Rika had only been on a handful of dates in her life. But this was, by far, the most awkward one she ever had the pleasure of being a part of.
Fey and Flourite seemed to be in a cold war. They ignored each other and continued to try to gather the omega's attention, which sat between them.
That left Rika as the outcast—the third wheel if you will. She could only sit there and wait for all this action to unfold.
'How ironic this is! I get invited to a double date, only to be cast aside as soon as Fey finds her target. Should I walk up and head home?'
The desire to abandon this table was rising inside Rika every second. Even the servers had noticed the tension at their table by now.
Many gave Rika a sympathetic look, realising that she had been abandoned.
One of the servers even gave her a free drink to improve Rika.