37.03% Harry Potter: Arcane / Chapter 8: Chapter 7

บท 8: Chapter 7

Alright, imagine this: It's me, Harry Potter, the kid with a Kryptonian twist—yeah, that's right, my bloodline's got more in common with Superman than with your average wand-waver—wandering around a back alley in Metropolis. I know, it sounds like the beginning of a crossover episode you didn't know you needed. My mum, Lily, and I are here on some top-secret mission involving magical research, which sounds super exciting, but I've got other things on my mind.

"Hey, Mum," I ask, peeking around at the giant skyscrapers and neon lights. "Where are we headed?"

Lily flashes me that excited grin she always gets before embarking on one of her epic adventures. "We're meeting someone important," she says, her eyes twinkling like she's about to drop some major plot twist. "Someone who's going to help with my magical research."

I try not to look too disappointed. "But what about the prank war with Neville and Clarke? I've been working on my 'exploding jellybean' strategy!"

Lily chuckles, giving my hair a playful ruffle. "Don't worry, Harry. There'll be time for pranks later. Right now, let's meet this special person."

We make our way to a café where a guy with a serious yet kind look is sitting, waiting like he's ready to drop some serious knowledge. Lily leads me over, and I can't help but feel like I'm about to meet the magical equivalent of Batman.

"Harry, this is Mr. Zatara," Lily introduces, as if she's just unveiled the latest superhero. "He's a friend and a wizard who can help with my magical research."

I stick out my hand, giving Mr. Zatara my best 'nice to meet you' smile. "Hi, Mr. Zatara!"

Mr. Zatara shakes my hand with a warm grip. "Hello, Harry. Your mother has told me quite a bit about you."

I glance at Lily, my curiosity piqued. "Really? What's she been saying?"

Lily laughs, "Oh, you know, how you're a bit of a troublemaker with a knack for adventure."

Mr. Zatara chuckles. "Indeed. Your mother speaks very highly of your escapades."

I puff up a bit, feeling pretty awesome. "Well, it's nice to meet you, Mr. Zatara. Mum says you can help her with her magical research?"

Mr. Zatara nods, turning serious. "Yes, I have some knowledge in mystical arts that might be useful."

Lily gives me a reassuring pat. "We're here to learn, Harry. Who knows what amazing things we might uncover?"

I'm practically vibrating with excitement. "Sounds fantastic, Mum! Can't wait to dive into this."

Just then, I notice a girl about my age hanging behind Mr. Zatara, looking like she'd rather be anywhere but here. Dark hair, big curious eyes—she's got the whole 'mysterious girl next door' vibe going on.

"Hey there," I say, flashing her a friendly grin. "I'm Harry. What's your name?"

She glances at Mr. Zatara for support before stepping forward. "I-I'm Zatanna," she says, her voice soft and a little nervous.

"Nice to meet you, Zatanna," I reply, trying to make her feel more at ease. "Are you Mr. Zatara's daughter?"

She nods, her cheeks turning a light shade of pink. "Y-yes, he's my father."

I give Mr. Zatara a surprised look. "Your father? Didn't know you had a kid, Mr. Zatara."

Mr. Zatara chuckles and ruffles Zatanna's hair. "Yes, Harry. Zatanna's my daughter. She's a bit shy but has a real passion for magic."

Zatanna smiles shyly. "I-I like magic," she admits.

"Awesome!" I say, my excitement spilling over. "Magic is the best. Maybe we can learn together sometime."

Her eyes light up. "I-I'd like that," she says, sounding a bit more confident.

I extend my hand. "Friends?"

Zatanna hesitates but then shakes my hand. "Friends," she agrees, her smile growing.

While we're chatting, my eyes land on a newspaper lying on a nearby table. The headline reads: "Tragic Deaths of Thomas and Martha Wayne Shock Gotham." My heart sinks a bit. Even in a world of wizards and superheroes, the harsh realities of life have a way of sneaking in.

Mr. Zatara's expression softens as he turns to Lily. "Thank you for bringing Harry," he says, his voice mixed with gratitude and sadness. "Zatanna's been lonely since her mother, Sindella, passed away. I've been wrapped up in my own grief and haven't been the father she needs."

Lily places a comforting hand on his shoulder. "It's understandable, Giovanni. Grief is tough," she says gently. "But you're here now, and that's what counts."

Giovanni nods. "Yes, I'm determined to be there for her."

Lily's smile is warm and encouraging. "I know you will. And Harry and I are here to support you both."

Giovanni's eyes are full of pride and curiosity as he hands Lily an old, leather-bound book. "Lily, why the interest in our magic?" he asks. "It's been a secret from the Wizarding World for ages."

Lily accepts the book reverently. "The Zatara magic is shrouded in mystery," she says, eyes sparkling with excitement. "I believe there's a lot we can learn from each other, bridging our worlds."

She opens the book, her gaze glued to the ancient text. "I'm interested in how Zatara magic might enhance our research," she explains. "And who better to learn from than the master himself?"

Giovanni beams with pride. "You have my full support, Lily. Sharing our legacy is an honor."

With a grateful nod, Lily dives into the book, and I can practically feel the adventure crackling in the air. This is just the beginning of our journey into the world of Zatara magic. Stay tuned, because the pages of this story are only getting started!

So there we were, just zipping back to Smallville after our little rendezvous with Mr. Zatara and his mysterious daughter, Zatanna. Let me tell you, Apparating from Metropolis to the middle of nowhere feels like going from the season finale of a superhero show to the pilot episode of a farm drama. One second, you're surrounded by skyscrapers and superheroes, the next, it's all cornfields and cows. Talk about a plot twist.

As we landed on good ol' Kansas soil, Mum turned to me with that look—you know, the one parents get when they're about to unleash a barrage of questions disguised as "small talk." "So, Harry," she started, her voice practically oozing curiosity, "how was it meeting Zatanna?" She had this smile that made me wonder if she was secretly rooting for me to find my own Lois Lane. Or, well, Hermione Granger with a magical twist.

I shrugged, trying to play it cool, but let's be real—I was buzzing with excitement. "It was awesome, Mum!" I said, probably louder than necessary. My mind was still reeling from the whole experience. "Zatanna's really nice, even if she's a bit on the shy side. We talked about magic, and—get this—she gave me an idea for a prank!" 

And, oh man, when I say 'prank,' I don't mean your standard issue, run-of-the-mill stink bomb. I'm talking next-level, pee-your-pants, nobody-sees-it-coming mischief. The kind of prank that would make even Fred and George Weasley give me a high five.

Mum's smile widened, and I could tell she was loving every second of my enthusiasm. It's like she'd been waiting for this moment—the one where I'd finally start making friends who weren't on the verge of becoming dark wizards or, you know, a figment of my scarred imagination. "That sounds wonderful, Harry," she said in that encouraging way she has, like she's the Dumbledore of parenting. "I'm glad you two hit it off. It's important to make new friends, especially ones who share your interests."

And yeah, she was right. I mean, you've got to have mates who get you, right? And if they can also do a bit of magic on the side, all the better. So, I nodded, already thinking of how I could up the ante on my next prank war with Neville. "Yeah, Zatanna said she likes magic too, so maybe we can practice together sometime," I suggested, and in my head, I was already imagining us creating magical chaos like a duo of magical marauders.

Mum chuckled, reaching over to ruffle my hair in that way that both makes me feel like a little kid and also like I can take on the world at the same time. "I think that sounds like a fantastic idea, Harry," she said, her voice warm with that mum-pride she can't quite hide. "I'm sure you and Zatanna will make a great team."

And, oh boy, I could see it now—Zatanna and me, the new magical dynamic duo, taking on the world one spell at a time. Maybe even stopping the occasional evil wizard or two. 

We walked on, heading back home with the setting sun painting the sky in brilliant colors that would've made even an artist jealous. Smallville might not be Metropolis, but with the day I'd had, it was like my world had just doubled in size. New friends, new pranks, and a whole lot of magical mayhem just waiting to be unleashed. 

And you can bet your broomstick, I was ready for whatever came next. The adventure was only just beginning.

So, there we were, walking up the path to Potter Farm—me and Mum, fresh off a meeting that was about as normal as you can get when you're the adopted son of a wizard in a universe where Superman and Batman are real. Yeah, wrap your head around that one. 

As we got closer, the sound of laughter hit us like a sonic boom (which, by the way, I can totally do, but I'm saving that trick for later). My dad, James Potter—yep, the James Potter—was out in the yard, doing his best impression of a sugar-high six-year-old as he chased my little sisters, Rose and Lana, around the place. It was pure chaos, and honestly, it's kind of our normal.

"Hey, Lily, Harry!" Dad yelled, his face lighting up like Christmas morning when he saw us. You know that look, right? The one that makes you feel like the most important person in the universe? Yeah, Dad's got that down to an art.

Mum shot him one of those smiles that could melt a Dementor's icy heart. "It was wonderful, James," she said, her voice all soft and warm. "Harry had a great time meeting Zatanna, and I think they're going to be good friends."

Now, let me tell you, meeting Zatanna was like finding out you've got front-row tickets to a Justice League show. She's not just cool—she's magic, literally. And considering my life is one big mash-up of spells and superpowers, finding someone who gets that? Total win. 

"Yeah, Zatanna's really cool, Dad!" I added, my excitement probably blasting out like heat vision (don't worry, I've got that under control...mostly).

Dad's grin got even bigger, and I swear, if pride were a superpower, he'd be the strongest guy in the room. "That's great to hear, Harry," he said, messing up my hair in that way that's part 'I love you' and part 'you're a dork, but you're my dork.' "Zatanna's lucky to have you as a friend."

And then, because he's James Potter and subtlety isn't exactly in his playbook, Dad leaned in with that mischievous twinkle that should probably come with a warning label. "So, Harry, is Zatanna a potential Marauder?" he asked, looking all serious but with that sly grin that said he was already halfway through planning something epic.

Now, for those of you who don't know (which, really, you should), being a Marauder is more than just pulling pranks—it's a tradition. A legacy of mischief that's practically written in the Potter family genes. So when Dad asked that, I knew exactly what was up.

I pretended to think about it, even though I was totally on board from the start. "Hmm, I don't know, Dad," I said, like I was weighing the fate of the universe or something. "She's got potential, that's for sure. We'll have to see if she's up for some mischief."

Dad chuckled, and gave me a nudge that was way more playful than it had any right to be. "That's my boy," he said, with a grin that could give the Cheshire Cat a run for his money. "Just remember to keep it safe and make sure Zatanna's on board with the pranks."

I nodded, feeling that familiar rush of excitement that comes with every new adventure. It was the kind of thing that made you want to leap tall buildings in a single bound—oh, wait, I can do that. Anyway, I could already see the pranks playing out in my head. Zatanna and I? We were going to make Hogwarts history.

But then, Mum, being the amazing person she is, stepped in with her usual blend of love and sternness that could probably make Batman reconsider his life choices. "James, darling," she said, with that amused tone that meant she knew exactly what was going on, "can we please refrain from recruiting any more children into the 'Cult of the Marauders'?"

Dad grinned, all innocent like, and raised his hands in surrender. "Of course, love," he said, with a wink that practically screamed 'I'm totally lying, but you love me anyway.' "But you know, the more, the merrier!"

Mum just rolled her eyes, but it was that kind of eye-roll that's full of affection. "Just promise me you'll keep the mischief to a minimum," she said, though the smile tugging at her lips kind of gave her away.

Dad nodded, his grin somehow getting wider, like he was already plotting our next adventure. "I promise," he said, and that wink was back, all sparkle and no substance. Let's be real—'minimum mischief' and James Potter? Not a chance.

So yeah, this is my life—part wizard, part Kryptonian, all chaos. And you know what? I wouldn't have it any other way. Because when you've got a family that's as awesome (and occasionally ridiculous) as mine, every day's an adventure worth having.

So, picture this: the Potter house, all cozy and peaceful—well, as peaceful as it gets when your family tree includes wizards, witches, and a certain Kryptonian adopted son. Everything's all normal-ish when—BOOM! Sirius Black, my godfather and professional chaos generator, bursts in like he's auditioning for a role in *Les Misérables*. "Ladies and gentlemen, I have arrived!" he declares, because of course he does. And naturally, he's got Aunt Marlene and my one-year-old cousin Lyra tagging along for the show.

Marlene, who's the queen of rolling her eyes at Sirius, gives him a nudge. "Honestly, Sirius, you're going to scare the children," she says, but it's clear she's not that worried. Lyra, meanwhile, is giggling like it's the funniest thing she's ever seen, and considering she's a toddler, it probably is.

Sirius, being Sirius, just grins like a Cheshire Cat with a new bag of tricks. "Scare them? Nonsense!" he says, bouncing Lyra in his arms like he's been practicing for the Fun Uncle Olympics. "I'm the fun uncle, remember?"

Dad—James Potter, in case you're new here—claps Sirius on the back like they haven't seen each other in years, even though it's been, like, two days. "Ah, the 'World's Coolest Godfather' has graced us with his presence," he says with a grin that's half amusement, half 'please don't break anything, Sirius.' "Welcome, Sirius. And hello, Lyra! How's my favorite little troublemaker?"

Lyra, proving she's already got the Black family knack for mischief, goes straight for Dad's glasses, her chubby fingers grabbing hold like they're the most fascinating thing in the world. Trust me, if you ever need a good laugh, watch a baby try to figure out glasses. It's comedy gold.

Then Dad, never one to miss a chance for a good prank or a bit of drama, turns to Sirius with that look he gets when he's about to drop some big news. "Guess what, Padfoot?" he says, and I can already see the gears turning in Sirius's head. "Harry recruited a potential Marauder today!"

Cue Sirius's eyebrows shooting up so high, they might as well have taken a trip to the moon. "Really now?" he says, leaning in like we're plotting the next big Hogwarts prank (which, let's be real, we probably are). "And who might this new recruit be?"

Dad does that dramatic nod thing, pointing over to me where I'm trying to look cool and failing miserably. "None other than Zatanna Zatara, daughter of Giovanni Zatara," he says like he's announcing the next big Marvel crossover event. "She's got potential, don't you think?"

Now, if you don't know who Zatanna is, let me paint a picture: take all the magic you've ever seen, multiply it by ten, and throw in some seriously cool stage tricks. That's Zatanna. And yeah, she's definitely got that 'future Marauder' vibe going on.

Sirius, who's clearly on the same wavelength, grins like he's just found a stash of Chocolate Frogs. "Ah, starting them young, are we?" he chuckles. "Well, if she's anything like her old man, she'll fit right in with the Marauders."

Marlene, who's heard way too many Marauder stories, shakes her head like she's already imagining the chaos to come. "Oh, Merlin, not another one," she says, but there's this fondness in her voice that tells you she's secretly enjoying this. "I swear, you lot are worse than a pack of prank-happy teenagers."

Sirius, of course, isn't fazed in the slightest. He just winks at James and bounces Lyra like he's got everything under control (which, spoiler alert, he totally doesn't). "Can't help it if we're a magnet for mischief, Marls," he says with that grin that's both charming and mildly terrifying. "Besides, what's life without a bit of excitement, eh?"

Marlene laughs, but she's got that look that says she's this close to rolling her eyes again. "You know, Sirius, there's a fine line between mischief and mayhem," she teases. "Let's try not to tip the scales towards the apocalypse, shall we?"

Sirius just grins even wider, which, considering this is Sirius Black we're talking about, is saying something. "No promises, Marls," he says with a wink. "But don't worry, I've got it all under control. Mostly."

By now, Lyra's giggling like a maniac, probably because she senses that things are about to get real interesting around here. 

That's when I decide to jump in because hey, it's my life we're talking about here. "Hey, Sirius," I say, doing my best not to sound too eager (and failing). "Is Dora gonna be here for Christmas?"

Sirius's face softens in that way it always does when someone mentions Tonks. "I'm not sure yet, Harry," he says, and there's that tone that's both gentle and a little sad. "But I'll definitely talk to Andromeda and see if we can arrange something. It wouldn't be the same without her."

And just like that, my whole day gets ten times brighter because Tonks is pretty much the coolest cousin ever. "That would be awesome," I say, and I probably sound like a little kid on Christmas morning, but whatever. "Thanks, Sirius!"

Sirius ruffles my hair because, apparently, that's the thing adults do when they think you're adorable (newsflash: I'm not). "Anytime, kiddo," he says, and there's this warmth in his voice that makes me feel all fuzzy inside, not that I'd ever admit it out loud. "Now, who's up for some Quidditch practice before dinner?"

Lana and I don't need to be told twice. We're out the door faster than you can say 'Nimbus 2000,' and we're already halfway to Neville's house to drag him into this. Because when you've got a family like mine, every day's a game—and we're in it to win.

Welcome to another thrilling chapter in Harry Potter: The Comic Book Edition, where the line between wizarding wonder and superhero shenanigans gets even blurrier. Ready for a dose of ancient magic, family drama, and Sirius Black's signature flair? Let's dive in.

Marlene's eyes are practically sparkling as she turns to Mum. "Hey, did you manage to get the Zatara family Grimoire?" she asks, leaning in like she's expecting Mum to pull a rabbit out of a hat.

Mum grins and reaches into her bag, producing the Grimoire with the kind of reverence usually reserved for ancient artifacts or rare collectibles. "Yes, I did," she says, holding up the tome like it's a magical golden trophy. "It's quite remarkable. There's so much knowledge and history in here."

Marlene's eyes widen as she leans in closer. "That's amazing, Lily! Did Mr. Zatara share any juicy secrets or insights with you?"

Mum flips through the Grimoire's pages with a reverent touch. "He did," she confirms, her tone filled with awe. "But honestly, it feels like we've only scratched the surface. It's like unlocking a whole new world of magic."

Marlene's excitement is practically palpable. "I can't wait to dive into this with you," she says, practically bouncing on her toes. "Who knows what kind of magical discoveries we'll make?"

Before Mum can respond, Sirius, who's been eavesdropping with a smirk, chimes in. "And speaking of discoveries, guess what I just got?"

Mum raises an eyebrow. "What's up, Sirius?"

Sirius, with all the drama of a stage magician, announces, "I got a message from Dora last night. Everything's going according to plan, and she's got her hands on the Marauders' Map!"

Lily's eyes light up. "That's wonderful news!" she exclaims. "Having the Marauders' Map will be incredibly useful for her at Hogwarts. It's amazing how well it's held up over the years."

Sirius nods, pride evident in his grin. "Indeed. And with Dora's knack for getting into and out of trouble, she'll put that map to excellent use. So, what's next?"

Mum taps her chin thoughtfully. "Now that Dora's got the map, we need to make sure she knows how to use it discreetly," she says. "We don't want her landing in hot water during her first year at Hogwarts."

Sirius gives a knowing nod. "Agreed. We'll make sure she's prepped and ready."

Mum looks around the room, spotting Harry and Lana deep in conversation with Neville. "I'll have a chat with Dora when she arrives for Christmas," she continues. "I want to make sure she understands the importance of keeping the map hidden and using it responsibly."

Sirius raises a finger. "Oh, and don't forget, it's crucial for Dora to build a good rapport with Professor Flitwick and McGonagall. We need them on her side."

Mum nods firmly. "Absolutely. I plan to introduce them slowly, but we need to ensure Dora earns their trust and support."

Sirius grins and gives a mock salute. "Consider it done. Dora will be prepared for whatever Hogwarts throws at her."

With their plans in place, the group settles into the cozy warmth of the Potter home. The fire crackles merrily as laughter and conversation fill the room. The bond between friends and family is evident, their camaraderie a source of strength for the challenges ahead.

As the evening wears on, they share stories, make plans, and reaffirm their commitment to facing whatever comes next. With Dora equipped with the Marauders' Map and the support of her family, Hogwarts is set to be the stage for a whole new level of magical adventure.

So, stay tuned and keep those wands ready. The magical mayhem is just beginning, and with this crew, it's sure to be one wild ride.


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