58.33% MHA: Energy Nexus / Chapter 6: Chapter 6: Attack on USJ(Start)

บท 6: Chapter 6: Attack on USJ(Start)

Next morning, I got up and completed my morning rituals. After having breakfast, I dressed up, took my bag, and headed out to the bus stop. I guess I was early since I didn't find Toru or Ashido. As I waited at the bus stop, Toru and Ashido finally arrived.

"Good morning, Leo," Toru greeted with a bright smile.

"Good morning, Toru-chan," I replied warmly.

Ashido, standing beside her, pouted playfully. "Hey, where is my greeting?"

I laughed and said, "Good morning, Ashido-san."

We chatted about random things and the homework given yesterday. As we talked, the bus arrived and we all got in. Once seated, Ashido asked, "Say, Leo, what do you think will be taught today? Will it be like a cityscape maneuver or a paired battle like yesterday?"

I thought for a moment before answering, "Neither. Being a hero is not all about fighting villains. There is one important thing too: saving people. So, my guess is today they will teach us about rescue. Maybe some practical rescue training too."

Ashido nodded, her eyes lighting up. "HeHe! I completely forgot about that."

We continued discussing today's classes and training until Kirishima arrived. But along with him, I saw a familiar golden-haired boy. I called out, "Yo, Kaminari! How did you end up with Kirishima?"

Hearing this, Kirishima and Kaminari looked over and then came to sit with us. Kirishima explained that Kaminari's family had just moved in near his place yesterday since their last home was quite far from school. To make it easier for Kaminari to commute, they bought a house closer to U.A.

After that, we all got along and talked about random things. Even Kirishima asked what today's training content would be, and I explained my theory to them. Both Kirishima and Kaminari were excited about it. Soon, the bus stopped at the station near U.A., and we got off, ready to face another day of training.

But before facing training, there was another thing to face... the media. As I looked at the gate of the school, crowded with reporters, I turned to the four of Kirishima behind me and asked, "So, anyone have an idea of how to avoid this group of sharks?" Hearing my joke, everyone laughed, and Kirishima said playfully, "I have no idea."

I laughed and said, "Okay, I guess we're facing the media today. Well, this can be considered a part of training too. After all, pro heroes often need to address the public or media. Let's go."

Hearing this, everyone nodded, and we walked towards the gate. As soon as we approached, the media swarmed us. A reporter extended her mic towards me and asked, "What is it like learning from All Might? Wait, aren't you that kid from the sludge villain incident?" Hearing this, other reporters also crowded around me.

Seeing this, I sighed. "Guess I have to be the bait." I looked back at the four of them and said, "You guys go ahead. I'm sure these sharks won't let me off easily." Hearing this, they nodded and rushed into the school, grateful to escape the media, even if just for a few minutes.

Facing the barrage of questions, I raised my hand and said, "Okay, can you all quiet down? Ask one at a time, or I'm leaving." Hearing this, everyone quieted down and asked questions one by one.

The first reporter, a woman, started. "Okay, I guess your name was Leo? Am I right?" I was surprised that the media knew my name, but I calmed down. After all, it's the media for crying out loud. I nodded, and she continued, "Okay, Leo, what is it like learning from All Might?"

I answered, "I wish you asked that question a week later since he's only taught us for one day. But from my experience, I can say he is quite awesome. He teaches pretty well too, considering it's his first time teaching. Beyond that, he also showed us his humorous and friendly side, different from his dignified and serious one."

The reporter nodded, taking notes. Another journalist stepped forward and asked, "How do you feel about being in the same class as the future top heroes?"

I smiled and replied, "It's an honor and a challenge. Everyone in Class 1-A is incredibly talented, and it pushes me to improve and be the best I can be. We're all learning and growing together."

A third reporter asked, "What are your personal goals as a hero-in-training?"

I paused for a moment before responding, "My personal goal is to become a hero who can save everyone in need and inspire others to do the same. I want to protect and bring hope, just like All Might does."

Another reporter asked, "How does he look like in front of the class?" 

Hearing this question, I answered, "Of course, the same as how he looks everywhere. What kind of question is that? Next one."

With that, I answered a few more questions and then said, "Okay, that's all. I hope you got enough to appease your supervisors. Now I request you all to please leave since you are disturbing the order." With that, I left the bunch of sharks behind and walked into the school.

On the way, I met Aizawa. "Kid, I have to say, you did excellent. And you suppressed the media, at least temporarily. Great job. Now go to class. You're already late. I'll excuse you for today." 

Hearing this, I nodded. "Thank you, Aizawa-sensei."

I walked ahead as Aizawa went towards the media. Looking at the few greedy reporters there, he said, "If you are looking for All Might, he is off today. Now can you all leave? You are interrupting the classes." Then he walked back. 

A female reporter walked forward saying, "Oh, come on. We just want to ask All Might about..." As she reached the gate, an alarm rang. I was still a little far from the building entrance and turned back when I heard the alarm. Soon, I saw large metal barriers propping up from the ground, and the entire school wall had an extra interior wall fully made of metal. I also saw Aizawa walking in without paying any attention to the alarm or the wall.

Seeing Aizawa, I joked, "Guess the sharks are not satisfied with the meat they got."

Hearing my joke, Aizawa shook his head and said, "That's how the media is, Leo. You can never satisfy them."

Hearing this advice, I nodded and walked towards the class with Aizawa.

As I walked alongside Aizawa, my mind buzzed with questions about facing the media. It seemed too early to delve into such a topic, but Aizawa patiently entertained my inquiries, shedding light on an aspect of heroism that was both daunting and crucial for aspiring heroes.

Arriving at the classroom, Aizawa's presence commanded attention, silencing the chatter. I followed behind him, greeted by Kirishima's playful jest. "Hey Leo, good thing the sharks didn't eat you up completely," he quipped, earning laughs from the class. Kaminari chimed in with his own remark, sparking more amusement.

Playing along, I chuckled sarcastically. "Haha, I really wanted to record your expression when you were bombarded with questions," I retorted, eliciting another round of laughter as I took my seat.

Taking my seat, I found myself facing Yaoyorozu's curious gaze. "How was your first encounter with the media?" she asked. Chuckling, I replied, "Honestly, I don't ever want to face the media again. I feel like if I answered a few more questions, my IQ would drop," I quipped, mimicking the absurdity of some inquiries. This elicited a laugh from Yaoyorozu. Despite the jest, I acknowledged the significance of the experience. "But still, it was a valuable experience. As future pro heroes, we'll have to face the media countless times," I added, reflecting on the necessity of mastering this aspect of heroism.

Following that light banter, the class soon quieted down, and Aizawa praised, "Good work with yesterday's battle training, everyone. I have looked over your evaluations and grades."

Hearing this, everyone was surprised. Then, Aizawa's gaze fell on Bakugo, and he said, "Bakugo, grow up already. Stop wasting your talents."

Bakugo looked down and admitted, "Got it, Sensei."

Turning his attention to Midoriya, Aizawa continued, "And Midoriya, I can see that you have grown up and managed to control your quirk. You have proved your potential, but there is so much more to learn. Good work."

Midoriya nodded in gratitude, "Thank you, Sensei."

Then Aizawa proceeded, "Now on to homeroom business. Sorry for the sudden announcement, but today..."

As Aizawa's words trailed off, everyone stared at him nervously, their minds racing with anticipation. "What is it? Will it be another brutal pop quiz?" everyone thought.

Aizawa continued, "You will pick a class president."

The revelation left everyone stunned. "Such a normal school-like thing!!" everyone exclaimed inwardly, disbelief evident in their expressions.

Soon, everyone except me raised their hands and expressed their desire to be president. In a typical school setting, this role often symbolizes mundane responsibilities, and thus, nobody is eager to take it on. But in the hero course, it's different – it signifies leadership, a position suited for a top hero in the making.

The reason I didn't raise my hand was because I never thought of myself as leader material. Soon, a voice cut through all the shouts. "Quiet down, everyone. Leading the entire class is a heavy responsibility. Ambition doesn't equate to ability. This sacred office demands the trust of its constituents. If this is to be a democracy, then I put forward the notion that our true leader must be chosen by election!"

Hearing this, everyone shouted, "This is just a classroom, not Congress!"

Then Asui said, "But Ida, we haven't known each other long enough to build any trust."

Kirishima chimed in, "Yes, and most of us will just vote for ourselves."

I thought for a while and said, "And that's precisely why we should vote. So that whoever gets more than one vote will be the best suited for being the class president."

Ida nodded. "Yes, just like Leo said." Then he looked at Aizawa and asked, "Will you allow this, Sensei?"

Aizawa, who had gotten into his sleeping bag, said, "However you do it, just make it quick."

Soon, the voting began. After a while, the votes were counted and the results were written on the board:

Leo - 19 votes 

Momo Yaoyorozu - 1 vote

Looking at this result, I was stunned. "Wait, what? Why did all of you vote for me? Do I look like leader material to you?"

Hearing my question, everyone nodded. Kirishima said, "Yes, you do."

Hearing this, I asked, "On what basis? You know we all have just been familiar for three days."

Ida replied, "There are a few things, like your performance in the entrance exam and the quirk apprehension test, and yesterday's indoor battle training. Above all, your willingness to help others, like yesterday after everyone's battles, when you gave us advice on how to better use our own advantages, and your calm mind in the face of problems. Besides, we all trust you."

Hearing this, I was confused. "I still don't understand what made you trust me. And Bakugo, how did you end up voting for me?"

Hearing my question, everyone realized and collectively stared at Bakugo. Seeing this, Bakugo yelled, "What are you looking at, extras? I just did. I just felt like you are the right person."

Then Ashido asked, "So who was the one who voted for Yaoyorozu?"

Yaoyorozu answered, "Not me, I voted for Leo."

I clarified, "It was me. I voted for her. I felt that she would be a good class representative."

With the doubts resolved, Aizawa woke up and got out of the sleeping bag. Then he looked at the board. Seeing the score, he announced, "Okay, so your president will be Leo and vice president will be Yaoyorozu."

As I stood in front of the class with Yaoyorozu, I said earnestly, "I don't know what made you guys trust me so much. But since you all did, then I will take this responsibility and try to live up to all your trust." After this, the remaining classes went by in a flash.

Soon, it was lunchtime, and for once, everyone in the class got together. Even Bakugo joined in. I wondered what had happened to him that made him change so much. Although everything that happened yesterday shattered his pride, it's definitely not enough to change him this much. Or was it just that? Did he have an enlightenment? Shaking these thoughts aside, I focused back on lunch.

As we were eating, Uraraka started the conversation. "I still can't believe that there are so many students here."

Hearing this, Ida said with a thoughtful tone, "That's because besides the hero course, the students from support and even business courses are here. We all come together for lunch."

As we all were talking, Uraraka asked curiously, "Say, Ida, the way you are talking, are you a rich kid?"

Hearing this, Ida choked. I was next to him, so I patted his back. Then Ida said gratefully, "Thank you, Leo." He went on to explain about his hero family and concluded, "I don't like people to know about this, so I usually hide it."

After this, everyone talked about random things and got to know each other better. It's just been three days, and I could clearly see the prototype of unity forming.

As we were enjoying lunch, a loud alarm blared throughout the entire school. Then the intercom sounded, "Security Level 3 has been issued. All students, please evacuate in an orderly manner."

Hearing this, Ida asked a senior with a concerned look, "What's Security Level 3?"

The senior replied, "It means someone broke into the school. Anyway, it hasn't happened in my three years here. Now hurry up and get out of here."

Soon, everyone started rushing out of the cafeteria. But I just sat there and ate like it never bothered me. Seeing me, Ida asked urgently, "Hey Leo, didn't you hear? Someone broke in. Why are you sitting and eating so calmly?"

Hearing this, I raised my head and saw everyone staring at me. I just shrugged and pointed my chopsticks toward the window, then focused back on eating. Seeing this, everyone looked outside the window and saw the press rushing in. Then everyone made a collective "Oh!"

By the time they reacted, I had already finished eating. Then I stood up and said calmly, "If I were you, I would cover my ears right now." Hearing this, everyone subconsciously covered their ears. Then I used my quirk and created a loud sonic wave, "EVERYONE CALM DOWN! IT'S JUST THE PRESS THAT BROKE IN. NOW QUIT YOUR PANIC AND RETURN TO YOUR CLASSES IN AN ORDERLY MANNER." Then I stopped my quirk and leisurely drank a glass of water.

After my wake-up call, everyone calmed down and started returning to class. 

After finishing that glass of water, I too evacuated to class with everyone. Back in class, Momo and I stood in front of everyone. I looked at my classmates and said, "Now let's continue where we left off in the morning homeroom class. It's time to choose the rest of the student council members." 

Aizawa was already cozying up in his sleeping bag. "Whatever, just get on with it. What a waste of time," he muttered.

With that, we started choosing the remaining council members. While we were choosing, I couldn't help but wonder how the press managed to break in. However, I stowed that thought away since it didn't concern me directly at the moment. 

After that period, the school ended early due to the break-in. We all bid goodbye to each other and headed towards our homes. As always, Toru, Ashido, Kirishima, the new addition Kaminari, and I walked back to the bus-stop, discussing today's events and wondering about tomorrow's challenges. 

Despite the unexpected interruptions, the day had brought us closer together, and as we chatted and laughed, I felt a growing sense of camaraderie and anticipation for what lay ahead.

Next morning, as usual, I woke up early and headed to school. At the bus stop, I met up with Toru and Ashido and greeted them like I usually do. As we waited for the bus, Ashido complained, "I am so mad at the press. Because of them, we lost yesterday's hero studies." Seeing her punching and kicking the air to vent her frustration, I couldn't help but laugh. 

"Okay, calm down, Ashido. I'm sure the class will be postponed to today. Hero studies is a core subject for the hero course, so even if we lose other periods, we won't lose this one."

Hearing this, Ashido calmed down and said, "Really?! That would be great." 

Soon the bus arrived, and we got in. After sitting down, we talked about random nonsense until we reached the school. On the way, Kirishima and Kaminari also joined in. When the bus reached our stop, we got off and walked to school. After yesterday's events, the gate was surprisingly quiet, with just the shadows of students walking in.

After reaching the class, I greeted everyone as usual and walked to my seat. As there was still time before the first period, everyone just relaxed and talked about random things like new hero debuts, different villains that were caught, or just wishing to go and punch the media for making us lose our hero studies. 

Soon the bell rang, and the first period began. And thus, another day of classes started, filled with the usual routines and a bit of anticipation for what lay ahead in our hero training.

Maybe because the classes were so boring and after what felt like an eternity, the morning periods finally came to an end, and the bell for lunch break rang. Everyone walked out together and headed towards the cafeteria to relax and have lunch. The lunch break went by in a flash, and soon, the next period began as Aizawa walked in.

He stood on the podium and said, "Due to some unfortunate circumstances, yesterday's hero studies was cancelled, so the school decided to postpone it to today. Now for the topic." Then he took out a card that had "Rescue" written in large characters. "It's Rescue training. The aim of this training is to prepare you for disaster relief from fires to floods. This time, All Might, myself, and another hero will supervise you."

Hearing this, Kaminari complained, "Rescue? Hah... Sounds like another rough day."

I joked, "Probably you are the only one who thinks that," pointing out the fact that he becomes an idiot after using high voltage. This caused light laughter in the class.

Kirishima said, "Come on, this is what being a hero is all about. I'm so pumped."

Asui added, "I will be right at home in a flood. Ribbit!"

Seeing everyone discussing, Aizawa said, "Hey, I'm not done yet." Then he used a remote, and the wall on the right side opened up, revealing a suitcase containing our suits. He continued, "It's up to you all to decide whether you want to wear your hero costume or not, as some of them are ill-suited for this sort of activity. Also, the training site is a little remote, so you all will be going by bus. That's all, now get ready." With that, Aizawa headed out.

Following that, all of us took our respective suitcases and headed to the changing room. Soon after we suited up, we gathered near the bus. Looking at the different costume on Midoriya, I asked, "Hey Midoriya, did you upgrade your suit?"

Midoriya replied, "Yeah, after the first hero training class, I requested the support company to upgrade it. The last one wasn't a proper suit; it was made by my mother with regular materials. I'm surprised at their efficiency. I got the suit back in just a day."

I nodded in agreement, then headed to the bus and looked inside. Seeing the seat arrangement, I nodded and got out, then I announced, "Okay, everyone, line up and enter in an orderly manner. No rushing." After all, as the class president, it was my job to maintain order. Following my announcement, everyone lined up and got in. After ensuring that everyone was inside, I also got in. A few minutes later, Aizawa arrived and got on the bus. With that, the bus started and drove towards the site.

On the road, Asui said, "I generally say what's on my mind directly, Midoriya."

Hearing this, Midoriya asked, "What is it, Asui?"

Asui said, "Just call me Tsuyu." Then she continued, "Your quirk looks so much like All Might's."

Hearing this, Midoriya was stunned. But Kirishima interjected, "Hold up, Tsuyu. All Might didn't get hurt after using his quirk. They are already different in that way."

I supported this and said, "Yep, besides, even though he doesn't get hurt now, does All Might's quirk have those cool green arcs? No, right? So it is completely different. It looked the same because maybe Midoriya's physical enhancement is just the same type as All Might's."

Hearing this, Kirishima added, "But those kinds of physical enhancement quirks are so cool because you can do a lot of different stuff with them. Not like my hardening. I am really good in a fight, but it looks really boring."

I said, "Hey, don't beat yourself up like that. I feel it looks cool and it's definitely more than enough to be a pro."

Ashido said, "Yes, it is enough to go pro, but don't forget that heroes also have to worry about popular appeal."

Aoyama said, "My navel laser is both cool and strong, perfect for a pro."

To which Kaminari joked, "Yes, as long as you don't blow up your stomach."

Hearing this, Aoyama was stunned, which caused light laughter in the bus. Then Sero said, "You wanna talk about strong and cool? That'd be Leo, Todoroki, and Bakugo."

To which Tsuyu said, "Leo and Todoroki are fine, but Bakugo's so unhinged he will never be popular."

Hearing this, Bakugo yelled angrily, "What did you say, Frog-Face?"

Seeing this, Tsuyu pointed at Bakugo and said with a calm demeanor, "See."

Then Kaminari teased with a smirk, "We have already started socializing with each other, and you have already proved to us your unpleasant, steamed turd of a personality."

Hearing this, Bakugo retorted with frustration, "Oh yeah, Mr. Vocabulary, how about I pound you?"

Seeing Bakugo getting bullied in reverse, Midoriya was stunned and muttered with a mix of admiration and confusion, "I guess that's UA for you."

Seeing this, everyone laughed. Then I said, "Okay, everyone, calm down. Let's just give him a chance. I'm sure he'll get along with us just fine. Isn't that right, Bakugo?"

Hearing this, Bakugo clicked his tongue, "Tsk," then sat back down. Seeing this, I looked confused, wondering if he was a tsundere?! Looking through all the interactions, I nodded. Yep, he is.

Seeing me nodding randomly, Toru asked, "Leo, why are you nodding?"

Hearing this, I laughed slightly and said, "Oh, I was just thinking about something."

Then Yaoyorozu asked, "Say, Leo, I have been meaning to ask you something."

Hearing this, I looked at her and asked, "What is it?"

Yaoyorozu said, "Well, it's like this. I wanted to know if you can replicate quirks?"

Hearing this, I was stunned and then asked, "What gave you that idea?"

To which she said, "Oh, it's nothing. Forget it. I was going through some information back at home and came across a hypothesis. That's why I asked."

Hearing this, I thought for a while. Should I reveal it? Even if I don't, someday someone might figure it out. Whatever, forget it. Who am I fearing? Then I said, "Yes, I can."

Hearing this, Yaoyorozu responded, "Thought so..." Then she realized something and said in surprise, "Wait, what did you say?"

Looking at her reaction and even the reactions of everyone else, I clarified, "Yes, I can copy quirks—more precisely, replicate them."

Hearing this, the entire bus quieted down. Even Aizawa turned back and looked at me. Then everyone yelled, "NAAANIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!"

Then Kirishima said, "Wait, so you can harden like me?"

I looked at him, then raised my arms and used the principle of hardening I saw from Kirishima and hardened my arm. Since my costume was full-sleeved, they couldn't see it clearly, but they did see the changing figure under the sleeve due to its tight fit feature.

Then Bakugo yelled, "I don't believe it! Bet you can't copy mine," and showed off a miniature explosion in his palm. Seeing this, I stared at him, removed my gloves, opened my palm for everyone to see, and produced the same miniature explosion on my palm. Looking at this, Bakugo froze in place.

Then Shoji said, "What about mine?"

Looking at his multiple arms, I shook my head and said, "I can't replicate mutation-type quirks—at least not right now."

Hearing this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Following that, everything calmed down. Then Yaoyorozu said, "So that's how you were able to advise us after the indoor battle training."

To which I nodded in confirmation. "Yeah, after seeing you guys use it once, I can replicate it. So I know about its advantages and shortcomings."

The bus reached the location, and Aizawa announced, "Look sharp now, everyone. We are here." We all walked into a large building. As we entered, we saw a vast array of areas, each simulating different disasters. There were sections for landslides, floods, fires, pile-ups, and many others.

Looking at this, Kaminari joked, "Is this Universal Studios Japan?"

Then we saw a hero wearing a suit that looked like an astronaut. She said, "As you all can see, this place has every accident and disaster you can imagine. I designed this place myself. I call it the 'Unforeseen Simulation Joint.'"

Seeing him, Midoriya said, "It's the Space Hero: Thirteen."

Uraraka exclaimed, "She is a gentlewoman hero who does her best work in rescue scenarios! I love Thirteen."

Then Aizawa went near Thirteen and whispered something, and Thirteen whispered something back. After that, Aizawa announced, "Okay everyone, let's get started."

Thirteen said, "But before starting, I have one or two—no, was it three?—no, four points to discuss."

Hearing this, everyone sighed, "That's a lot of points."

Thirteen continued, "As many of you are aware, my quirk is called Black Hole. It can suck in and tear anything apart."

To which Midoriya said, "And you have used it to save people in all sorts of disasters."

Thirteen said, "Indeed. And my power could also kill someone easily. And I have no doubt that there are some among you with similar abilities. In our super-powered society, the use of quirks is heavily restricted and monitored. It may seem that this is a stable society, but we must never forget that it will only take one wrong move with an uncontrollable quirk for people to die."

Then she cheered up and continued, "During Aizawa's physical fitness test, you came to learn of your own hidden potential. During All Might's Battle Training, you came to know of the danger that your respective quirks can pose to others. This class will show you a new perspective. You will learn how to utilize your quirks to save lives. Your powers are not meant to inflict harm. I hope today you will leave here with the understanding that you are meant to help people. That's all, and I thank you all for listening."

Aizawa said, "Great. Now let's begin. First off..." He stopped and looked at the bottom of the stairs. I also sensed a surge of energy and looked in the same direction.

A dark, swirling portal appeared, and from it, figures began to emerge. The atmosphere shifted immediately, tension and unease spreading through the group.

Little did we know, those emerging figures were about to change everything.

(A/N: I'll leave you guys with this little cliffhanger. Buwahahahaha!!!!)

(P.S: I am suffering from a mild flu since last Saturday. I only started feeling a little better yesterday. So I apologize for not uploading earlier. This will be the only chapter this week. I will probably start my normal uploads from next week if I get better.)

x_Dabi_x x_Dabi_x

Here you go chapter 6. I hope you all enjoyed it.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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Have a great day and see you all next week.

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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