15.78% Monarch of Entertainment / Chapter 1: Chapter 001: Glorious Gift

บท 1: Chapter 001: Glorious Gift


Disclaimer: This is a work of fanfiction. All characters, settings, and original concepts are the property of their respective authors and their associated entities.

I do not claim ownership of these characters, settings, or concepts except what I have introduced myself.

This story is created purely for entertainment purposes and is not intended for commercial gain. No copyright infringement is intended.


Time:- 12:01 am, 2nd of May, 1980, Friday.

Location:- Luke's bedroom inside his house near Manhattan, United States of America.

A/n: If you want a basic idea on how his current house looks, then search up 'The Simpson 3d house tour', although it's not exactly the same but there are many similarities.

He is basically living in a neighborhood that looks like the Simpsons.


Luke stared at the floating screen in front of him with his tired blue eyes as he thought. 'Could have at least waited until the morning...'

He shook his head while he thought. 'Either way… not gonna complain about getting a golden finger.' Luke then looked at the Captain America poster while continuing. 'Especially considering what universe I am in…'

Luke put his attention on the system and its features. From the information he received. He learned that he could earn something called Impression Points or IPs, for short, by publishing entertainment franchises.

It could be anything from any work of fiction from his previous life.

And if people have an impression of it even if it's negative, he would get IPs, which he could then use to access the system's currently available functions.

But the more Luke looked at the functions, the more he felt his throat getting dry.

After all, even after reincarnating into a completely new universe, he couldn't escape the gacha rabbithole that he had once his life fell into. The main aspect of this system that his life now depends on is decided by Gacha spins.

Luke inwardly snickered thinking. 'Might as well call yourself the Gacha System'.

'Luckily it came with a birthday gift.' Luke thought while looking at the free spin button at the 'Franchise Gacha'

He massaged his forehead to get rid of the tiredness and to properly wake up. To get rid of the sleepiness he decided to listen to music on his walkman.

Luke was only doing it to get his mind fully awake and cognizant, as he wasn't particularly fond of the songs it had, as they were too old-fashioned for his tastes.

'Okay…' He let out a deep breath, despite already being used to gacha-related games, he still felt nervous and anxious.

He saw the wheel spin rapidly, and with it, so did his heartbeat, and after exactly nine seconds, which felt more like nine minutes to him. It finally stopped, and he got…

[Congratulations! You got the <Encore!> franchise; please check the card description for further details in the inventory!]

Luke had a look of confusion and disappointment on his face. 'I don't even know what that is, which basically means it's an unknown franchise…' but nonetheless, he clicked confirm as another message popped up.

{Edited till here by TheRamenLord}

[Congratulations! You got <Veronica Mars> franchise! Please check…].

Luke let out a sigh as he thought. 'Another flop… but I still have 8 more chances…' as he pressed confirmed yet again.

[Congratulations! You got <Wendy Wu: Homecoming Warrior> Franchise!..].

[Congratulations! You got <The Call>...].

[Congratulations! You got <Avatar> Franchise…].

That message immediately grabbed his attention as he quickly checked the description and when he saw it. He felt a rush of excitement as he yelled inside his head.


He would have already been happy if he got the Airbender version not to mention getting the blue alien version. Afterall it was a multi-billion dollar franchise even if he got trash after this he would be content with it. Well maybe not entirely but he would still tolerate it.

Although after calming down, he realized an issue… The year is 1980 and the technology to make that franchise a success isn't available right now.

But it doesn't matter. He still has his past memories and this system now, so he could probably become a billionaire by that time.

He looked at the next message and immediately regretted his earlier remark.

[Congratulations! You got the <Orange> Franchise…].

[Congratulations! You got <Vampire Knight>...].

[Congratulations! You got <Oreshura>...].

Luke was speechless as he thought. 'Can I take back that thought about getting trash…?'

But the next one immediately dispelled his grievance as he once again felt a rush of excitement.

[Congratulations! You got the <Terminator> franchise…].

Luke felt a sense of euphoria by just merely looking at it, afterall, it was yet another Multi-billion dollar franchise and this time he could make it happen early.

'WOOOOOOO, THAT'S WHAT I AM TALKING ABOUT BABY!!!'. He yelled as he stood up while looking at the screen.

Then he sat down while jokingly thinking to himself. 'Am I related to James Cameron or something? No way right..' he thought while looking at the screen suspiciously, what are the odds he would get two of that guy's franchises in a single gacha spin.

'Although I kinda feel bad for him, it feels like I took his wife or something… ' Luke felt bad but he also thought jokingly ' But don't worry uncle James, It's our wife now, I shall take care of her.'

Afterall, they would still need to be made into movies and who's better than James Cameron the goat himself who worked on those franchises.

Shaking his head, he checked on the final message and… he almost immediately started dancing while listening to 'Rock with You' by Micheal Jackson via his walkman.

[Congratulations! You got the <Harry Potter> Franchise…]

He sang along inside his head

'Girl, close your eyes

Let that rhythm get into you

Don't try to fight it

There ain't nothing that you can do'

After a few minutes of singing and dancing to the song, he calmed down. He let out a light chuckle yet again realizing how much he had changed.

He would have thought it would be impossible to get rid of his addiction and dependence on the internet yet here he is after only ten years and already used to this universe.

Luke then looked inside his inventory. Sadly it could only store things he got from the system itself at least until it's in card form.

He then clicked on the Harry Potter card, which showed a prompt.

[Would you like to assimilate <Harry Potter>, franchise card?]

Luke pressed [Yes] and almost immediately the card turned into yellow particles rushing into his brain.

He felt a sense of inspiration as he understood almost every way to perfect it in his image.

Be it in the form of novels, comics, movies… games… anything.

It reminded him of that Iron man 2 scene when Tony commanded Jarvis to find that new element by zooming in and such.

He could do that and much more.

And finally, he realized something… 'This is a glorified Fanfic system who is obsessed with gacha.'.

Afterall, fanfics were the depiction of how a fan thought the story should or could have gone if they were in charge of it, a What if…?

Luke smiled as he was thinking this system is better than he previously thought.He initially thought he would have to copy paste what was already in the franchises.

But that was far from the truth. This system seemed to prefer the host using their creativity, which resonated with him, afterall, which unoriginal scum would copy paste everything from another story with the exception of the new protagonist and even then that protagonist is as passive as air…

'Nevermind' Luke thought with a grumble as he remembered all those cultivation and translation fanfics he had read.

Luke then contemplated which series he would publish first. He was Initially gonna publish what he was already working on before he got this system which is the TMNT franchise or Ninja Turtles as he dubbed it now, as it was such a great IP for its time.

But now that he got this system, he felt he should publish the 'Harry Potter' franchise first. Partly due to it being one of his favorite franchises and partly because he wanted to test out the other functions.

He looked at the other Gacha option which was grayed out 'Card Gacha', he let out a sigh as he would at least need 10 million IPs to spin that including publishing a franchise.

But he felt he could do it considering how popular Harry Potter was for its time, it seems to be the perfect way to earn IPs fast, and besides… he wasn't merely gonna make a novel like the original he was gonna make it a Graphic novel.

Luke was an artist in both of his lives. So he felt it was optimal to use his talent and knowledge in that particular field.

And Luke thought Graphic novels are far easier to consume for readers. So he felt it should theoretically mean It would be a commercial success.

But that's for future him to worry about, as he had to sleep now since he had a birthday party to celebrate in the morning.

Yet after ten minutes of failing to sleep Luke gave up, his mind was thinking too many things and possibilities. He let out a sigh, went to the washroom, took a piss,washed his face, and finally went to his drawing desk to start drawing 'Harry Potter' characters for practice.

And thus after a couple of hours of drawing he peacefully fell asleep on the desk.


Time 8:43 Am, 2nd of May, Friday

Location:- Luke's Bedroom.


Luke groggily woke up as he noticed a blanket around his body, which made him smile unconsciously as it's probably his mom who put it on him.

Although he had parents in his previous life, they had died when he was merely around five years old. So he lived with many foster parents who didn't like his presence for too long.

Luke stretched his body then he put all the drawings into a folder.

He went to the washroom beside his bed And started brushing his teeths while pondering what he would eat today,which accidentally caused him to swallow a bit of paste foam. Luke gagged as he gurgled with water.

Afterwards he took a shower and changed clothes into a green shirt with blue jeans.

He looked at the clock and it showed 9:10am. He decided to head downstairs, where he saw birthday decorations all over the living room and kitchen.

His Grandpa Max was reading the newspaper on the sofa while his dad Mark was drawing on a big paper that had already started spelling the initials of 'Happy Birthday' along with some DC comic book characters.

He saw his mom, Evelyn trying to check if the decorations were in the right place, He smiled seeing all this. This is his family… The Spencer household.

He quickly greeted his family by shouting. "Yo! Good morning Grandpa! Good morning Mom! Good Morning Dad!."As he started walking towards his Grandpa. He saw his dad give a gentle wave to say it back which he understood since they both usually get immersed while drawing.

Luke saw his Mom's signature smiling face while she said. "Good morning, Sweetie" as she gently nuzzled his head after getting near him.

When he was near His grandpa who smiled as he put down his newspaper while he said "Good morning, Champ, Did you sleep well?" While Luke and His Grandpa did their usual Handshake that ended in an explosion.

"Yeah, I had a dream where I became a wizard and went to study in a wizarding school" Luke sat down on the sofa while saying that as his legs dangled due to either him being short or the sofa being too tall.

"Oh..? Interestingly, I remember meeting a wizard when we were on a mission. He said something about dispelling demons from our world" Grandpa Max smiled as he shared yet another one of his adventures "Did you dispel demons in your dreams?" Max asked humorously.

"Umm, sort of, the demon was possessing a professor in the school and I helped defeat it along with an old man like you, who seemed to be the principal" Luke narrated an abridged Version of Harry Potter, as he already started shamelessly declaring his 'Inspiration' for his future graphic novels.

"Truly Fascinating. Oh by the way, a new movie called 'The Shining' will be released on the 23rd of this month, want to go see it?" Grandpa Max tentatively asked.

"Sure, I have nothing to do" Luke Answered as he didn't mind spending time with his family.

Afterwards They talked some more before they decided to watch Tv Together, Eve gave a home-made hamburger to Luke, which Luke loved a lot. He would have drank cola as well but his mom forbids it in the morning.

When it was nearing 5pm, The Guest started to arrive, First the neighbors arrived. Luke was near the door as he greeted them "Yo! Grandpa Dum Dum, Thanks for coming.".

Timothy Dugan also known as Dum Dum Dugan pretended to Scowl while he said "Good to see you too, Stinky brat, Where's your Grandpa? I thought he would be the one welcoming."

"Oh, he went to take a dump" Luke casually answered as he pointed to a corner as he said "And put the gift there… Is that a Pistol..?"

Grandpa Dugan casually said "Don't worry, it's a toy gun this time, don't wanna hear an hour long lecture from your mom again…" While shivering slightly at the end as he quietly mumbled "This is why I didn't get married…"

"Oh, Dugan, you are finally here, you took so much time that I nearly fell asleep on the toilet " Grandpa Max jokingly said while he walked down the stairs.

"You probably did fall asleep and just dreamed of going to the washroom" Dugan snickered back as they both laughed.

"Luke, Tell the others we are in the backyard if they need me" Grand Max Said as Luke replied "Okay, Have fun Grandpa!"

Dugan walked with Max as he lamented "Sigh, if only I had a grandson like yours, I would pamper him.".

Luke heard His Grandpa Max say "Uh-huh, You definitely wouldn't have tried to teach them how to use a gun before they would know how to run.".

"Hey, It was war back then, so I was merely making sure they survive…" Dugan grumbled as they went out of view.

Luke was amused to say the least but then he heard Knock Knock

So he casually asked "Who is it?"

"America" A male voice humorously said Which Luke immediately recognized as he somewhat excitedly opened the door. He saw a blond handsome middle aged man and a Brown hair beautiful lady who was giggling by the side.

"Uncle Steve! you are finally here!"Luke smiled widely as he hugged Steve who gently patted Luke's head as he said "Sup, champ, How have you been?"

"Great! I already finished drawing the Graphic novel You were intrigued by" Luke said right as he heard a slight Ahem

Which made Luke scratch his head a bit as he almost forgot about His Grandma Peggy, so he turned around and hugged her, who said "I missed you too"

Steve smiled then they went inside the house while Luke curiously asked "Is Sister Sharon busy?"

Peggy let out a sigh as she said "Yes, That girl is even more stubborn than me, but don't worry she said she will visit when she has time" Then she smiled as she said "Here's your present" as she handed him a lunchbox.

Luke excitedly took it as he said "Thank you Aunt Peggy! You are one of the best!" Peggy pouted as she said "Cheeky reply as usual".

"Oh by the way, Grandpa Dugan already arrived and he is with Grandpa Max in the backyard" Luke said in an attempt to distract her.

Steve and Peggy amusedly looked at each other as Steve said "Well, Enjoy your desserts but don't eat too much" as they headed towards the backyard after Patting Luke.

Luke began eating some of the desserts while he dangled his feet, as he absentmindedly thought about how he found out His Grandpa was part of the Howling commandos. He was surprised to say the least.

But It also made him realize, his reincarnation might have been planned by some unknown entity.

After ten minutes of pondering and mindless consumption he heard the doorbell ring bling bling bor-

Luke quickly went and asked "Who?".

"Your uncle." a young boy snickering said,While another voice seemed to reprimand the boy quietly.

"I only have uncles that are as old as my grandpa, so it makes sense why a senile old man like you would be my uncle" Luke bemused as he opened the door while he greeted "Hello, Uncle Howard and Aunt Maria, Good to see you again" with a smile, while he took a glance at Tony who was scowling.

Luke inwardly snickered as he welcomed them in, afterwards He played Some games with Tony on his Atari 2600 while Tony's parents went to the backyard.

Later, They celebrated Luke's birthday along with some other guests and then Luke opened all the extra gifts he received, such as a Rubik's cube from his mom, a new set of drawing utensils from his dad,His Grandpa gave him a guitar as he had asked for one.

The stark family gave him a personal computer they were planning to release in a few months known as Machinstark.

Which Tony and Luke decided to check out in Luke's room.

End of Chapter 1


Word count: 2922

Author's note section:-

Thank you for reading, I will post 1 chapter every two days probably around 4PM UTC or when Webnovel resets their power stone thing.

I am posting this on Webnovel and Wattpad for now.

Oh also, that spin was genuine, 8 out of them came from a spin and the last two were added by me i.e the author's grace or pity factor (Should I lower it to 1 pity grace or keep it as it is?)

Here's the format for a franchise spin:- 3 movies, 2 tv series, 3 anime, two picked by me

If you have any franchises he can plunder recommend to me those, they would either need to have a lot of potential power scale wise or it would earn a lot of IPs.

Either way if the IP recommended are similar, like Vampire Knights + another vampire franchise, I would likely combine them both as an improvised storyline like they exist in the same vampireverse but either at different era or location.

Otherwise it wouldn't make sense if Luke keeps introducing different concepts of what is a vampire as separate franchises unless he decides to co-author it.

Although if you feel like certain IPs should be standalone despite having similar themes to another franchise already published by Luke then do let me know whiel also explaining the reasoning behind it.

Also don't expect long chapters, probably at least 2k words per chapter. This chapter would likely be reworked if readers complain enough of it being too redundant and slow.

If you are jabby enough to comment "That isn't how it went in canon-", Kindly read that canon stuff if you want to instead of this Fanfic which is now considered AU considering how much I have changed in the background besides Luke monkeying around.

Oh also Thank you to TheRamenLord and Universeless for inspiring me to write this, I used their works as a blueprint for mine.

Especially Ramenlord, he has helped me many times when I was overthinking or Indecisive while making this fanfic. So if you like fanfics with business and Hollywood related stuff look for their works titled 'Alexender Creed: Relife' and 'Hollywood: HeadHunting system', both I think are in webnovel.

Anyways, thanks for reading this part if you have, otherwise enjoy binge reading or something. :)

(Wild the word count went to 3.3k words just from me yapping, should I do this more often?)

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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Stone -- หินพลัง



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