(Warning, some may feel discomfort with the scenes coming ahead.)
Time passed and it was Rias's and Akeno's third year at Kouh Academy, 1 month left for the start of the cannon.
During the past two years, Daniel sparred with Ophis every day, trained his powers and gave Rias and Akeno some pointers on their training.
Koneko became opened to Rias and Akeno as the time passed and was conversing with them a lot, although her face was still expressionless, she could smile on some occasions, she also was trained by Rias, her King, and gained more power that now her punches became so destructive and powerful than her original self.
And as she opened to them, she began to reveal her painful past to them slowly but every time she remembered something, she would begin to shake and tremble while a horrible expression spread on her face as she hugged herself, she would cry for some hours until she passed out.
That made both Rias and Akeno so sad for her as they didn't know what caused this little cute girl to be like that. How horrible her past for her to be traumatized like that?!
But once they knew, both were very angry and furious.
Daniel helped Koneko to calm down and relax just by his presence that had a very calming effect. The little girl liked to be close to him as that made her clam whenever those terrifying memoirs appeared again.
At one of those days, she was sitting with Daniel while Rias and Akeno beside her, Lily, Shuri and Grayfia were there as well. She wanted to tell them her past.
As all we know, Koneko or better known as Shirone, is a Nekomata that is a part of rare species called Nekoshou, she was born from the union between a human father and Nekomata mother, but both died in an accident in the past. Anyway, both her and her sister, Kuroka, were taken by a devil from branch family of the House of Naberius. That unnamed devil was a crazy scientist who wanted to created a Super Devil or something stronger than that by some artificial means. He wanted his creations to be loyal to him and through it he would conquer the underworld.
Of course that is an ambition that cannot be achieved because it's impossible to create a super devil, you cannot defy the order of the universe or you will be killed by the universe itself.
However, being ambitious is something that could move you forward to do things that could be beyond your expectations.
That crazy scientist, Groggy, took the two of them to conduct his experiments on them. He first experimented on Kuroka being the older sister while Shirone was put in a cell waiting for her turn silently, she was innocent and cute at that age, not knowing what was happening around her, even when her parents died, her sister Kuroka didn't tell her what happened to them and just told her they went to the heaven and Shirone being a young girl didn't understand, just smiled at her sister.
Kuroka screamed so hard and loud once Groggy began the experiment, he injected her veins with some green glowing liquid and that made her feel unimaginable pain that she wanted just to die and be done with it, but because of her little sister, she steeled herself by a strong will and endured the pain that no one could endure.
During the experiment, her veins were bulging and her eyes were protruding outside as red veins filled it. Her body shook uncontrollably but because she was tied to the metallic table, she didn't fall out.
Her mind was subjected to countless hours of pain before Groggy would write something in his note and leave her for some time, likely a break, and that break was the only condolence for her. Many times she thought of dying but her sister's face would appear in her head making her endure more. She wanted to save her sister, she didn't want her sister to be subjected to these things.
Kuroka was on the brink of collapsing.
This condition continued for days and nights that she lost count on how many days had passed. But one day, the mad scientist Groggy said something that made her regain the lost light in her eyes.
"I think this is enough, I need a new test subject to try the new formula," He said with his disgusting voice that made Kuroka want to tear him to shreds.
He looked at her and smiled widely and said—
"You have a sister, right?"
Hearing him mentioning her sister, Kuroka's eyes widened and looked at him madly.
"DON'T PUT MY SISTER INTO THIS! YOU PROMISED ME!" She shouted with what she had of power.
"Promise? When did I promise you? I only said that if you cooperated and the experiment succeeded I will leave your sister alone, that's what I said but this is not what happened, it was a failure. You are a failed test subject but because of you I managed to modify the formula and made it better than before and now I need a new test subject and what is better than your sister?" His smile was so crazy while his eyes filled with so much greed. He really enjoyed it, this look of despair on both sisters.
Yeah, because Shirone was watching all what happened to her sister through a monitor that was inside the cell, this was Groggy's planning all this time. Whenever he went to take a break, he went to Shirone and enjoyed how angry, sad and despaired she was. He enjoyed all of these emotions that danced on her face.
But Kuroka didn't know any of that at all.
"You are a failed test subject, Kuroka."
"Don't say my name with your filthy mouth, you bastard! I WILL KILL YOU!" She shouted with eyes brimming with anger and killing intent.
"Hahahaha then be my guest, that if you managed to get out." Groggy disgusting smile never disappeared the whole time, beside being a scientist with great ambition, he is also a sadistic bastard who enjoys tormenting people through his inhuman experiments. Although this was prohibited in the era of the four great satans, he didn't care, as long as nothing was revealed, then everything is fine, beside the main branch of the Naberius House wouldn't reveal him to them because once that was known, the whole household would crumble to dust.
Anyway, Groggy suddenly thought of something and found it a good chance for it. Likely he had another table beside the one Kuroka was tied to.
And with a sly smile, he went to the cell where Shirone was and pulled her out, the little girl didn't put any kind of resistance, her eyes were hollow without any light in it.
She just walked with him obediently. Once they reached the experimentation room, Kuroka saw her sister with Groggy and immediately screamed and shouted at him with all her might while trying what she could to break her ties, but due to the continuous injection and malnutrition, her body became so weak that she couldn't muster any strength.
She could just watch her sister being tied to that dirty metallic table with no power or strength.
Tears streamed down from her eyes and Shirone glanced once at her sister with her empty eyes and gave her a small smile, a smilel of someone who gave up.
Well, she was just a little girl who didn't go through many hardships in her life unlike Kuroka.
And when Kuroka saw her empty eyes and small smile, her eyes widened and more tears streamed out of her eyes.
Once Shirone was tied to the table, Groggy got the injection filled with a glowing purple liquid and without much wait, be injected it in her through the veins in her arm.
Groggy's smile widened when he saw how obedient she was but what made him more joyful was that unforgettable expression on her older sister, the expression of pure despair and collapse.
This is pure joy~
He really loves this.
Shirone who was injected by the purple liquid felt like her body burning from the inside out and something tearing her insides like countless insects devouring her insides.
The pain was unbearable that she immediately began screaming uncontrollably like crazy.
"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! Itai itai itai itai itai itai itai itai itai itai itai itai itai ...."
She was shaking uncontrollably with her arms and legs moving to weird angles, her eyeballs moving uncontrollably like a crazy person while saliva and foam coming out of her mouth. Her eyes widened to the brim.
The screams were filled with pain and plea to stop while at the same time Kuroka was shouting at Groggy to stop or she will die.
The little girl felt like electricity hit her body and began to feel like her brain was turning to mush. For a little girl to go through something like this was inhuman, especially someone innocent who hadn't seen the truth of the world yet.
It's like crushing all your dreams and everything you have in front of your eyes.
This situation lasted for a whole day before the pain ended and Shirone passed out.
The filthy scientist gave her some pills so she wouldn't die, he still wants to test more on her.
Kuroka was apologizing to her little sister the whole time while crying so hard, she cursed herself for going with someone like him, she didn't know that things would become hell for them like this. She didn't know that they would be treated like a test subjects in a lab.
The despair washed over her while she apologized without stopping.
Truly unfortunate for both sisters to go through things like these.
Time passed and it was a week with Shirone subjecting to the same torture every day without a stop. Her voice disappeared on the third day of the experiment as her vocal cords were destroyed from the continuous screaming.
But Groggy didn't care and continued his usual thing. On the other hand, Kuroka felt like the world was unfair to them, they didn't deserve such a treatment, they didn't demand anything from anyone, they just wanted to live their life peacefully like how other people live.
Is that too much?!!
Every time she looked at her sister, she would feel like her heart being torn and her soul being burned that she just wanted everything to stop. All of this because of one man, one filthy devil.
She wanted to kill him, tear him apart, burn him, eat his heart, and do even more.
If not for these ties she would have killed him many days ago, no, if not for her being weak she would have protected her little sister from the beginning. All of this because she was weak with no power or strength.
Weakness is a sin.
'All of this because I'm weak!' She gritted her teeth tightly while clenching her hands that her nails penetrated her palms and caused them to bleed.
Her anger and ferociousness were increasing to unimaginable limits, there was only one thing in her mind, which was—
Killing Groggy, that disgusting filth.
'I WILL KILL HIM, I WILL KILL HIM THOUSAND TIMES!' She said inwardly while she felt a surge of power overflowing her body.
'Nothing will stop me'
'I will tear him apart, to shreds'
'I will kill him thousand times.'
And as if a voice inside her head whispering to her, her desire for revenge and kill Groggy increased even more to incredible degrees.
A suge of dark purple energy came out of Kuroka making the whole room shake, this energy was mixed with some green strakes.
Groggy became surprised and looked at Kuroka with a look of shock and astonishment. A mad smile crept up on his face making him look more disgusting and ugly.
He didn't expect that, he thought that she was a failure subject but it proves wrong, she was the one.
The ties the were in front of Kuroka were destroyed freeing her, she got down from the table and stood on her bare feet while the energy was going wildly around her destroying her surroundings.
Her eyes were filled with unimaginable degree of killing intent, anger and hatred, the usual color was nowhere to be seen but was replaced by darker color swirling like abyss.
Gritting her teeth, she growled like a monster at Groggy, while that filthy man was smiling madly like an idiot not knowing that his end was near.
Then with a blink of an eye, Kuroka disappeared from his sight surprising him but before he could think where she went to, she appeared in front of him and kicked him with all her might making him fly away like a ragdoll colliding with the walls of the room and breaking it.
But Kuroka wasn't finished, she immediately ran at him while he was still trying to get up from the ground while coughing some blood, and punched hard making him collide with the floor breaking it with his body, then with her long sharp nails, she began tearing him apart.
His skin, flesh, organs, bones, everything went out of his body like a marathon while blood stained Kuroka's whole body, but she didn't stop and just continued, although the man had died from how his intestines were laying outside of his body and stomach being torn into half and thrown away, his lever was eaten by her making her mouth bloody and looking more inhuman.
Every one of his organs was either eaten or thrown outside by her, then when she came to the heart, she pulled it out and cut all the veins connected to it and immediately while licking her lips like a hungry beast, she ate it. The sounds of blood coming out and her tearing the flesh were so disgusting and very uncomfortable that you would want to puke all that was inside you.
The view was so bloody and unbearable to look at.
After she finished eating the heart, she looked at the head that was still intact and with a growl, she plunged her fingers that were like sharp knives into it and torn it apart, making his head into two halves, one of them contained the brain.
Kuroka stood up and stomped on the brain turning into a mush that the floor under her leg cracked due to the power she put in her leg.
Once everything ended, she looked at the place that became bloody due to what she did and immediately her eyes fell on her little sister that had long been watching her, she used all her might to not pass out and clinging on the very last bit of her consciousness.
Kuroka walked to her little sister and freed her, but when she was about to touch her face and caress her cheeks she stopped and looked at her bloody hands, hesitating.
Shirone just gave sister a smile with some tears at the corner of her eyes before she passed out with darkness shrouding her world.
The next time she opened her eyes, she found herself under an unfamiliar ceiling, not knowing anything or what happened and her emotions seemed like disappeared. She felt like a shell with nothing inside.
Since that day she couldn't express herself to anyone or talk to anyone. And later knew that she was within the House of Gremory's territory.
After Koneko finished telling her story and terrible past, she clutched hard to Daniel as if he was her line of life while some tears at the corner of her eyes.
Daniel with a gentle touch caressed her white short hair making relax and feel comfortable while his eyes contained a deep coldness that no one had seen before, a coldness that could freeze the whole world without leaving any place.
He was controlling himself properly so to not go out of control and destroy this whole world in a blink of an eye.
Rias and Akeno were very very furious and angry that they wanted to go the underworld right now and wreck havoc in the House of Naberius and burn it whole to dust while tormenting its people and members.
They were barely controlling themselves so to not go and do it. The more mature women were calmer but you could see the anger and killing intent in their eyes burning ferociously.
They were sad for this girl and so angry for her, to experience such a painful past.
But don't worry, thing will get better for both sisters and will be together again eventually.
Back to today.
[End of the First Volume]
A/N: With this I end the first volume, hope to see you good guys.
I'm this chapter, although Koneko was the one telling but you saw some of Kuroka's point of view like her thoughts.
I made this to give you a clear of view of her and how she can become a different Kuroka in the future.
And you will you see it in the next volume.
Hope you enjoyed the chapter, thank you.
2.9k words
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