"So kid, how old are you, and which school do you attend? As you know, I am looking for young talents, so I must ensure I get all my investment's worth."
The officer's voice faltered as he posed these questions to Rika, his discomfort palpable.
Rika was sure the man was not even looking at her when he asked such uncomfortable questions.
'The police force's standards have gotten low these past few years. They used to grill my brother and others during training sessions to not spill anything. I wonder what happened to those times?'
Rika sighed in regret and sadness as she looked at the man before her.
He seemed too tenderhearted for a mission as cruel as this one. Had it been anyone but Rika in this room, this man would have been dead by now because he had revealed too much.
"Kid, you don't have to answer me if you feel uncomfortable. Just take your time and answer me at your own pace."