'Don't look at Emily. I should not look at her, or I will be unable to control myself properly! Come on! I need to be serious here-'
Rika reminded herself again and again to not look at Emily directly, or her body would lose all its rationality, and she would beg the alpha to fuck her.
'Would it be so bad to surrender myself entirely to my alpha and trust her to care for me? I don't want to think anymore. It makes my brain hurt.'
Rika sighed while looking at her alpha in front of her. She wanted to bite her lip and stop herself from doing anything weird.
But the pressure Emily's presence cast on Rika was too much, and she ended up looking at her with hooded eyes.
The screen of her phone was small, but it still showed all Emily had to offer.
The alpha sat on her chair with her legs spread wide and her huge cock out in the open for everyone to see.