It was a late, quiet evening when a visitor abruptly and unexpectedly interrupted the Goodwill house's calm atmosphere.
This guest did not bother knocking on the doors or try to reason with anyone about why he was there.
He just walked up to the door and knocked on it. And as soon as the butler came out to ask him what he wanted, he blasted his pheromones fully, ensuring everyone felt those pheromone's impact.
Or, that was what he hoped to achieve.
But little did the alpha know that the head butler who opened the door to check him out was a beta. He was not affected by these pheromones, and instead of helping this man out, the butler ended up putting him in restraints and dragging him inside.
"I don't know who you are, mister, but you are causing a problem right in front of the Goodwill mansion, and I will be handing you over to the police for this. If you have anything to say about this, you better say it now."