12.9% The Marvel Multiverses Vongola Primo / Chapter 4: Chapter 4: VEDA

บท 4: Chapter 4: VEDA

2 days passed by in the blink of an eye, Giotto remained in the room. Miles had brought him food a few times but Giotto simply ate the food out of cravings rather than true hunger. In the past two days, although Giotto had not been able to fully test his abilities he did find out a few things about his own body.

One of these traits being the fact that he became the scion of life, he's not the embodiment but he was at least second only to an embodiment. 

In power scaling terms, he has the durability near that of cosmic entities, which, at the get go, made Giotto realize just how much of a cheat he truly was.

Few things in the universe could kill him, but his near immortal state was not the only thing that surprised him. His near infinite life force gave Giotto an overwhelming amount of power in his dying will flames.

When he came to this understanding Giotto took a knife and stabbed himself in the chest with all his strength only to watch as the knife shattered.

Tempered steel, military grade, the knife was designed to be durable and lethal. But this frightening blade simply shattered upon impacting Giotto's skin.

This small test made Giotto develop a method to construct dying will flame based weapons using his sky flame. Of course Giotto did not think he could actually achieve anything, after all the property of construction belonged to mist flames.

But to his surprise, after a few tries, although it used an ungodly amount of flame energy it did produce a powerful weapon.

Though unlike the constructs of mist flames, the constructs of sky flames were more like solid flames in the shape of weapons. But what their appearance lacked, their power made up for. Giotto created a flame sword and when he used it to cut a 4 inch thick steel pole, the flame sword cut it in half like a lightsaber through butter.

The two days Giotto spent trying to understand his own abilities made him know of how dangerous of an individual he truly was.

And when VEDA's beta version finished "learning", Giotto was made to see the problems with his own abilities. If his own capabilities were not strong or powerful enough, VEDA solved his one weakness.

Giotto, using the knowledge of Aeolia Schenberg was able to do some complex hacking and the like but there is a reason why even such a genius created the A.I.S known as VEDA. The capabilities of the human mind were limited.

In fact, Giotto understood that his own intelligence and personality shifted slightly when he obtained Aeolia Schenberg's knowledge and experience. But, despite this Giotto continued to do what he believed he needed to do.

After VEDA completed its learning, Giotto now made the A.S.I create various identities for him. Along with that he also made VEDA start multiple new companies.

Thankfully most of the more important files in the US were passed through digital databases before going through the final print. By inserting false documents, VEDA was able to add a plethora of unknown small businesses into the large list of independent businesses made by citizens.

Signatures and the like were easy to forge and most important people did not really care about who signed what paper.

Not to mention the fact that Giotto was not planning to make the companies do anything big in the next few years.

If anything the companies were simply being used as a front to purchase properties and materials Giotto was planning to use in order to build his own organization. As powerful as Kingpin's criminal organization was, Giotto did not have any desire to use it.

In fact, Giotto did not do anything to help or move the various criminal activities of Kingpin. As much as he wanted to facilitate change, doing so would compromise his identity and even force him to follow a path he has no control over.

As much as he wanted to do something, right now, he didn't have the freedom or spare time to worry about such matters.

"Tony Stark's ascent to becoming Iron Man would start the endless spiral of madness that will be the Marvel Infinity Saga…"

Giotto sighed as he worked on the console connected to the supercomputer, as he was working VEDA sent him a message through the screen.

"The materials have arrived… I guess it's time for me to leave-"

Giotto thought as he walked out of the room.

When he walked out Miles approached him and asked.

"You need something boss?"

Giotto smiled softly as he answered.

"Just going out for some fresh air, taking care of things while I'm gone- also, don't even think about entering my room. If you want to live that is-"

As he said those words Giotto disappeared from the penthouse, Miles stood on the same spot for a few minutes. Then he gave the door to Giotto's room a glance before shaking his head and leaving the area.

Giotto did not mind if Miles chose to enter the room, after all, if he did, the only thing he would gain is a wall of lead hurtling towards him.

Though if Miles did sneak into his room, VEDA would inform him and he would need to discard the penthouse by causing a "gas explosion".

Thankfully, Miles was still able to control his own curiosity as he left the room alone. 

Now, Giotto rushed towards a small warehouse located at Staten Island. He purchased a bunch of empty warehouses all around Staten Island. Entering one of these warehouses, he found a bunch of packages left inside the empty warehouse.

After entering, Giotto cleared all the illegal settlers, the thieves that were opening his packages and breaking things. As bad as the loss of some electronic and mechanical parts hurt, Giotto knew that this kind of thing would happen, especially when he left his packages inside a previously empty warehouse.

But Giotto did not dwell on such matters as he began to tinker around with all the materials. Unlike other engineers and scientists who only have an idea or a goal, Giotto already had plans and a product in mind.

There were two things that he focused on for now, first was the high output photovoltaic panels. This was Aeolia Schenberg's design that justified the creation of the orbital elevator in Gundam 00 which allowed for near infinite power.

The second was a working design on wireless energy transfer based on Tesla's microwave transmission of energy. Using these technologies, Giotto was working on creating a hidden network of secret solar panels transmitting energy wirelessly towards specific cells that led to his supercomputer.

At first he wanted to use this when he first created VEDA to lower the hassle of wiring but he decided against it as he was still unsure if he will continue to rely on Miles or leave after creating VEDA.

Now though, as he started his own secret plans Giotto started to quickly produce high efficiency Photovoltaic panels.

After creating nearly a hundred panels Giotto then started to build a series of GN drives for a plan he suddenly thought of after easily crafting the solar panels, but unlike the true GN drives these ones were the incomplete versions.

A GN drive is a perpetual energy generator using baryonic decay to produce energy it outputs decayed baryons known as GN particles. These GN particles are then used to do things from creating barriers, beam swords and shooting beam particles to controlling mass of objects.

The GN drive is a versatile power plant producing flavor particles that have similarly versatile uses. But to create such a powerplant it is necessary to create a TD blanket, which could only be created under certain extreme conditions. Currently, the only method is by using a supercollider built in the atmosphere of Jupiter.

Although Giotto could probably find a way to travel space like Carol Danvers, he did not have the resources to build a supercollider.

But the lack of a TD blanket did not mean that a GN drive could not be made. However, Giotto, knowing the complete blueprints of the GN drive was able to quickly develop an incomplete version of the GN Drive. In the anime it was known as the GN Drive Tau but Giotto was not satisfied with the Tau engine and developed a more efficient version of the GN Drive Tau.

The original GN Drive Tau, without the TD blanket, needed high amounts of energy to produce GN particles and keep the power plant running. Some may say that this was a waste of energy, and yes it was. 

But in the world of Gundam, where the conflict occurs between large mechanical armors and machines, inefficient use of energy was the norm. In fact, in the world of Gundam 00, without the GN Drive Tau, most of the mobile suits opposing Gundams using true GN drives used weapons that shot bullets and vibrating swords.

Only the machines equipped with GN Drives could produce enough power to allow the use of beam weaponry and particle shields.

The GN Drive Tau was basically a discount Gundam power plant, it has the same energy inefficiency as regular mechs but now it could also use OP beam weaponry.

Giotto recalled the scenes explaining the power plants of Gundams in the 00 series. Comparing it to his own knowledge, Giotto snickered as he began to modify the original GN drive with his own understanding that came from the mind that created GN Drives and discovered the GN particle, Aeolia Schenberg.

In the end Giotto was able to create his own more perfect version of the GN Drive Tau and he named it-

"GN Drive Faux-"

This drive still needed energy to produce GN particles but the energy requirement was reduced to a very low level. 

Using the Faux as the powerplant, Giotto then moved to the next step of his plan creating drones that use this as its powerplant. Using lightweight materials, the GN Faux particles turned all the components of the drone weightless. 

The drone was then equipped with solar panels and GN condensers, these condensers collect excess GN particles that can be used to produce energy and sustain the weight reduction of the drones.

The whole process of creating the solar power drones took less than an hour. All the parts he needed were already there, efficiency wise the drones were quite low in energy production. The GN drive and continuous operation of the drone would use up at least 50% of the energy generated.

This came from the fact that the GN particles were not really that easy to control, mass reduction was not stable which led to fluctuating energy consumption.

"I need to improve VEDA first… I need to build a quantum computer!"

With such thoughts, Giotto completely forgot about Miles Morales as he instead started to work on building a new terminal for VEDA. This time he won't be satisfied with a simple supercomputer. He wanted to build a quantum computer, one that could be used to manage the quantum entanglement that allows GN particles to exhibit their properties in efficient and controlled ways.

In the end Giotto used the remaining materials and began to tinker in the warehouse for hours on end.

"I need to create a quantum bit, without this there's no way for me to create a quantum computer. But classical qubits are big and… wait- do I need to use solid materials?"

Giotto racked his brain for hours until he realized that the answer to his problems was right before him. 

He gazed at the GN condenser before starting to draw up a prototype with the help of VEDA. For the next few days he worked like an engineer simulating various ideas until he created a final blueprint for his qubit.

"First I need to create a fabrication lab to create these 1mm diameter qubits…"

Giotto said as he gazed affectionately at the small green marble in his hands with a single GN particle glowing inside.

"Creating this is inefficient in itself, but for now, I could only bank on the inefficiency to build a better version of VEDA"

It took Giotto a good 3 days of sleepless nights, not a problem for his body but it did take a toll on him mentally. That said, with enough focus and drive, Giotto was able to spend three whole days and nights working tirelessly.

Interestingly enough, throughout this process, Giotto noticed some changes in Miles.

Before he would act fearful when facing him but now Miles seemed to have a strong desire hidden in his heart.

He hid it deeply but the unfair cheat known as hyper intuition allowed Giotto to easily see through this problem.

In the end Giotto sighed internally as he prepared a new future plan. Currently his secret mafia plan is already crumbling down. Whether it was because he secretly took over an established empire or it was just how the criminal underworld works, Giotto did not want to think about it nor did he want to care.

Granted Miles was his only connection to the underworld but he did not want to be held back by him.

Miles knew that Giotto had something he wanted to do, he knew Giotto's secrets and from what Giotto understood, Miles was planning to use this weakness of Giotto to take advantage of him.

Giotto was planning to become the secret puppet master but Miles, who knew about his existence was planning to control the puppet master with his own strings.

It was a cunning plan which Giotto would have been unable to predict or see through if he did not have his hyper intuition.

With things the way they were, Giotto rushed the creation of his new VEDA terminal. This took him a good 9 days. In these 9 days, Giotto created an automatic production line that mass produced qubits which allowed him to finish his GN particle quantum computer composed of 1,000,000 qubits. The production of all qubits took 2 days and the final assembly 1 day, but six days prior, Giotto had to make a housing that held the qubits and a system to utilize them.

This task took a good 6 days, from conception of a system to the production of all the necessary components.. 

Interestingly enough, the system produced zero heat. The GN particles run on a purely quantum system that interfaces with magnetic fields.

This gives the GN particles a property of electromagnetic interference which causes electronic devices and tools to malfunction. This includes electrical wiring that short circuits when in the presence of GN particles.

This became a problem for Giotto during the production as he had to outfit the tools he set up to manufacture the GN particle qubit.

With those kinds of considerations and discoveries, Giotto began work on the terminal that resulted in a 2.5 m diameter, globe shaped quantum computer. It ran on a GN drive that was at its core, the 1 million 1mm diameter qubits ingeniously placed all over the internal network of the computer.

The terminal needed continuous input of energy that was transmitted to receptors located on the surface of the cube. These receptors then transferred the energy directly to the GN drive core that produced GN particles that interfaced with the trapped particles used as qubits.

Releasing white light the quantum computer was stored in a 3 cubic meter cube that prevented the white light from escaping. But the interesting part was that the white light did not come from photons. 

Instead it was a quantum wave that appeared as a white light. The moment it lit up, the whole system started to run and the quantum computer VEDA was fully operational. The main terminal running on 1 million qubits, a frightening terminal system that would soon cause chaos in the world. Was now started up unwittingly by Giotto.

He did not know yet, but at this time, a certain hairless woman sat in a dimension filled with reflections, she was glaring sternly at the quantum computer, her gaze wanting to destroy the item before her eyes..

But her stern gaze only lasted for a few seconds, a flash of green light appeared in her eyes for a moment. After which the mysterious woman closed her eyes, her emotions calming down as she whispered.

"Another unknown variable… I wish to act but… I know- I need to do something… but not now. It's too early… even powerful beings need to go through challenges…"

After its completion Giotto then started to use the new terminal to make all the drones work. Spread all over Staten Island the drones started to produce energy for his secret lairs.

With that VEDA, the quantum computer was created, unknowingly it also survived the persecution of one of the most powerful beings on earth. Giotto did not know it yet but this choice of the mysterious woman would lead to consequences neither of the two could have anticipated.

Alexander_Wilde Alexander_Wilde

Things will rush forward from now on, I'll try to give explanations on how things were able to happen but they will be a bit outlandish. Unfortunately I set the story a bit too late.I honestly want to slow things down but doing so would only make things boring, for me at least.

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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