46.42% Baseball Gatcha system / Chapter 13: Chapter 13: Back to school

บท 13: Chapter 13: Back to school

Catherine Rose P.O.V

My son had barely been home this summer he would leave at 6 in the morning and come back at 7 at night since I saw him every night I hadn't realized how much he had changed physically until he asked me if we could go shopping for new clothes barely one month after the start of his summer vacation that's also when I discover his tattoos ... well more like he was tired of hiding it and let me find out of course I was finding it weird that he was always wearing long sleeve compression top but my husband said that this was a sportsman thing so I didn't think much about it

I was so angry at him that I wanted to punish him but I couldn't really tell him you can't train for the rest of the summer he would surely rebel and go live with my Father I had thought at the time I also could stop it from watching tv or playing game since I was barely doing it anymore the only thing he was watching on tv were MLB highlights and for playing games he would only play on Monday night with his friend Sean there again I didn't want my son to lose his first real friend so I let it be 

That made me so angry that I decided to give him the cold shoulder I barely spoke to him for 2 weeks straight at some point my anger subsided and I just wanted to know who had tattooed my son but Stephen wouldn't say a word so that made me even angrier than when I found out about his tattoos I might not have been that angry if it was a little tattoo but no this stupid son of mine tattooed half of his upper body

At some point, my husband had to give me a piece of his mind and said that I was ridiculous and that being angry was normal but that even if I was angry Stephen already had done it and that could not be taken off now and that instead of being angry I should ask him why he did this

So I did just that and had a real deep talk with my son my anger disappeared as the talk progressed forward at the end of the discussion I said I wasn't angry anymore just disappointed he didn't tell me about this before, the truth was that I was disappointed in myself, I a professor in social science with a Master's Degree in Psychology had missed this maybe my feelings as a mother had clouded my judgment or I was looking at my son with rose-tinted glasses but the fact was still there, I had totally failed to notice his silent scream for help to reassure him and push himself beyond his limit 

Well I learned my lessons and became a lot more attentive toward my family, school was set to start in 3 days when again Stephen came to me with a wry smile and told me that his clothes didn't fit him anymore... god damn it what are they putting in food nowadays I thought back when it happens 

The very next day we went on another shopping spree and we also stopped by a sports store to buy some baseball pants for Steph as he had forgotten to buy some since he hadn't needed them through his training until now. Watching him try some t-shirts, hoodies and jeans made me realize just how much he had changed this summer we even went to a store that sold Men's suits, in his words, going to his games dress like this was a way to honor his sport. I must say he was even more handsome than my husband now, of course, he got my genes after all, I had thought to myself that day while watching my son who was clearly obvious he was getting quite a few second looks from the women's passing by 

And finally, today was the day my son had to get back to school but I knew that for him it was much more than that. I looked at the clock on the wall and realized I had been lost in my thoughts longer than I should have, Steph needed to pick Aria up on the way to school if he didn't leave soon he would be late I thought


'' I'm ready Mom, have a good day and wish me good luck'' said Stephen before giving me a quick kiss on the cheeks

''Are you sure about this T-shirt Steph and you don't need luck I saw how much work you put in, maybe you should wear something with longer sleeves?'' I asked looking at his tattoos and at the tight-fitted light green t-shirt he was wearing damn shouldn't you wear looser clothes to hide all those muscles I thought to myself

''Mom I won't hide who I am, I don't care what people will think I like what I am wearing and I might also want to show off a little hehe. I'm off now, love you Mom'' said Steph while stepping outside and walking toward his car

'' Dont forget to pick Aria up on the way to school, Sunshine'' I said to him with a wry smile

''Oh shit I almost forgot her, thanks mom you just save your son from a painful death hahaha'' said my son before getting in his car and driving off

'' Good luck, I know you can do it'' I whispered to myself looking at Stephen car's disappearing into the distance

Aria P.O.V ( Stephen's cousin)

Today was the start of my last year of High school before going to college and I didn't want my Mom to drop me off at school as she was always super emotional when it was time for me to enter the building I didn't want other people seeing this in my senior year that would be embarrassing so I use Stephen as a shield and told my Mom that I would go to school with Stephen this year. Of course, he didn't miss the occasion to tease me and ask me for a bribe for all his trouble which was not really a problem since he just asked me to lie for him if the need ever arose 

I found it funny to think that Stephen would need someone to lie for him since as far as I know he never does things warranting him to lie to others but well with the change he had gone through maybe that also changed. I always loved my cousin the only reason I was teasing him so much before was that I knew how girls could be in high school so I took it upon myself to tough him up sadly he still fell prey to the most annoying bitch I had ever met in all my high school years

I was sitting on the front porch of my house waiting for Steph while texting with my two best friends on our special group chat

-Aria: I'm waiting for my cousin to pick me up with the car he got for his birthday... I'm so jealous

-Leslie: I asked for a car for my birthday last year but my parents told me that if I wanted a car I should find myself a job, life is so unfair

-Mary: SHUT UP you both my parents are so busy I need to take the fucking school bus with all those first-year brats... GRRRR

-Aria: who told you to fail your driving test at least you got a car of your own ... you just can't drive it yet hahaha my cousin wouldn't have bribed me if you could pick us all up HMPH

-Leslie: talking about your cousin how do you think he is feeling about going back to the same school as that BBB ( Big Bitch Brandy) hahaha just came up with it pretty good rights girls?

-Mary: hahaha good one ... damn it now the first year are looking at me because I'm laughing alone arrrggghh my cold queen persona is gone ugghh kill me, please

-Aria: that's a good one but I like the name my cousin came up for them better he called Brandy and her little minions The Bitchleaders hahahahaha maybe we should call them the BBBB group hehe in premier tonight ladies and gentlemen I present to you Big BItch Brandy and her Bitchleaders

-Leslie: That's gold +1

-Mary: That's gold +2 

-Aria: Alright motion accepted hahaha and back to your question I don't know how he is feeling about this, but I heard my mother talking with my aunt the other night and from what I heard my cousin trained himself all summer long and became so much bigger, that my aunt had to buy new clothes for him 2 times this summer

-Leslie: DAMN, he already had a cute face before if he grows some muscle he'll become a true hunk... why don't you send his picture here later I want to see what he looks like now

-Mary: I hope he didn't do anything like using illegal substances that would be a pity and Mary calm your pussy we all know what you are really thinking about ( your abs fetish)

-Aria: Nah my cousin might have changed but he would never do something like that...Oh I see his car knowing my cousin he will probably park his car close to the baseball field so just wait for me there girls 

-Leslie: got it :)

-Mary:10/4 Captain XD

Stephen's car stopped on the side of the road right in front of my house, I started running toward his car while my Mom opened the front door and told me shouting to be a good girl and have a nice day. Without looking at my cousin I hoped in the car reaching for the seatbelt with my left hand

''Quick... quick leave before my mother makes a scene'' I said trying to buckle my seatbelt as fast as I could

''Hehe good to see you too dear cousin I see you still haven't grown much this summer'' I heard Stephen making fun of me while pressing on the gas pedal 

''Hmph and what about you from what I heard you got bigger I hope you...'' I start saying before stopping halfway when my eye landed on my cousin

''You hope what?'' said Steph looking at me sideways with a proud and cheeky grin plastered on his face

'' Oh my FUCKING GOD is that you but... what... how is this possible. WAIT is that tattoos what the fuck did you do this summer did you enter a street gang for god sake what is happening right now?'' I asked in pure shocked

How could my shy and lanky cousin now look like a men's model who does underwear ads in magazines for god sake his shirt isn't hiding his muscle at all 'My god Leslie is gonna wet herself and drool all over my cousin as soon as she will see him' I thought getting pissed just thinking about it and also since when does he have tattoos how can nobody notice this until now his jaw was sharper than 2 months ago and his skin had a healthy hue that even me as a girl was jealous of

'' Haha no I did not enter a gang, I got my tattoos for almost 2 months already now answer my fucking question you hope what?'' said Stephen still smiling clearly proud of the effect that his transformation had on me

''Hmph I just wanted to tease you by saying I hope you didn't use any illegal substance to get this big but I know you would never do that and I heard that people who use that have bad skin which is clearly isn't your case fuck how do you have such a beautiful skin what product did you use?'' I asked really curious about this

'' Hahahaha the product is called... are you ready for it I'm about to tell you of my most guarded secret... it is called 'I have good genetics you silly made By Mom and Dad corps' will you remember the brand if not I can... OUCH OUCH OUCH alright alright I'll stop teasing you stop hitting my arm I'm driving hahahaha'' Said my cousin laughing out loud, midway through his sentence I realized he was messing with me so I punched him in the arm

'' Idiot, but seriously what did you do to get this kind of body it's just absurd how much you changed this summer... OMG I can't wait to see the Face of that Brandbitch when she realizes that you are the new hunk of the school hahaha they will all look at you from afar drooling at you until they realize who you are hahaha'' I said laughing my ass off just thinking about the bewildered face of those bitches

''Hehe I don't know about being the new hunk but I sure think that their face will be worth every fucking effort I put into training this summer even if trained myself for a totally different reason it will be a nice little bonus hahaha'' said Steoh with a little evil smile 

''Oh really now ... so what was the reason you trained so much then?'' I asked not at all convinced that he did it for another reason than to shit on their face with his transformation

''Baseball, I'm gonna make the varsity team become the Ace of the team, and crush all my opponents until there is nothing left'' he said with such a cold and determined look I could almost feel the temperature dropping in the car, he was looking so hot right now his confidence was really a thing we woman were attracted to as long as it doesn't turn into arrogance that is... Oh it's your cousin stop being a Leslie I thought to myself getting back to my sense

''You finally stop hiding and decide to do the thing you love but you know it won't be easy to make the varsity team and even less likely for you to become the Ace since you never played before... I don't want to be a party pooper I'm just stating facts here'' I said lifting my hands in the air

'' Hehe I can't wait to surprise everyone not to boast but I found out that I'm kinda of a baseball genius this summer you just wait and see, also don't tell anyone about this yet only Grandpa my Mom and you know about me playing baseball for now I want to surprised everyone when I played my first game ill invite everyone to watch me'' said my cousin with a wide smile on his face clearly excited thinking about whatever he was thinking 

'' Wait does that mean I'll need to call my Mom for her to pick me up after school?'' i asked realizing that if my cousin is planning to play for the baseball team he will have baseball practice every day after school

''Well you can always wait for me and watch my practice I know it is boring but you can do your homework while waiting for me this way Aunty won't be able to say anything and you won't forget to do your homework anymore hahaha but honestly this could be good for you since it's your senior year you know'' said Steph with a small smile but more serious look

''I think that you are right sigh, i should really up my game this year if I want to go to a good college, alright ill take you on your offer but Leslie and Mary will surely tag along knowing them can you also drop them at their house when they do stay with me

''Yeah I can do that I know them but don't bring any of your other random friends, my car just has so much space you know. Oh this song is fire '' my cousin said while turning up the sound of the song that was playing

I took my phone and discreetly took a picture of him while he was jamming to the song before sending it into the group chat

-Aria: Hehe Leslie I hope you brought yourself another pair of panties for today look at this (image.jpg)

Stephen P.O.V

We soon entered the school grounds and started driving toward the side of the baseball field since it would be easier to take my bags to the field for practice when school ended, luckily there was a spot right beside Coach Terry's reserved parking space. The school was quick to name him as the Head coach position when my father resigned after the end of the state championship sadly our team lost in the first round, it was not my father's fault since the team wasn't as strong as before in my opinion it was already a miracle they got there in the first place if it wasn't because of Jalen the team would have lost as soon as the 1/4 final of the regionals

Aria and I stepped out of the car after grabbing our things then pressed the lock button on my little car remote until I heard a short honking sound telling me that the doors were locked and that the alarm was on

''Should we walk to school together or you are too shy to be seen with your cousin'' said Aria with a teasing voice

''As if, I don't mind but did you plan to meet with your friends'' I asked her 

'' They are already waiting there, You're lucky you'll get to be seen with three senior beauties on the first day, I'm such a kind-hearted girl to boost your reputation free of charge like this'' she said self righteously her chin pointing at the sky with her finger pointing at the bench in front of us

'' Hahaha well two beauties and a midget is better than what I had last year I guess'' I said sticking my tongue out at her 

''Humph it doesn't bother me i know you love me hehe'' waving off my comments like nothing

''You would really like my big sister I need to make the two of you meet up someday'' I said with a wry smile

''Who are you talking about?'' she asked puzzled by what I just said

''Well keep this a secret but it's one of the two people who tattooed me we bond pretty quickly at first the big sister thing was a lie to let my mother let me stay at Sean's place but then she took it seriously and she's now treating me like a little brother so I also treat her as a big sister ... you would really like her you both are alike on so many things that if she wasn't 29 years old I would think you both were lost twins or something'' I said while we were walking toward Aria friends

''I really want to meet her now that you say this, say do you think she would be willing to tattoo me?'' Aria asked with stars in her eyes

''Nope and I won't allow it either also you only have to wait until March and you can legally get tattooed if by then you still want a tattoo I'm sure she will be overjoyed to do one for you'' I said seriously

''Unfair'' she said pouting at me 

''Hahaha that's really cute but that won't work on me anymore, try again'' I said laughing at her antics

''Damn it! I liked the old Stephen more he was easier to fool'' She mumbled loud enough for me to hear

''HAHAHAHA, it doesn't bother me I know you love me'' I said with a cheeky grin using her own words against her

''Cheeky'' she said turning her head and trying to hide the blush that crept on her face... that was new I thought 


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