[Hello! Who is calling this number? If this is a prank call, then I will track you down before I kill you. Oi! Could you speak up?
The old lady's voice cracked two times when she yelled at the phone.
Hearing her speak, no one would have guessed she was a doctor, much less trusted her to handle a case delicate case dealing with mental health.
Even Rika felt awkward hearing that harsh tone and did not know how to bring up what happened.
"Doctor Kureha, this is Rika speaking. There is a situation and-"
Rika's voice was dry and cracked as well. She did not sound like herself, which likely caused the old doctor not to recognise who she was.
"Who? Sorry, lass, but I don't know you based on your voice. I'm busy, so that I will turn the phone down now. You can try contacting my staff if you need medical help."