71.42% Smallville I am Clark Kent / Chapter 5: Chapter 5

บท 5: Chapter 5

School was canceled due to the damage, so I had a lot of free time that week. Lex came over every day to have breakfast with us and seemed more relaxed around my parents.

Lana finally quit her job at the cafeteria and now works for me. I remember in the first season she proved to be good at managing and projecting business like Talon, so now she helps me as a sort of assistant manager. Although so far she has only helped my mom with accounting, maybe she'll also assist with deliveries. She now regularly joins us for breakfast at my house.

On a typical day while having breakfast with Lex and Lana:

"There's a reception Saturday night in Metropolis, but the catering company I hired apparently canceled despite the penalty for breach of contract. There's only one banquet service left, but their cost skyrocketed suddenly."

"That's terrible, Lex. What will you do?" asked my mother.

"Looks like I'll need to postpone the museum opening or pay their exorbitant prices. I suspect foul play from one of my father's competitors" Lex replied.

"I could take care of the reception" I told Lex.

"You cook, Clark? " he asked, a bit incredulous.

"Yes, a bit. It may not be fancy, but some hors d'oeuvres won't be a problem, of course, if you" agree.

"That would be excellent, Lex. Think about it; we could use farm products and promote the business "added Lana.

"I see you take your job very seriously, Lana. Are you aiming for a raise?"

"Haha, she's just a little too motivated, buddy, though I suspect she secretly has a crush on her boss.

"Haha"Lex chuckled.

—What do you say, Lex? Jokes aside, I could help if you let me.

"Alright, I'll give you a shot, Clark, but I need to sample what you'll do first. I won't serve my guests jam-filled cookies."

"Great, I'll arrange a tasting tomorrow afternoon. If you don't like it, we'll still have a day to find another supplier or, worst case, pay what they're" asking.

"Sounds good. The museum has a kitchen you can use. As for lunch, let's have it at my mansion. Use my ingredients."

"Great idea, we could invite Pete, Chloe, and a few others."

"Alright, but not too many. I don't enjoy having too many people snooping around my house."

With that settled, I really didn't know how to cook very complex things, but I trusted that with my superbrain, enhanced senses, and a good night of speed-reading cookbooks, I could make some good canapés. It took less time than I thought. It seems Superman has a knack for being a good homemaker, but I was ready for the gathering.

The atmosphere is intimate and friendly, with a delicately but informally decorated table. In the center, a large and elegant tray is brimming with miniature canapés: some adorned with smoked salmon and cream cheese on crispy toasts, while others showcase a variety of Mediterranean flavors like black olive tapenade and sun-dried tomatoes on small slices of baguette, although some ingredients would vary as it's not something I could get on the farm. Others like desserts would be 100% from my business.

The brunch is held on the mansion's patio. In the end, we ended up inviting a few more people: Lana, Chloe, Pete, my parents, Lana's aunt, but Chloe also invited Jenna. It seems she's become quite close friends with Chloe. Seeing her again was less awkward than I thought, although I couldn't help but glance at her from time to time.

The drinks perfectly complement the canapés, all taken from Lex's stash, but he doesn't seem to mind.

"Well, Clark, I think I underestimated you. You really know how to prepare gourmet things, but we still need some waitstaff "said Lex.

"Haha, I'll take care of that, Lex "I said, thinking of the free labor I could have at my disposal.

"Jenna, do you think the other cheerleaders would be interested in part-time work"

"Sure, some of them might accept help, but I'd have to talk to them. Although Lana, being the captain, might be better suited than me to ask."

"Hmm, I don't really have much communication with them outside of school. Plus, I'll be busy helping Clark with the kitchen and ingredients."

"Okay, I'll handle it " said Jenna.

"It's serious, buddy. Cheerleaders, no offense to Lana and Jenna, but if Lana is any indication of what they can do, I don't think they'll be much help," Chloe commented.

"Come on, Chloe, nothing beats a group of cheerleaders serving drinks. Plus, I'm sure Lana is a rare case in terms of what we can expect from them," Pete replied.

"So, Lex, what do you say? Are we hiring?" I asked.

"Well, it's my father's reception, so if it goes well, nobody will thank me. But if it's a disaster, at least it'll be free publicity for us. So, why not... hired?"

In the end, we signed a contract, more symbolic than anything. He would handle the uniforms and transportation to Metropolis. I would provide the products and pay the cheerleaders for their day's work. Pete and Jenna would also work that night, Lana would accompany me as a sales secretary, and Chloe would go under the guise of covering the event for the school newspaper.

With everything settled, we continued enjoying the party. At one point, it seemed like we split up: the guys went to the mansion while the girls stayed back, having tea on the patio.

"So, Mrs. Kent, what do you think about having two new 'daughters' competing for Clark's attention?" Jenna asked while they were all having coffee.

"Haha, oh dear, there are days when I really appreciate the help. You know, Clark can be difficult sometimes, so having multiple 'daughters-in-law' doesn't sound too bad."

This nearly caused Lana and Chloe to spit out their drinks.

"Haha, Mrs. Kent, I didn't think you were so open about that. It seems like Clark hit the jackpot."

"Hmm, I didn't expect anything different coming from a woman who enjoys stealing another woman's fiancé," Aunt Nell chimed in.

"Come on, you know that didn't happen like you think. Jonathan and I fell in love after you two broke up for the fourth time, so it doesn't count as stealing."

"Hmm, that's what you say now, but you also want to encourage my niece to share another Kent."

"Come on, Nell, wouldn't it have been easier if we had shared back then?"

"Sharing a man, what do you think this is, a novel?" Nell replied.

"Come on, Nell, you never had a problem with sharing Jonathan. You know, like at the Metropolis carnival or the harvest festivals. There was also that time..."

"Enough, Martha. We agreed not to bring that up."

"Wait a minute, you and Mr. Kent...?"

"Aunt Nell..."

"Come on, girls, it's not that surprising. Why do you think Nell never got married? Or why do you think there's a path in the woods connecting our houses? Or why Clark and you used to have late-night workshops together?"




With that comment, even Jenna, who initiated the conversation, had to spit out some of her drink.

"You're wild, Mrs. Kent. Now I know where Clark gets it from."

"Haha x3."

It was the big night. Pete, Chloe, Lana, Jenna, and a group of 9 cheerleaders were standing in front of the school, outside of two limousines.

As for how I got them, well, it was courtesy of Lex. They would take us to the event and back, part of the deal with the girls. We would ride in limos and they'd get fancy dresses, along with $200 for working for us. Just the dresses and limos were enough to convince them, but, well, I needed to pay them so they wouldn't say I was exploiting them. As for the dresses, a boutique in Metropolis offered to provide them in exchange for publicity.

In my case, it was simpler. The food came from Smallville, and the wine was purchased from one of the restaurants we supply. In the end, just the event would generate a net profit of around $200,000.

While I was thinking about that, Lana spoke up:

"Clark, bad news. Stasy just called me. She won't make it. Seems she injured her ankle getting ready."


"No worries, Clark. Enjoy the party. I can work as a waitress and maybe get a good story out of it," Chloe said, almost resigned.

At that moment, we heard someone speaking.

"Hey, Lana."

"Tina, what are you doing here?" Lana asked.

"Well, I heard the cheerleaders and you were having a party, so I came to see if you needed anything."

"Tina, great. You're a lifesaver. What are you doing tonight?" Lana replied.

"Nothing, I guess. Helping my mom tidy up the store."

"Great, come with us. Clark, wait a moment," Lana said as she dragged Tina away.

After a few minutes on the phone, Lana returned.

"Alright, we have a stand-in, Tina will help us out today. I recall Lex mentioned he had extra dresses at the museum just in case, you know, someone spills something. Alright, let's go, we have work to do."

After arriving, I headed straight to the kitchen to prepare everything. I had about 2 hours to set up and serve. The reception went better than I thought. It turns out Lana was the only terrible waitress; the cheerleaders did an excellent job. Plus, having a group of beautiful young women always adds to the atmosphere. No one tried anything, aside from giving hefty tips. Most likely, it had to do with Lex making a joke about the waitresses' age in the opening speech, so no millionaire tried anything inappropriate; no one wants that scandal on their record, especially when warned.

"Come on, Clark, take a break. Some of the guests want to meet the entrepreneur and chef of the evening."

"Sure," I said, taking off my apron, "let's go, Lana, shut everything down, it's time to go to the party."

As Lana and I walked arm in arm, we saw Pete in a tuxedo chatting with some ladies. Beside him, a very insistent Chloe was interrogating some millionaire.

"Chloe, I think you've bothered the gentleman enough," I said as I saved the man from the interrogation, and he thanked me with a look.

"Having fun, Chloe?" Lana asked.

"Clark, Lana," Chloe said as she hugged us.

"Haha, yes, but don't worry, I'm just having fun teasing him. After the initial photos with the girls, I have plenty of free time."

"And you guys, finished with the work?" Lana asked.

"Yes, we're done for today."

"Alright, follow me. Don't just bother the attendees; identify those with contacts in Metropolis who could help you in the business," Lana requested.

"Already planning behind my back?"

"Come on, Clark, let's meet people."

After mingling and greeting some restaurant owners, natural food stores, and even magnates, I needed some air. Just as I stepped outside to get some fresh air, there was an explosion in front of the museum. In the distance, I could make out a bus that had crashed into a lamppost, overturning.

"Help!" a voice cried out.

"Are you okay in there?" I shouted as I hurried over.

"I'm fine, there's no one else on the bus but me, but it seems my legs are trapped," the man yelled.

"Okay, hang on a moment, I'll call emergency services."

Just as I turned away to get my phone, a part of the lamppost fell on me. On instinct, I raised my hands, catching the beam as if it weighed only a few grams. Just then, people from the museum started coming out, so I quickly threw the lamppost aside, sending it a few meters forward.

"Clark, are you okay?" Chloe arrived running.

"Yeah, it seems it was a careless crash. There's one person trapped."

"Alright, everyone back to the museum; the firefighters are coming."

The return to Smallville was quiet; everyone was exhausted from the night, although I had a feeling I had forgotten something. Returning to school on Monday caused quite a stir. Adding the Torch headline about Lex's sponsored party, where the cheerleaders worked, only gave more to talk about among the students.

I learned that the girls received hefty tips and even offers for part-time jobs, either as secretaries or hostesses at restaurants. So, according to the Torch, I went from offering a simple night of work to something like a job fair. And since some people are desperate to leave Smallville, but their chances of going to college are doomed by lack of money, they saw working with me as a golden opportunity. I became popular; even some farmers' sons want to join the organic project.

The good news doesn't stop there. Apparently, my catering service could be more profitable than I thought. Several people asked about my services with Lex for banquets in Metropolis. It looks like I need to register an affiliated company. Maybe hire a lawyer to review the contracts.

While thinking about my thriving business, I ran into Lana and Chloe chatting at the front door. Just as I spoke to them, someone shouted from a few meters away.

"Lana, Chloe, are you going to the sleepover?" Tina asked.

"Hmm, of course, we'll see you at Ruth's house," Lana affirmed.

I just looked at them without asking anything.

"Oh, you didn't know, Clark. It seems the girls who went to Metropolis are getting together," Chloe explained.

"Tina seems to be integrating well into the group. And you, Chloe, I'm surprised you're hanging out with cheerleaders," I commented.

"Aren't you jealous, Clark? Why don't you call Lex and Pete and have a guys' night or something?" Lana teased.

At the farm, I was fixing some things for the shipments while my parents had gone to Metropolis. At that moment, I received an unexpected visit.

"I see you're working as hard as ever, Clark," a man in a suit said as he approached slowly.

"Good morning, how can I help you, sir?"

"I'm Phelan, a Metropolis police officer," he said, showing me his badge.

At that moment, I remembered that this was the guy who threatened Clark in the original version.

"Isn't this a bit out of your jurisdiction, officer?"

"Oh, don't worry, I'm not here on official business."

"Then what brings you here?"

"I'm here to offer you a job, Clark. I know you have abilities. I saw how you stopped that lamppost and tossed it in the air. The media will be very interested to know that someone has powers. Fortunately for you, I need someone with your abilities to help me."

"Haha, is that an official threat?"

"No, no, just as I said, a job offer. Although if I were you, I'd accept. You know, you don't want to end up in a lab or worse."

"Here's the situation, Phelan. I'm not afraid of you, even if you reveal my secret or threaten me. Because if you dare to do anything or if something happens to my family, you won't leave Smallville alive."

"Are you threatening me, Clark, an officer?"

"Let's put it this way, Phelan. You only have your word, while I have very powerful friends. So no, this is just a warning, Phelan. I might end up in a lab or in jail, but I promise you won't be around to see it. Ask yourself who has more to lose: a teenager who might spend a few years in prison or a corrupt agent who's clearly desperate to save his own life?"

With that, Phelan left angrily.

I must say I was quite upset after this episode. Maybe I should install cameras on the property, you know, just to prevent the bastard from leaving a body or blaming my father for. Something else while I was about to buy the video equipment for Internet.

A new visitor arrived.

"Tina, how strange to see you here. Tell me, what do you need?"

"Clark, I need help," she said as she entered the barn.



"So you can shape-shift at will as long as you know the person, from your height, voice, and gait?" I asked.


"But these powers also make you act chaotically and somewhat evil."

"Not just a little, I feel angry, something in my emotions is out of control."

"Not only that. Yesterday, I was actually about to rob a bank, and I would have done it, but then that cop stopped me. He mistook me for Lex, said something about investigating you, something about if I didn't want him to hurt you, I should help him. So I ran away, but when I got home, I was upset, I wanted to escape with the money to live another life. I... I almost did it. You know, my mother has money problems, I just wanted to help her. I almost went to the bank again today, but I managed to stop myself, run away. I don't want another life anymore, I have a good life here. I... I have no one else to turn to, I need help," she said, trembling.

"Alright, Tina, calm down. The good thing is you were able to stop yourself before anything happened," I said as I took her hands. "I'll help you, I promise. I'm already working on it, but soon. For now, go to the party with the girls tonight, relax, we'll take care of your mother's bank problem. You enjoy your night, tomorrow I'll sort everything out, okay? I just need to talk to Lex."

At that moment, my phone rang.

"Hello Lex, I was just thinking of coming to see you."

"Clark, I have a small problem... with the furniture. Do you think you could lend me a hand to move them? It's really urgent," Lex said in a slightly unnatural tone.

"Of course, buddy, I'll be there in a moment."

"Alright, Tina, go get ready for the party. I'll go with Lex and as soon as I have a solution, I'll call you, okay?"

Arriving at Lex's mansion, I realized what the "furniture" was. Lying in the middle of the room was Phelan's corpse, while Lex sat quietly sipping whiskey.

"Lex, what the hell?"

"I'm sorry, Clark, I didn't know who else to call. You can talk to the police if you want, I won't move from here."

"Alright, Lex, no one else will be called. Tell me, what the hell happened?"

"Phelan came to see me, he said he had found out something about you and threatened me."

"So you kill him..."

"You don't understand, Clark. I don't care if he had threatened me, but he threatened everyone I care about. He said he would see your father rotting in jail, that he would force you to work for him... I offered him money to leave you alone, he laughed. I don't know what happened, I lost it, I hit him with the first weapon I found. By the time I came to my senses, it was too late. What am I going to do now, Clark? I know how to cover up some things, but he's a damn cop, he can't just disappear."

"Calm down, Lex, we'll figure something out."

At that moment, a groan came from Phelan's body.

"Damn it, Luthor, you're dead," said Lex as he walked towards the nearest weapon.

I walked calmly towards Phelan as I watched Lex head towards the nearest weapon.

"That's it, kid, you better help me get out of here if you don't want me to reveal your power to the world..."

"Clark, I'm sorry I got you involved. You better go, I'll handle this," said Lex.

"You know, Lex, I really appreciate what you tried to do to defend my family," I said as I lifted the corrupt cop off the ground.

"But you seem to forget something... You're family too," I said as I swiftly took Phelan's head and...

"Clark!" shouted Lex as Phelan's body fell. "Damn it, Clark, now we're both neck-deep in shit."

"I have an idea, Lex, calm down," I said as I pulled out my cell phone.

"Hi, Tina, how do you feel about fulfilling your wish to rob a bank?"

A few days later...

"It seems like everything went well, Clark. Early this morning, Phelan was seen robbing the Smallville bank and then disappearing. Hours later, he was seen buying a plane ticket in Metropolis, but never boarded. Apparently, the police think he found out about their investigation against him and decided to escape after I refused to help him."

"So Tina pulled it off," I sighed.

"Yes, she called me from Metropolis. She'll be back tomorrow after finishing deliveries with Lana."

"Well, it seems like they'll never find him."

"You know, about what Phelan said..."

"Come on, Clark, you don't have to tell me anything."

"It's not okay, Lex. I really think it's for the best," I said as I took a weapon from the wall.

With some effort, I bent the morning star in half.

"About the meteorites, any questions?"

"I don't know, I think I was born with it or something, but it's nothing too impressive," I said as I used one of its points to cut my hand. "It seems I can only lift heavy weights, haha."

Tina's perspective:

"I'm just an ordinary girl. People don't really care about me much, and I have few friends, but there was one in particular I admired: Lana Lang, beautiful, popular, loved by everyone. I really wished I could be her, to be loved, to be accepted.

Until that reception night, I had never felt so accepted, so beautiful. Riding in a limousine, wearing expensive dresses, having people to talk to, feeling like I mattered... all thanks to one person, the town hero, Clark Kent. And when I told him my dark side, not only did he not get mad, he accepted my powers. That moment, I decided I would help him, I would do anything for him, because he gave me a better life, the life I always wanted.


Hi guys, here's today's chapter. I'm still away for some business, but I'll be back to update, probably over the weekend. From there, there will be two updates a week, with an extra chapter if I get a lot of support.

Some notes:

I think of all the powers Clark has in the series, super strength is the least impressive, at least in the show. You know, everyone who mutates gains at least some super strength.

Second, I need to start working on Clark's harem, that's why Martha is so different from the series. I considered that the most important thing would be to change the laws or the world through acceptance of his environment, so mischievous parents for Clark, haha.

Will update 2 chapters per week, possibly on Tuesday and Friday, with the option for an extra chapter on Sunday. Thank you for your patience during these days.

Finally, I also created a Ko-fi in case anyone wants to buy me a coffee."


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