23.25% This DCverse is Maddening / Chapter 10: Chapter 9: Gotham’s Abandoned High School Part 1

บท 10: Chapter 9: Gotham’s Abandoned High School Part 1

Now, Albert was aware there were people even in his past life who liked exploring abandoned urban buildings. He never understood it but he knew. Maybe they were adrenaline drunkies? Thrill seekers? None of that really prepared him for his current situation. It was more eerie than he had ever imagined.

Just image a normal-ish school building, now take away anything and everything that gave it life. Posters, pictures, trophy displays etc. Now what was left was an imposingly large building with long peeled away paint, exposed bricks, broken windows, cracked floors, and drooping ceilings. He was more surprised this building even survived so long without maintenance of some sort.

The whistling night wind carried its unforgiving chill pass the group. Their gentle breathe and heavy foot falls the only partner accompanying them. Albert previously slowly rising wariness took a steep elevation to the point that he knew he would bolt immediately at any sign of danger. The cold sweat that caused his shirt to stick uncomfortably to his body didn't help his skittish mood.

But he had a job to do. He probably….definitely would've said fuck it and left a long time ago, but he wasn't in a position to reject system rewards like that. Improvement Points were way to valuable right now. The bonus reward was also a rather enticing carrot to string him along. Curiosity and greed were truly his greatest weaknesses.

From what he could see, the atmosphere wasn't just affecting him alone. The whole group seem to be on edge, the usually confident Angeline was now jumping at shadows and absentmindedly curling her fingers around loose blonde locks. The stoic Michael large frame seemed to have collapsed in on itself and fondled the bulging at his waist. Steve's normally looked as though he was also ready to bolt. The most eerie of the group was the calm demeanor of Marceline. Her foot steps were soft and assured. Confident in-fact. Like she was taking a stroll in the park. Maybe they shouldn't have jokingly assigned each other tropes.

"H-hey guys."

Steven hiccuped, catching everyone's attention. They all looked at him as he himself seemed shocked at his words.

"W-we forgot to use the kit. The one we bought. The ghost hunting kit?"

As if they were struck by lightning, the group squated to the side and pulled out multiple hand held devices. Steve walked closer to the camera and began to speak, "I-if your involved in the ghost hunting c-community or even seen paranormal movies y-you'll recognize these. This here is a EMF guage, it measures sudden changes in electromagnetic f-fields."

"I have a digital audio recorder," Angeline began while pushing the scrawny teen to the side," It lets us record sound and sometimes a EVP, Electronic Voice Phenomenon, will occur. Basically it lets us hear what ghosts are saying."

"Digital Thermometer," Michael grunted before the camera," It measures temperature. Tells us if there are any fluctuations."

He then turned the camera to the last member of the impromptu ghost hunter group, her hazel eyes reflected the light harshly. Giving her a ghastly appearance, she wasn't doing herself any favors when she gave a small smile.

"I have less….traditional equipment I'll be showing later."

She said.

"W-we should go to her classroom first, everyone keep track on the r-readings. Albert just keep all of us in f-frame."

Steven picked up after Marceline's rather ominous addition. Albert felt something cold tickle at his guts at her words, but looking around he didn't see any reactions from the rest of the group. They must be use to her weird tendencies, the things you overlook for friends. He groped at the packets of salt in his pocket and wondered if throwing salt would work on creepy girls. Probably not. Maybe irritate her eyes?

They then began their slow journey through the empty building with their eyes peeled between the hand held devices that emitted spot blots of red light and the floor infront of them. There were a couple pieces of broken wood that littered the ground, glass shards and suspicious looking black stains. Mold, hopefully.

Their devices didn't seem to pick anything up on their way so it didn't take long for them to pass a multitude of empty classrooms until they found her room. The door was broken off its hinges and sat to the side. Albert was relieved for that, there wouldn't be the iconic scene of the ghost locking them in. Following behind the group, they streamed into the classroom and began to spread out. He went to the front of the room in order to keep everyone in frame and found himself standing next to Marceline. The two stood in silence as they watched the group comb over the room carefully, it was rather interesting to see such efficient work. They either worked great as a team or this wasn't their first time doing this.

"Hey guys!" Michael whispered unsuccessfully," I found something!"

Of course it would be hard for him to whisper, his chest rumbled with every word he spoke. They all converged on him, with Albert trailing behind.

"What is it?"

Angeline asked.

"Look here," He then waved the digital thermometer over a particular desk, and caught the exact moment it beeped," This area is a lot colder than anywhere else in the room."

Albert got a bit closer and zoomed in on the desk, it looked as though it had seen better days. Chipped wood covered the long faded words making them indecipherable. It was obviously rotting away.

"L-let me check with the EMF."

Steve squeezed past the giant and hovered his device over desk also. It didn't take for there to be slight activity to be shown, looking up he smile uncertainly at the camera.

"D-do you hear anything Lin?"

"No," She shook her head in response while holding the recorder up," Its all just gibberish. But we should still write it down. Michael could call out the readings on your end, I'll write them down."

"The room is around 68 degrees, and the desk is a stagnant 60."

"T-that much of d-difference?!"

"Yeah I was shocked too, good thing I wasn't alone or I would've ran away."

Michael chuckled slightly, but even Albert could tell how unsettled he was. Marceline patted his back which seem to ease his nerves a bit, even the blondes' hard eyes softened a bit at his words. Coughing softly, the wiry youth drew their attention," We should head out, there doesn't seem to be anything else here. I think we should go to the woman's locker room?"

The group nodded in ascent, and began to briskly walk-run out of the creepy room. Albert tried not to catch the grateful look the large teen sent Steve's way on camera. It wouldn't do for him catch their groups unspoken language on film. He didn't know what he was suppose to feel after that, sure the readings were a bit chill inducing but he grew up in a time where if he saw stuff like that in a video game it would be a quaint feature. Just the developers building up tension. But in real life? He couldn't imagine how frightening it would be to discover it by himself, the feeling of being watched or not alone would constantly nag at the back of his mind.

The group as a whole were a lot more tense as they made their way across the empty corridors. It was like were walking on pins and needles. Like a held breathe. They flashlights became increasingly less steady and mistakes were made. Flashlights were dropped, devices slipped, and feet were tangled. It got so bad that even Albert found himself sprawled out on the cold floor. With a groan he peeled his face off the tiles and groped around for his phone. Multiple beams of light landed on his location, which made him both grateful and slightly embarassed.

'Damned low DEX.'

"A-are you ok?"

Steven asked, concern evident on his face.

"I'm fine, just tripped."

He answered, abashed.

"There are some holes around here that reach all the way to the basement, watch out for those."

Michael warned.

Finally wrapping his fingers around the rectangular object, he dusted off the dirt and debris in relief. H was glad that his phone wasn't damaged in the process, it was 'brand new'...well refurbished but still it would've been a pain to replace it. Holding his thumbs up in a silent signal, the group took their flashlights off of him and continued on their way. More carefully this time. There weren't anymore incidents following and they soon found themselves before a gigantic gymnasium.

In its heyday it would've definitely been the sight to behold. But now? Its old wooden planks were beginning to show signs of curling in on itself. The places in basketball hoops should've been were bare and given the amount of dust, had been for a long time now. Their beams of light filled the room unsteadily, each scanning the forgotten space. They soon zeroed in on a set of doors with the universal symbol for woman.

"There it is," Angeline said," But step on the edge of the court, I don't just the look of these boards enough to risk it."

Other than slight creaking of floorboards the walk over wasn't too jarring. But when they got to the entrance, they all paused at the door way. An awkward feeling covered the group as Steve coughed, "D-do we go in?"

"Come on," Angeline rolled her eyes," I think its safe for you guys to go in, it's abandoned. Plus besides, there's nothing magical going on. Don't be a prude."

Marceline nodded her head with a hint of amusement evident in her eye at the three males' plight.

"Okay," Michael began," But you can't tell my sisters, or they'll kill me."

"Dude," The blonde smirked," You're going to be on camera. That ship has sailed. We're all already dead the moment our parents catches wind of this."

Most of the group shivered at mere though of their upcoming fate. She then cast a sorrowful look in Marceline's direction before turning back towards the doors. Albert could see the heavy metal hinges and suddenly got a bad feeling. To his eyes, they seem to be able to work just fine. Might to be a bit squeaky but would definitely still function if need be.

"I'll stay here," Michael voice brook no argument," You won't be locked in."

The reassuring words were like honey to Albert's ears, given the giants muscular frame it should be easy for him to keep the door from locking them in. Looking around he could tell he wasn't the only one who felt that way.

"Thanks," Angeline said," We won't take long."

He then shoved his device into Marceline's hands before he nodded them into the dark room. Normally, in situations like this splitting the party was always a recipe for disaster. Horror games, movies, television shows and novels are emphasized the importance of staying in a group. But sometimes there were fates worse than someone staying behind, getting locked in room well over one hundred years old for an indeterminate amount of time was one of them.

If the school building was dark, then the locker room was just a sheet of black over the eyes. Their beams of light were the only salvation from the encroaching darkness. The lack of constant heavy foot steps were unexpectedly unsettling, Albert realized that he had unknowingly relied on them for reassurance. It only made the suffocating darkness draw in closer around them.

"W-we should in a tighter group," Steven stuttered," Y-you know for speed."

"Right, speed," Angeline snorted while huddling up closer to the smaller teen," Keep your hands to your self bo-Ouch!"

The sudden exclamation of pain almost made him jump and make a run for salvation, and from the looks of it Steve didn't look to be too far behind.

"I'll behave." Marceline giggled as she drew in closer and received a warning pinch in turn from the scowling blonde. Albert breathed out in relief, he couldn't believe she had the nerve to joke about in a situation like this. They've all been tense every since they first step foot into this school and she just decides to poke the bear? From what he could tell from his Psychology skill, that seem to have been a purposeful act as a way to defuse tension. And from what he could see from the two's faces it had worked to some degree. But still, what a weird group this was.

Even then, no one really wanted to spend a lot time roaming around an enclosed room with no windows to speak of. So they began to walk around the edge of the black room and made their way towards the center in a spiral pattern. Just as they were passing by a corner, Marceline held her arm out abruptly bringing the group to a stop.

"W-what did you find?"

Steve asked.

"There was a sudden drop of almost 10 degrees…." She began to hover it over a particular busted open locker," Here."

He then waved the EMF meter over the same area and reeled back aghast at lights that immediately filled until it turn orange.

"It's a Level 4! Lin g-get over here!" He exclaimed, and turned towards the camera," Each color on an EMF meter means something; Blue meanings there's no activity, Green means light activity like moving an object, Yellow means strong enough activity like throwing something, and Orange which means its here manifested."

It felt as though cold fingers were being pressed against the back of his neck, sweat began to trickle its way down his forehead and suddenly the room felt a whole lot warmer. Uncomfortably so. He clutched at the salt packages in his pocket with a desperate need, the urge to just take them out and escape was becoming an ever increasing option. No, the only option. Chest tightening, lungs constricting. Like a rabbit before a wolf, he froze. Not just in body but in mind.

Angeline held her device up to locker and sound crackled its way out. She then looked around at the group in trepidation as the next couple seconds were filled with silent static. Maybe he was just tired or the nerves were getting to him but he could've sworn he could make some sense out of the gibberish.


A couple of seconds of silences passed before Steve croaked out," Di-id anyone get that?"

"I got homework, due, tomorrow but that's all.."

The blonde hugged herself tightly as hair on her arms raised themselves high in the air.

"I got questions, come, and office."

Marceline added, while rubbing the backs of both of her friends in comfort before continuing with her thought," So together it says 'Homework due tomorrow, questions come to office."

"Is...is it telling us to go to her office?!"

Angeline asked uncertainly, almost with a begging tone. Her hesitation wasn't just evident from her, all except for the hazel eyed girl were all uneasy at the situation. Albert hadn't expected to experience actual paranormal activity, maybe some spooky noises like rustling or one of their fancy devices going off. But this was different. Whatever this way, it was actually speaking to them, giving them directions. The feeling of being watched was now like someone was pressing their eyelids against the back of his neck.

The cold, inky darkness no longer reminded him of the void. At least in that location, there wasn't anything lurking in its depths.

"D-do we h-have to?"

Steve asked hopefully. Marceline only nodded solemnly in response, causing the three's shoulders to slump in defeat. They didn't say anything as the left the windowless room, more like fled in most cases. There were multiple sighs of relief when the first hints of natural light hit their skin, the tall reliable figure didn't hurt either.

"What happened?"

Michael asked in confusion and worry as he noticed the groups collective unease. There was a beat of silence as they tried to shake off the fear.

"We found out where we have to go next, I'll catch you up as a we walk there."

Marceline said, deciding to step up for the shaken group. The giant looked on in sympathy while inwardly patting his back for finding this excuse to stay the hell out of that room. The hazel eyed girl's soft voice was nice break from the previous suffocating silence from before. The natural sounds of the building settling, whistling breeze were all drowned out by the speech. With each passing second, his face started to look more and more pale as he listened to the abridged version of things.

Albert tried not to catch the worried faces of the group, and he was inwardly glad that he didn't have to speak in that moment. It gave him time to consider.

'Don't we have enough? What else do they plan to do?'

He didn't understand, the niggling feeling at the back of head kept on increasing in volume. If this was there first time experience something like this, they wouldn't be so calm about it. Hell he was sure that it was just luck that kept him from just bolting. Payment no longer seemed so important. They would have to pay him no matter what. He had the footage and he could just upload it himself and keep the prize money if they decided to try anything. Salt might not exorcise a human but it'll distract them for a bit if it gets in there eyes. Sure he wouldn't be able to go back to the shelter, but he had somewhere cheap to stay until the reward was given to him.

With his mind elsewhere, he didn't notice the stationary group in front of him and had flail about to not bump into anyone. They didn't seem to notice his blunder, which he was so grateful for. The group seemed to be waiting for something. Before them sat a closed door missing a nameplate on the side. In comparison to the rest of this dump, this door seemed well taken care of. No broken glass, cracked wood or any of the other sign alluding to abandonment. That detail made him wish his Spot Hidden wasn't so fucking high. Sometimes ignorance was bliss.

He began to internally debate on whether or not to break his silence only to add something ominous. It would be funny and make them aware of the strangeness of it all. But before he could open his mouth, the moment was dashed by Steve's voice.

"D-don't we have enough?"

"I don't do this often but yeah I thi-know he's right."

Angeline said in support, causing the lanky youth's eyes to bulge out in surprise.

"Lin admitting someone else is right?"

Michael chuckled softly. Her face began to redden under the attention before she pointed her nose in the air and huffed in annoyance,

"Don't get use to it."

"If you guys really don't want to go in, I'll understand. But I have to go in."

Marceline whispered with her eyes resolutely on the door in front of her.

'Have to?!'

That made the other three members shoulders to slump in defeat. They wouldn't leave their friend to do something like this alone otherwise if something happened, none of them would be able to forgive themselves. Deciding to just get it over with, Angeline stepped forward and pushed the door open.

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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รีวิวโพสต์สําเร็จ! อ่านรีวิวเพิ่มเติม
โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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