35.71% You take my life, I fail to die / Chapter 5: Training and pain

บท 5: Training and pain

As the scene of the midday sun peaking through the tress was displayed, Alexander fell down. Unlike what he showed them, this wouldn't be easy on him whatsoever.

Yet it was still exactly his type of plan though "Endless planning and failure till I reach perfection. Reminds me of the old days~!" He spun his legs and got up in a smooth motion, now completely expressionless.

'Current abilities Sharingan 2 tomoe, Eagle vision, Impenetrable mind, Heaven&Hell. Combat capabilities only within Sharingan and potentially Heaven&Hell.' Alexander started thinking through different methods and eventually decided to spend the next 20 "resets" practicing with Heaven&Hell.

Which is exactly what he did, never leaving the woods but constantly being careful with the time he had, making sure to never even pass into the evening.

Training => Death => Training => Death => Training => Death => Training => Death => Training => Death => Training => Death => Training => Death => Training => Death => Training => Death => Training => Death => Training => Death => Training => Death => Training => Death => Training => Death => Training => Death => Training => Death => Training => Death => Training => Death => Training => Death => Training => Death => 

At the very end he saw some success. His focus was only on using Hell to decay things which did eventually work but the progress was extremely slow. So slow that even Alexander felt that this path was almost guaranteed to take ages or fail.

Still he decided to try at least 30 more times just to calculate the progress.

Training => Death ×30 = Progress but not much. 

By his calculations if he wanted to decay a person in a single second and the speed of the progress stayed consistent he would need to train this single task hundreds of thousands of times which technically shouldn't be an issue but 1. Would it work as his weapon? 2. Would he make a mistake and accidentally allow the day to pass into the next? 3. How much needless suffering would happen in that time?

He wasn't willing to take the chance when it came to nro 2 and thus he decided to test the Sharingan path for now.

Thus his "days" turned into training with illusions as much as possible and at the end of the day going to meet the mutants to test his progress. 

Seeing Jean and having her as something akin to an enemy constantly was a far heavier burden then he ever expected but that allowed him to realize that his feelings towards her and Rogue were already quite extensive.

Said fact along with him reaching 3 tomoe was what lead him to meeting them again. Again taking the same steps as previously, allowing Jean to drag him to room 212 where instead of giving her time he opened the door and gently guided her in.

Once there he slowly leaned right next to her and without realizing he spoke in a voice laced in obvious love "Dr. Grey it's about time~♡ Should we head to your hideout beneath the lake~?♡"

The last part he said to add more weight to his words and to lightly tease her but Jean still obviously jumped back "H-how do you...!?" He was going to try to explain himself but instead got to watch as she froze for a tiny bit before reaching over with her hand.

Alexander reached forward and grabbed her hand with both of his. Then he placed a small kiss against her delicate skin before smiling sadly "I really wish that we could already go to the next day. I missed you~♡ And you, Rogue~♡"

This time Rogue seemed to arrive earlier which he was of course worried about so he let go of Jean and approached her "My Anna~♡ You arrived earlier than normally did something change?"

Jean was of course immediately extremely confused but she was an empath and a smart person so instead of freaking out she started to think.

"Alexander..? I-I just felt like I should get to you..so I hurried over...♡" Rogues words were a shock to say the least but it could potentially be explained through Impenetrable mind or something else that she permanently gained through him or simply intuition.

Pulling her into his arms he said the very simple words of "I'm glad you came~♡" before gesturing over to Jean, inviting her to join.

"Is...is it okay?" Despite the clear positive feelings in her voice Jean was hesitant because she wasn't sure how Rogue would feel about her joining. 

She couldn't read her mind, the last things she heard from her mind were quite negative and Rogue was currently fully focused on Alexander because she didn't remember what happened the "last time" either, making even her empath abilities useless.

But thankfully Alexander "knew" what to say "Believe it or not but you and Anna here got into quite the heated kissing session~" he teased before lightly slapping Rogue's ass "You don't remember either but how do you feel about Jean, Anna~♡"

Still clearly excited and distracted from the slap that had been placed on her behind Rogue spoke absent-mindedly "She's awesome. I thought she was a stuck up bitch but I really like her now." 

"Why don't you go and give her a much needed kiss then~? You know..as an apology~♡" This time he was groping her ass while speaking and looking over at Jean.

That sight made Jean blush but the words he spoke were a far greater hit as soon as she comprehended them. 

"Sure~" As Rogue's casual reply rang out Alexander let her out of his arms and watched the two slowly moving about. 

It was as if watching a predator and prey all the way till they started properly trading spit through the sloppy kisses. 

What was a bother for Alexander was his emotions. He was fairly certain that he loved both of them. That in tandem with the show that the two sexy girls were putting on made him aroused and brought up an unfortunate idea, The Mangekyou Sharingan.

A thing he should be able to reach easily but really didn't want to. In fact he didn't even want to think about it and thus he stepped forward and started guiding both of the girls towards the bed.

As they reached the bed he pushed both of them down onto it, got closer and placed his hands on both of their lower abdomens before using Heaven.

"Mmmmmgggghhhhh~!!♡" -Rogue

"Aghmmggghhh~!!!♡" -Jean

Alexander wanted them to feel good and simultaneously forget the thoughts that popped up into his head which is how he ended up showing no mercy.

They both wriggled beneath his hands in their own ways while making rather lewd sounds but he continued.

Jean's legs kept going all over as she had both of her hands pulling on Alexander's hand that was on her. But what often had his focus was her expression. It was one of disbelief. Wide eyes along with an open mouth that kept making breathless sounds of pleasure.

Rogue on the other hand wrapped her legs around Alexander's hand to the best of her abilities. Her hands were switching between touching her own chest or framing her own face. A beautiful face that was plastered with a constantly switching smile and practically shining crimson eyes.

Eventually however Jean reached towards her own pants and opened them before moving Alexander's hand there. Feeling her sopping quivering pussy and seeing her begging expression he slid his "Heavenly" hands along her lower lips and then into her.

Those actions caused her to immediately moan "Hhhnngggg~♡♡♡" which she tried to stifle with her hands while simultaneously squirting.

Rogue loved seeing that but she knew that she wouldn't be satisfied with that so as soon as Jean relaxed Rogue pushed his hand away, opened her pants and took them off completely.

Then as Alexander was reaching towards her she stopped his hand using her leg before sifting towards him and wrapping her legs around his waist.

Unfortunately that only managed to bring up the horrible thought as well as his desire to only do such things once they will also remember so he slowly pulled back "Sorry Rogue but we really shouldn't until you two will also remember...♡"

"I know but I want to help you..♡ How many times have you already tried? How many times have you already died? Please at least let me help relieve your stress~♡" Rogue got up and hugged Alexander gently while Jean was shocked at the revelation that those words insinuated.

Realizing that he must be suffering greatly she got up and without even fixing her pants she joined the hug and spoke "Me too~♡ I'm sorry that I might take a bit more convincing but please let me help♡"

He hugged both of them back and specifically focused on the sensations of the moment "There is a possible method but I don't want to use it. Same with this..."

Alexander then hugged both of their heads before finishing his words "Because I love you♡" Both Jean and Rogue proceeded to melt into his arms as he repeated his words slightly differently "I. Lo-ve. You~♡"

It of course didn't take long for Rogue to snap out of the reverie that his words had caused thanks to her knowledge that she gained from Alexander himself "So you're willing to needlessly kill yourself countless times rather than taking the obvious path by harming one of us a single time...?!"

Jean backed away slightly to see both of them. That immediately showed Rogue's disbelief and pain along with Alexander's pain and hesitation.

"What do you mean Anna..?" She was of course concerned. Not for her own sake, not even for Rogue's sake because they would be fine after he reset everything. Rather she was worried about Alexander who would have to carry everything.

Rogue clearly upset pushed Alexander back slightly, something that he didn't resist, turned to Jean and answered "The next step those eyes can take basically requires the death of a loved one. The abilities according to him can be ridiculously strong and even if not he would gain a Susanoo which is also be anything from strong to downright absurd..."

"You mister!" Poking his chest with authority Rogue continued "Did you forget that I at least slightly know what tools you have at your disposal? You've talked about many that might exist in this school and you already said that and I quote "Against Sinister the only obvious realistic path is obtaining the Mangekyou Sharingan and using whatever abilities it grants" What the fuck do you think you're playing at?!"

He hadn't expected such a reaction but what was even more shocking was that Jean quickly joined Rogue.

Now he had two loosely dressed beauties reprimanding him with what felt like vitriol while he desperately tried to think of other methods. 

Alexander stayed frozen even as Rogue came over and moved his hands onto her throat but was snapped out of it by her words "Kill me please♡ I won't stay dead and you can probably beat Sinister. That way we can all move forward and be together~♡"

The nail in the coffin was Jean walking over and stealing one of his hands "Just kill one of us and let the other comfort you until you're ready to go back♡ Then come right back and tell us what happened so we can all work through it together~♡ Everything will be fine, Alexander♡"

Hugging both of them Alexander managed to show how he truly felt rather than killing his emotions as he normally would have. The truth was that even while he was fully capable of dying over and over everything was still bothering him from even before he came to this world.

Countless deaths while rough were manageable but hurting or letting a person he loved get hurt was too much, to the point that he was tempted to reset and try to pretend that this talk never happened.

He was in his own opinion "I-I'm sorry! I'm so so so sorry! I..I'll be stronger soon...!♡" an irreparable mess. 

Despite hurting and apologizing through his own tears he didn't fail to realize that this was also hurting both of them so he tried to gather himself as fast as possible.

It didn't take long but as Rogue brought over a knife and spoke while wearing a gentle loving smile "Jean is an empath so you should choose me♡ She can help you better before you reset everything~♡" he "broke" again

Lunging into her arms he didn't even notice that the knife cut his arm as he focused fully on lovingly embracing her. He even ignored her words of worry and slight reprimand in favor of only hugging her.

After an unknown amount of time he snapped out of it due to hearing Jean and Rogue discussing who should die. 

"Yes but he will see me first which will help him immediately know that I am okay. Which is why I should die for now." -Jean

"But you won't remember anything so he can't just walk over and hug you can he? If I die and see those new eyes and him being hurt I will understand and can comfort him." -Rogue

Hearing the two women that he loves trying to convince each other of who should die and why was burdensome so he decided to try to intervene "Ill give you whatever you want so please forget this subject at least for now."

Much to his tired half broken minds surprise they still didn't give up, rather they continued to discuss what would be best for him while gently taking care of him in the form of hugs, kisses and headpats.

Of course they were entirely in the right especially since what he promised would be not only against their current wishes but would also be meaningless since this specific "time" would be erased.

The girls eventually reached the conclusion that Rogue should be the one to die for now. They had come up with many reasons for that and with that decision made, Rogue sat down infront of Alexander "Will you choke me~?♡"

Her playful tone did wonders to relax him "If I do that I might never be able to do it during intimate moments, ya know~♡" but didn't make him forget what was happening so he bent down and kissed her.

"That's a shame~♡ In that case do something else please♡ I'm pretty sure I have a thing for being choked by you afterall~♡" Rogue squirmed around, clearly aroused, before offering the knife to Alexander in a calm loving manner.

Jean found the situation to be fascinating especially so as Alexander seemed to split slightly. He seemed both terrified and aroused, both sadly loving and happily loving, as he again kissed Rogue.

Following that he spoke sadly "I'll see you soon, my love♡" and just as Rogue's eyes switched into a crimson 3 tomoe he plunged the knife into her head, killing her instantly.

With the light fading from her eyes and her limp body falling into his arms Rogue died. Subsequently "Ah....aaannghh!" Alexander lightly cried out in pain as his eyes began to bleed. He didn't even feel the physical pain rather he was completely overtaken by the emotional.

His eyes loosely took the form of a togakure ryu senban with twisted tips and he even got information about his eyes abilities but he was too busy holding onto Rogue's lifeless corpse to care. 

Feeling Jean hugging him from behind reminded him that this was literally all part of the plan and remembering how Rogue was before everything, did help but he still felt horrible as he looked over at the, currently, only alive loved one he had "J-jean...♡

"I'm right here Alexander♡ And Anna will be right back♡" Jean hugged him tightly while constantly paying attention to his condition, never even realizing what an absurd relationship she was being dragged into, in only one actual day.

"We will all be free and together soon~♡ But for now promise that you'll immediately come back and tell us everything, okay?♡ We can spend as many days taking care of you as needed, darling♡" The hugging and soft caring words didn't cease whatsoever despite the silence from Alexander, who eventually replied.

"I promise...I'll be right back...and tell you two everything...j-just please love me♡" His tone was that of fear, love and desperation.

Two of those things were washed away by Jean's loving words "Of course I will♡ Let's work together to carve that love into our souls so we'll never forget~♡" and the actions that followed in the form of a kiss and gentle caressing.

Alexander somewhat forcefully crushed the sad depressing thoughts and spoke playfully "Hopefully we can do that through intimate physical activities...~♡" there was still obvious sadness and pain but neither of them let it be a bother.

Jean simply kept touching and kissing him while he slowly reached for the knife and ended his own life.

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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รีวิวโพสต์สําเร็จ! อ่านรีวิวเพิ่มเติม
โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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