16.66% Sussy Baka in MHA / Chapter 6: Convenient Twist

บท 6: Convenient Twist


"Come here you little shit!"

'Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, he is catching up!'

Currently, a few minutes had passed since I erased any possibility of my karate teacher having descendants in the future.

And even after all that time, he had not calmed down. If anything, he looked even angrier than before. With actual foam coming out of his mouth as he ran after me with his fists bulging in anger.

It seemed that behind his good guy charade, a very irascible guy was hiding!

"I will chop you up and send all of your body parts to your parents once I'm done with you, little bastaaaard!!!"

Correction, it seemed that behind his good guy charade, a psychopath was hiding!!!


Screaming inside my mind in panic, I continued to run wherever my instinct led me to, as I hoped that the guy would not catch up to me any time soon.

And if he did, hopefully, a hero would appear before he could do anything to me...

Thus, just letting my instincts kick off, I ran without any real destination for a few minutes. 

While on the way, I tried my best to shake him off. However, I still failed miserably because of his obstinacy in not letting me get away.

Thankfully, my body was superior to that of my peers. Otherwise, I would have been caught by him long ago. Such was the difference in physique between an adult and a kid, after all.

However, even if my body was currently as good, or even slightly superior to his, he seemed like someone who exercised from time to time. So even at the moment, it was unclear to me whose stamina would deplete first.

His, or mine. The stamina of a slightly trained adult, or that of a kid with an incredibly good physique.

Honestly, It was a gamble that I wasn't sure about winning... But well, kicking his balls without thinking of the consequences had also been a gamble. So I didn't have the right to doubt it now.

Though, if I'm being honest, I think that the only thing that had prevented him from catching up with me by now, was the fact that his balls had been turned into ground meat earlier by me, and the pain probably didn't let him run as fast as he usually could.

Too bad though, he should have worn some protection down there if he didn't want that to happen!


"... Shit!"

Suddenly, as I was still running with everything I had, my eyes caught sight of a wall in front of me and widened in horror at the realization of what such a thing meant.

'A dead end... Fuck!'


Stopping in my tracks as I glanced at the horrifying wall in front of me with a desperate face, I gradually turned around and saw my teacher approach me slowly with a terrifying grin on his face.

'Surely, he was just trying to scare me when he said that he would chop me up earlier, right?'

As I was smiling nervously at my teacher, wondering if he would forgive me if I did the legendary Japanese 90 degrees bow, suddenly I saw how he slowly pulled out a fucking pocket knife from his pocket and pointed it at me, and almost shat on my pants.

'Holy sheet!'

Gulping in nervousness as I saw his menacing figure slowly approach me, I looked to the sky and imagined that All Might suddenly appeared from above and landed right in front of me, stopping my evil teacher from making sushi out of me.

Unfortunately, that was just my imagination. And nothing happened.

'Shit, isn't this the moment when a hero does his appearance?! Where the fuck are they when needed?!'

Looking all around me frantically with a hopeless face, I tried to see if any hero was nearby before I frowned when I noticed that there was no one nearby.

'You gotta be kidding me...!'

Gritting my teeth in frustration, I glanced at the guy in front of me once again, who still had a victorious look in his eyes, and frowned slightly.

At that moment, cornered into a dead end, and with almost no options left... I rapidly understood what I had to do.

At that moment... my only option left was to fight for my life.

Clenching my fists and tensing my muscles, I took a deep breath and prepared to lung at him. It was needless to say, I was scared shitless at that moment. However, I have not been learning karate for two months straight only for this guy to simply come and trample over me as if I was some kind of a newbie.

Even if what he taught us was all bullshit, I was going to use everything that I had to fight him.

Surely, among all of the useless movements that he had taught me, there should have been at least one foundation for real karate, right? Maybe unknowingly, I had learned it without noticing.

Shaking my head brusquely to shrug off my doubts, I then clenched my fists even tighter, as my body slowly started preparing for the action.

Taking a deep breath as I glanced at his approach, I closed my eyes for a brief second and immediately cleared my mind from any lingering fear that I might have had.

Nervousness was useless in this kind of situation, after all.

'This was something that was going to happen eventually on my road to becoming a hero... Nothing wrong with starting a little earlier than planned...'

Thinking that deep inside my mind and opening my eyes with resolution filling my mind, I took a step forward with a set mind and prepared to defeat the first thug in my history as a hero.

Maybe, if one day I accomplished my dream of becoming a rich guy, I would tell this story to the media... It would certainly make for an interesting anecdote.

However, for the time being, I had to survive first.

'So be it... For the money and the riches!!!!'


Thus, without hesitating anymore, I kicked the floor below me and lunged at him, ready to fight to my fullest.




However, just as I was about to deliver my first punch, a tall figure appeared in front of me and blocked my path. Making me bump my head into it and stumble on my feet a little.


"Hohoho, isn't this quite an awful scene? I wonder, why is an adult like you bullying such a small child?"

'... A hero?'

Hearing the voice of the mysterious person that had appeared, I frowned slightly in bewilderment before I glanced at the figure in front of me more carefully and widened my eyes when I recognized who he was.

There, standing in front of me, was the creepy old man from a few hours ago who had been watching us through the window.

'Why is this guy here?!'

"Who are you, old man? Mind your own business!"

As he looked at the old man with a dangerous look in his eyes, my teacher pointed his pocket knife at him and started waving it around, seemingly trying to scare him off.

Raising an eyebrow in confusion, I was about to ask him that same question. However, before I was able to, the old man disappeared from my sight and reappeared right in front of my karate teacher in the blink of an eye. Making both me and my karate teacher widen our eyes in shock.

'So fast!'

-Ta, Ta, Ta, Ta, Ta, Ta, Ta, Ta!-


Then, not letting my teacher even speak, the old man punched his body multiple times like a fucking machine gun before he then sent him flying away with a vicious kick right toward his stomach. Making my poor teacher utter a dumbfounded "What?" during the whole beating as if he couldn't process what was happening before being sent flying away by the last kick.


Watching as my teacher's unconscious body fell harshly to the floor in such an unexpected way, I gasped in disbelief, before then I turned to look at the old man and blinked in confusion at the strangeness of the whole situation.

"What has just happened...?"

Muttering that, I then let out a short laugh of disbelief, as the old man started stretching out of nowhere while saying things like "Ouch, it's been quite a while since I have moved so brusquely" or "I'm already too old for this kind of thing..."

Surely, this was the most surreal thing that had happened to me so far... Aside from reincarnating in a world with superpowers, and discovering that God was a serial killer inside a videogame that is...

"Hmm... Now, what should I do about you...?"

Then, suddenly turning to look at me, the old man raised an eyebrow as he brushed his long beard in contemplation, only to then take a step forward and appear right in front of me in the blink of an eye. As if he had teleported.

'What the—?!'

Not fazed by my notorious shock, the old man then kneeled and looked at me with a curious expression. As if he was seeing something interesting.

Seeing that, I couldn't help but blurt out a curse inside my mind.

'Fuck, don't tell me he is "that" kind of old man? What should I do if he tries to do something? This guy beat up my teacher in the blink of an eye, I don't stand a chance against him…'

Imagining the worst, I couldn't help but take a step back in caution and prepare for another imminent fight for my safety. However, before I had the chance to overthink anything more, soon he stood up again, and a smile appeared on his face. Making me relax slightly seeing that he probably didn't plan anything bad.

"I saw you in that "Dojo" from before. I wonder, what did you do to your teacher for him to become so enraged at you?"

Looking from the corner of his eyes at my teacher—who was now lying unconscious on the ground—as he muttered that, the old man looked back at me with a raised eyebrow, before he sighed and shook his head out of nowhere.

"Well, either way, that surely wasn't a proper behavior from an adult. I will have him deal with the police later"

Hearing him say that, I sighed in relief, before then I decided to let him know why my teacher had been so angry at me. That way, surely that guy would pay for fooling me for two months straight.

I didn't know anything about laws, but there was probably a law out there for scammers like him. And the police would make sure to enforce that law later.

For now, all I had to do, was to give my testimony.

"I overheard him talking with someone on the phone, saying that what he had been teaching us for two months straight had not been actual karate, but simply flashy moves that he had seen in movies!"

"Hoh?... And he attacked you when he discovered that you were overhearing him, right?"

Nodding his head as if believing he understood everything, the old man started muttering things like "Hmm, scammers these days are becoming more and more creative" or "Such a violent reaction against a child... He could have just swindled him with some money instead of trying to kill him". Thinking that that had been what happened.

However, before he continued muttering more things like that, I shook my head and told him what had really happened.

Being honest was something my grandma always used to tell me to do.

"No, he became that angry because I kicked him in the nuts after hearing all that"

Though, she also said not to be violent.

But well, you can't have everything.


Stopping his muttering, the old man glanced at me with a raised eyebrow before he then glared towards the man's crotch with a pitiful gaze, and did a small praying motion.

"May you rest in peace"

Saying that the old man then looked at me as a slight smile appeared on his face, as if he didn't care anymore about the unconscious man that he had beaten up earlier, and started caressing his long beard as if he was interested in something.

"Leaving that aside. Tell me, kid, are you interested in learning martial arts?"


Hearing him mention martial arts out of nowhere, I raised an eyebrow in confusion, before then I remembered his movements from earlier and widened my eyes in surprise.

'That's right, this guy looked like an actual martial arts master earlier... Don't tell me...?'

Beginning to get my hopes up, I looked at him with an expectant gaze as I answered his question.

"Y-yeah, I wanted to learn... But this guy scammed me and in the end, I never got to learn anything..."

Nodding his head at my words, the old man grinned slightly, before he then stopped caressing his beard and placed both of his hands on his waist while puffing up his chest.

"Then tell me, do you want to become my disciple?"

'He actually said it!'

Fist-pumping mentally after hearing that, I cleared my throat to not appear desperate and crossed my arms proudly in front of me.

"Well, if you insist"

Don't mind my fast response. I was just that desperate.

My dream depended on this, after all.

However, as I finished saying those words, I remembered that this guy had been watching us from outside the window earlier, and found it strange that he would suddenly offer me to become his disciple without any proper reason.

It seemed a little suspicious to be honest.

We had just met a few minutes after this... And yet, he was already telling me to become his disciple? Was his dojo on the verge of disappearing because of the lack of students? Or did he have any hideous purpose behind this seemingly attractive proposal?

I wasn't sure. So I tried asking him without sounding too suspicious of him... If he dodged the question, then surely his purpose was nothing good.

"Though, why do you suddenly want me to become your disciple?"

"Hmm? Why?"

Hearing my question, the old man raised an eyebrow in surprise, before he then nodded his head with a satisfied expression, as if he was seeing something really good.

"You are actually better than I thought, kid. Caution is something good... Anyway, answering your question, I saw you performing some exercises in that dojo before, and I noticed a certain peculiarity about you... More specifically about your body"

'My body?'

Furrowing my eyebrows in confusion, I looked down in contemplation, before then my expression lit up when I thought of something.

"Surely you have noticed it already..."

Smiling as if he knew what I was thinking, the old man laughed in a low voice, before he then pointed at his arms and did a flexing motion.

Seeing that, I confirmed my doubts.

"Is it my strength? I do have more than the other kids..."

Looking at my hand with a curious expression, I then turned to look at the old man with a questioning gaze, before then I saw him kneel once again.

After that, he suddenly tapped my chest with a serious look in his eyes.

"It's not only your strength, kid... I noticed that that entire body of yours is amazing in terms of physical performance... Be it stamina, reflexes, strength, flexibility, etc... All of those characteristics in your body are almost twice as good when comparing it to other kids... Is this your Quirk, maybe?"

'That much?' Hearing that, I couldn't help but raise an eyebrow.

Although I knew that I had a good physique, I never expected it to be that high. Mostly because although I knew that it was higher than that of the kids around me, it also felt similar to my previous physique from when I was an adult... To which I was already accustomed.

However, when I think about it... It's really strange for a six-year-old kid to be as strong as an adult... Right?

No... What's actually strange is for a human being to be born with a body two times stronger than average... That doesn't sound biologically possible.

'Is this the work of God Impostor?' I couldn't help but wonder.


Thinking deeply, I glanced at the old man, who was looking at me with a curious expression on his face, before I shook my head and pointed at my glasses.

"No, my Quirk is to create Glasses in my eyes and control their shape and color to my will... Something like this"

Saying that, I then placed my finger on the glasses that I was wearing, before then I started changing their shape into different types of glasses. Be it into nerdy ones, cool ones that resembled sunglasses, Harry Potter-like glasses, and many other types. Making the old man look at me with a strange gaze in his eyes.

Normally, I just had them look like blue shield sunglasses that hid my eyes since I kinda liked the look that they gave me. However, that didn't mean that I couldn't change it into other types. Even having them cover my entire face was a possibility. Though, doing it was a tad hard to do.

I was kind of proud of how much I had discovered about my Quirk during the past three years since I had awakened it. After all, at first, I only could create a pair of glasses and nothing more.

Now, being able to control their shape and color, I couldn't help but feel like I was a super genius who had brought his quirk to a new level!

"You say it's not your quirk? Then why do you have such a good physique?"

Suddenly, as I was giving myself some pats on the back, the old man raised an eyebrow in confusion and asked me something. To which I just answered with a shrug.

"No idea. The doctors said that it was just a rare case of my body being born stronger than most"

"... What?"

Looking at me with a dubious gaze, as if he couldn't understand what he had just heard, the old man then sighed in defeat seeing that I was probably telling the truth, before he signaled me to follow him.

"Well, whatever. Hey, let's go, I'll bring you back to that Dojo for now. We can talk during the way"

"Ah, that's right... My dad is probably dead scared right now..."

Thus, without saying anything more, I nodded and followed him.

Hopefully, Dad wouldn't be too angry...


-To be Continued...-


(A/N: Here is what Suzaku currently looks like)



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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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