7.4% Skyrim Reborn: Victor's Ascension / Chapter 2: Bound for Trouble

บท 2: Bound for Trouble

Victor woke up groggily, the uneven jostling of the carriage dragging him back to consciousness. Before even opening his eyes, he knew what awaited him—the harsh reality of his capture, yet the sight that greeted him was both expected and startling. Ulfric Stormcloak, the leader of the rebellion, was bound and gagged just feet away, each bump in the road a silent reminder of the executioner's axe waiting for him in Helgen.

Glancing around, Victor quickly realized he had taken the place of the ill-fated horse thief. The realization didn't disturb him; names and past deeds seemed trivial now. What mattered was survival and the unfolding plan in his mind.

Before alerting anyone to his wakefulness, Victor used his Analysis ability to quietly assess the strengths and vulnerabilities of those around him. It confirmed his suspicion: besides Ulfric, he and Sarah were the most formidable presences in the carriage. He pondered the whereabouts of the other soldiers who had captured them.

Noticing Sarah still appeared to be sleeping, Victor contemplated her role in his emerging plan. He gently nudged her leg with his foot, and her eyes snapped open—she had been feigning sleep. The glare she shot him was more about their grim situation than any personal grievance.

"Are you alright?" Victor whispered.

"I'm fine," she murmured back, scanning the carriage. Victor seized the opportunity to ask about the guards.

"It was another prisoner," Ralof interjected from across them. "Took off into the woods, and half the guards chased him just five minutes ago."

Perfect timing, Victor thought. He subtly dropped an iron dagger onto Sarah's lap from his inventory, his voice barely a whisper, "Do you think you can trust me?"

With a slight nod, she discreetly used the dagger to slice through her bindings, making it appear as though she remained bound. Victor then turned to Ulfric, about to offer him a similar tool, but the fierce readiness in the rebel leader's eyes halted him. Ulfric didn't need an invitation to fight; it was his nature.

Instead, Victor focused on his next move. He stored the rope binding his hands in his inventory thinking this was even better then having them take them of and after he mimicked equipping a dagger, maintaining eye contact with Ulfric to communicate his intent. Everyone in the carriage watched, silently understanding the stakes.

Pointing at Sarah, Victor indicated her target was the man behind him. He then gestured towards Ralof and the driver with a cleaving motion. For Ulfric, he simply nodded towards the soldier at the rear of the carriage, receiving a grunt of readiness in response.

As Victor prepared to create a diversion by throwing an item in front of the carriage, the unmistakable roar of a dragon echoed in the distance. As it soared towards Helgen, every soldiers attention turned skyward. This was the distraction they needed.

Victor swiftly and precisely stored away all the binding ropes in his inventory, then armed each of them with a weapon.

The first to act was Ralof. The instant he felt the weight of the axe in his hands, the familiar grip igniting a battle-readiness within him, he lunged forward. With a guttural roar, he swung the axe down on the carriage driver. There was a horrific cleaving sound as the blade met flesh; the driver's head split in two, his body slumping lifelessly over the reins. Blood splattered across the wooden seat, marking the beginning of their violent escape.

Next to act was Sarah. Equipped with a short bow and a quiver of arrows by Victor, she wasted no time. She drew and released in one fluid motion, her arrow slicing through the air to embed deeply into the left eye of the Imperial soldier stationed behind Victor. Even as the man staggered back, clutching at the shaft protruding from his skull, Sarah was already nocking a second arrow. Her face was a mask of concentration, ensuring her target was truly down—a testament to her experience and precision in combat.

Meanwhile, Ulfric Stormcloak's response was nothing short of spectacular. Upon receiving a steel sword from Victor, he caught it mid-air and with a fierce bellow, His jump carried him over the carriage's side, covering the distance to the soldier at the rear with the ferocity of a cornered sabre cat. With a thunderous battle cry, he swung the sword, his arms channelling years of battle-honed strength, and decapitated him with a single, clean stroke. The soldier's head flew off, landing several feet away, as Ulfric landed with the grace, his gaze already scanning for more threats.

Victor's own target met a gruesomely inventive end. As he rose to his full height, Victor released the first of the six bodies stored in his inventory directly above the Imperial soldier before him fallowed by the other five one at a time. The impact was devastating. Over 400 kilograms of dead weight crashed down, crushing the soldier beneath a brutal cascade of flesh and bone. The force was so great that even the horse bucked, toppling to the side unsettled by the sudden weight. The soldier, pinned and badly mangled, was still breathing raggedly when Victor approached. Determined to finish the job, Victor leaped down from the carriage, his own dagger in hand. With a grimace of resolve, he plunged the dagger into the soldier's face, ensuring his demise.

As the last body fell and silence began to reclaim the space, punctuated only by the distant roars of the dragon and the crackling of fire, the Victor assessed their handiwork. From an outsider's perspective, they might have appeared as a seasoned squad, each movement choreographed and lethal. Yet, it was desperation, not practice, that fuelled their flawless execution.

With the road now cleared of their captors and the threat of the dragon near, Victor knew their window to escape was narrowing. "We need to move—now," he urged, casting one last look at the carnage behind him, however before he could even say anything else the sound of galloping horses filled the air, startling the group.

In the distance, five riders on horseback thundered towards them, accompanied by the thunderous footsteps of Ulfric who had yet to move from where he'd decapitated the Imperial soldier. Sara and Ralof jumped down from the carriage, immediately sensing the danger. Sara recognized at least two battlemages and one Imperial Officer among their pursuers.

In the brief lull before the storm, the pounding of hooves grew louder, and the tension among the group tightened like a drawn bowstring. Ulfric Stormcloak stood resolutely in the middle of the road, his posture a silent challenge to the oncoming danger. From their position, Victor and his companions could see the dust kicked up by five horse riders thundering towards them.

Sara, alert and agile, was the first to react. She leapt from the carriage, with Ralof following closely behind. "We need to run!" she yelled, recognizing the imminent threat—two battlemages and an Imperial Officer led the charge. But Ralof's firm hand on her shoulder halted her, his eyes locked on Victor for a cue.

Victor's face, however, broke into a savage grin of anticipation. He knew what was likely to unfold next, and the thrill of witnessing a master of the Thu'um in action was too potent a spectacle to miss. With a swift gesture, he activated his Inventory spell, sweeping everything within a two-meter radius—including small rocks and loose equipment—into his magical storage. Another swipe, and he touched the carriage, which vanished instantly, leaving the horses, now freed from their burden, to bolt in panic at the echoing dragon roars.

As Ulfric stood resolute, the riders, now just a breath away, were caught off guard by the sudden disappearance of the carriage. They had no time to avoid the figure defiantly blocking their path.

Ralof, fueled by the unfolding chaos, charged forward, axe raised, his battle-cry mingling with the dragon's distant roars. Sara, stepping to the side of the road, nocked an arrow to her bow, her eyes gleaming with fierce determination.

The moment the riders closed in, Ulfric inhaled deeply, his chest expanding with the weight of his impending shout. "Fus Ro Dah!" he bellowed, unleashing the formidable force of his voice. The power that erupted from him was palpable, sending the horses and their riders hurtling backward. Three horses were killed instantly by the sheer force, their bodies crumpling under the unnatural impact. One battlemage managed a protective Ward spell, but it was no match for the flying mass of the Captain's horse, which crushed him mercilessly.

The Imperial Officer, quick to react but too late to change his fate, leaped from his horse in an attempt to counterstrike. He drew his sword, aiming to cleave Ulfric in two. However, his trajectory altered as Sara's glowing arrow struck him in the side. His path veering off course, he was met mid-air by Ralof, who delivered a brutal axe blow to his face, splitting his chin and ending his charge in a gruesome finale.

Victor, watching the carnage unfold, decided not to stray from his effective tactics. He dropped the entire carriage from his inventory onto the remaining battlemage, crushing him instantly under the sudden weight. As the dust settled, Victor felt a pang of exhaustion—his breaths heavy, his legs trembling slightly. He realized his stamina was severely depleted, a stark reminder of the physical demands of this relentless combat.

He knelt on one knee, catching his breath, and looked around at his companions. They had survived another fierce encounter, albeit battered and visibly weary. Ulfric, still standing where he had been, was panting heavily, his usually stern features softened with exhaustion. His once mighty shout now reduced to a sigh. Ralof's axe dripped crimson onto the dusty road, a testament to the vicious blow he'd delivered not moments ago. And Sara's quiver was nearly empty, her firm grip on her bow betraying a shiver of fatigue.

Ulfric was the first to recover, his battle-hardened physique recovering rapidly from the strain. He sheathed his sword and looked up at the sky, now blotted with darkening clouds and swirling ash. The dragon's roars had subsided into mere growls that echoed ominously against the surrounding mountains. "We've bought ourselves some time," he grunted, surveying their surroundings warily.

Ralof nodded in agreement, wiping sweat off his brow. He looked at Sara, who sagged visibly against a boulder nearby. Her eyes met his, their shared weariness reflected in each other's gazes. They has survived yet another combat trial by fire and they were no closer to safety.

Meanwhile, Victor had regained enough of his stamina to stand upright. He walked over to the mangled bodies strewn about - the aftermath of Ulfric's voice and his own inventive use of magic. With a grim determination etched on his face, he began storing almost anything he found useful – weapons, health potions, anything that could increase their chances of survival.

Sara watched him from her perch on the boulder, her tired eyes scanning their surroundings for any other threats as she notices the dragon soaring away, its massive wings casting a fleeting shadow over the devastated landscape of Helgen in the distance.

Ulfric Stormcloak surveyed the destruction with a steely gaze. The ruinous sight stirred a fierce determination within him. Turning to Victor and Sarah, who were still catching their breath from the recent skirmish, he saw not just formidable fighters but potential allies in his cause.

Ulfric's voice carried the weight of someone born to lead as he addressed the two battle-hardened warriors. "You have both proven your worth in combat, and it is clear that you possess skills beyond that of an ordinary fighter. I require individuals with your unique abilities." He watched as the dragon disappeared into the distance, leaving Helgen in ruins. "Many of my soldiers were captured during the attack, and I need to know if any have survived. I want to hire you to check the outpost and the secret cells beneath Helgen keep. There will be generous rewards for any survivors we rescue, and for any valuable information you can uncover about the Empire's plans."

Victor's mind raced. He knew from his past gaming experience that very few Stormcloak soldiers survived the dragon attack. However, a system notification popped up at that moment, confirming the completion of his previous quest and introducing a new one aligned with Ulfric's proposal. Even so, this wasn't just a game anymore, and the weight of real lives in danger added a gravity to his decision. He nodded firmly. "I'll help you. It's the right thing to do—and there are questions we all want answers to."

Sarah, standing beside him, her expression a mix of resolve and weariness, added her agreement. The recent events had stripped her of everything she owned, plunging her into a dire financial strait. "I'm with you as well," she said. "And not just for the money—though I won't lie, it's needed. There's something wrong here, something bigger than a simple dragon attack. I want to understand wit, and if helping you gets me closer to that understanding, then that's what I'll do."

Ulfric nodded appreciatively, his gaze shifting between Victor and Sarah, measuring their resolve. "Good," he said firmly. "You'll need to be quick and cautious. The Empire will be scrambling in the chaos, but they'll regroup faster than we can anticipate. You must strike while they are still disorganized."

Ulfric stood, his stance projecting the weight of his responsibilities. "I'd join you on this mission, but my absence has already stretched too long," he explained, his voice tinged with regret. "If I don't return soon, my people might take rash actions, thinking I've fallen or worse. The stability of our cause can't risk that."

Victor nodded in understanding. The dynamics of leadership often required such sacrifices, and he respected Ulfric for recognizing his role. "We understand," he assured the rebel leader. "You've given us enough to get started, and we'll handle it."

Sarah added, "We'll gather any information we can and rescue your people. You focus on keeping your rebellion stable."

Ulfric looked relieved, though the concern was evident in his eyes. "Thank you," he said sincerely. "Ralof will go to Riverwood and wait for news. If you need anything, get word to him."

After Ulfric's departure, Victor knew it was time to review their spoils and make necessary preparations for the journey ahead. With Sarah by his side, he accepted the rewards for their recent mission from the system notification that appeared before him.

Quest Completed: Save Sarah, the future Dragonborn.

Rewards: Enchanted Cloak of Stealth (increases wearer's stealth abilities by 15%)

Standing a short distance away, Sarah busied herself with checking her Bow for damage, oblivious to Victor's deeper analysis.

As he discreetly observed her, Victor activated the Analysis ability and the interface before his eyes provided a detailed breakdown of her strengths and weaknesses, abilities that had been merely guessed at before were now starkly quantified.

Sarah Shadow-Walker The Future Dragonborn

Archery Skill: Expert - Demonstrates exceptional proficiency with bows.

Sneak Ability: Expert - Highly adept at moving unseen and unheard.

Combat Reflexes: High - Reacts quickly to threats, likely due to her extensive field experience.

Magical Affinity: Low - Limited use and understanding of magical elements.

Emotional State: Guarded trust towards Victor, feeling a cautious reliance; overall, slightly tense yet hopeful after recent events.

Victor mulled over the new insights from his analysis as he observed Sarah meticulously adjusting her bow. Her dexterity and focus confirmed the system's feedback: she was a highly skilled archer, her stealth abilities crucial for their journey ahead. Yet, it was not just her combat skills that captivated him.

Her cautious trust, though fragile, shone brightly against the backdrop of their precarious circumstances. He admired her resilience and adaptability, reminiscent of a saying he once appreciated: 'a candle loses nothing by lighting another candle.'

Resolved to bolster her capabilities further, Victor saw an opportunity to enhance her skills with magic, providing an additional layer of defense and strategy against their adversaries. With his guidance, he envisioned her growing into an even more formidable force.

"Sarah," he called, motioning her over and presenting the enchanted items he had chosen for her. "I've got something that could really play to your strengths," he began, unveiling the Enhanced Imperial Bow and Steel Dagger of Lethargy, along with the Chain Lightning Staff.

"This bow," he explained, holding up the Enhanced Imperial Bow, "features Eagle's Aim, increasing accuracy and arrow speed, perfect for long-range engagements." He passed it to her, allowing her to feel its balanced weight.

He then showed her the Steel Dagger of Lethargy. "And this dagger could give you an edge in closer encounters. It has a Lethargy Curse, slowing enemies significantly with each strike, which saps their stamina, making them less reactive."

Finally, he presented the Chain Lightning Staff. "And for situations with multiple threats, this staff can cast chain lightning, striking several targets in one go. It's a powerful tool for crowd control."

Additionally, he handed her the Officer's Reinforced Armor, Enchanted Cloak of Stealth and Boots of Silence, ensuring her movements remained as stealthy as her arrows. "These will keep you agile and silent," he added.

Finally, he offered the Ring of the Leaping Gazelle, explaining its properties. "This ring will enhance your agility, improve your jump height, and reduce fall damage, with the ability to make an enhanced leap once per day. It's perfect for navigating rough terrains or quick escapes, but be careful, you and Ralof ended the last user of it fairly easily"

She accepted the items, her fingers tracing the subtle runes on the cloak and the sleek lines of the bow. "Thank you, Victor," she said, gratitude mingling with determination in her voice. "I want to make myself as useful as possible in this mission… I need your help for that."

Victor nodded, his expression softening. "It's not just about physical prowess," he assured her, "Success requires a blend of strength, cunning, and indeed, a fair measure of magic." As an afterthought he also gave her a couple of potions jut in case.


Enhanced Imperial Bow

-Eagle's Aim: This bow grants a 15% increase in accuracy, making it easier to hit distant targets. The enchantment subtly guides the arrows, compensating for wind and minor aiming errors, it also slightly increases arrow speed, reducing the time it takes for an arrow to reach its target and making it harder for enemies to dodge.

Quiver of Iron Arrows(63)

Steel Dagger of Lethargy

-Lethargy Curse: Each strike has a 25% chance to slow the enemy by 50% for 3 seconds. This enchantment saps the enemy's energy, making them sluggish and less capable of responding quickly in combat, it also subtly drains 5 points of stamina with each hit, further debilitating the opponent during prolonged engagements.

Iron Dagger

Chain Lightning Staff: Casts chain lightning that jumps between targets.


Officer's Reinforced Armor (improves agility and defence by 25%)

Enchanted Cloak of Stealth (increases wearer's stealth abilities by 15%)

Boots of Silence (enchanted to completely mute footsteps)

Ring of the Leaping Gazelle :

-Enhances agility, significantly improving jump height and reducing fall damage by 50%.

-Grants the ability to perform an enhanced leap once per day.

As Sarah inspected her new equipment, Victor took a moment to reassess his own arsenal. He carefully selected items from their loot that would best augment his abilities as a mage and enhance his survival in the harsh world of Skyrim. Recognizing the gravity of their situation, he reminded himself that this was not a game; this was their new reality, where strategic choices could mean the difference between life and death.


Staff of Firebolts: Victor chose this powerful magical staff for its ability to cast devastating fireball spells. It would serve as his primary means of attack, allowing him to engage enemies from a distance with explosive magical energy.

Imperial Sword: He also equipped an Imperial Sword as a secondary weapon for situations where combat closed to melee range. Its sharp blade and sturdy craftsmanship made it reliable in close-quarters fighting.


Enchanted Mage Robes: These robes, which increased Magicka recovery by 20%, were essential for sustaining his spellcasting during prolonged encounters.

Mage Hood: To further enhance his magical reserves, Victor donned a Mage Hood that increased his Magicka capacity by 15%, allowing him to cast more spells before needing to replenish his energy.

Imperial Light Armor: Underneath his robes, Victor wore a set of Imperial Light Armor for added protection against physical attacks. The armor was lightweight enough to not hinder his movements while providing a significant defensive barrier.

Imperial Bracers and Imperial Boots: Completing his outfit, Victor equipped a pair of Imperial Bracers and Boots, both offering additional protection and completing his layered defense strategy.


Ring of Arcane Echoes: This ring was a cornerstone of Victor's magical enhancement, increasing his maximum Magicka by 15% and speeding up Magicka recovery by 20%. It was particularly valuable during extended fights where rapid spellcasting was necessary.

Ring of the Alchemist's Insight: Understanding the importance of versatility, Victor also wore this ring, which not only increased the potency of all his created potions and poisons by 20% but also allowed him to fully reveal the effects of any two ingredients once per day. This ability was crucial for experimenting with new potions and understanding more about the natural resources they encountered in Skyrim.

As Victor finalized equipping himself and observed Sarah doing the same, he took a moment to reflect on the circumstances of their recent victory. Each piece of high-quality gear he handled—weapons imbued with powerful enchantments and armor crafted with exceptional skill—served as a stark reminder of the formidable adversaries they had faced.

The five riders they had encountered were not mere foot soldiers; their equipment was proof of their high rank and battle-hardened experience. This realization brought a sobering clarity to Victor. As he turned the enchanted staff in his hands, feeling the residual energy pulsating through it, he understood that their survival and success in that skirmish were not merely due to their own prowess.

"Sarah," Victor called out, his tone reflective as he glanced over to where she was adjusting the fit of her new armor. "These were no ordinary Imperials. The quality of this gear... these were elite troops, possibly personal guards or specialized forces."

Sarah looked up, her expression turning thoughtful as she considered the implications. "That would explain their tactics and coordination. We... we really lucked out, didn't we?"

Victor nodded, his eyes narrowing slightly as he pieced together the full picture of their encounter. "Yes, we did. It was Ulfric's intervention that made it possible." He paused, recalling the raw power that had swept through the battlefield. "His Thu'um, the Unrelenting Force—it shattered their formation at a critical moment."

He walked over to join her, his gaze distant as he replayed the scene in his mind. "Without that shout, I'm not sure we would have stood a chance against them. It wasn't just a battle of strength and skill... it was his ancient power that saved us."

Sarah nodded in agreement, her eyes wide with a mix of awe and a newfound respect for the Nord leader. "To see such a legend in action... It's something I'll never forget. It makes you realize the kind of forces we're dealing with here in Skyrim."

Victor looked at the gear once more, then at Sarah. "It does. And it reminds us that we need to be prepared for anything. Our enemies won't always be straightforward or predictable." His voice was firm, imbued with a resolve forged in the fire of their recent battle. "We need to learn, adapt, and make use of every advantage we can find—like these," he said, gesturing to the magical items they had acquired.

As they finished preparing, the weight of the situation settled over them, not just as a burden but as a call to rise to the occasion. With the high-level equipment they now possessed and the knowledge of the deadly stakes in Skyrim, Victor and Sarah felt a renewed commitment to their cause and to each other.

"Let's keep moving," Victor said, his voice steady. "And let's make sure we're the ones who control the next encounter."

Autor note: I hope I made the escape from the imperials interesting and unique enough, Victor is definitely not a character from Skyrim and so I want the way he uses his magic and skills would not be under the "Common sense" category. I have always felt that if a normal inventory can put a sword exactly in your hand and in some games you have a hole carriage in there why can I not drop it on the head of the enemies like when you take take items out of the inventory and they fall some distance away. If any of you have an idea about any such uses please let me know.

I hope everyone realised that the riders, who were rushing towards the Dragon, especially the officer where verry high level, him jumping over a shout and having enough presence of mind to even make an attack should make that clear but I don't know, also just so you know they were not the same people who left Ulfric f-ing Stormcloak in order to catch some horse thief, but Victor doesn't know that yet so neither should you. I'll make that clear in the next chapter.

Also here for those who are curious here is what Victor has in his inventory at the moment:


Iron Dagger(x3)

Steel Axe(x2)

Short Bow

Imperial Swords (x6)


Enchanted Mage Robes: Increases Magicka recovery by 20%

Mage Hood: Increases Magicka capacity by 15%,

Imperial Light Armor (x9):

Imperial Helmet (x6)

Imperial Gauntlets (x4).

Imperial Bracers (x4).


Health Potions (x12): Restores health.

Stamina Potions (x6): Replenishes stamina.

Magicka Potions (x8): Rapid Magicka recovery.

Potion of Enhanced Reflexes: Improves reaction time for 30 minutes.


Gold: 443

Lockpicks (x15):

Magical Scrolls (x3):

Scroll of Barrier (x2): Creates a temporary magical barrier.

Scroll of Summon Flame Atronach: Summons a Flame Atronach.

Special Items:

Bodies (x15)

Horse Bodies(x6)


Damaged Carriage

Assortment of plants not yet identified

Assortment of Stones both big and small

Fallen trees(x7)

Rope binds(x4)

Ps. I would like it verry much if you se any mistakes or inconsistencies you would let me know as that would help me create a much better story.

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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Stone -- หินพลัง



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