"Rika, are you alright? My uncle can be a little much-"
Zhu Li tried to calm Rika down, but he quickly stepped back when he noticed how angry Rika was and how she kicked the can in front of her.
"Your stupid uncle and his stupid bullshit! Does he think that people enjoy this bullshit! I'm going to kill him if I ever get a chance to."
The poor dustbin had a dent where Rika had kicked it. But this did nothing to get rid of her anger. It made her even angrier, and she kicked the bin again.
Zhu Li quickly took another few steps back so he would not be the next victim of Rika's anger. But he still tried to soothe her.
"Let's calm down a little, Rika. Things are not as bad as they could be! Look at the positive side - your friends will be fine if you cooperate with your uncle. That's nice, right?"
Zhu Li asked with a sweaty face. But Rika was not having it.