'Why are they all looking at me like this? What the hell did I do now? I talked with my mother yesterday and returned home once the contract was signed. Why is everyone looking at me with those hostile eyes?'
Rika bit her lip as she tried her best to remain unaffected. But all this pressure around her made her question her decision to be here.
"So, what can I help you with today? Please be quick because I don't have the whole day."
The female at the reception asked Rika with a cold look as well. Her piercing eyes made Rika feel more petite than she was, which was irritating.
Still, since no one had 'actually' done anything to Rika, she knew she could not make a fuzz and decided to remain calm.
"My employee badge is not working. When I scan it, it does not record my attendance. Can you take a look at it for me?"