66.66% The 6 Eyes In The Cultivation World / Chapter 54: Too Arrogant

บท 54: Too Arrogant

I say I have reached 100%. I realized I had not reached 100% in everything. Yes, I reached 100% in martial arts, energy control, and so on. But there were a few things I realized while in 0D. My talent, did I maximize the full potential of my talent? Can I use 100% of my black-grade talent, my 6 eyes, eyesight, sense of smell, sense of touch, and the list went on?

Without gaining 100% control of my talent, I would stay within 0D for a long time, I couldn't sense how much time was going on outside. This state was torture, your sense of time and space didn't exist here. It was complete torture,

Yun Yun's eyes were bright, she never thought of bringing out the full potential of black-grade talent. She was only planning on helping me quickly learn to grow 0D, to the level where I could cultivate. But even that might take years.

"There is another idea I have, I want to restart cultivation. I want to bring out 100% of my cultivation. At Houtian, I will be 0D. At Xiatian, 1D, and so on." I said making Yun Yun's eyes widen once more. She rubbed her chin for a moment, she didn't have a good idea of the concept of the thing I was planning, so I just told her... but I didn't need to tell her much until she almost instantly created the technique.

"Haha, this is so interesting..." She laughed in joy, this was by far the hardest and most complex thing she had ever created. A Cultivation art that allowed one to skip so many levels even from such a low cultivation realm... the requirement?

"The requirement for this art is being within the 0th dimension... lastly is having your unique power." She said while looking deeply at me,

"What do you mean by me having a unique power? How would you even know that?" I asked calmly, to which she smiled lightly.

"You don't think the fact everything you set your goal upon you accomplish, all you need to do is find the path and put in the work? Sure, it might take millions of years within your dreams, and sure it might be extremely painful and put you through hell... but at the end of the day, you can do it." She said with a sigh, before saying something she partly didn't want to admit.

"I need you more than you need me. You did all of this without me, kind of unfair. Sure, with me things would be far faster, easier, and less painful... but still." She said with a sigh

"Anyways, I know all of this thanks to our bond. For the longest, I had been holding it, so you never sensed it. I always wondered if you were worthy of me and if the Black Grade talent was enough to break you." She said with a smile. Pretty much, she wanted to see if my talent was enough to limit my future, or if I would still make a future for myself. Mortal or not, she never cared, but what she saw was something that truly shocked her, and even made her question her worth from time to time.

"Such high expectations, maybe you too should have started from the lower realm," I said with a frown, not liking being tested. To this, she nodded lightly.

"After we remove our primal Yin, I will. I will even seal my memory and connections to the immortal realm. I would go to the lower realm and rise to the immortal realm, and create waves even greater than you." She said with a smile,

"If you fail?" I asked with a smile,

"Haha, if I fail? I would have no right to demand you to only have me as your wife. I see everyone around you. I refuse to share what's mine. If I'm better, I should be the one to build a harem." She said making my eyebrow raise.

"So, this is a challenge. Wu Xian, I shall go to the lower realm. I will seal myself to keep the same limitations I had from birth. I will reach the immortal realm, and be stronger than you within the same week you were within the immortal realm." She said to which I laughed 

"You speak as if I accepted you as my woman," I said with an arrogant smirk, to which she snorted lightly. She was truly displeased with those words, all her life, trillions of people wanted to marry her. Yet the first man she wanted dared to say such words.

"Do you think you're worthy of rejecting me?" She asked coldly, to which my eyes grew cold. This woman was truly arrogant.

"You're mine. Be grateful that I'm giving you a chance to challenge me. So ungrateful, instead of being grateful that I took a liking to you, you're doing what?" She asked arrogantly, causing my eye to twitch nonstop.

"Truly, you're arrogant. Instead of being grateful that I even considered making you my wife, you're coming out with this nonsense? You need to humble yourself. You stand before the best thing to Ever, Will, Had, Should, and Could Exist." I said arrogantly, making her face twist in rage.

"You have some nerve having such arrogance before me." She said angrily while bringing her face before mine.

"You have some nerve while you've done nothing for yourself after so many years," I said with a sneer, making her face twist in all ugly shapes and forms. How many years have passed within the immortal realm since my birth? Barely a month.

But that was the Immortal realm as a whole. One should know, that every realm has its space-time, meaning its time flow. In some places, barely a few seconds have passed since my birth. In other places, more than a hundred years have passed,

Yun Yun was only 3 years old since that was how much real-time had passed for her. Yun Yun looked older than 3 years old since she had used her understanding of the Dao to take on this form.

She was weak, and shall always be a mortal. But with the power to instantly master anything, she could even fight some of the strongest Immortal Sovereigns in this world. But that was her limit, so my words did hurt her pride.

"Says the fool who would stay like this for the next trillion years. That is if you don't go crazy within that time. Big talk, yet within that time, would you even be worthy of touching my shadow? I'm doing you a favor." She said to which my pride was hurt. I didn't expect how hard this was, and indeed it would take me a long time, by the time I left this 0D state, everyone I know might already have died... indeed, I kind of regretted rushing into this.

We glared at each other, but after a moment, Yun Yun's face suddenly changed, before she left. I was left confused, not knowing what happened. I wanted to follow the connection between myself and Yun Yun and see what happened, but something was blocking it.

I sighed before just closing my eyes, and entering my dreams. Within there, I could try and recreate the technique Yun Yun had created... it would just take an extremely long time. I also needed to start trying to start using 100% of my talent, and so on. So, I got to work.

After millions of years in my dreams, I was forced to suddenly wake up as Yun Yun who had an unwilling look appeared before me. I was confused, but Yun Yun just snorted at me while giving me the newly improved Limitless Art, along with many other techniques.

"You win, therefor I will join your harem." She said with a pout, leaving me confused. When did I ask? How much time has passed back in reality?

"If you need anything, just ask." She sighed before just leaving, again, leaving me confused as to what happened. But I had no one to get the answers from, so I just sighed while going on to go on to comprehend the cultivation art.

'Truly profound...' I thought in shock, to think she created this cultivation art almost instantly? Truly, she had a magical ability. 

'wait, could I master comprehension capability? Like could I bring out 100% of my ability to comprehend things?' I thought with my eyes narrowed, and so I entered a unique state where I tried to grasp the feeling of understanding things. This was tricky, but this is the way I felt like I needed to go if I wanted to bring out my full potential...

Well, enough of me. The outside world continued moving even without me. As of this moment, Jasmine was stepping on her father's head. She had recovered a good amount of her strength, and she didn't think twice to come to the Star God realm to get revenge.

She would of course not give her father an easy death, that was even more so when her father was under the illusion that killing her brother and mother was the righteous thing to do for the sake of the Star God realm.

What enraged her more was the fact many experts within the star god realm supported him, and to make things crazier, her father also planned to use her as a sacrifice to break past the Immortal Sovereign realm. Luckily, Xia Qingyue was with her, or else she would have fallen.

The torture awaiting the Star God realm king was... well, it wasn't going to be fun. It would be a fate worse than death. Let's say the pain I went through during my breakthrough would be thrown at him... just that in his case, his cultivation would be sealed. So he would be a normal human awaiting such torture.

Far away, Qin Wentian could be seen standing before a man who looked a lot like himself. This was his father, the head of the Qin clan, Qin Yuanfeng. He had this aura about him that made it look like there was only him in this world. The world looked so small before him. At this moment, his eyes were closed, as he was currently sealed away. It wasn't so easy to kill a level 10 Immortal Sovereign, that was even more so for a father who was fighting to the death for his son.

"Father..." Qin Wentian took a deep breath, before getting ready to break the seal. He didn't want to destroy the clans that had destroyed his clan yet, he wanted to join his clan to erase them.

Elsewhere, within the Chaotic Stars Majestic Realm, Empress Luan Xing appeared and sat on her throne. She sat down with a faint smile, but soon something came up that drew her attention. 

"Empress, something happened that might catch your interest." A servant said to Empress Luan Xing. The servant couldn't see Luan Xiing as a blanket covered the area around the throne. Her appearance wasn't something anyone could see. Even so, the shadow was enough to move the hearts of those seeing it.

"What is it?" She asked with an uninterested voice, nothing interested her right now but her man.

The servant said nothing and instead went on to show the moving image of a battle. She watched her sightseeing through the blanket. She watched a battle that showed the scene of a young man using a strange stone that could absorb all forms of impact. 

"Interesting indeed." She said lightly, she had summoned the person with the stone not long ago. His name was Ling Han, he was from the lower realm and had ascended not too long ago.

"Summon him." She said lightly, to which the servant bowed before leaving. She was left wondering if her man would love this gift. She smiled lightly, she was in love... the only thing on her mind was her love. What was wrong with that? She would happily spoil her lover, everything in this world naturally belonged to hers, and what was hers was her man...

Elsewhere, Fen Juechen was breathing heavily. He was within a unique realm, a realm where the past and future met. He sat on the lifeless bodies of wild beasts. Qin Wentian was unlucky to ascend within a forbidden zone. Fen Juechen's luck was trash as he had found himself within such a dangerous realm like this, and to make it worse within a forest where all of the wild beasts madly attacked him for a month straight. He had even lost his arm, and it wasn't regrowing, which enraged him.

"Who are you?" A voice broke through the silence where Fen Juechen's heavy breathing only existed. Fen Juechen looked over and saw a white-haired man, Fen Juechen's eyes narrowed seeing this young man. An Immortal King with the power to rival an Immortal Sovereign? This was a genius.

"Shouldn't you introduce yourself first?" Fen Juechen asked calmly,

"I'm Ryu Tatsuya." The white-haired young man said calmly, his will for battle burning brighter than ever. Never in his life has he come across someone with talent far above his own, he thought he was already doing the impossible, but upon seeing Fen Juechen, he realized he was doing nothing.

For the first time in Ryu's life, he found someone who was not only worthy of respect, but enough for him to put aside his pride, and ask questions and tips, as he saw no way for him to reach Fen Juechen's level.

"Ryu? thats a strange sir name." Fen Juechen frowned as he never heard such a sir name, but after seeing Ryu's small reactions, he realized that Ryu wasn't his sir name.

'Ryu is his name, and Tatsuya is his sir name? I never heard of such a weird way to name others.' Fen Juechen thought while looking at Ryu's blue eyes, but that was not what bothered him. It was Ryu's bloodline.

The Fire Dragon Bloodline, Lightning Qilin Bloodline, Fire Phoenix Bloodline, and Ice Phoenix Bloodline. These were not the bloodline Ryu gained later down the road, but he was born with. That should be impossible, with so many powerful bloodlines, they should clash, killing Ryu or Ryu would only be born with the bloodline suppressing each other... so why were they all at full power, and even working together with each other?

That was not everything, but just a hint of how abnormal Ryu was. This boy was a freak,

"I'm Fen Juechen... what era are you from, knowing my master, he would take you in as a disciple seeing how much potential you have." Fen Juechen said much to Ryu shock

"There are more freaks like you?" Ryu asked in shock, to which Fen Juechen nodded lightly.

"My master is a freak who has broken common sense... what is that strange white flame burning inside of you?" Fen Juechen asked, feeling weird while sensing the flame within Ryu.

"You can sense it? This... this was given to me by the White Phoenix." Ryu said after some thought. Fen Juechen had a look of confusion, as he never heard of a white phoenix.

He heard of fire phoenix, ice phoenix, death phoenix, and even other types of phoenix, such as a dragon phoenix, the immortal phoenix, and so on... but not a white phoenix.

"I never heard of such a being... you seem like a nice guy. Although you have a high ego, and you're extremely arrogant. But compared to my master, you can be considered humble. Want to be friends?" Fen Juechen asked with a smile, making Ryu's lips twitch.

Ryu was arrogant, when he was just a heavenly immortal and an Immortal Sovereign dared to enrage him, what did he do? He ensured that the Immortal Sovereign died within the next month. So what if he couldn't defeat you, Ryu would scheme against you to defeat you, hitting every weak point that you would drop dead in no time.

Ryu feared no one, he would even give the heavens the middle finger. He thought he had no equals, but to think one day someone would stand before him and call him... humble? Ryu couldn't help it, he burst out laughing. This was just too funny.

'He is human, through special means his ancestors gained these bloodlines. He is super lucky to have been born, he pretty much did the impossible. I wonder what his peak would be once I show him how to bring out 100% of those bloodlines.' Fen Juechen thought with a smile, just to shake his head the next moment. 

'Damn it, I can't become battle hungry. I should hurry up and leave this place. I fear creating a paradox with someone from the past or something. or would the heavens step in to prevent such things from happening?' Fen Juechen didn't know, but he had to be careful...

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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