[Hello? Are you alright, sir? Should we track you down? Please respond on the other side!]
The medical officer who asked Rika these questions understood that Rika was stressed right now and she was being incredibly patient.
But despite knowing that, there was a limit to this call's duration.
Rika knew she needed to make a sound and tell the medics what had happened. But she could not comprehend what to say, much less what to tell the professional on the other end of the phone.
"Give the phone here! You are too stunned right now, Rika. Pull yourself together for now."
Fey was more level-headed than Rika, and she handled the phone.
It took Rika a few seconds to gather herself. The more she calmed down, the more she realised she had overreacted.
Rika had seen people's heads being blown off, and she had even seen people being beaten within an inch of their lives. She had seen all kinds of gruesome details of life without flinching.