"Your brother can be scary at times. I feel like he was about to chew me alive back there."
Zhu Li shivered as he looked back at Mark from the window. He did not start driving until he was sure that Mark was gone.
"Mark is just a little obsessive about things he considers his duty. Listening to our relatives during childhood about how he had to be the 'responsible one' because he is an alpha warped his perspective of the world.
Don't bother trying to accommodate him all the time. He needs to learn that there are things he should not meddle in."
Rika assured Zhu Li, and the dominant alpha looked a little relieved and envious at the same time.
"It seems like you and your brother have a close bond. It is entirely different from my family! My older brother and younger sister are a beta from my father's previous marriage. My Father only married my mother because I was a dominant alpha.