Shanks had decided to follow us so that we could meet up with Whitebeard.
He had gotten back onto his ship, but before doing that, he had told us he would follow us close behind.
I got on a call with Whitebeard before asking him where he currently was at. Instead of picking up, Marco picked up and reported where they were heading. I got the coordinates and told him to expect us and some visitors.
It was clear that Marco wanted to ask more about the identities of the visitors, but I told him to hold off his curiosity until we met up. He didn't seem happy, but he relented nonetheless.
Soon enough, we were already on our way to meet up with Whitebeard. The distance was going to be a bit far because the point of destination was a bit of a distance away from Ulvehoved.
In the meantime, we enjoyed our time with the Red-Haired Pirates.
Nico Robin was beginning to fit in just fine, along with the other Pirates. At first, she was nervous about the numerous people she was interacting with. However, with Pato's guidance, along with her endlessly visiting me to ensure I hadn't gone anywhere, she got accustomed to the crew very quickly.
She was currently at the back of the ship with Pato, trying some pastries that Stussy had made for them.
Speaking of Stussy, she had simply fallen in love with Robin. The first night that Robin had spent on the ship, she kicked me out of my bed and had Robin sleep with her. It was kind of crazy from my perspective, but it looked like that little experience had caused Nico Robin to open up quite a bit to Stussy.
Soon enough, Nico Robin was practically calling Stussy her Aunty. I thought she'd call me Uncle in response, but the one time I tried bringing it up, she cringed so hard that I thought her face would collapse.
After that, I had to spend a couple of hours drinking with Shanks.
Either way, she looked like she was finally at home, and that's all that mattered. It took us a couple of days to get to where Whitebeard had reached.
We eventually found them, and it was a whole conversation on its own.
"Everyone look! Boris' been hiding a kid from us!!" Marco immediately called out, garnering the attention of the entire pirate crew.
Shanks, who was about to make his way to Whitebeard, was promptly blown away as the entire crew, Whitebeard included, made their way toward Hades.
I couldn't help but sigh as I dreaded the amount of explaining that I would have to do.
"Hmm? The kid doesn't look like him..maybe she takes after her mother?" Vista asked.
"Who's the mother, though? It certainly doesn't look like-" Marco was about to ask, but the ship's temperature dropped by ten degrees.
Everyone who had gotten on the ship or was planning on getting on suddenly froze. Whitebeard wisely stood out of the way as everyone finally landed their gazes on Stussy, who calmly walked up to Hades with a cold little smile on her face.
" should go back inside~. The adults want to have a little conversation," Stussy told Nico Robin.
Nico Robin nodded anxiously before fleeing into the cabin along with Pato. Carla, on the other hand, decided to close the ladder that acted like a bridge between the ground and the ship's deck.
"Oop- We gotta go, Vista," Marco snickered before he summoned his wings and flying away.
"Where do you think you're going~," Stussy asked curiously.
She was flying right next to where Marco was. Marco let out a cold sweat before he was slammed dead in the face right back into the ship.
The ship rattled but didn't break, thanks to the Devil's Wood.
On the ground of the island. Whitebeard, Shanks, and I had been standing nearby and watching all the drama that was unfolding. Whitebeard let out a little chuckle as he watched Stussy begin thrashing every pirate that had happened to be on the ship.
It was practically a free-for-all; nobody was spared, not even the bystanders who were members of the crew. It was one of the rare times that you'd actually see Stussy be angry and do something about it.
"Where'd you find the brat?" Whitebeard asked me curiously.
"I owed someone a favor, and this was the favor," I replied. I blew out some smoke in the process.
"How long are you going to let her stay with you?" Whitebeard asked.
"I'm not sure; it's up to her," I replied.
"What about the Red-Haired brat?" Whitebeard asked as he landed his gaze on Shanks.
Shanks chuckled.
"It's been a while, Whitebeard, looking good as ever I see!" Shanks promptly said.
"You've grown up quite a bit, brat! Reminds me of one of my children who grew up as well," Whitebeard remarked as he looked at the unconscious figure of Teach.
Shanks had followed Whitebeard's gaze as he finally landed on where Teach lay. His expression soured for a bit before he turned back to Whitebeard and continued.
"There's no need to dwell in the past, now is there? I'm just here to talk for a bit," Shanks remarked.
"Well, then talk; it looks like Stussy is about done handling that situation over there," Whitebeard remarked as one of the pirates on Hades flew out and landed on his face nearby.
"To harass a mere child...Have you no shame?!" Stussy's voice hissed outside of the ship.
"Oi oi oi! Stussy, we said we're so-" Marco tried backing away, but Stussy appeared right in front of him.
"Of all the members on this crew, I expected much more of you," Stussy remarked coldly as he landed her fist right on Marco's face.
The fist was coated with Armament Haki, so it caught Marco off guard as he tried to dodge it using his phoenix abilities.
He ended up flying right at me; I could only sigh and raise my hand and catch him by the scruff of his neck before he ended up hitting me.
"Well, before I was rudely interrupted, I wanted to ask about the islands near your territory," Shanks asked curiously.
"What islands? I have lots of those," Whitebeard remarked.
"I'm gonna be taking some of those islands nearby; that shouldn't be a problem, right?" Shanks grinned.
"Do what you want, just don't start any problems with me, brat. I saw you in diapers," Whitebeard grinned.
"What does that have to do with anything?!" Shanks asked cautiously; I could tell that he had been looking around to ensure that none of his crewmembers were nearby.
"It means that we've been doing this for the entirety of your life, and we don't take kindly to uninvited intruders," Whitebeard said seriously, "especially inexperienced ones; just because Roger brought you up doesn't mean that I'll spare you."
There was a brief tension between the two of them. I almost thought they were about to engage in a Clash of Wills, but that was promptly interrupted when Stussy landed in front of us with a refreshed smile on her face.
"Ah~ I feel so much better~," Stussy remarked.
"I don't think that they would have harmed her....Stussy," I replied casually.
Her eyes immediately bore into mine as if she was daring me to say something else. I could only sigh and raise my hands in surrender; Hell has no fury than a woman's scorn.
Whitebeard raised his head before laughing.
"I wonder who this child is for you to be protecting her like so! Why don't you bring her over here to introduce her to her GrandPa?! GURARARARARARA!!!!"
Let me know what y'all think!!!!
Love y'all!!!