85.71% MHA: The Musician / Chapter 6: I'm happy too

บท 6: I'm happy too

Hello everyone, Niir here.

This fanfic blew up so hard it took me by surprise. I read many of your reviews and comments and I have to say that the first part you will read was not planned but I managed to fix it to give it more information.

I also realized that many of you recommended songs to me and that you wanted to see how his musical career developed but without concerts, without wanting to show his face the only thing I could think of was to put a mask on him, but of course not.

So I opted for a timeskip with some events that I will describe later.

In short, I'm sorry if you don't like how I've decided to guide the story. It won't be a direct jump but I also won't do a stream per chapter until Rei is 15 years old.

With all that said, enjoy.


Rei had woken up early, and by that time, he had already finished his morning routine. After bidding farewell to his still surprised father who was off to work, he headed back to his room with a smile.

﹄Should be working... *yawn* Good morning, everyone~﹃


[→ PeanutEnjoyer: Was that Japanese?!]

[→ Earphone: Good morning!]

[→ Joe69: What did he say?]

[→ BlondiePitch: What the hell, that was Japanese!]


The sleepiness in Rei's young body dissipated slightly upon unexpectedly seeing so many people gathered at 7 in the morning.

Oh, sorry. Ahem... I started the stream, but I didn't expect so many of you here. Did you miss me~?

Rei involuntarily let out a smirk as he looked with surprise and some embarrassment at the number of viewers who had gathered just as the stream began.

♦ Became viral overnight. ♦

Viewers: 1092


[→ BlondiePitch: Don't dodge the topic!]

[→ Irisdescent: Are you the singing kid? Your songs are beautiful.]

[→ PeanutEnjoyer: Is JAD Japanese? I have to post this right away.]

[→ Paulet_05: Sing something.]

[→ leolener: I saw the clip Present Mic shared, but... aren't his hands too small?]

[→ Earphone: Pfftttt-]

[→ TheComedy: HAHAHAHAHA.]


Rei's gaze shifted towards his hands, making a slight grimace, and unconsciously he moved them apart, feeling a mixture of embarrassment, annoyance, and mostly confusion.

"Are they really small?"

His thoughts were inadvertently whispered in a soft murmur, picked up by his microphone and consequently transmitted to the stream, causing an explosion of laughter messages from his Japanese viewers.

Rei looked at the chat with suspicion, a small vein of anger appearing on his forehead.

The next 'Hahaha' I see gets a three-stream ban as a prize~

The chat stopped completely, causing Rei to sigh, and his gaze stopped at a message he had read before.

'Present Mic... He's BlondiePitch 100%.'

The night before, he had been investigating with his mother the reason why his videos had so many views, and they were surprised to find a post from a newly formed hero, whom Rei knew quite well, praising and promoting him to his community.

With some hesitation, he leaned slightly forward in front of the camera, clearly showing the posture he was making, with only his hair visible and not his face.

Yesterday I saw that a Hero, Present Mic, shared a clip from my stream. If he's watching me right now, I'd like to thank him for giving me visibility and sharing my songs. I'm glad you like my songs. I hope you all continue to enjoy what I do, and as a personal thank you, I wanted to dedicate one of these two songs, whichever name he prefers: Punk Tactics or Teenagers.


[→ leolener: How polite.]

[→ Irisdescent: Teenagers!]

[→ Ibeltis: Teenagers!]

[→ TheComedy: He looks very young, doesn't he?]

[→ JADisLIFE: Punk Tactics sounds cool!]

[→ PeanutEnjoyer: I want a dedication too!]

[→ ReverseApple1999: Punk Tactics!]

[→ Joe69: @PeanutEnjoyer And me! JAD, could you do giveaways or something similar in each stream and dedicate a song to the winner depending on their favorite musical style or something similar?]

[→ BlondiePitch: Punk Tactics rocks!]

[→ Earphone: @Joe69 I want too!]


Rei turned his head to the left, and when he made sure he was out of the camera shot, he lifted his head to look at the chat for a few seconds, involuntarily raising an eyebrow as he read a certain comment.

A giveaway per stream, basically you're saying to make a song every day. Do you think I'm a song-writing AI or something?


[→ Joe69: You said that hero promoted you yesterday, and today you already have two songs for him to choose... Of course you are dude.]

[→ Eraser: @JAD, @Joe69 has a point tho.]

[→ Joe69: What's up JAD? No balls~?]

[→ PeanutEnjoyer: Oh.]

[→ Eraser: Oh.]

[→ leolener: Oh.]

[→ Earphone: Oh.]

[→ Irisdescent: Oh.]


[→ TheComedy: That's a ban, c'mon man.]


Rei tried to stay calm, but he couldn't help feeling that although Joe's idea seemed good, he was joking too much. He sighed, and his hair began to turn tricolor, while a guitar appeared around him.

"Bet you little... *sigh* But I won't sing now, I didn't start stream for that."

As soon as Rei spoke the first word, the chat filled with hundreds of messages praising Joe, but when he finished speaking, the chat paused momentarily, and then question marks started appearing, indicating confusion, which also made Rei feel confused.

What? Did you really think I was going to sing at 7 in the morning? Just because I'm an early riser doesn't mean my neighbors are.


[→ leolener: Being respectful, then why did you start the livestream?]

[→ Ibeltis: I wanted to hear a song :(]

[→ Paulet_05: @Ibeltis Me too.]

[→ BlondiePitch: So, does this mean you'll sing later? I'll be waiting!]

[→ Earphone: Question round!]

[→ TheComedy: Life is unfair! •]-[/: Skate HAHAHA.]


The number of viewers started to decrease until it reached a quarter of the initial amount, but this didn't bother Rei in the slightest.

I appreciate those of you who stayed, and in response to leolener, the reason is exactly what Earphone suggested. I thought maybe those who listened to the songs would have doubts considering my age, and since I have plenty of free time in the morning, well, basically all day, I decided to start the livestream. But if I have to be honest, I would say it was more because I had a certain doubt. So, questions for me.﹃


[→ Earphone: How old are you?]

[→ Joe69: Is your name an acronym? It seems like it.]

[→ Irisdescent: Did you write the songs yourself? Because I find it hard to believe.

[→ Eraser: Don't you have to prepare for class?]

[→ BlondiePitch: What doubt, kid? I'll answer it!]

[→ Paulet_05: Could you say what time you'll sing?]

[→ leolener: Do your parents know you make songs and livestreams?]

[→ ChefHat: Favorite food?]

[→ YourSadisticWhip: Does the streamer have a girlfriend~?]

[→ BlondiePitch: @YourSadisticWhip Nemuri?!?!]

[→ Bloody: When is your birthday?]

[→ TheComedy: Why are your hands so small? HA HA HA

⇝ User 'TheComedy' has been banned by the host for: 5 minutes

[→ PeanutEnjoyer: #FREETheComedy my man didn't do anything!]

[→ JADisLIFE: Can you tell us about you? What you like, what you don't, that stuff.]


Banning TheComedy was starting to become a bad yet strangely enjoyable habit for Rei. Upon reading the questions, he stretched his body and grabbed the guitar to place it in his lap, smiling as he embraced the guitar and looked at the chat.

Let's see... I'll go in order. I'm four years old, and yes, my name is an acronym. The meaning? Try to guess it~. As for writing songs, the answer is both yes and no. Let's say the songs aren't something I can plan out of thin air, but rather, I'm inspired by something or someone I see, and I write with that in mind. Answering Eraser... Uh, Eraser? Ahem, I don't have to prepare since I'm not going to classes; I'll be studying at home until I'm six years old. Singing? Well, approximately after lunch. Around five in the afternoon? And I'll answer the last question for the moment, I really need a drink... So, do my parents know? Yes, they were the ones who bought me the camera and microphone to start livestreaming. When I told them, they were a bit worried, but seeing how much I liked it, they fully supported me, and I still can't believe I have parents like them, honestly, I'm so happy to have them as-

Rei's words stopped, and his face turned completely red as he stood up from his seat, leaving the guitar aside.


[→ Irisdescent: Did something happen?]

[→ YourSadisticWhip: Oh my god. What a cutieeeeeeeeeee~!]

[→ Earphone: @YourSadisticWhip Why do you say that?]

[→ leolener: @Earphone, JAD's finger hands turned red, I think talking about his parents in front of us embarrassed him.]

[→ Joe69: He's shy hehe.]

[→ BlondiePitch: Nobody's gonna talk about he's four?!]

[→ Paulet_05: True, that's crazy.]

[→ JADisLIFE: I didn't expected him to be THAT young. Like, man, a four year old is beating the music industry on HeroTube rankings by himself with music played and written by HIMSELF!]

[→ PeanutEnjoyer: @JADisLIFE Now that you say it... It's true wtf.]



Upon leaving his room, Rei turned to close the door and found Liria standing in the corner of the hallway, holding a basket of clean, folded laundry in her hands.

"Mom?!?! Are you okay?"

Rei was alarmed to see his mother crying and feared the worst, but upon noticing the smile accompanying those tears, his panic turned to confusion as he slowly approached, never taking his eyes off her.

The lost look vanished from Liria's face, and she quickly lowered the laundry basket, rushing towards Rei to give him a tight hug while spinning around in place.

"I'm happy too, Rei-chan~."


One year later.

A certain couple was gathered in a living room, the woman with her husband's head in her lap cleaning his ears while they watched television together on a quiet Sunday morning.

"Good morning, citizens of Japan! Here's your faithful presenter Akari Rin with a new report that will surely be of great interest to all our viewers.


'Who's that guy? Is he famous?' If you don't know about him, I'm sorry to say that you are a dinosaur! Or you didn't had any internet in these year.

The day JAD made his first appearance on social media was February 23, 2080, exactly 366 days ago. During his first 6 months of his career, he uploaded, except for the first day when he uploaded two, a new song every day without fail! A total of 184 songs! 

All this commitment and dedication have turned the young Japanese boy into Japan's online community musical pride. A musical symbol and even more importantly, a symbol of solidarity, declaring in one of his lastest live streams that the money he has earned in his career, whether through donations, ads, or sponsors, has been donated entirely to charities worldwide for homeless children. 

If all of this doesn't seem impressive enough, let me clarify a fact for you, this kid has achieved all this at only four years old! FOUR! When I was four, I was still debating whether I wanted yogurt or juice as dessert!

The information known about this artist is limited to what the artist himself has shared in his live streams on the HeroTube platform, which has issued an official statement praising his success at such an early age and has proposed a lasting collaboration due to the loyalty shown to the platform. But in reality, his entire community knows the real reason: since JAD appeared, the value of the music sector's stocks on HeroTube has skyrocketed by astronomical percentages. 

But now let's address a question that many people may be asking themselves. How much influence has this 4-year-old boy gained with all his songs and live streams? We'll show you on the screen...




Subscribers: 9.98M

Uploaded videos: 185


Are you seeing this correctly, ladies and gentlemen? 9.98 million followers! And these are just the subscriptions to his HeroTube channel. If we combine all the views of all his songs uploaded on both this platform and Spotify, we can ensure that the number would quintuple at the least!

This young boy has not just revolutionized—no, he has revived music!

...And you might be wondering, 'How come we haven't heard from him?' or 'What happened to him?'

Unfortunately, six months ago, he made a regrettable declaration live. See for yourselves."


<Excerpt from HeroTube platform on July 25, 2080>


Viewers: 1.2M

[→ ✧TheComedy: Just admit you suck at this game! HA HA HA]

⇝ User 'TheComedy' has been banned by the host for: 5 minutes

[→ ✧Eraser: Dumb.]

[→ ✧Joe69: JAD, I've been trying for 6 months and I think today I'll say the dumbest thing possible... I don't even think I'll say this. Does your nickname acronym come from Just A Deaf?]

[→ ✧PeanutEnjoyer: @Joe69, seriously? He's literally a musician.]

[→ ✧Joe69: I know, I know it sounds crazy, but he said the first two were fine, and I don't have any adjectives with D left!]

Hmm? Just A Deaf? You're right, Joe, that was it, haha. You took your time, six months is no short time. Congratulations~

[→ ✧Joe69: YES! LET'S GO BABY! Wait whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-]

[→ ✧Aizawa: I didn't expect that... Not at all.

[→ ✧PeanutEnjoyer: WHAT THE FUCK.]

[→ ✧Earphone: Well, that's crazy.]

[→ ✧JADisLIFE: Japaneses are built different fr.]

[→ ✧Irisdescent: ...the hell?]

[→ ✧leolener: That's nonsense, no way.]

[→ ✧BlondiePitch: You're deaf?! WTF MAN.]

*sigh* That's why I didn't want to say it... Let's just leave the topic aside and continue with Mario Kart; a Toadette player won't beat me.


"Dear viewers, don't misunderstand me; I didn't mean to imply that being deaf is regrettable. What was regrettable was the attitude of the media.

JAD's followers didn't follow his request to drop the topic; instead, they took it everywhere, to every platform and every possible news outlet, causing a swarm of people, driven by the interest in the news, to flock to JAD's livestream on HeroTube, causing the platform to crash and taking JAD's livestream down with it.

HeroTube quickly fixed everything, but from that day on, JAD never did another livestream, and a few weeks later, he uploaded his first non-musical and last video on his channel."


"Hello, everyone. As you know, I'm JAD, I'm four years old, and I'm deaf, but I'm also a musician. A strange combination, isn't it? Haha... Well, that's how the news defined me, along with calling me a liar.

Look, I don't owe anyone an explanation, nor will I give one because, honestly, I don't care. I made the songs and shared them with you because I wanted to convey the beautiful feeling I felt when I heard a song for the first time, nothing more than that.

My parents explained to me that the music industry was... murky, a place where if you didn't step carefully, you'd fall into the depths. I didn't believe this because for six months, all I received were good words.

But now that I've experienced it firsthand, now that I've seen firsthand the slanders and defamations under my name by various media outlets, and now that I've seen the sadness in my parents' eyes when they watched the news for the first time...

I announce that I will stop doing livestreams and will temporarily leave music to make what medias says, be a child. Until then, enjoy your music.


The presenter's expression changed to a severe one as she crossed her hands on the table.

"After this video, all of JAD's community actively hunted down all the media that defamed the young musician in the hope that he would return, but even today, Tuesday, February 23, 2081, he has shown no signs of returning.

...I won't make this comment as the reporter Akari Rin, but as the mother Akari Rin, whose children adore the songs this little boy has made, filling them with smiles.

I'm grateful to you, kid, no, JAD. If someone were to ask me who best represents the meaning of Plus Ultra, I would have no doubt, that would be this young deaf man.

Good morning and have a nice day, Japan. Please JAD return-"

The television suddenly changed the scene to a man with a fish head and a stick in his hand pointing at a screen with the atmospheric weather forecast, leaving bowled over the two parents who were watching the news.

Ren closed his mouth and turned to her wife with wide-open eyes as he leaned back in his seat, and Liria raised the cotton swab from her hand.

"Honey, where's Rei?"

"Um, he went to the park while you were sleeping... Do you want me to go pick him up?"

"No, no, it's just that-"

"It's overwhelming, isn't it?"

Ren's eyes opened slightly, but he quickly returned them to normal and nodded with some guilt.

"...I'm happy but somewhat disappointed with myself. I supported Rei when he said he wanted to be a musician, and I'll continue to do so for the rest of my life, but... deep down, I wanted him to fail and it happened."


"I vividly remember the first time he called me 'dad,' it's like I have it engraved in my mind. I was scared because of how he was, he was barely a baby but never behaved like one, he never cried, he was serious, it was as if he had been alone for a long time... it was like me before I met you."

Liria watched with sadness as Rei lowered his head in an attempt to hold back tears, and she reached out her hand to him.

"But suddenly, he started to shine, he started to get closer to us, and from that moment on, he never stopped smiling... Then, he said he had a dream, a goal, and when you have something you want to achieve, sometimes you have to leave things behind... like family."


Liria's words stopped when she saw her husband squeezing his hands with some force while trembling.

"So... is it selfish of me not to want my little one to fulfill his dreams? Is it selfish... not to want my little treasure to get hurt or to grow up and one day leave us?"

Tears rolled forcefully down Ren's cheeks, and Liria quickly approached him, giving him a hug while gently caressing his back.

"Take it easy, Ren-chan~. You can cry, no one will see you, hehe~."

Ren was about to start crying again, but upon hearing her, he furrowed his brow slightly, and just as he was about to pull away from Liria, she stopped him.

"You know, Ren-chan, I was alone too, I had no one but my Quirk. But suddenly, a green-haired young man who was on a business trip appeared in my life and approached me timidly while I was patrolling... And guess what? He was about to ask for my number, but the idiot realized I was deaf and started looking up sign language on the internet in front of me- PFFFFFTTTTT."

Liria started laughing uncontrollably, causing Ren to bury his completely red face on her shoulder.

"Hahaha... It's not wrong to want a child to stay young. In fact, doesn't that show how much you love him right now? Besides, I have a feeling that the last thing Rei wants is to be separated from us."

Ren showed a sad smile, and they both continued hugging for a while until Ren heard a knock coming from the patio window and turned his head, causing Liria to also direct her attention in that direction.

Standing in front of the window, Rei gave them a teasing look and pointed between them while joining the fingers of both hands and starting to pretend that both hands were kissing each other, with a smirk full of mockery.

"Chichi to Haha Icha Icha."

To the surprise of both father and son, Liria grabbed Ren's chin and gave him a deep kiss that lasted only a few seconds but didn't prevent Ren's eyes from widening in surprise.

Liria pulled away again and hugged Ren tightly while giving Rei a teasing look.

Rei's reaction was not exaggerated or angry; in fact, there was no anger at all. Instead, his gaze alternated between them, and he showed a small smile with slightly closed eyes that conveyed the immense happiness he felt in his warm gaze.

He didn't hesitate to open the door and jump in with a wide smile on his face as he hugged his parents, swaying from side to side.

Ren's eyes opened for a moment, and his mouth started to tremble as he realized that what his wife had said was true; it seemed that the last thing their son wanted was to be separated from them.

"Why did you come back so soon?"

"Izuku wasn't at the park today, so I left. Why~? Does it bother you that dad and you..."

Ren fell silent when he received a knock on the head and straightened up, bringing a hand to his head in a soldier-like manner as he looked at his mother.

"You little idiot... By the way, have you seen your followers on HeroTube?"

"Hmm? No, I deactivated along with the stats of the channel a month after starting to do live streams. The least thing I wanna hear now is about HeroTube, ugh."

Both parents looked at each other and shared a amused look. Their son seemed to be the least interested in his own channel.

Rei jumped up and began to walk towards the stairs, raising his hands with a smile.

"I'll go to my room to get ready for this evening."

"Wait, Rei. Are you sure you want 'that' as your birthday gift?"

"You were the first to mention it, i'm just speeding it all."

Rei turned again and started to climb towards his room, his notable excitement evident to his parents as he gave small jumps.

Liria let out a sigh and turned to her husband to see if he had any idea about Rei's request.

"Till this day I don't understand why he decided to take up martial arts. Didn't he like music? He could just play music but dance it..."

Ren shrugged and shook his head with a playful smile.

"Well, he needed something to spend his new freetime on. And it seemed to fit perfectly on Rei-"

Ren stopped rambling when he saw the seriousness in Liria's expression as she looked to where Rei had gone.

"Darling, capoeira may not be very famous, in fact I'm surprised there's a school here, but you have to know that beyond the dances seen in videos, the reality of the martial art is bigger. A capoeira practitioner is..."

Ren unconsciously swallowed, expecting her next words, but was surprised to see Liria put on a slight expression of disgust and hug herself.

"It's like a spinning octopus, ugh. I know he likes music, but see my son dancing like that instead real fighting, ugh-I can't."


"Nevermind... but why would Rei meet him as his birthday present? Sus..."


"Oh, cool mom things. Rei teached me."

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