moan as Hod's hips rolled languidly.

The thick base of his cock ground against her aching bud with each lazy thrust. Alexa squeezed her eyes shut, panting for air as the dual sensations built rapidly.

"Nnngh...I c-can't..." she breathed out, her own hips betraying her by rising and falling in time with Hod's movements.

The burly woodcutter just chuckled. "Can't what? Can't stop yourself from creaming all over my cock?" His rough palm slid down to firmly grasp her ass. "Or can't stop me from planting a baby nice and deep?"

The crude words should have horrified Alexa further. But instead, some deeply repressed part of her seemed to awaken at his dominant taunts. Her lips parted in a shuddering moan as her climax suddenly peaked.

Alexa's back arched, eyes rolling up as waves of pleasure crashed through her. She could feel her slick walls convulsing wildly around Hod's thick invasion, as if desperately trying to milk his seed in deeper.

Hod grunted in surprise, big hands gripping her hips to hold her in place. "By Ysmir...you're a hungry little thing, aren't you?" he groaned in appreciation.

With a rumbling growl, he buried his face against the curve of her neck and let go. Alexa cried out sharply as the first hot pulse of Hod's release flooded her spasming depths. More and more thick ropes of his seed quickly followed, absolutely painting her insides white.

"Oh gods...oh fuck!" she cried out, throwing her head back. Each powerful spurt of Hod's virile essence seemed to trigger another wave of pleasure crashing through her core. 

Alexa's hips bucked shamelessly, grinding down to take every last drop as deeply as possible. She could feel his copious load already overflowing out of her, trickling down her thighs in thick rivulets. But still she shuddered and clenched, desperately trying to milk more from him.

By the time the burly woodcutter's climax finally tapered off, Alexa was a panting, whimpering mess. Her whole body felt overwhelmed and deliciously defiled in a way she had never experienced.

"Nnnghhh..." She could only moan dazedly as the aftershocks slowly subsided. Alexa draped herself bonelessly against Hod's broad chest, utterly spent.

The burly man chuckled huskily against the sweat-slicked skin of her neck. "Well now...seems you got yourself a little thank-you gift brewing in that belly."

One large hand stroked over the slight swell of her lower abdomen, already rounding out from the sheer volume of seed he had pumped into her.

Alexa let out a dazed, cum-drunk moan as Hod's words about her "thank-you gift" sank in. She was utterly spent, draped bonelessly against his broad chest with her thighs quivering around his hips. Thick streams of his seed trickled down her legs - she could feel the sticky mess between them.

"Mmm...don' wanna move..." she mumbled groggily, nuzzling against the crook of his shoulder. Her arms looped loosely around his neck, as if trying to keep him buried inside her.

Hod chuckled, the deep rumble vibrating against Alexa's cheek. "Easy there, little one. We best get you cleaned up 'fore the others arrive."

His big hands grasped her hips, preparing to lift her off his softening cock. But Alexa moaned softly in protest, her inner walls fluttering around him.

"Noooo..." The pleading word slurred from her lips as she pressed sloppy, open-mouthed kisses along his throat. Her hips rolled subtly, as if trying to work him deeper. "Stay inside...s'good..."

Hod sighed but didn't immediately move to dislodge her. Instead, he stroked Alexa's sweat-dampened hair, letting the dazed girl cling to him for a few moments longer.

When she continued mumbling and squirming wantonly, he finally grasped her shoulders and gently pushed her back. Alexa went willingly, sliding off his lap to kneel in the grass beside him.

Rather than protest being dislodged, she immediately leaned in and wrapped her lips around Hod's messy shaft. The burly man groaned in surprise but didn't stop her, leaning back against the tree trunk as Alexa obediently cleaned him with her lips and tongue.

"There's a good wench..." Hod rumbled in approval, patting her hair as she worked. "Get it all nice and clean now."

Alexa let out a muffled moan of contentment around his girth. She felt utterly boneless and satiated in a way she'd never experienced before. Her tongue swirled lazily, savoring the heady flavors as she nursed on him.

Hod chuckled huskily as Alexa eagerly nursed on his softening cock. "Easy there, greedy wench. You've already milked me good and dry."

That crude word seemed to cut through the orgasmic haze fogging Alexa's mind. Her brow furrowed as she pulled back, letting his shaft slip from her lips with a wet pop. Ropes of their mixed fluids stretched obscenely before breaking.

"Wh...what did you call me?" she mumbled, slowly blinking as clarity returned slightly.

Hod smiled down at her, giving her hair a gentle tug to regain her attention. "A wench. And one hell of an eager little wench at that." He tapped the swollen head of his cock against her lips teasingly. "Now be a good girl and clean up properly."

Before Alexa could protest, Hod gripped her hair more firmly and guided his steadily re-hardening length back into her mouth. She let out a muffled cry as he pushed deeper, forcing her to open wider for his thick invasion.

Hod grunted in pleasure, hips rolling to feed more of his shaft past her lips. "That's it...just like that. Suck me nice and clean, you little cock-slut."

Alexa's eyes went wide at the degrading term. But Hod simply chuckled, simply bobbing her head up and down his twitching length in a quick face-fucking rhythm.

After five rough thrusts, burying himself in her throat each time, Hod threw his head back with a guttural groan. Alexa gagged as thick ropes of hot seed suddenly flooded her mouth and coated her tongue.

She tried to pull back, but Hod's tight grip on her hair held her firmly in place as he continued to pump more and more of his cum down her convulsing throat. Alexa had no choice but to swallow repeatedly around the pulsing cock, desperately trying not to choke.

Finally, after thirty seconds, Hod's climax tapered off to a few weak pulses. He released his grip on Alexa's hair with a satisfied groan, letting her yank herself free.

Alexa tore her mouth off his cock with a desperate gasp, only for a thick stream of jizz to immediately splash across her face. She flinched as the hot ropes painted her features - eyes, nose, cheeks and chin all coated in Hod's sperm.

"Nnnghhh..." A pitiful moan slipped past her lips as she squeezed her eyes shut against the mess now dripping down her face and onto her heaving chest. Globs of cum clung to her eyelashes and ran in heavy streams from her hair.

Hod let out a deep, satisfied chuckle at the sight of the debauched girl kneeling before him. "Ah, you look so pretty with my seed all over that face, wench."

Those words finally seemed to penetrate the hazy fog enveloping Alexa's mind. Her eyes flew open in shock, only for more of Hod's release to immediately drip into them. She flinched again with a pained grunt.

"I...y-you..." she stammered out, utterly at a loss. How had this happened? They had only agreed to a handjob, hadn't they? She never wanted to go this far...

Tears began mixing with the streaks of cum on her flushed cheeks as Alexa's shoulders shook with quiet sobs. Her arms wrapped around herself as if to shield her body.

Hod watched her breakdown with a look of vague concern, reaching out to grasp her chin firmly. "Easy there, girl. No need to get yourself so worked up."

When she didn't respond, still trembling with muffled cries, he sighed and shook his head. "Listen, I know this is all a lot to take in for a fresh wench like yourself. But you need to pull it together."

Alexa looked up at him then, eyes red and glistening with tears that mixed with the cum still on her eyeballs. "B-But...how could you do this to me?" Her voice cracked with anguish and disbelief.

Hod scoffed at her naive words, giving her a frankly appraising look. "Do this to you? Girl, I didn't do anything you weren't offering up in the first place."

Alexa opened her mouth to protest, but Hod just shook his head, cutting her off. "Don't try denying it now. The way you were moaning and squirming on my cock, grinding those fertile hips like a bitch in heat?" He tsked. "You wanted every drop I had to give."

Fresh tears spilled down Alexa's cheeks as humiliation burned in her chest. She shook her head frantically in denial. "N-No...that's not true! I never agreed to...to this!"

Hod tsked and shook his head. "Now, now, no need to get so worked up. You're just feeling a bit emotional 'cause you miss having this thick cock stuffing you full." He gripped his now soft member and casually fed it back into her open mouth.

Alexa let out a muffled noise around the fleshy intrusion, but didn't resist as Hod's spent cock settled heavily on her tongue. She remained kneeling there, simply allowing him to use her mouth as a resting place while she cried softly.

"There's a good girl," Hod rumbled soothingly. His calloused fingers stroked through her disheveled hair in an almost tender gesture, even as his other hand groped and kneaded her heavy breast roughly. "Just keep warming my cock with those pretty lips while you calm down."

Alexa squeezed her eyes shut, a few more tears leaking out as she focused on the feeling of Hod's thick shaft resting on her tongue. She tried not to dwell on the degrading position or how utterly used she felt.

After a moment, Hod gave her breast a firm squeeze to regain her attention. "Alright, we got a bit sidetracked earlier before all the fun," he chuckled. "I was gonna ask if you had your Wench Token to show me?"

Alexa's brow furrowed in confusion around his cock as she mumbled something unintelligible.

"Your Wench Token!" Hod repeated with an exaggerated roll of his eyes. He pinched her nipple sharply until she winced. "Surely even a fresh little thing like you knows you gotta carry certification at all times?"

Alexa's eyes widened as Hod's words sank in – of course this messed up world would have official documentation for prostitutes. She started to pull his spent cock from her mouth to respond, but Hod gripped her hair firmly.

"Ah ah, keep that pretty mouth occupied," he rumbled, pushing his shaft back between her lips. "You need my cock to stay calm and focused."

Alexa's shoulders tensed but she didn't resist, letting it settle heavily on her tongue. She tried speaking again, the words muffled.

"Mmmph...dun hav wun..."

Hod raised an eyebrow, one calloused hand groping and kneading her heavy breast roughly. "You'll have to speak up, girl. Can't understand you with my dick stuffing those lips."

Flushing, Alexa carefully pulled his cock from her mouth just enough to be understood, cradling the thick shaft against her cheek.

"I said...I don't have one of these Wench Tokens," she admitted softly, unable to meet his eyes. "I'm new to all this...I didn't know."

Hod sighed and shook his head, using his grip on her hair to guide her mouth back down onto his hardening length.

"Can't be wandering around uncertified, dummy," he chided gruffly as she let his dick rest on her tongue. "Way too risky, even in a place like Riverwood. The wrong bastards catch wind of an unmarked wench like you?" His eyes bored into hers with deadly seriousness. "You could end up enslaved. Or worse."

A shudder ran through Alexa at his dark implications. She swallowed hard around the thick cock filling her mouth, trying to keep her voice steady.

"Th-Then where do I get one?" Her words were slightly slurred around his girth, but understandable.

"Temple of Dibella, obviously," Hod replied, giving her breast a rough grope. "The Priestesses there handle issuing and tracking those enchanted Tokens. Make sure each new wench is properly certified for her duties."

His expression turned apologetic as Alexa's eyes widened in shock. "Truth is, from what I hear, the inspection to get your Token ain't no casual thing. It's real thorough and extensive, if you catch my meaning."

Alexa felt her face flush hot as graphic scenarios sprang to mind over what an "extensive inspection" might entail. She quickly pushed those thoughts away, focusing on the matter at hand even as her cheeks burned.

"Wh-Where's the nearest Temple located?" she asked hesitantly around the thick cock stretching her lips.

"Whiterun," Hod replied without pause, rolling his hips to feed more of his shaft into her warm mouth. "Few days travel from here. You'll want to seek out the Temple and request an audience with the Priestesses."

"Mmmh...Whyrun?" she slurred, trying to speak clearly while being face-fucked. "Audiensh wif Preesseshes?"

Hod chuckled, giving her hair a firm tug to regain her focus. "That's right, dummy. Gotta get yourself certified as a proper wench before you can start earning coin this way."

He rolled his hips lazily, sliding his cock deeper to stretch her lips wider. "And you'll want to cover up that body before setting out. Else every bastard on the road will try having a go with an unmarked piece like you."

Alexa flushed deeply at his crude words, unable to meet his eyes. She simply nodded meekly, allowing Hod to use her mouth without resistance.

After a few more slow thrusts, Hod pulled his saliva-slick member free with a wet pop. He patted Alexa's cheek almost tenderly as she panted for air.

"There's a good girl," he rumbled in approval. "I know this is all a lot to take in at once. Getting your official Wench Token, learning the ropes of your new trade." A wry grin tugged at his lips. "I've probably given you more instruction than you bargained for today, eh?"

Alexa could only nod dumbly, still flushed and catching her breath. She felt utterly humiliated by the situation, but there was also a confusing swirl of shame and arousal churning in her gut.

Hod's grin widened at her reaction. "Well, I'm a helpful sort, despite my rough edges. Wouldn't want to leave a fresh young thing like you wandering blindly."

His calloused thumb traced the curve of her cheek, wiping away a stray streak of cum and saliva. "So how's about you show a little gratitude for the advice, hmm? Give me a nice 'thank you', like a good girl."

Alexa flushed deeply, still feeling the lingering warmth and stretch from Hod's thick cock that had just been stuffed in her mouth. She nodded quietly, unable to meet his eyes as shame burned her cheeks.

Hod chuckled at her embarrassment, giving her a appraising look. "Hey now, no need to get all shy on me after taking my dick like a pro." His calloused thumb stroked her cheek tenderly. "I gotta say, you looked real pretty with those lips wrapped around my shaft."

Alexa shuddered at his crude praise. She couldn't deny that having his cock filling her mouth had left her feeling oddly...calm. Dazed, even. The realization only deepened her shame.

"Wh-What did you mean?" she asked hesitantly, finally meeting his eyes. "About me...showing gratitude?"

Hod grinned wolfishly. "Well, seein' as you're just a fresh little wench still learning the ropes, I figure I should spell it out plain." He gripped his spent cock, giving the softening shaft a few lazy strokes until it began plumping up again. "How's about you plant a nice wet kiss right...here." He tapped the swollen head against her lips teasingly. "Give Dibella's gift a proper 'thank you' for providing today's lessons, hmm?"

Alexa's eyes widened as she realized what he was asking. To press her lips against the crown of his cock in a perverse, worshipful kiss - an act of pure debasement. Her stomach twisted queasily even as heat blossomed between her legs.

"I...I can't..." she whispered, shaking her head. But even as the words left her lips, Alexa found herself mesmerized by the sight of Hod's thick shaft bobbing inches from her face. Her tongue instinctively ran over her lips as they began tingling with phantom memory of how it felt stuffed inside.

"You know you want to, girl," Hod rumbled, giving himself a few more strokes until his cock stood fully erect and leaking. Streaks of their mixed fluids clung to the swollen head obscenely. "Don't deny yourself. Just let your lips give proper thanks to the Divine for blessing you with such a needy cock-hungry body."

Alexa's cheeks burned crimson as she slowly leaned forward, her parted lips brushing against the swollen, leaking head of Hod's cock. She squeezed her eyes shut, overwhelmed by the musky scent and the obscene act she was about to perform.

"That's it, nice and slow..." Hod rumbled in encouragement, his calloused fingers threading through her hair. "Give Dibella's blessed gift a proper thank you."

Alexa whimpered softly but didn't pull away. With a shuddering breath, she pressed her lips fully against the fleshy crown in a lingering, worshipful kiss. She could taste the salty bitterness of their mixed fluids on her tongue.

"Mmmm, what a good girl..." Hod groaned in approval, tightening his grip in her hair to hold her in place. "Properly paying respect where it's due."

After several long seconds, he finally released Alexa's hair, letting her pull back. Her cheeks were flushed and her eyes downcast with shame.

Hod chuckled. "There now, that wasn't so difficult, was it?" He stroked her hair in a deceptively tender gesture. "I may be rough around the edges, but I'm not a complete bastard."

He reached for the coin purse on the ground, tossing it to land at Alexa's feet. "Ten septims, just like I promised. Should be enough to get you some proper clothes and supplies for the road ahead."

Alexa slowly stood, wincing as she felt Hod's thick seed and her own virgin's blood trickling down her inner thighs. She couldn't bring herself to meet his gaze, acutely aware of the heavy weight sloshing inside her with each movement.

"Easy there, little one," Hod rumbled, running a calloused palm over the swell of her belly, now rounded out from the sheer volume he'd pumped into her fertile womb. "That's the first time you've had a real man's seed planted nice and deep, ain't it?"

He gave her heavy breasts a firm grope, rolling the swollen nipples between his fingers. Alexa flinched but didn't protest as his other hand landed a sharp smack on her ass.

"Best get that well-fucked cunt of yours to Whiterun as quick as you can," he warned with a wink. "Don't want every horny bastard on the road filling up that womb of yours."

Hod turned to scoop up his discarded pants, and as he straightened up, he cupped Alexa's chin firmly, holding her downcast gaze.

"No more tears now, you hear me?" His gruff tone held a hint of gentleness as his thumb brushed away the dampness on her cheeks. "Did alright for your first time, wench." 

Before Alexa could react, Hod leaned in and pressed a chaste kiss against her trembling lips.

With that, Hod laced up his trousers and walked away, leaving Alexa standing there thoroughly debased yet thankful to at least have a few coins to her name.

As the reality of what just happened sank in, the haze of lust and the strange calming effect of Hod's cock slowly faded. Alexa's shoulders began to tremble as the first muffled sobs escaped her lips. Thick ropes of the burly man's sperm continued leaking from her abused pussy, lewdly dripping down her thighs in obscene streams.

She sank back down to her knees, overcome with shame as she broke down crying freely. How did this even happen? Just this morning, she had felt relieved at narrowly avoiding being raped by that drunken asshole Ulfgar. But now? Now she was nothing more than a rutted, cum-filled whore. Used, defiled, and pumped full of some stranger's virile seed like the cheapest streetwalker.

Hot tears streamed down her flushed cheeks as she wept bitterly. Never in her life had Alexa felt so completely degraded, so utterly worthless. And yet, even as the sobs wracked her body, she could feel Hod's thick load still pulsing and sloshing around inside her well-bred womb - as if the obscene deposit was mocking her despair.

A notification suddenly flashed across her vision:

Prostitution increased to 11

Alexa slowly blinked as the system notification faded from her vision. Gaining a level in the Prostitution skill wasn't really a surprise after...well, after what just happened with Hod. She felt a twist in her gut as she recalled that the "Fertility Control" perk was still grayed out and locked.

Alexa squeezed her eyes shut, fresh tears once more spilling down her flushed cheeks as the memories flooded back. How she had mindlessly ground her hips down, trying to pull Hod's pulsing cock in deeper as he flooded her insides with his thick cum. Desperate, she spread her legs wide, using her fingers to try scooping out as much of the sticky mess as possible. But it was no use - Hod had utterly bred her, leaving his potent seed coating every inch of her inner walls.

A half-hysterical laugh bubbled up from Alexa's throat as the reality hit her. She let her hand fall limply to her side, tears pricking her eyes. All she could do was pray against hope that Hod's virile seed hadn't taken root, even though her body had greedily milked every last drop into her womb.

Alexa took a few shuddering breaths, trying to calm herself. What was done was done - she couldn't change the past, no matter how humiliating or degrading it felt. Slowly, the sobs subsided into sniffles as she regained some composure.

Her thighs were sore from Hod bouncing her on his lap. Alexa grimaced, already imagining the chafed rawness she would likely have between her legs after Hod's rough treatment. She needed to clean up before anything else.

Using a nearby tree for support, Alexa shakily pushed herself to her feet. She nearly collapsed as a wave of dizziness washed over her from the exertion of standing after being bred so forcefully. Gritting her teeth, she steadied herself and began stumbling in the direction of the river's rushing waters.

Each step was difficult, her inner walls still fluttering weakly around the thick load Hod had deposited. She could feel his seed sloshing and trickling out with every jarring movement. By the time Alexa reached the riverbank, a trail of cum lingered her path.

Alexa didn't even bother trying to preserve what little modesty her tattered rags provided. She simply shrugged out of the ruined scraps of fabric and waded nude into the icy waters. A choked gasp escaped her lips at the shock of the cold, but she kept going until the stream lapped at her waist.

Only then did she allow herself to sink down, letting the gentle current wash over her naked body. As the gentle current flowed around her, she could see the waters turning cloudy and white - Hod's thick seed was still leaking steadily into the stream.

She stared silently at the obscene sight for a long moment. "There must be some kind of adult mods active in this version of Skyrim," Alexa muttered to herself. "Causing such...unrealistic effects."

Shaking her head, she tried to regain her focus. Her first priority had to be getting properly clothed before anyone else stumbled across her in this state. The coin purse from Hod should cover some basic outfitting from the Riverwood Trader.

After that...Alexa swallowed thickly as she recalled Hod's words about needing to obtain a "Wench Token" from the Temple of Dibella in Whiterun. She would need to travel there as quickly as possible. At least having that official certification would theoretically prevent even worse fates from befalling her.

Pushing those dark thoughts aside for now, Alexa focused on cleaning herself up thoroughly.

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








เขียนรีวิว สถานะการอ่าน: C5
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คะแนนรวม 0.0

รีวิวโพสต์สําเร็จ! อ่านรีวิวเพิ่มเติม
โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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