5.88% A Superman in Marvel / Chapter 2: Chapter 2

บท 2: Chapter 2

A/N: hope you all enjoy this chapter if u don't I'm gonna diddle you the diddy way.

Btw here's the new format I'm using since I see all these popular and better written fics use em



Mr poopybutthole^2




Kade blinked awake, his body stiff against the cold, unforgiving pavement beneath him. He groaned, rubbing his temples as a dull ache pounded behind his eyes. What the hell happened? Slowly, he pushed himself to a sitting position, scanning his surroundings. The narrow alleyway was filled with trash, old newspapers fluttering in the faint breeze.

I… I was in a fire… saving that kid. His mind flashed back to the crackling flames, the suffocating heat, and the overwhelming sense of finality. I'm supposed to be dead.

Panicking, Kade glanced down at his body. His breath caught in his throat. His hands—they weren't the familiar, calloused ones he'd grown accustomed to over the years. These hands were smooth, unblemished, and smaller than they should have been. His fingers flexed, and his mind reeled. What is going on?

Frantically, Kade stumbled to his feet and rushed toward a nearby puddle of water, his heart hammering against his ribs. Kneeling, he peered into the murky reflection and froze. The face staring back at him wasn't the 30-year-old failure he knew so well. It was a 17-year-old version of himself.

"No way," he whispered, reaching up to touch his cheek, as if to confirm what his eyes were telling him. His fingertips brushed against the smooth skin of his face, his shorter hair falling into place as he ran his hand through it. His face, once bloated from years of neglect, was sharp and lean again.

"I'm… I'm young," he muttered, a disbelieving laugh escaping his lips. "I'm 17 again."

His mind raced. How is this even possible? I was dead. I was supposed to die. He shook his head, trying to make sense of the whirlwind of thoughts running through his mind. That kid… Did he survive?

Instinctively, Kade reached for his phone to call someone—his family, maybe the fire department—but his pockets were empty. No phone. No wallet. No keys. Nothing. He patted himself down, and a wave of panic surged through him. All I've got are these clothes. The same ones he'd been wearing when he tried to save the kid. Jeans, a faded hoodie, and his old, worn-out sneakers.

"Great," he muttered under his breath, frustration creeping in. "Not only am I alive, but I don't have anything with me."

Kade turned toward the street, trying to gather his bearings, when he heard it—the unmistakable sound of shouting. He edged closer to the alley's exit, peering out from the shadows. A group of men—five, maybe six—had surrounded a pair of homeless people, pushing and shoving them.

One of the men, taller than the others and with a mean-looking sneer on his face, grabbed the old man by his collar. "I said, give me whatever you got. Or do I need to make this real simple for you?"

The old man struggled, his hands trembling as he tried to speak, but the thug tightened his grip, shaking him like a rag doll. The woman next to him begged for mercy, but the rest of the men laughed, enjoying the spectacle.

Kade's heart pounded. His first instinct was to turn around and leave—avoid the situation, keep his head down like he always had. It's not your problem. You don't need to get involved.

But as he took a step back, something gnawed at him, pulling him toward the scene. You just got a second chance at life. Do something with it. He clenched his fists. He thought about the fire. That moment when he decided to save the kid without hesitation. You can't run from everything.

Taking a deep breath, Kade stepped out from the alley. "Hey! Leave them alone!" His voice rang out, stronger than he'd intended. All eyes turned toward him.

One of the thugs, a burly guy with tattoos covering his arms, snorted. "Who the hell is this punk?"

The leader, still gripping the old man, narrowed his eyes, a smirk forming on his lips. "Look at that. Another hero wannabe." He shoved the old man aside, dusting off his hands as he walked toward Kade. "You think you're gonna stop us?"

Kade's heart was hammering now, adrenaline flooding his veins. He had no idea what he was doing, but something inside him told him not to back down. "I'm giving you one chance to walk away," Kade said, his voice more confident than he felt. Fake it 'til you make it, right?

The thug laughed, a deep, mocking sound. "Oh, you're funny. I like that." He turned to his crew. "This kid's got jokes." The others joined in, their laughter echoing in the early morning air.

Kade clenched his fists tighter. Alright, think. His boxing coach's voice echoed in his head. Stick and move, kid. Stick and move.

"Alright, you asked for it," the leader said, cracking his knuckles. "Let's see what you've got."

Without another word, the thug lunged at him, throwing a wide punch. Kade dodged, slipping to the side like his old training had drilled into him. The thug staggered past him, off balance. Kade countered with a quick jab to the ribs.

The man grunted, surprised by the hit, but quickly recovered. He turned, swinging again, and Kade ducked, the punch whizzing over his head. Kade pivoted, landing another hit, this time to the man's jaw.

"Alright, alright!" The thug spat blood, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. "You wanna play?" He motioned to his crew. "Get him!"

The other men advanced, and Kade braced himself. One of them rushed forward, throwing a wild punch. Kade sidestepped, delivering a hard jab to the guy's gut. Another came from behind, grabbing Kade by the shoulder, but Kade spun, throwing an elbow into the man's face.

I'm doing it. I'm actually holding my own.

But just as Kade was gaining ground, a sharp click echoed through the alley. His heart stopped. One of the thugs had pulled out a gun.

Everything seemed to slow down. The thug aimed the gun at Kade, his finger hovering over the trigger.

Kade, think. You can't fight a guy with a gun. His trainer's words screamed in his head. Run. Run like hell.

In an instant, Kade turned on his heel and bolted. He sprinted down the alley, his legs pumping faster than he ever remembered. His heart pounded in his chest, fear driving him forward. Behind him, the thugs shouted, their footsteps closing in.

Run like hell. That's exactly what I'm doing.

Kade didn't dare look back. He darted around corners, leaping over trash cans and weaving through the maze of the city streets. His breath came in ragged gasps, but he felt… incredible. His body, his legs, his lungs—they were moving faster, stronger than they ever had before. He hadn't felt this alive in years.

"Holy crap," he muttered under his breath as he continued to run. "I haven't moved like this since I was a kid."

But the thugs weren't giving up. He could hear them behind him, their voices growing louder, their footsteps closer. Kade's pulse raced, his mind frantically searching for an escape. Up ahead, he spotted an old, abandoned warehouse.

Without a second thought, Kade ran inside, slamming the door shut behind him. He could hear the thugs shouting outside, but the pounding in his chest was louder. He raced up a set of rusted stairs, his boots clanging against the metal as he climbed higher and higher, desperate for a way out.

The top floor of the warehouse was empty, save for broken windows and the faint light of dawn creeping in. Kade skidded to a stop, looking around. Trapped.

The door below slammed open, and the men poured into the warehouse. Their leader's voice rang out, cocky and assured. "Where do you think you're going, hero? You think you can outrun us?"

Kade's chest tightened. His back was against the wall, and there was nowhere left to run. His breath was ragged, his heart pounding in his ears.

"I'm warning you!" Kade shouted, his voice shaky. "Just leave me alone!"

But the leader wasn't listening. He stepped forward, raising his gun once more. "Time's up, kid."

Kade squeezed his eyes shut, bracing for the shot. This is it. I survived a fire only to get killed in some warehouse by a thug with a gun.

The gun fired. But there was no pain. No impact. Just the soft clink of metal hitting the floor.

Slowly, Kade opened his eyes. The thug stood there, wide-eyed, his jaw slack. Kade followed his gaze down to the ground, where the bullet lay—flattened, harmless.

"What the…?" Kade muttered, his voice barely above a whisper. He stared at the bullet, then back at the thug, who was just as stunned as he was.

The man raised his gun again, his hands trembling. He fired another shot. This time, Kade didn't flinch. He watched as the bullet hit him… and bounced off.

"W-What the hell are you?" the thug stammered, taking a step back.

Kade looked down at himself, his hoodie untouched, his body unharmed. His mind was racing, struggling to make sense of what had just happened. I'm bulletproof?

Time seemed to slow down, the world around him freezing in place. Kade blinked, confused. He moved, stepping to the side, but everything else remained still—like he was the only thing in motion.

He glanced at the thugs, frozen in mid-step, their faces twisted in shock. Kade took a breath, his pulse steadying. I'm… fast. Faster than anyone else, at least. He walked up to the thug holding the gun, plucked it from his hands, and smirked.

"Well, this is new," Kade said to himself, tossing the gun aside. He turned and punched the nearest thug, watching as the man went flying across the room in slow motion.

The world snapped back into normal speed, the thugs flying through the air as Kade's blows connected. They crashed into the walls, crumpling to the ground in a heap.

Kade stood there, breathless, staring at his hands in disbelief. "I've got superpowers…" he whispered, a grin slowly spreading across his face.

Kade stood frozen in the aftermath, his breath shallow as he stared down at his hands. *What the hell just happened?* His pulse was still racing, but not from fear this time. No, it was something else—a rush, a thrill. The feeling of power coursing through him was overwhelming, intoxicating even.

He glanced at the thugs sprawled across the warehouse floor, groaning and struggling to get up. The leader, still clutching his ribs from the punch that had sent him flying, was staring at Kade with a mixture of awe and fear.

"I—" Kade's voice came out in a rasp. He cleared his throat and tried again. "I didn't know I could do that."

The thug leader winced as he pushed himself up to a kneeling position. "What the hell are you, man?" His voice trembled, eyes wide in disbelief. "That ain't normal. That ain't human."

Kade glanced down at his clothes, still the same tattered hoodie and jeans, but now it felt different. *I feel different. Stronger... faster.* He took a deep breath, trying to wrap his mind around what just happened. *How did this even happen?*

"You... you're bulletproof," one of the other thugs stammered, still cradling his injured arm as he gawked at Kade. "That's impossible. We shot you... twice."

Kade's eyes narrowed. "Yeah, I noticed." His voice was dripping with sarcasm, though he couldn't help the slight tremor in it. He tried to play it cool, but inside, he was barely holding it together. *What am I supposed to do now?* He couldn't just walk away like nothing had happened, but he didn't know how to handle this either.

"You got a death wish or something?" the leader spat, clutching his side in pain but still glaring up at Kade defiantly. "You think you're some kinda hero now?"

Kade bit his lip. *Hero?* The word echoed in his mind. Was that what he was supposed to be now? He didn't feel like one. Not with his life back in shambles—dead and somehow alive again, no family, no direction. But still, this power... it had to mean something, right?

*No, you're just a guy who barely understands what's happening.*

Kade took a step forward, his sneakers echoing in the quiet of the warehouse. "I didn't ask for this, but I'm not gonna let you hurt anyone else," he said, trying to summon a confidence he wasn't entirely sure he had. "So, you've got two options. Either get up and leave, or I can show you just how much more I can do."

The threat was hollow, but he hoped they wouldn't notice. He had no idea what else he was capable of, but clearly, the thugs didn't either.

The leader cursed under his breath, shaking his head. "You're crazy, man," he muttered, struggling to his feet with a grimace. "Ain't no way I'm messing with a freak like you."

He waved a hand at the others, motioning them to back off. Slowly, they gathered themselves, limping and stumbling toward the exit. One by one, they filtered out of the warehouse, shooting fearful glances at Kade over their shoulders. The leader was the last to leave, casting a final glare at Kade.

"This ain't over," he growled, but there was no conviction in his words. "You're gonna regret this."

Kade didn't respond. He just stood there, watching them disappear into the early morning light. His hands were still shaking. He wasn't sure if it was from the adrenaline or the realization of what had just happened.

When the last of the thugs was gone, Kade let out a long, shaky breath, his legs threatening to give out. He stumbled toward a stack of crates and collapsed onto them, burying his face in his hands.

*What the hell is going on?* His mind was racing, thoughts jumbled together in a chaotic mess. He tried to piece it all together—the fire, waking up young, the bulletproof skin, and now... super speed? Super strength? It didn't make any sense.

His inner dialogue was interrupted by a soft chuckle that bubbled up from his chest. At first, it was a nervous laugh, but it quickly grew, spilling out of him uncontrollably. He didn't know why he was laughing—nothing about this was funny. But there it was, the absurdity of it all hitting him like a ton of bricks.

"I... I just punched a guy across a room," Kade said aloud to no one, still laughing as he looked at his hands in disbelief. "And I didn't even break a sweat."

He shook his head, his laughter dying down as reality started to sink in again. *I'm not just alive. I've got powers.* He didn't know how or why, but there was no denying it now.

Pushing himself off the crates, Kade walked back to the center of the room where the bullets lay scattered on the ground. He bent down and picked one up, turning it over in his fingers. It was deformed, flattened from where it had hit his chest.

"That should've killed me," he muttered. "I should be dead right now."

He ran a hand through his hair, trying to calm the storm of thoughts in his head. *I've gotta figure this out. There has to be some kind of explanation. Maybe... maybe I can find someone who knows what's going on.*

But even as he thought it, he knew how crazy it sounded. Who could he possibly turn to? *Hey, so I died, came back to life as my 17-year-old self, and now I have superpowers. Know what that's about?*

He let out a frustrated groan. "Great. Just great."

His mind shifted back to the fire, to the kid he had tried to save. *Did the kid make it?* That question gnawed at him, more than anything else. He had no idea where he was or how long it had been since the fire. Hell, he didn't even know if it was the same day.

With a deep breath, Kade decided he had to get moving. Standing still wasn't going to get him any answers. He had to find out where he was, what time it was—something, anything that could help him figure out what had happened.

As he left the warehouse and stepped out onto the street, the city was slowly coming to life. The sun had started to rise, casting a warm, golden glow over the buildings. Kade stuffed his hands in his pockets and walked with no real destination, his mind still buzzing with questions.

*What now?* The thought nagged at him. He had powers, sure, but what was he supposed to do with them? He wasn't some comic book superhero. He was just... Kade. A guy who couldn't even keep his life together. *Is this supposed to be some kind of second chance?*

He kicked a stray can down the sidewalk, watching it roll into the gutter. His thoughts were spiraling again, a mix of confusion, fear, and curiosity.

*Maybe I am supposed to do something. Be someone else this time.* The idea hung in the air, tempting him. Kade had never thought of himself as a hero, but after what had just happened... maybe he could be one.

"Or maybe you'll just get yourself killed again," he muttered under his breath, a sarcastic edge to his tone. "Not exactly the best track record so far."

Still, the thought lingered, and as Kade walked, he couldn't shake the feeling that his life had just taken a turn—a huge, irreversible turn.

One thing was for sure, though: he wasn't going back to the way things were. Not after this.

With that realization, Kade straightened his shoulders, his steps becoming more purposeful. *Alright, let's figure this out. One step at a time.* He had a lot of questions and no answers, but he wasn't going to sit around and wait for them to come to him. He was going to find them—find out what had happened to him and why.

*I've got nothing to lose, right?*Kade thought

Kade stepped out of the warehouse where a newspaper carried by the wind hit him in the face.Kade grabbed the newspaper reading it his eyes widened.

On the front of the paper was a picture of Spider Man with the words written

Masked Menace fights other menaces causing property damages costing in the thousands and who's paying for it that's right the American taxpayer.

- J Jonah Jameson

"Alright,maybe I do have something to lose"Kade said as he looked at the words 'Photo taken by Peter Parker'.

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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คะแนนรวม 0.0

รีวิวโพสต์สําเร็จ! อ่านรีวิวเพิ่มเติม
โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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