57.14% Baseball Gatcha system / Chapter 16: Chapter 16: Changes in school and a concerned new friend

บท 16: Chapter 16: Changes in school and a concerned new friend

Terrence P.O.V ( Coach Terry)

Since today was the first day of the tryout, pretty early in the morning I could be seen taking equipment to the baseball field little by little. Like every year like a sort of initiation we let the new kids take care of the heavy stuff taking my new Pocket Radar I had bought with my own money and planning to put it in my car until training time I started walking toward the parking lot but when I walked near the baseball field I spotted the fence leading to the field was open and I was sure I had close it earlier, scared that someone was stealing equipment I walked toward the field

As I was approaching I could hear the sounds of baseball balls hitting the fence of the backstop with the sounds that it was making I wondered if a kid wasn't hitting a ball with a bat against the fence but I would also hear the sound of the bat making contact with the ball if that was the case I thought

Arriving beside the visitor dugout I spotted a young man standing on the mount all equipped with baseball pants cleats a long-sleeve Under Armour compression T-shirt and an A's baseball cap the more I watched him throw the more I was getting excited. This was a pure gem right there but also the more I was looking at him the more I had the impression of knowing him

I put that in the back of my mind and started using my new Pocket Radar the velocity of the ball was good I could hear it from here from the batter's perspective this ball would surely look scary after setting the stand and installing it I waited for his next pitch to record the speed of the ball 

-BANG 98 mph

another pitch

-BANG 98 mph

another pitch

-BANG 99 mph

After pitching 17 balls with a speed between 97 and 99 mph he went toward the fence with his bucket and picked his ball up before walking back to the mount

-BANG 89 mph

'Huh did the kid got tired after pitching 20 balls only' I thought 

-BANG 90 mph

another pitch 

-BANG 88 mph

That's when I noticed the trajectory of the ball was really different from before since I was stunned by the speed of his ball I hadn't watched anything else so I started looking more closely like I would do when a pitcher would come here for the tryouts, judging his pitches like a professional the speed of the ball, the trajectory, his control, his pitching motion I was looking at everything

-BANG 90 mph

Holy shit that's a cutter I thought

-BANG 88mph

another pitch

-BANG 89 mph

After 25 balls he picked up his bucket again and started picking up his balls 'so he had thrown a couple of balls before I made it here' I thought. 25 four-seamers between 97 and 99 mph now a cutter between 88 and 90 mph what are you gonna pitch now I thought turning my head to look at my pocket radar that's when I saw Catherine walking toward me and gestured to her to keep quiet and that's when I realize why did this kid was so familiar to me Catherine would never come here for no reason so that means she was here for the kid which means 'Omg is this Stephen' I thought but since when did this kid play baseball I didn't knew he could pitch what is happening here.

Stephen Rose P.O.V

I was preparing myself to throw some curveballs, the pitch I had the most problem learning but once I did oh god my curveball was nasty looking, When I suddenly got interrupted by Terry coming toward me and I could also see my Mom standing beside the visitor dugout

''You've been spying on me Coach'' I said with a sly smile

''Cut the crap and stop pitching you've thrown enough for now

''Nope I still have 1 series of 25 pitches to do and it is also the most fun ball to throw hahaha'' I said putting myself into my set position both my shoulders facing toward first base before starting my motion and pitching my first curveball on a baseball field. THUD the ball dropped on the ground right where the catcher would be ahh so satisfying I thought feeling the chills

''CATHERINE HOW FAST'' yelled Terry which made me look in the direction of my Mother 

''81 MPH'' said my mother I had never recorded the speed of my balls so I was just as surprised as Terry beside me 

''HOLY SHIT a curveball above 80 what the hell are you son all your pitches are above 80 mph tell me the truth you don't take juices right

''FuckOff who do you take me for you know damn well I would never do something like that, also what are you talking about did you record the speed of all my pitches tell me what does it say?'' I said giving him the middle finger I wouldn't do that if we weren't alone but now it doesn't matter 

'' You never checked the speeds of your balls?'' asked me Terry

''no, I only began training 2 months ago I never saw the use of knowing them, focusing on my pitching motion and control was all I did and with my strength training the speed of my ball would have eventually gone up so I never bothered knowing 

'' Sigh your dad was the same, seriously ok let me tell you

4-seam Fastball 97-99mph

Cutter 88-90mph

Curveball 81mph

but seriously how many throws do you do in a day to have mastered all those pitches in 2 months'' asked Terry 

''I would say 200 give and take hahahaha I like learning new pitches the 4-seam fastball and cutter took me half a month to learn but the curveball took me a whole freaking month its only last week that I got the trick and start getting used to throwing them. As for the next pitch, I plan to learn it will be the sweeper since I got the curveball the sweeper should be easier to learn hehehe'' I said laughing

'' Alright from now on you're restricted from pitching that many balls don't throw more than 100 pitches a day and if you want to pitch a little at practice later you stop right now'' said Terry seriously

I knew he was thinking about my health and was worried about injuries but I couldn't say that I had a system so I could only nod and stop pitching for now, of course, there was no way I would limit myself to 100 pitches a day, the only reason I was able to catch up with the people my age who had played all their life was with my hell training, well Terry doesn't need to know how many pitch I do I thought

''So what did you think about my pitching Coach?'' curious to get his opinion

''Don't get cocky there is a lot of work to be done... but you're on the right path keep it up, kid'' said Terry I knew he was saying this so I don't get the big head I knew him well enough to know that he was impressed with my pitching I thought arriving beside my mother

''So how did it go with our benevolent principal'' I asked sarcastically

''Humph I don't know what you told him but he wanted me to convince you to drop this story, of course, I recorded him and sent it to your Godmother you don't have to worry I bet he is getting fired right about now knowing your Godmother she should call back any minute now'' said Mom with a sly smile

'' Hahaha if people ask me who I took after the most I'll put the blame on you Mom hahaha'' I said laughing out loud while Terry was looking at us not understanding what we were saying

Sandra Bones P.O.V ( Godmother of Stephen and also The Head of OIG)

After watching the video Catherine sent me I had to stay in my office and calm myself for almost 5 minutes before I could start thinking straight. Can't believe there are people like that who became teachers and this joke of a principal so the first thing I did was to set up an investigation team. Investigation Services is composed of law enforcement professionals who conduct criminal and civil investigations involving Department programs, operations, and funding. Investigation Services' special agents investigate suspected fraudulent activities by Department employees, contractors, grant recipients, school officials—in essence any entity or individual that awards, disburses, or receives Department funds or participates in its programs.

Investigation Services also tackles cybercrime affecting and involving the use of Department IT systems. Investigation Services maintains the OIG Hotline, which provides an opportunity for the public to report suspected fraud, waste, and abuse involving Department programs, operations, and funding. It also operates a full-time, state-of-the-art computer laboratory for conducting and coordinating digital forensic analysis and data analysis, and it processes digital evidence. Investigation Services also conducts outreach and fraud awareness briefings with strategic partners, and it collaborates with other OIG components to develop appropriate enforcement actions and to identify programs vulnerable to fraud.

Since they give jobs to people who didn't deserve them I doubt it was the first time it happened I'll dig all the dirt I can on them. I then called each board member of this school one by one telling them that their power over the school is being suspended for the time of the investigation and that OIG will take over the school I finished by calling the principal of the school it took me 15 minutes before I could reach him... board members must have been calling him in panic asking him what is going on

''Hello, I am talking to Mr. McGrath'' I asked knowing full well who I was talking to

''Yes, it's me can I know who am I speaking to?'' he asked 

''I am Sandra Bones, The Head of the OIG I am calling you to let you know that as of now you are now under investigation for fraud/bribes, abuse of authority, and nepotism leading to the decline of the school teaching program, you are being suspended from your position of Principal without pay until the end of the investigation. OIG will appoint an Interim Principal before the end of the day to take your place, security has been informed and are on the way to meet you and escort you out of the school grounds if you don't comply with them the police will take the relay and treat you as a trespasser, thank you for listening'' I said not waiting for all the 'WHY' 'HOW' 'YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO ME' shit those kinds of people scream once they realize just what happened

Now I need to appoint a good person who can collaborate with me to make sure this school won't fall down again in the next year of course I knew just the right person to do this hehe so I took my phone and made a call 5 second later the call was picked up 

''Hey Cath, good news! It's done but I can't dismiss this professor from here and I need an interim Principal for the rest of the year until the investigation is done so ... you know what I mean hehe'' I said to her with a smug smile 

''Sandy, you know that I have a job right what should I say to the Dean back in the university'' said Catherine

'' Oh common Cath it's only a job for a year I'm sure your University will understand heck I'll call them myself also think about Stephen being stuck with this guy for 1 week or 2 until I find the good fit for the job'' I said knowing full well my best friend weakness

''URGH I know you're using me ... and it's working alright I'll do it also let me call them myself before you do it I do not want to look like someone who is avoiding responsibility you hear me wait for me to message you before you do anything and am I the new interim principal starting right now?'' she asked me

''Yes, I already put your name on the system as our acting interim principal for the duration of the investigation... I know what you are thinking yes now you can fire him without a second thought but let me warn you take security with you when you do so, this man isn't really stable I think'' I said warning her to take care of her safety just to be on the safe side

'' Alright well I got Terry with me so I can always ask him to play the bodyguard for a bit, I bet we'll talk more later but for now, I got something to do, Thank you Sandy!'' said Catherine with her usual caring and loving voice at the end

''Sigh, don't mention it, it's my job after all it's just that sadly we can't be everywhere. Anyway well talk later call me when you are installed in your new office, kiss Stephen for me'' I said before hanging up the phone. well now let's dive into the part I hate the most about my job ... paperwork

Catherine P.O.V

Hanging up with Sandra I looked at Terry who was looking at me with a disbelief look on his face which made me giggle a bit

''What is going on?'' he asked 

''Well I'm your new boss for the rest of the years hahaha I'll tell you everything but before that, I need your help with something'' I said seriously

''Of course, you can count on me!'' responded Terry

''Stephen you can go to your next class now I'll take care of the rest'' I said to my son who came out of his car after having changed himself back to his normal clothes

''I know Mom but what about your job at University?'' asked my son concerned about me

''You don't have to worry about it, that's for me to deal with now go'' I said shooing him away

I looked at my son walking back inside before I started walking toward the administration building with Terry following me, from afar I could see the old Principal, John being escorted to his car by 2 school security guards 'Good riddance only one more to go' I thought. Looking at Terry who was looking at this scene in shock I snapped my finger in front of his face to get his attention

''As you can see something happened and Sandra made a move so the school board is suspended until the investigation is done and I'll be the new interim principal for the rest of the year. Anyway right now I need you beside me while I fire an unstable teacher since I do not know how he will react'' I said to Terry 

''What the fuck happen this morning all board members are suspended hahaha I do not know how Larry would react if he knew you were the reason he lost his job here'' Terry said laughing

''Who's Larry?'' I asked this name not ringing a bell at all

''You got to be kidding me right you don't know the guy... HAHAHA when I'll tell this to Dan HAHAHA'' laughs Terry clutching his stomach 

''Who is this Larry why would you tell that to Dan?'' I asked him while we were walking

''Larry was a guy who was in our class in our senior year and he also was the only board member to vote against Dan when they hired him later that year Dan asked him why he did that and Larry said that he didn't deserve you and he should have been the one to end up with you but by your reaction, you didn't even know he existed and he probably never talked to you hahahaha. I knew he was full of shit since day one but men this is gold talk about someone delusional HAHAHAHA'' said Terry still laughing his ass off

''Well I don't know anyone named Larry and I'm glad I never met someone like him anyway let's get going I'll explain everything to you after we take care of this teacher'' I said entering the building

Layla Smith P.O.V

This might have been the longest 1 hour of my life when Stephen left the mood in the class got weird everyone one was out of it and did not help get our new professor to get calmer he would snap at us every chance he got honestly this guy was scary me I dont think I will be able to concentrate in his class at all this year 

I was really concerned about what would happen to Stephen I can't believe a teacher would judge someone like that only on his appearance and it is not like Stephen was looking like a bad guy yes he had tattoos but if you ask me it suited him and made him more handsome if it was even possible 

Right before the end of the class, our professor got a call from the administrative building via the intercom all students looked at each other guessing that it might be related to the earlier event of course I was thinking the same

I think that we were all about to let out a sigh of relief when he left but before we could do so we heard his voice right behind the door 

''What are you doing here punk, I thought I told you to fuck off'' We heard Mr. Flores say 

''None of your damn business, break start in 2 minutes if you do not want to be swarm by student I suggest you hurry leaving the building'' respond another voice who we all knew was belonging to Stephen

''You don't need to tell me that you fucking brat... I... to do...'' the voice of Mr. Flores fading as he was walking away

After 20 seconds or so the door opened and Stephen stepped into the classroom he stood at the very front of the class and then with a big smile said

''I'm happy to tell you guys that this was the first and last time this guy will ever teach here and I hope the last time he will teach period but I can't control that, anyway I just wanted to be the first to tell you the good news, Layla do you want to go to the next class together?'' finish speaking Stephen while looking at me 

''Ah.. oh y...yes'' I said blushing because of being called out by Stephen in front of everybody like this, I hurriedly took my bag and swiftly walk out of the class without waiting for Stephen but when I passed by him I could hear him chuckle a bit which made me speed up a bit more



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