30.76% Jaehaerys Targaryen: The Dragon Mage / Chapter 6: Chapter 5

บท 6: Chapter 5

Over lunch in the King's Chambers, Rhaenyra, her curiosity piqued, leans forward to ask Jaehaerys about his exploits in Essos.

"Uncle Jaehaerys," Rhaenyra began, her eyes alight with curiosity, "I've heard tales of your exploits in Essos. I'm eager to hear firsthand about the challenges you faced and the adventures you embarked upon while you were away from Westeros."

Jaehaerys chuckled softly, a playful glint in his eyes. "Well then, Rhaenyra," he said, emphasizing her name with a teasing smile, "now that we're betrothed, you can just call me 'Jaehaerys' or even 'Jae' if you prefer. No need for formality between us."

Rhaenyra blushed profusely at this, "Alright, 'll call you Jae," she states, "but only if you call me Nyra."

Jaehaerys grinned at her blush, finding her endearing. "Deal, Nyra," he replied warmly, delighted by their newfound familiarity.

"In the beginning, my time in Essos was difficult," Jaehaerys began, his tone serious. "I faced numerous challenges, encountered unfamiliar customs, and had to navigate through dangers lurking in every corner."

"In Westeros, magic is often treated as the stuff of legend, something relegated to the Age of Heroes," Jaehaerys explained, his voice grave with the weight of his experiences. "But in Essos, magic is very much alive. The Warlocks of Qarth, in particular, sought to exploit my abilities for their own gain, aiming to enslave me and harness my magical power for their nefarious schemes."

Rhaenyra's eyes widened in astonishment at Jaehaerys's revelation. The idea of magic being wielded so openly and dangerously in Essos was both intriguing and unsettling to her. She couldn't help but feel a surge of protective concern for Jaehaerys as he recounted his harrowing experiences.

Jaehaerys continued, his tone growing more determined. "However, they forgot one crucial detail," he stated, his gaze intense.

Rhaenyra leaned in, her curiosity piqued. "Which detail did they forget?" she inquired, her eyes fixed on Jaehaerys.

"Zaldrīzes buzdari iksos daor!" Jaehaerys replied.

Rhaenyra repeated the phrase and translated it into the Common Language of Westeros: "A dragon is not a slave!"

Jaehaerys simply smiled before continuing, "My magic comes from within myself, Nyra. However, other practitioners such as the Warlocks of Qarth and the Shadowbinders of Asshai sacrifice innocents, mostly slaves, to acquire and replenish their power." His voice was filled with distaste and revulsion as he told her this.

"I once came across a young girl, just a babe really, being sold in the Slave Markets of Asshai." He recounted. "She would have either been sacrificed or used as a sex slave. I realized then that such atrocities could not continue, and I felt compelled to intervene."

"Jaehaerys, my brother," Viserys said, his voice filled with pride and admiration, "your courage and compassion are truly remarkable. You have faced challenges that few could even imagine, and yet you have remained steadfast in your convictions. I commend you for your bravery and your unwavering commitment to doing what is right."

"Thank you, Viserys," Jaehaerys replied, his expression reflecting genuine gratitude. "Your support means a great deal to me. I only hope that my actions have been worthy of the trust you've placed in me."

"What happened to the girl?" Rhaenyra interrupted, her curiosity getting the better of her

"Her name is Melony," Jaehaerys answered, a smile touching his lips as he recalled the memory. "I managed to save her from that wretched fate. She's safe now, and will be arriving in Kingslanding in the next week or so, along with a few of my most trusted men."

"That's wonderful news," Rhaenyra replied, her eyes reflecting her relief. "I'm glad you were able to rescue her. It must have been quite the ordeal."

Jaehaerys nodded. "Not really," he replied. "With Gaelithox circling above, nobody dared to intervene while I beheaded the slaver who was selling Melony."

Rhaenyra's eyes widened in shock, the gravity of Jaehaerys's actions sinking in. She replies with a mix of awe and admiration, "You truly are a hero, Jae."

Jaehaerys responds with a humble smile, saying, "I only did what I felt was right, Nyra. Anyone would have done the same in my place."

Viserys interjects, his voice carrying a note of pride and admiration. "Not everyone possesses the courage and compassion that you demonstrated, Jaehaerys. Your actions speak volumes about your character."

"Melony was the same age as Rhaenyra when I left Westeros," Jaehaerys explains, his voice carrying a haunted tone. "I couldn't help but see a young Rhaenyra in her. I asked myself, 'What would I have done if Rhaenyra was in her place?' And then, I did exactly what I would have done for Rhaenyra."

Viserys's expression softens with understanding, while Rhaenyra's eyes widen in realization, her heart swelling with gratitude and admiration for her betrothed.

Jaehaerys, eager to shift the mood, turns to Rhaenyra.

"Tell me, Nyra," he said, with a warm smile, "what adventures have you had in Westeros while I was away? I'm curious to hear about your experiences."

"My adventures pale in comparison to the Dragon Mage, the legendary Breaker of Chains!" Rhaenyra replies cheekily.

"Ah, but even the Dragon Mage had to start somewhere," Jaehaerys retorts with a playful wink. "Who knows, maybe one day you'll have tales that rival mine, Nyra."

Rhaenyra chuckles at Jaehaerys's playful banter, nodding in agreement. "Perhaps," she concedes with a grin, "but until then, I'll gladly enjoy the stories you have to share."

The meal continues, filled with lively conversation and laughter as the Targaryens enjoy each other's company and share stories of their adventures and experiences. Time passes in a blur as they savor the delicious food and cherish the warmth of family bonds.

Corlys Velaryon strides purposefully towards Prince Jaehaerys' chambers, his thoughts consumed by the conflict for control of the Stepstones, an archipelago in the Narrow Sea between the Broken Arm of Dorne and the Disputed Lands of Essos. He knows that finding a resolution to this longstanding dispute is crucial for maintaining stability in the region.

The Stepstones, though seemingly insignificant in themselves, hold strategic importance due to their control over vital sea lanes passing in and out of the Narrow Sea to the east coast of Westeros and the northern Free Cities. Historically infested by pirates, they were eventually cleared out by the Triarchy, a triple-alliance between the Free Cities of Myr, Lys, and Tyrosh. However, the Triarchy's control led to conflicts with Westerosi shipping passing through the Stepstones, sparking a private war with House Velaryon, known for possessing the largest fleet in the Seven Kingdoms.

The situation had escalated beyond Corlys's expectations: the Triarchy was launching unprovoked attacks on Westerosi ships in the region, sinking four vessels, including one from the Velaryon fleet. Corlys advocated for immediate war, pressuring Viserys to take action. However, the king believed the realm was ill-prepared for a conflict with the Free Cities. Instead, he favored caution, intending to seek common cause with the Triarchy's enemies in Pentos and Volantis.

Corlys felt that the time for caution had long passed. He had planned to return to Driftmark to prepare for an invasion of the Stepstones without the king's leave, possibly even inviting Prince Daemon Targaryen to join him. However, before he could act on his plans, Prince Jaehaerys invited him to dinner to discuss the brewing situation in the Stepstones.

Corlys waited patiently outside the Prince's Chambers, the weight of the impending discussion heavy on his mind. He stood tall and composed, his demeanor reflecting the gravity of the situation. When his presence was finally announced by an attendant and he was granted permission to enter, Corlys entered the chambers with a determined stride, ready to address the pressing matters at hand.

Jaehaerys greeted Corlys with a warm smile as he entered the chambers. Gesturing towards the dinner table, he welcomed Corlys to join him, indicating that they could begin their discussion over the meal.

Corlys graciously accepted the invitation, nodding his thanks to Jaehaerys as he took his seat at the table.

"Please, have a seat, Corlys," Jaehaerys said, gesturing toward the dinner table. "Let me pour you a cup of my own invention, Single Malt Whiskey."

As Corlys took a sip of the whiskey, he savored its rich flavor, feeling a warmth spread through him. He nodded approvingly, impressed by the taste.

"Prince Jaehaerys, this is truly remarkable," Corlys remarked, impressed by the flavor of the whiskey. "Would it be possible for me to acquire a barrel or two for myself?"

"Of course, Lord Corlys," Jaehaerys replied with a smile. "I'll make sure you have a supply for yourself. Now, let's discuss the matter at hand. Tell me more about the situation in the Stepstones."

Corlys nodded, taking another sip of the whiskey before delving into the details of the escalating conflict in the Stepstones. He outlined the recent attacks on Westerosi ships by the Triarchy, emphasizing the urgency of the situation and the need for decisive action. As he spoke, Jaehaerys listened attentively, nodding occasionally to show his understanding of the gravity of the situation.

Jaehaerys contemplates upon the situation, then states, "As far as I know, of the four ships that have been attacked, one belongs to House Velaryon, another to House Manderly, another to House Redwyne, and the last to House Mallister."

"However," he continues, "I find it curious that none of House Hightower's ships have been attacked."

Jaehaerys paused, his brow furrowed in thought as he considered the implications of the targeted attacks.

"Could it be that House Hightower has some involvement in these attacks, or perhaps they have made some arrangement with the Triarchy to spare their ships?" He mused.

Corlys shook his head "Oldtown's location places it on a different trading route compared to the other major ports. Nevertheless, it's worth noting that House Hightower profits from this. It might be the reason why Otto Hightower might be advising the king against a war in the Stepstones."

Jaehaerys furrowed his brow, considering Corlys' words. "You may be onto something, Lord Corlys. It's certainly possible that House Hightower has vested interests in maintaining the status quo in the Stepstones. If they're profiting from the current situation, it wouldn't be surprising if they're advising caution to avoid disrupting their trade."

Jaehaerys nodded thoughtfully. "The prudent move would be for you to form a coalition with Houses Mallister, Redwyne, and Manderly. Together, you can present a united front and petition the Crown to investigate the situation in the Stepstones thoroughly. Strength in numbers, as they say."

"Moreover," he continued, "by doing this you can negate Ser Otto's claim of this being your personal vendetta for the Triarchy's attacks against the Velaryon fleet."

Corlys's eyes widened in realization, surprised that he hadn't thought of forming a coalition earlier. "You're absolutely right, Prince Jaehaerys," he exclaimed. "A united front will not only strengthen our cause but also dispel any accusations of personal vendetta. Thank you for your insight. I will immediately reach out to Houses Mallister, Redwyne, and Manderly to discuss this strategy."

Jaehaerys leaned forward, his expression serious. "And once the conflict begins, we'll need a plan to neutralize the Free Cities of Lys, Myr, and Tyrosh," he added. "Their combined might poses a significant threat, and we must be prepared to counter it effectively."

Corlys nodded in agreement, his mind already racing with strategies and contingencies. "Indeed, we cannot underestimate the power and resources of the Free Cities," he replied. "I will start coordinating with the other Houses immediately to form the coalition and prepare for the petition to the Crown. As for neutralizing the Free Cities, we'll need to devise a multifaceted approach that considers both military and diplomatic measures." He paused, considering the magnitude of the task ahead. "But with your guidance, Prince Jaehaerys, I am confident we can navigate these challenges."

Jaehaerys leaned forward, his eyes glinting with determination. "There may be a simpler solution for dealing with the Free Cities," he proposed, his voice carrying conviction. "We could use the might of Gaelithox and my Dragon's Legion to conquer one of the Free Cities, preferably Lys. By demonstrating our strength and resolve, we could compel the other cities to negotiate on more favorable terms. It's a bold move, but it could yield significant advantages in the long run."

Corlys was taken aback, his expression reflecting his surprise. "Prince Jaehaerys, what is your plan for Lys once it is conquered?"

Corlys had not expected Jaehaerys to mention conquering Lys, given its notorious reputation for its brothels.

Jaehaerys responded with a calm demeanor, "Lord Corlys, my plan for Lys involves more than just its brothels. Once conquered, we will need to establish stable governance, rebuild infrastructure, and ensure the well-being of its people. As for the brothels, they will need to be regulated and managed in a way that aligns with our values and principles."

Jaehaerys's words hung in the air, his sincerity evident in every syllable. "Contrary to popular belief, while I despise slavery, I am not an idealist. I've realized early on that if I am to remove slavery as a way of life in Essos, I must provide viable alternatives for livelihood. With this in mind, I have started several businesses, such as the brewery that made the fine Whiskey you are drinking. Businesses that are run by freed slaves and employ freed slaves. The profits from these ventures go into financing the Dragon's Legion, my army made up of freed slaves. I have no qualms about owning brothels, as long as the men and women there are there of their own free will. Conquering a city like Lys will offer great opportunities for trade, commerce, and industry, providing the people with new avenues to earn gold and support themselves."

Corlys listened intently, his initial shock gradually giving way to contemplation. He found himself reassessing his preconceived notions about Jaehaerys and his intentions. After a moment of reflection, Corlys nodded thoughtfully, acknowledging the practicality and foresight behind Jaehaerys's approach.

Jaehaerys leaned forward, his gaze steady as he spoke with conviction. "I intend to conquer Lys, as well as the Stepstones, in the name of my betrothed, Rhaenyra," he declared, his voice resolute. "And on the day of our wedding, I will offer these territories to the crown, as a gift to the realm."

Corlys couldn't help but be impressed by Jaehaerys's vision and determination. He found himself thinking that Jaehaerys would have made a fine Goodson, and Laena would have been happy with such a capable and forward-thinking partner. However, he acknowledged the reality of the situation—that Rhaenyra was betrothed to another—and pushed aside his personal thoughts to focus on the matter at hand.

As he thought this, Jaehaerys outlined his strategy, emphasizing coordination between his Dragon's Legion advancing from the south and Lord Corlys's forces from the north, island by island, until they reached Bloodstone, the base of the Triarchy. This joint effort would ensure a strategic consolidation of their forces in a key location, ready to confront the Triarchy.

Once their forces were consolidated at Bloodstone, they would be in a formidable position to confront the Triarchy. Jaehaerys stressed the importance of maintaining communication and coordination between their armies to ensure a successful campaign. He expressed confidence in their ability to overcome the Triarchy and bring peace to the Stepstones.

"We should consider bringing Prince Daemon into the fold," Corlys suggested, his tone earnest. "His military expertise and strategic insight would be invaluable in our campaign against the Triarchy."

"Agreed," Jaehaerys nodded. "I'll arrange a meeting with him at the earliest opportunity to discuss our plans and seek his support in this endeavor."

"Lord Corlys," Jaehaerys began, his voice tinged with uncertainty, "I know it's a lot to ask, but with Rhaenys and Laena on our side, we would have a significant advantage. Their dragons, Meleys and Vhagar are formidable, and their presence would bolster our forces immensely."

After much convincing by Jaehaerys, Corlys eventually agrees, albeit with some hesitation. He understands the strategic advantage that Meleys and Vhagar would provide and reluctantly accepts their inclusion in the war armada.

"Lord Corlys, how soon can you get in touch with the other three Houses—Manderly, Redwyne, and Mallister—to form a coalition?"

Corlys nods thoughtfully. "I can send out ravens to them immediately. With luck, we can convene within the fortnight to discuss our strategy and present a unified front to the Crown."

As the conversation drew to a close, Corlys and Jaehaerys finalized their plans, each feeling a sense of purpose and determination. With the wheels set in motion for their coalition, they parted ways, ready to embark on the journey ahead. The stage was set for a new chapter in the struggle for control of the Stepstones.


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