86.84% Gate: Thus the Sorcerous Empire Fought There / Chapter 33: Attack in city

บท 33: Attack in city

The port city of Sura, where merchants use the sea to trade with Kurum. Their naval headquarters was also located here, built to protect the city of Sura. Today everything is different in the city of Sura.

A resident named Abar has already noticed the difference. Abar was fishing in the town's small harbor where small boats docked. Abar was between 20 and 24 years old and had white skin, black hair, and dark eyes. His attire consisted of a long-sleeved blue shirt, trousers, and slippers.

"It's very strange not to see a Navy ship patrolling the city." For some reason I feel rather insecure, maybe I'm used to seeing these ships.

"Hey, Abar! Any success catching on? "

The man behind Abar suddenly spoke. The man was dressed the same as Abar, the only difference being that he was wearing a green long-sleeve shirt. Also, he carried a fishing rod and a bucket.

"Hus! I see you have come here to fish."

"Yes, I hear that there are plenty of fish, especially since our warship has left."

Hus sat next to Abar and started fishing. Then Abar asked Hus

"What do you think of the war our?"

"Let me think, this country seems so strange to me, they say it is on another continent. So the King asked all the naval forces to prevent the enemy before they came ashore. Since they are coming from another continent, their army must be tired. This is the right time to attack them."

"Wow, as expected from a former captain, you are truly an amazing Hus."

"I'm not so amazing...Oh! I caught one of them... it... TUN... clothes?"

Hus then folded the clothes he had held and examined them carefully. After checking the clothes he immediately started talking to himself.

"These things were worn by our navy sailors. What are these holes? maybe from a bow? ..."

"Hus, is there any problem with these clothes?"

Asked Abar looking curious.

"There's something wrong, there's a lot wrong..."

"What is it?" Abar asked Hus.

"I don't know, but these things give me a dangerous feeling."

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know, but we better get out of here!"

Hus then runs off the pier and drags Abar with him.


Then they suddenly saw something strange in the sky.

They suddenly saw several ships in the sky.


"How are they flying!?"


In the lord's palace... a man in light plate armor runs through the corridors of the palace. The man then stood at the wooden double doors, the man entered the room without knocking.

As he entered the room, a man of about sixty in a luxurious fur coat suddenly looked at him with angry eyes.

"Now what?? " said the old man of the room.

"Your Highness, there are some unknown enemies flying in our skies."

" And that's all? Can't the City Air Guard handle them?."

"But sir! This is not the air force of any country we have seen before, sir please take a look."

"What do you mean by this?"

Hearing his master's words, the armored man looked up at the glass door. He then walked over to the door and opened it, the door led to a balcony overlooking the entire city.

Then the guard pointed to the sky and said: "Look, master, do these things look familiar to you!?"

Lord went to the balcony and turned to the man "I hope this is not some kind of joke or trick created by children."

The Lord then looked at the sky and was shocked by what he saw.

"What is this?! Hey! You! Prepare our Air Force!?"

"They already do, sir, our hawks are trying to reach these flying ships, your majesty."

The lord looked at the guard and ordered him again: "Tell them to destroy these things."

"As you wish, my lord!" replied the guard, turning and walking out the door.


Giant birds flying in the sky cast shadows on the ground as they block the sunlight with their massive figures.

The Air Guard Captain looked at the ships flying in the sky.

"Friends, let's get ready for battle!"

shouted the captain of the air guard.

"Yes, sir!"

Hundreds of Eagles flew towards the Sorcerous Empire Airships.

But before they could approach the ships, a lot of cannon balls and bullets were fired at them.

In this many Eagles started to fall on the ground.

They were also attacked by fireballs, lighting, acid smoke etc.

Many airguards and Eagles fall to the ground. Their bodies were shattered by cannon fire and bullets

The dismembered parts of their bodies rained down from the sky. They were collapsed over many houses in the city. Many houses were damaged.

Many of the people below were covered with blood, and the parts of the Airguards and eagle's bodies were falling down. The townspeople started fleeing in fear.

Many Kurum kingdom soldiers attack the ships with Ballistas.

However, it encountered magical barriers before it came within ten meters of the ships.

Hundreds of Air Guardsmen were eliminated within moments.

A twenty-meter large magic circle then appeared in front of one of the ships.

A large fireball shot out of it and sped toward a building. It was the headquarters located in the city.

As soon as the meteor hits the headquarters, the whole place explodes. The entire city shook.

A huge crater was created where the headquarters was once located. From which smoke is still rising



"It's impossible!" cried the lord, looking at the destroyed city defense headquarters.

"It's kind of a joke, isn't it!?"

The master asked the scared maid who had brought him tea.

Lord Cypras, who had a stunned expression on his face, looked at the city he ruled. Lord Cypras is enraged to see the city's entire military defense headquarters destroyed in a matter of minutes.

"It's outrageous! That enemy can reach my city!"

Cypras shouted, that alone was enough to scare the maid behind him.

"No enemy can crush our fleet power. So how could it be??! Wait, Navy... don't tell me..."

However, Cypras suddenly had the expression of a man who realized something worse was about to happen.

He started to walk backward making him shiver and then turned and yelled at the now-scared maid.

"Why are you still standing there, go and tell the other maids to pack our things! Also, tell all our coaches and carriages at the palace that we are leaving this town as soon as possible!!!"

"A- I'm so sorry, Your Highness, everything will be ready..." replied the maid in a frightened voice.

Lord Cypras then returned to his desk and picked up the parchment. Then he placed it on the table and immediately picked up the quill lying on the ink bottle. He wrote something, and he wrote nervously, so his handwriting was getting very bad. After writing the letter, he immediately folded it and then went to the corner of his office, where there was a stand covered with a white cloth.

Cypras then goes to a bird cage, pulling the fabric. The bird is resting.

Cypras caught the bird and wrapped something around his left leg.

It was made from leather, then the parchment was placed in a leather-like bag wrapped around the bird's leg. After that, he immediately went back to the porch and released the pigeon into the air.

"If the king reads this letter, he must send reinforcements. Otherwise, this kingdom will fall."

The Lord's balcony could observe the city and the entire coastline, from the balcony he could see the shadows of many ships floating on the water, and then he suddenly spoke

"These ships are bigger than usual."

The shadows may appear small from a distance, but Lord Cypras has spent his entire life in this city. So he knows how to understand the true size of ships entering his territory.

To the maid whom he asked before returning, she said "Master, everything is ready for our departure."

Cypras then left his palace. 14 carriages were prepared, of which 8 were used by his servants and five were used to transport his valuables. And the last, the most luxurious, was for him and his daughter. He put his feet up to get into the carriages, where his daughter was already waiting for him. But before getting into the carriages, Cypras took one last look around his palace and said to himself

"I promise you that I will come back,"

then he immediately got into the carriage and closed the door.

After Cypras closed the door of his carriage, the carriages immediately moved forward.

Cypras looked out the window of his carriage and saw the chaos already brewing in the distance.

As Cypras looked at the chaos, a girl with white hair asked Cypras,

"Father? Do we really have to leave our homes and our citizens?"

Cypras looked at the girl and replied "We have no choice, Angelina. If these guys can come to our city, it means that the fleet has been defeated."

Suddenly his daughter screamed.

"But that's absurd! Why say such baseless rumors, father!?! Our fleet has one of the strongest ships in our kingdom! So they won't fall into the hands of these barbarians so easily."

"But Angelina..."

"Mr. Makas! Stop the carriage!"

The girl shouted to the coachman through the small window that allowed them to talk to the coachman.

The carriage then stops in its tracks, causing the carriages following it to stop as well.

"Please stop this Angelina!"

"No Dad! If you want to escape from these savages, great! But as for me, I will do my duty to protect the city."

Angelina opened their carriage door. And she grabbed the sword hidden under the seat.

Then she got out of the carriage and shouted to a guard on horseback.

"I command you to give me this horse!"

The escort was embarrassed by Angelina, however, the guard saw the determined look on his master's daughter. So he immediately dismounted from his horse and gave it to her.

Then she rode back to the city on her horse.

Lord Cypras immediately alighted from the carriage and called out the name of his daughter, who was running towards the city:


But no matter how loudly he shouted at his daughter, she didn't look at him.


Lord angrily hits the body of the carriage. Then he returned to the carriage and told the coachman

"Let's move before the enemy overtakes us."

Then the coachman replied in a worried tone

"But, my lord."

"If she wants to face death, let her alone. I don't need her anymore, I can always create a new heir to my position."

After that, everyone sets off again, fleeing the impending attack of the Empire's army.

After running towards the city for five minutes, Angelina managed to reach the city.

She saw several soldiers helping their wounded comrades.

The impact of the meteor created a crater fifty meters large.

And its shockwaves caused many nearby buildings to collapse.

Then Angelina shouted to the soldiers

"Who's in charge here??!"

A man, better armored than the rest, approached Angelina. "I am currently the most senior officer here, Lady Angelina."

Angelina then dismounted from her horse and asked the man,

"So what is the current state of our troops? I need the right number of troops that are still able to fight."

"Only sixty percent of our infantry are still able to fight, some of them are wounded. This means that their effectiveness in battle may decrease, so I would say that our combat strength will be less than sixty percent."

Angelina clicked her tongue

"Damn it!"

The man then asked Angelina,

"Hmm..Lady Angelina, why are you here and where is Lord Cypras?"

"Forget about father, cowardice has taken over him."

Angelina returned to her horse and ordered the man who claimed to be in command.

"Gather all our men, for we are going to defend this city till we die."

Hearing Angelina's words, the commander's face was surprised. But this surprised commander suddenly changed into a proud smile and replied

"Yes, Mam!"

"Alright, meet me in the town square in two hours."

The commander then asked Angelina, "Where are you going, ma'am?"

Angelina looked at the Commander and replied,

"I want to know the status of the Air Guard. So I'll see you in the town square, Commander."







Piña and Hamilton are standing on the side of a road.

Carriages, wagons, etc. pulled by skeleton horses, and Beasts are running on the road. Some modern vehicles are also running such as motorcycles, scooters, buses, trucks, etc.

Everything has changed. I never imagined anything like that. The gates to our world were opened about more than one year ago, and it has been going on ever since.

Piña looked around.

This is not the Sadera that Piña has seen since childhood. It is now a stylish city. A city constructed by the Sorcerous Empire.


"Ah! Bozes, Panache. You're here."

Panache is wearing a jacket and jeans, and Bozes is wearing a trench coat. A small child in her lap.

"You're too late," Hamilton said

"Ah! Sorry!"

"Ok. Let's eat something now!"


"I know of a good restaurant here. Let's go there."



"Hurry up, the customers are waiting!"

"Yes, Lady Tyuule!" Said, cooks

Tyuule walked out of the kitchen.

Huh! Managing a restaurant is not an easy task.

"Boss, are you okay?"

"Ah! Yeah. I'm fine. Give me a coffee."

"Of course!"

Tyuule saw some familiar faces inside the restaurant. So she goes that way.

"Ah! Princess Piña, and her friends. How are you?"

"What are you doing here?"

"Oh! I owned this restaurant!"

"What? You own such a big restaurant?"

"Yes. I opened this restaurant after receiving money from the Court."

"So this restaurant is made with Zorzal's money."

(Zorzal is imprisoned for life for wronging the tyuule. The court also ordered Zorzal's property to be given to Tyuule)

"I don't think so," said Delilah from behind Tyuule

"Your older brother raped Tyuule year after year. Tortured. Cheated. Lady Tyuule just got what she deserved."

"Are you two together now?" They said in surprise


"But How!?"


It's a court.

Zorzal is standing on the fence.

There are also surviving members of the Warrior Bunnies, some of the people of the Empire, and soldiers of the Sorcerous Empire.

The Beastman Judge said, " Zorzal, did you cheat with Tyuule?"

I will not forgive this Sorcerous Empire! At first, they imprison me! and now they are insulting me!

"What are you talking about barbarians!"

"Take care! I'm Judge! Soldiers!"

Then a soldier forcibly feeds Zorzal a potion.

"So tell me now! Did you cheat with Tyuule?"

"Yes, I did! I told her I wouldn't do anything to her people. But I betrayed her. I destroyed her village, and gave her false assurances for three years!"

The people of Warrior Buniees got very angry and tried to kill Zorzal. But the soldiers of the Sorcerous Empire stopped them.

" Zorzal, you have been taken prisoner for cheating!"

" I am a prince!"

"You're a normal person!"

"Show me a little respect!"

The soldiers took Zorzal away.

Flashback End

"So it happened"


"Whose is this kid?"

"Oh! This is my baby. Her name is Mai Tomita."

"Who is her father?"

"Do you remember Tomita? Soldier of JSDF"


"He is her father "

"We're going to Japan today. To meet her father."


"Since you are our prior acquaintance. So I am not taking any money from you."

"We don't need it."

"Ah. Princess. Don't be so arrogant."

"You stop calling me princess. I'm not a princess anymore."

"Ah! Sorry. But consider it a treat from me."

Pina is a bit angry

However,  Hamilton said.

"Thank you very much, Miss Tyuule."


Piña, Hamilton, Bozes, and Panache reached railway stations. They saw many guards guarding the outside.

"Panache, do you know anything? Why are there so many guards today?"

"Yeah. I heard today a VIP from the Sorcerous Empire will go to Rondel."

"A VIP. But he couldn't get there in a hurry using Teleportation."

"Maybe he wanted to enjoy the trip."


They entered the station. All of them were searched on the way inside.

There is not much crowd inside the railway station. Inside the train station, they saw some soldiers guarding. They were not usually on guards here. They also see mages fully loaded in a Coach.

The sound of the train leaving can be heard. Ready to leave the station. The passengers quickly enter the train.

The roof of this train is made of solar panels. It is a train powered by sunlight.

They got on the train and started looking for their compartment. They showed their tickets to a railway worker. The railway workers showed them their compartments.

The train started moving. Not like Ginza's train. Which run through tunnels. This train is running on the ground. They can enjoy the scenery through the windows. But they are nervous. They feel like they are sitting still, and the whole world is running.

A woman will be around 30 years of age. She came and sat next to Piña. Piña glanced at the woman.

The woman looked at Piña and said in surprise.

"Are you Princess Piña?"

"Yes. I am."

"I thought everyone in the royal family was dead!"

"I'm just only alive."

"Oh! I am sorry"

"You haven't introduced yourself yet?" Panache frowned

"Sorry, my name is Ava. I lived in a village called Tenta. Now I live in Sadera."

"Tenta village?"

"Actually our village is very small and our village was existing next to a hilly jungle. It is normal for royal people like you not to know the name of our village."

They are a little ashamed of it.

"Isn't your village existing now?"

"No. My son and I have survived."

"Oh! Sorry"

"Can you tell us about your story?"


"We didn't know much about the world outside our village. We still didn't know anything about the two gates and the defeat of the empire. The soldiers of the empire would come to our village every year at harvest time, and take away 80% of the crops we produced. This, of course, caused our food crisis. So all the villagers ate small meals twice a day. We could never eat on a full stomach. One day a terrible monster attacked our village. I am, my husband, and my child can escape into the jungle. But the beasts track us. My husband took the attention of the beasts towards him. However, he died. He sacrificed his life for us. We took shelter in a cave in the hills ."

The woman said emotionally.

So they comforted her.

"I'm sorry," she said. "I got emotional."

"No, you shouldn't apologize. We apologize to you for the work of the former empire." Piña said remorsefully

"No problem. We are living a good life now. Although I miss my husband and the villagers, I am happy with my child."

"The Sorcerous Empire has given me a place to live, and a job to bear the cost of my family. In fact, I broke down after the death of my husband. But I survived for my child. After a while, the food that I had brought ran out. We gave up hope of survival. We became very weak after not eating for about six days. We were just waiting for death. Then we hear sounds. Some people enter the cave. They wore strange clothes. They rescue us. They feed and treat us. From a young age, I have seen the soldiers of the empire torture the villagers. Then I was the first to know that soldiers of any force could be so good."

The woman's eyes sparkled.

They realized that the people were happy to become citizens of the Sorcerous empire

Piña also felt remorse in her mind. In her every word, she rebuked the empire and made the reputation of the Sorcerous Empire. The former empire has nothing to be proud of now. The people are cheering for the Sorcerous Emperor.



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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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