12.85% I am Rimuru Tempest (Rewrite Version) / Chapter 5: The Proposal. **

บท 5: The Proposal. **

As dawn's light crested the mountains, Rimuru stepped outside, savoring the tranquility of the early morning. He had spent the night in deep discussion with Sage, meticulously planning the steps for his future empire. The main person on his mind was Shizu, the conqueror of flames. A lot of issues could be solved as long as she stayed alive, but her body was becoming more and more fragile by the day.

[Confirmed. Working on the process of rebuilding a body. Estimating requirements based on collected data.]

[Request. Consume different animals to enhance and fully prepare the body-rebuilding method.]

With a nod, Rimuru expressed his gratitude to Sage, transforming into his newly unlocked Kijin form. Evolution usually requires a person to sleep, so it was during the night, while the two ogres he had named slept, that Sage had given him the information that he had unlocked this new form.

When one named a monster, a bond was created between the two of them, and Sage used his newly formed bond with Souei and Hakuro to unlock the Kijin form as she had done with Ranga's Tempest Wolf.

While he still looked like a child, he was fine with that for now. As he continued to grow stronger, he would grow, and a large snack would come his way soon. For now, he used magicules to adjust his stature to a size in which he felt comfortable.

While becoming larger using magicules affected his reaction speed, he was willing to compromise when not in a battle or dangerous situation. The added delay between his thoughts and actions wasn't quite as inconvenient on a daily basis.

As he adjusted to his older appearance, his skin lightened, and his two horns darkened to pitch black, an aesthetic choice informed by Sage's analysis of the ideal Kijin appearance, tailored to Rimuru's preferences.

"Now, this is what I'm talking about," Rimuru murmured, flexing his hands to feel the new form's strength and agility.

"There's got to be a training area around here, right, Sage?" he inquired, ready to test his physical capabilities thoroughly.

[Confirmation. Beginning Navigation.]

Guided by Sage, Rimuru headed towards the designated training area. En route, he encountered an Ogre practicing alone, her wild appearance marked by a thick black horn and purplish skin, her efforts illuminated by the soft dawn light. The ogre that would eventually become Shion.

Recognizing an opportunity to familiarize himself with his new body and with his future royal guard, he approached her. However, he also had a few other hidden reasons in his mind.

Given that it was still early, with hours to go before the village fully awoke, he saw no harm in initiating a friendly spar. 

"Good morning! Mind if I join you?" Rimuru called out cheerfully, approaching the training ground.

The ogre guard turned, her expression shifting to surprise before she quickly bowed in recognition. 

"Sir Rimuru?" she asked, ensuring she was addressing the right person.

"Ah, so you've heard of me already?" Rimuru replied with a light smile.

"Yes, there has been much talk. As a guard of the prince and princess, I was informed of yesterday's events," she responded, her posture relaxing slightly. "You wish to train with me? What kind of weapon do you wield?"

With a nonchalant shrug, Rimuru indicated his openness to any challenge. 

"Toss me one like yours," he suggested casually. Although he had not wielded weapons before, he was confident in his ability to adapt with Sage on his side.

The purple ogre looked him over with a mix of curiosity and cautious respect, then grabbed another odachi and tossed it his way.

Catching the large sword effortlessly, Rimuru swung it a few times, gauging its weight and feel. Satisfied, he then shrank his form to his younger version, his combat mode, raising the sword in readiness. 

"Alright, come at me," he invited, his voice steady and commanding.

[Engaging learning mode.]

[Activating thought acceleration.]

The guard hesitated, her expression a blend of surprise and newfound curiosity about this man hailed as their future ruler—the chosen prophet of Veldora. With a determined nod, she charged, swinging her weapon with formidable strength, testing Rimuru's skills.

To her surprise, Rimuru's movements were basic, almost novice. She frowned slightly, realizing this must be some sort of test or strategy on his part. Not wanting to disappoint her future leader, she intensified her efforts, her attacks becoming sharper and more serious.

From Rimuru's perspective, time seemed to stretch, the world moving in slow motion as he faced the ogre warrior. Her swift movements were impressive, but through the lens of his thought acceleration, assisted by Sage, every motion was predictable.

[Path has been calculated. Follow these movements to dodge the attack,] Sage's voice instructed crisply in his mind, guiding his body with instinctual precision.

[Starting to analyze the movements…]

As Rimuru dodged each swing, he could see the ogre's frustration mounting. In a culture where combat prowess was the most important thing, her growing irritation stemmed from his apparent reluctance to fight back. It seemed she worried about what it meant that her chief would yield to someone who appeared so unskilled in combat.

Just as her frustration threatened to boil over, Rimuru received the cue he had been waiting for.

[Analysis complete. Beginning replication. Transferring information... Transfer complete.]

With a fluid motion, Rimuru parried her descending blade with practiced ease, mirroring one of her own signature moves.

"That… how?" she stammered, a smile breaking her stern facade as she stepped back, reassessing the man before her.

"Sorry, this was my first time using an odachi, so I needed a moment to get the hang of it. Now, let's have a proper duel," Rimuru responded, his tone light but confident.

In his Kijin form, Rimuru held a distinct strength advantage, but he consciously restrained his other abilities, allowing Sage to continue gathering data.

As she recognized the next series of moves he made, techniques she had honed over the years, she blocked his strike, feeling a surprising force that numbed her hands slightly.

[Beginning Analysis of evasive maneuvers…]

[Analysis complete. Beginning Replication.]

[Notice. Improvement due to slime anatomy has been discovered.]

It was disconcerting for her; Rimuru executed her own techniques with an eerie perfection, yet she found herself struggling to keep pace. As she launched another attack, Rimuru leaned back in a seemingly impossible dodge.

He didn't need to maintain a typical humanoid structure, with bones or organs getting in the way, allowing him to move in ways that defied normal anatomy. His flexibility and agility were beyond natural, giving him an otherworldly edge in their spar.

As the morning sun climbed higher, painting the training grounds with a warm glow, Shion found herself sprawled on the floor, drenched in sweat and gasping for breath. Despite the intense sparring session, Rimuru stood by, not a drop of sweat in his body, though this was mainly because he couldn't physically sweat.

"Oh, it seems it's almost time," Rimuru remarked casually, glancing toward the horizon where the first hints of the bustling village activity could be seen. "I'm sorry, but we are going to have to stop here for now. However, I look forward to our next fight."

He transformed back to his older form, offering Shion a hand to help her up. As she took his hand, a look of admiration flashed across her face. She was clearly impressed by the strength and skill he had displayed, as well as a hint of excitement.

'Sage, would it matter if I do it now?' Rimuru inquired internally.


Looking at the smiling ogre, he let out a smile of his own.

"I was planning on doing this later, but since you took the time to teach me, I will make an exception," he declared, holding onto her hand as he bestowed a new status upon her. "Your name is now Shion. Let's have a rematch once you evolve."

The impact of his words was immediate. Shion's eyes widened in astonishment. Her previous exhaustion seemingly evaporated as she absorbed the significance of her new name. With a newfound vigor, she quickly bowed deeply.

"Sir—no, Lord Rimuru. Thank you," she responded, her voice a mixture of awe and newfound loyalty. "I promise to follow you, now and forever, not only as the prophet of Veldora but as our new ruler."

Rimuru couldn't help but chuckle as he saw Shion's enthusiastic reaction. 

"I look forward to it, then. Come on, we'll be late," he said, motioning for her to follow as they headed toward the village center.

Upon their arrival, Souei escorted Rimuru to stand beside the chief, who was poised to address the gathering of villagers. As the chief began explaining the impending relocation and alliance with Rimuru, concerned murmurs rippled through the crowd.

However, Rimuru's strategic release of his magicules subtly shifted the mood, garnering nods of understanding and acceptance from the crowd. His earlier decision to name three of their own had already started to foster a sense of loyalty; his promise to name everyone solidified this further.

Though the thought of leaving their ancestral homes was daunting, Rimuru's next demonstration captivated everyone. 

"Only pack what you think you will need for the trip. I can carry your houses and the rest of your stuff, so it will be as if you never left," he declared confidently. To illustrate, he used predation to absorb the house he had stayed in, effectively showing his capability to transport their entire village effortlessly.

As the ogres hurriedly prepared for the move, Rimuru was summoned by the chief once more. This time, the chief's pink-haired daughter was also present, offering him a warm smile and a friendly wave as he entered.

"Lord Rimuru… As a show of our willingness to join you, I wanted to offer my daughter's hand to you," the chief stated plainly, his voice reflecting the seriousness of his offer yet leaving room for refusal. "I understand that you are a slime, so if you aren't interested in marriage, we will understand."

His daughter then spoke up, her voice tinged with a mix of hope and sincerity. 

"Lord Rimuru, I enjoyed our time yesterday, though it wasn't as long as I had hoped. I am ready to marry you if you accept me."

Rimuru couldn't suppress the smile that spread across his face as he listened to her declaration.

For monsters, might was right. If you were strong, you wouldn't struggle to gain attention. So, not only did their short interaction prove to her that he was someone with good intentions, but his strength was also something she admired. The ease with which he learned the ogre magic was impressive on its own, but he was also someone set to unite Jura.

'Sage, maybe unifying the Forest of Jura won't be as tedious as I anticipated.'

He extended his hand to her, and she clasped it gently, her touch cautious yet trusting.

"In our traditions, when two people marry, they exchange rings. While I would love to name you right now, we should wait until after the Conqueror of Flames has visited our village," Rimuru explained, calling on Sage to craft a ring from the magisteel stored within him.

As he slipped the ring onto her finger, he continued.

"I hope this is enough for the time being."

Her eyes lit up with joy as she felt the ring's weight. 

"I understand. I am happy to wait until then," she responded, pressing the hand bearing the ring to her heart. "Please take care of me and my people from now on."

Her father, Hakurou, along with her brother, watched the exchange with smiles of approval. Their nods were a clear endorsement of Rimuru's actions and his future role within their community.

"The same applies to you both," Rimuru addressed her father and brother. "I am waiting to name you until the right moment arrives, which will be soon. This way, your strength will be greatly enhanced. The reason I named the three ogres previously was because the timing was right."

"So, as a prophet, you can foresee this much?" Hakurou asked, his voice laden with a mixture of awe and curiosity.

"It's a bit more complex than that," Rimuru replied, his answer drawing nods of understanding from around the room.

"You continue to surprise us with your wisdom, Lord Rimuru." Her father said, bowing in respect.

— — —

As the final day in the ogre village dawned, Rimuru prepared to spend one last night before embarking on the journey that would reshape their lives. Accompanied by his new wife, the pink-haired ogre, they entered his temporary house.

Upon opening the door, the calm of the house was momentarily disrupted by the presence of two large wolves, which had been resting but perked up at their arrival.

"Master!" they exclaimed in unison, their tails wagging as they approached Rimuru with evident excitement.

"Hey, pups," Rimuru greeted, waving them closer.

As Rimuru extended his hands to pet their heads, his wife hesitated for a moment, observing the gentle interaction. With a tentative smile, she, too, reached out, her hand brushing against the wolves' thick and shiny fur.

After a few moments, Rimuru straightened up, adopting a more serious tone. 

"I have a very important mission for both of you," he began, capturing the wolves' full attention. "I need you to stand guard and ensure that no one interrupts us tonight, okay?"

The wolves responded with a few enthusiastic nods, understanding the gravity of their task. They moved to position themselves outside, their demeanor shifting to that of vigilant protectors.

With the wolves now stationed outside, the atmosphere within the temporary house shifted from one of casual companionship to intimate privacy. Rimuru turned back to his new wife, the pink-haired ogre, who still seemed to be absorbing the new realities of her life.

 In the soft light that filtered through the window, her features were cast in a gentle glow, highlighting the mix of apprehension and anticipation in her eyes.

"Are you alright?" Rimuru asked, his voice lowering to a softer tone than usual, acknowledging the significance of their first night together. He could sense her mixed emotions, the excitement of the new bond they were forming, and the nervousness about what was expected of her in this union.

"Yes, I... I'm just thinking about everything. It's all happening so fast," she replied, her voice a whisper. Her eyes met his, seeking reassurance.

Rimuru stepped closer, bridging the gap between them. He lifted his hand, gently tucking a stray lock of her vibrant hair behind her ear. 

"It is a lot, isn't it?" he acknowledged. "But you're not alone in this. We're in it together. From now until the end."

Her smile in response was shy but genuine. 

"I know. Thank you, Lord Rimuru." She took a tentative step forward, closing the distance, her earlier hesitation fading as the warmth between them grew.

He smiled, watching the soft blush on her face.

"No need for formalities tonight," he murmured, leaning in to capture the moment with a tender kiss. It was a soft, careful contact, testing the waters of their new relationship, both as a leader and as a partner.

As they parted, her cheeks flushed with a rosy tint, and Rimuru could see the trust and affection in her eyes deepening. Encouraged, he wrapped an arm around her waist, guiding her towards the more secluded part of the house.

"Let's take this slow," he suggested, as they approached the threshold of their private quarters. "We have all the time we need."

She nodded, her nervousness replaced by a growing confidence as she leaned into his embrace. Together, they crossed into the room, the door closing softly behind them, sealing them away from the world outside. Tonight, they would explore this new aspect of their relationship, building a connection that would serve as the foundation of their partnership in the unfolding empire.

~~~ ~~~ ~~~

In the dimly lit room, the glow from the moonlight spilled through the window, casting a silver hue over the plush bedding. The air was filled with a quiet anticipation, punctuated only by the occasional rustle of fabric and the shallow breaths shared between them.

Rimuru carefully unfastened the ties of her kimono, letting it fall open and reveal the soft curves hidden beneath. His gaze lingered on the delicate contours of her body, taking in each detail. A soft sigh escaped her lips as he traced the outline of her collarbone, feeling her heartbeat quicken under his touch.

She couldn't help but feel self-conscious under his intense look. She had never been naked in front of anyone before, let alone someone who had just become her husband. Yet, there was something comforting in his gaze, it was warm and inviting, like a safe haven from the world outside.

Emboldened by this realization, she shyly returned his gaze, reaching out to undo his kimono. As she exposed his chest, she marveled at the strength hidden beneath the soft fabric. Her fingers danced across his skin, tracing the lines of muscle, committing every inch to memory.

Once they were both bare, Rimuru led her to the bed, pulling back the covers to reveal crisp, cool sheets. He motioned for her to lie down, which she did, her body tense with uncertainty. Gently, he climbed onto the bed beside her, maintaining eye contact to assure her that she had nothing to fear.

Leaning in close, he pressed a feather-light kiss to her forehead, then her cheeks, working his way down to her lips. Their mouths met in a passionate exchange, tongues exploring and tasting one another. Every brush of their lips sent shivers down her spine, igniting a fire within her that threatened to consume them both.

His hands roamed her body, learning every dip and curve. When he cupped her breast, she gasped, arching into his touch. Slowly, he began to knead and caress, teasing her nipples into hard peaks. Each movement sent waves of pleasure coursing through her, making her writhe and moan beneath him.

Desire pooled low in her belly as he continued, leaving her breathless and yearning for more. She could feel the heat radiating off his body, mirroring her own internal inferno. Unable to resist any longer, she tentatively reached out, her fingers skimming over the length of his erection.

At this moment, Rimuru was most thankful he had been able to convince Sage so easily to add even the most unnecessary parts of his biology. After giving Sage another mental thanks, he let his mind wander back to the woman in front of him.

A low growl rumbled in Rimuru's throat as she touched him, the sensation more pleasant than anything he had experienced since becoming a slime. He captured her inexperienced hand, guiding it up and down, showing her how. As she gained confidence, her grip tightened, eliciting groans of delight from both of them.

When he could take no more, he gently pulled her hand away, pinning it to the mattress above her head. His free hand traveled lower, stroking the soft skin of her inner thigh. Slowly, he parted her legs, fingers sliding through the slickness of her arousal. She cried out as he caressed her, hips moving involuntarily.

He teased her entrance, circling the sensitive bundle of nerves before sinking a finger deep inside. Her body clenched around him, muscles tensing with the overwhelming sensation. After a few moments of touching her, he added a second finger, stretching and filling her. Her head fell back, eyes closed in ecstasy, lips parted as gasps and moans escaped her throat.

When he could wait no longer, he withdrew, leaving her aching and empty. Positioning himself above her, he nudged her legs apart with his knee, settling between her thighs. She wrapped her legs around his waist, pulling him closer, needing to feel him inside her.

He looked deep into her eyes, searching for any sign of doubt or fear. Seeing none, he aligned himself with her entrance, pushing inside slowly and carefully.

She tensed as he breached her, the foreign sensation causing her to bite her lip in an effort to stifle a whimper. Seeing her discomfort, Rimuru leaned down, sealing her lips with his own, causing the tension to leave her body. Once she relaxed, the pain gave way to a pleasurable fullness that left her craving more.

Rimuru paused, allowing her time to adjust to his presence. When he saw that she was ready, he began to move, rocking his hips gently at first, then increasing his pace as her breathing hitched and her nails dug into his shoulders.

They moved together in perfect harmony, their bodies melded as one. Every thrust sent shockwaves of ecstasy coursing through them, building towards an inevitable crescendo. As they climbed higher and higher, their breaths mingled, becoming ragged and desperate.

Just when she thought she could take no more, her orgasm crashed over her like a tidal wave, leaving her trembling and gasping for air. Rimuru followed soon after, his release triggering another wave of pleasure that rolled through her.

As they enjoyed each other, Rimuru began to move once again, causing her to moan once again as she wrapped her legs even tighter.

"Mm... Don't stop..." she breathed, clinging to him as though her life depended on it while he gently kissed her neck, inhaling her sweet scent.

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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