47.36% Yu-Gi-Oh!...Wait What? / Chapter 9: Degenerates, Guns and Resolution

บท 9: Degenerates, Guns and Resolution

After honoring my Chapter as well as kindly showing some pathetic Eldars the true benevolence of the Emperor, I found myself once again in the counter shop this time attending…Some.Guests.


Heheheheheheh ( ͡≖ ͜ʖ ͡≖)



Yeah, I wrote that, why? Because that's the best representation of what was happening in front of me, you see Gramps has…some interesting material hidden somewhere in the shop, of which I can only say it start with H and end with I, ok, I know that wouldn't make sense, like at all, but you have seen the elderly entering the shop, and adjacent room only for role play, some kids playing and buying DM, and well this was the last batch, teenagers. Anything is possible in anime, you know?


But, not any kind of teenager, no sir; let me explain, the girl, well young woman in front of me, was a ten out of ten, with tits bigger than her head, a full on christmas cake that couldn't be hidden, not even if Harry Potter appeared with his invisibility cloak and try it to cover it, an hour glass figure that could make any model see and become red of jealousy, long legs and thighs big enough that not even my hands could close around them, a beauty mark in the corner of her left eye, and long cascading black hair that precisely rested on child bearing hips that pretty sure shouldn't be on someone, I assume, in her twenties.



Now, some of you perverts may say that she came out from a Hentai or something, or that this DM version where I find myself it's one more sexually inclined than others, no, thanks that, because if not, sex would have some kind of weird currency, law or bullshit that appeared in every chapter of this journal, so, the young woman had a figure to die for, yes, and some of our more hormonal driven costumers…and elders, literally couldn't kept their eyes from roaming her entire figure.



Heck, some of them were openly ogling her, and she in contrast seemed to enjoy it, yeah we had a pervert here, not only that, she was dressed in some sneakers, really tight yoga pants that didn't let much to imagination, a big gray sweater that couldn't even hid her melons, a cap that slightly covered her eyes, and a black colored face mask, right, her eyes were a mesmerizing pink by the way, so, some would say what's the problem?


The problem?





Hot pervy girl, in a shop with countless young men and old men? Yeah, no, this wasn't a porno, this guys were the stereotype of your typical Japanese in anime, see, don't touch and look how you get ntred in the process, but that no the problem, it was.


"Do you have…Boku no Pico?" her voice was extremely soft like one of those anime heroines that were so pure that the just world stopped because they were the center of many fetishes of an entire community of degenerates.



I did my best, I swear.



I didn't want to look at her, like she was some kind of bacteria or some sort of mistake given birth; pretty sure Tanjiro would be proud of me.



Seems like I didn't do a good job though



( ≖︡ ͜ʖ ≖︠ ) "hehehehehe"



I grabbed an innocent looking white paper bag hidden in plain sight in the lowest part of the counter shop, I held that thing as far from me as I could, or at least as far as my arms let me.



She was slow in taking the damn bag from my hands, and not so subtlety grazes her hands on mine, far longer than I liked too, while I shivered in disgust towards her actions, she was pleased. I dint know if it was for my reaction, or for that filth I handed her. I didn't want to know.





(っ ≖︡ ͜ʖ ≖︠ )っ🎔 Bye. Handsome~



Her stride was sensual and slow, accentuating the sway of her hips with every step until the chime of the bell store announced her exit.



The entire male population of the store decided to look at me like I was the one in the wrong, jealousy and insecurity dancing in their defeated eyes; or at least that's how I think they reacted, since the moment she went out I ran to the closest bathroom to clean my hands, making sure that nothing got stuck in them, or that I was going to get infected with some kind of decease, by touching something so profane, disgusting and unholy.



Emperor, protect me!



Oh Saint Solaire, the greatest between us lowly worms, blesses me with your sun to clean my tainted soul from the corruption I just handed with my naked hands to that…thing!



Its 1996 that damned thing shouldn't have come out until ten years later! How?! Why?! And above all Who?! If this is a sign that I should go all villain and cleanse the world; then I have no problem going to the Dark Si-




I had been wronged! I turned to look at who was the audacity to strike me in my moment of greatest weakness only to see the amused but scolding glare of Gramps; that was enough to sober up, and apologize for my little episode, but, fuck you Jhonny! I should have let you in that gay bar that time! 


Let´s just say that we pulled a Hangover and we paid the price for it, meaning me mostly. 

"Now Sonny, I understand that you may not approve of some of the costumers preference, but that's no reason to treat them that way" he said with his rolled up newspaper that he handled as some sort of bat, it was the same thing that he used to bump me in the head, it surprisingly hurt though.



"And don't start blabbering" he said with finality, I closed my mouth before I could express both the injustice and the profanity that my own sanctuary, my body, just went through moments ago; I call injustice your honor!



"Now go and keep taking care of the children while I make sure those rowdy teenagers in the RP room are behaving" Gramps was already entering the now named RP room while I just waked/ dragged myself to the counter, where an entire line of children were waiting to be attended.






"Uff" after dealing with the children the rest of day passed in the blink of an eye, I grew even more respect for Gramps, obviously the anime was centered around Yugi and his friends, who would have known that Gramps´ shop could be so busy in the morning, and lets not talk about how he has to manage it most of the time by himself, with due reason they can live a relatively normal life in their shared house and shop. Gramps have it rough, I say; but it says something about an old man near his eighties still willing to provide for his family.



"Here Sonny" he said while cleaning the counter shop, what he handed me was a small container, black with some red stars motif, I opened it only to look at variety of Japanese food, typical rise, with hamburger steaks, some rolled eggs, a selection of vegetables and croquets, not only looked delicious but smelled too.






I looked at my stomach, with a raised eyebrow, really Charlie? Now you betray me? That's low you bottomless pit.



"I asked my daughter in law to prepare this meal for you, you have been of great help on the store today, and believe me sometimes it can get really hard to attend everyone in my little store, especially at my age, you know?" he said with a kind smile, his kindness sometimes could be overwhelming, but I was getting there, the more I interacted with, which only had a been a couple of days, the more at ease I felt.



I never understood, if it was something unique to him, or if it was something only of his character.



"Thanks Gramps!" I said while taking the chopsticks from his offering hands and a typical, Itadakimasu later, I was ready to dig in until the chime of the bell store announced what I have waiting for all this time.



Of course, it made sense, they were waiting for a time when the store was particularly empty, meaning midday, at this our many were either having lunch or resting, thanks to that the store was empty besides the two of us and Yugi's mom that was upstairs somewhere. Let's not forget this actually happened in the morning in the original DM but this is not the anime DM anymore.



"Hello there gentlemen, can I help you?" Gramps took the first step, being respectful but distant, by his furrowed brow he knew that they weren't costumers, of course, we are talking about that dwarf balloon butler and his two bodyguards.



"My master Seto Kaiba challenges you to a duel. You will come with us now" not even a greeting and he was already demanding that Gramps had to go with them, one way or another "And what if he refuse?" I asked, I gave my best glare, which once again thanks mainly to my looks, actually my red crimson eyes, they stiffened for a moment before they took out two good reasons from their pockets "Then we will have to insist" he finished, a smirk on his pudgy face all the time.



"There is no need for any of that gentlemen, I have never rejected a duel in my life and this won't be the first one" he said quickly looking at the pair of guns, he didn't show fear o desperation, in contrast what dominated Gramps semblance was defiance mixed with the look a man that have gone through something once upon a time in their life, badass daredevil Gramps, ready to play; nice.



"Then follow us, our ride is already waiting for us outside" pudgy face said while turning his back to us making it for the exit of the shop "Wait a damn minute" I said taking a step forward, knowing very well that, that just prompted the pair of bodyguards to point their guns at me, and only me, honestly I am not some kind of hero, I have been putting a front the entire time the moment they took the guns out, I was scared and sweating profusely, but I couldn't show anymore weakness.



"I know what Kaiba wants, and I can give her something more, something even rarer than the Blue Eyes White Dragon" I said with all the authority I could muster, I know I was bullshitting my way through them, but it was truth I had something in me, that Kaiba wouldn't be able to resist, a key card to the BEWD deck, I was pretty sure that she already had the version of Kaiba's deck from DSOD, with all the changes that have been happening I would be an idiot that for not thinking each important or remarkable character in DM got their decks updated or something more.



"Master Kaiba didn't ask for you, I suggest to run away while you can unless you still want to interfere with the master affairs, of course that's it unless you want to face the consequences" he finished this time with the bodyguard not only aiming but at the same time with their fingers ready to pull trigger, any time, I clenched my teeth's frustrated that he didn't buy my statement, once again, this is not the anime, in this case if he were to disobey or not fulfill his orders he would be punished severely for all I know, this type of guys always must complete their orders to a T.



The bodyguards were ready, at any moment they could end my life, and all of that thanks to my blunder, but I couldn't go back on my statement, because, if I am not wrong then, Kaiba will save my sorry ass, I know it.



Gramps was looking at me wide eyed and with fear, not for him but for me, thanks Gramps.

"Wait gentlemen, this young man it's my store clerk and assistant he has worked for me for years and he has come to have some really rare cards in his possession" Gramps was bargaining, thankfully he understood my intentions, he wasn't trying to get me out form trouble, he was letting me accompanying to the wolf den, even if he didn't approve or liked it.



Thanks God we had that Duel last Sunday.



Pudgy face was getting impatient, pretty sure he thought this would be a simple, ask, take and send kind of mission, now he has more player on his field and his original target now it's not collaborating with him like in the beginning; before he opened his mouth, one of the bodyguards put one his hands over his right ear, where I guess must be some kind of communication device that only Kaiba Corp fabricated, after all you could see the guy from front, side or from the back and you wouldn't even find a single microphone or phone on him.



He seemed to be nodding at something, while repeating yes, a couple of times before finishing with a "Yes lady Kaiba, the president will see you alongside the old man, but you better make her time worthwhile or you will face the dire consequences" my glare softened just a little, thankful that my little bet worked better than I expected, one thing from Kaiba was that anything that triggered his interest from the rarest of cards to the most ludicrous ideas, inventions or business, he will actually gave them a chance to see if they were KC worthy; of course if they didn't reach his standards then he would dismiss while insulting then in the process.



Kaiba intrigue just won me a ride in a luxurious limousine, and a short meeting with the lady herself.


I knew that Gramps could take care of both Kaiba and himself, but something was shouting at me that he wasn't going to use his Exodia Horus deck in this duel, wait, dammit, now I know why, Grams was the one that initiated the so called Heart of the Cards cult, or better said the protagonist ultimate plot armor, I really don't want to think about it but, something tells me that he was going to use his original Exodia deck instead of the new one he used against me.



Now, I am even gladder that Kaiba bite the hook.



With that said, now I found myself alongside Gramps in, as I said before, a really luxurious limousine with everything included, while I was eating the bento that Yugi's mom prepared for me at Gramps request, what? Hunger is the enemy; truest words have never been spoken.



"I am surprised, that you can still eat in this situation Sonny" he said while looking how I devoured the bento, but I couldn't help it, I was really hungry and the food was sooooooooooooooooooooooo good, that and I will need all the energy I needed to win the next Duel, this wasn't something that I could say, I lost, but I'll win next time; no, this wasn't that kind of situation, Kaiba at the beginning of the series was completely, absolutely ruthless, and this Kaiba wasn't any different, after all, guns weren't involved when they came Gramps in the anime.



"Hungry; need energy, I'll Duel her" my answer fast and paused, after all I was speaking and eating at the same time "Sonny do not speak with your mouth full, you will make a mess" I nodded at him while drinking some ultra-luxurious water from the mini fridge, yes mini fridge, from the limousine.



He looked at me for a moment not understanding what I said before his eyes opened wide with the realization that I wasn't trying to come to cheer him up or for being worried, but because I wanted to challenge Kaiba to a Duel "Sonny this is not a joke, Kaiba it's the national champion of DM and the favorite to win the World Championship, her skill are the real deal" and still she has a BEWD deck, mainly focused in power and not versatility or flexibility, with my new additions to my deck, I covered most of them, I still couldn't get all the Bystial, but some new Despia and Branded cards already helped a lot, well that and the mechanical bird from the Tri-Brigade.



"I know, I am counting on that actually" I said finishing the bento, while looking Gramps in the eyes "Please Gramps trust me, I know I will win, I swear it" I tried to put in my words not only my conviction but at the same my own desire to win, hopping that, once again, he would understand or at least, in this case acknowledge mi intentions.



He released a sigh, I don't know if he was exasperated with or new that he wasn't going to convince me "Very well but, take this" he showed me a deck, his deck, I furrowed my brow thinking that it would be his original deck, only to realize the moment that I started to look through his cards that it was actually his Exodia Horus.



With eyes widened I couldn't believe both what I was seeing and what he has done, and still "I can't" I refused "I understand that you want to help me Gramps, but I won't be able to sleep peacefully if I don't do this with my own cards Gramps" I said while presenting my own deck to him, and enjoying how his eyes widened at my updated deck



Only to release another sigh and gave me back my deck while I gave him his "Then I will pray for your victory Sonny"



"Thanks Gramps, I mean it, I won't disappoint you" I said while feeling how the limousine stopped little by little finding ourselves at the base of the biggest tower in the entire Domino City, home of one the richest individual in DM, and literally the entire lab, Duel field and testing grounds of the many KC projects and branches, the intimidating and, for some, the entrance guarded by two life size statues of BEWD.



Yeah, remember what I said about Kaiba being ntred?



Scratch that, well not completely, but maybe I should add some yandere tendencies to the rooster.



Just maybe.

AzhelianTheEternal AzhelianTheEternal

Uff, ok, yeah i am getting really late with the Duel but, not only the chapter was getting too long for my taste but, I felt this was a good point to end the chapter in a good note mixed with a little anticipation.

But, dont worry, next chapter its the Duel, have it planned and all and, oh boy Kaiba its gonna fill it, be ready, I´ll try to make it more exciting and yes Kaiba has a BEWD deck, based mainly in the present support and members of the archetype, yeah tuners an synchro included, just with a little change to make it work with DM

Because as i said before, no Xyz, no Synchro, no Link or Pendulum only Fusion

Well, have a good night, in my case thats it, and hopefully you like this new chapter, you cant take this chapter like the second part from the last one, meaning its one big chapter divided in two, ciao~

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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