45.16% Highschool dxd : Yasaka is my wife / Chapter 14: 13

บท 14: 13

Chapter 13


Vince walked down the halls of the yacht, Freedom Survivor with a contemplative look. (I wonder why Helena called for me. I was playing it as a joke in front of the others back in the clubroom. But I'm still a little curious why she called me...)

He stopped walking and knocked on the door. A few moments later Vince opened the door and walked in after hearing a "come in" from Helena. "Hey."

"Hello Vince." Helena stopped writing on a piece of paper on her desk and sat up. "I apologise for calling you here at such a short notice, but it is important."

Vince waved a hand at the apology, "Don't worry about it, school already ended when you called me and you actually did me a favor Helena."

"I did?" She asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, you made it easier for me to have an excuse to leave earlier than I normally do." He replied with an amused smile.

Helena shook her head with a small smile amused at his antics, before she turned serious. "Moving on, we have much to discuss Vince."

Vince immediately nodded and sat down on a seat across from Helena, looking at her seriously. "Alright, what's the problem Helena?"

"The disk you have brought back from the facility has been of a great help. The data you've downloaded explained what Donovan is planning to do." Helena replied.

"Yeah. But there's more to it isn't there?" He said in a tone that sounded more like a statement than a question.

"Yes, do you recall the time you've met Kasumi and show acted towards you?" She questioned.

"Hard to forget something like that." Vince replied with a small smirk.

"Didn't you find it odd that Kasumi would act in such a way?" Helena asked looking at him.

"Yes, I know that Kasumi isn't that bold. It's almost like she isn't... herself." He said his eyes widening.

"Exactly. The Kasumi you've encountered was a clone created by Donovan. She was created for the purpose of testing Phase-4." Helena said seriously.

Vince folded his arms, frowning. "Phase-4... If I recall correctly it's where Donovan will cloning Alpha-152 with her combat parameters are set to max. It also explains why they created that Kasumi clone. Donovan most likely wanted to see the clone's behavioral patterns."

"That most likely seems to be the case, going by the data in the disk." She replied.

"Helena, did you always knew that Kasumi was a clone?" He asked his eyes narrowing.

"I've had my suspicions for a while, the disk only confirmed what I was thinking." Helena spoke shaking her head.

Vince sighed and looked up at the ceiling. (I can't be believe that the Kasumi I met was a clone. This is really fucked up, but if she was created to be exactly like her. Then that means she has the same memories the original Kasumi does, well I don't think it matters. Even if she is a clone, she's still a living being.)

He shook his head and looked sharply at Helena. "Is there something that you need for me to do Helena?"

Helena nodded but looked at Vince worriedly. "I do, but will you be alright Vince? I know that this news has been a big impact on you."

"I'll be okay. Just tell me what you need for me to do." He said seriously.

"Very well then." She took out a folder and handed it to him. "I believe you are familiar with Ryu Hayabusa, correct?"

Vince looked over the file and shrugged. "I haven't met the guy in person. I only heard of him when I was watching the Dead or Alive tournaments."

"I see. I would like you to inform him that I would like to speak with him in person, I believe he would like to know about Donovan." She explained.

He closed the file and placed it on her desk. "Alright, I'll give him the message. Where do I find the guy?"

"At the moment, he is in Tokyo." Helena informed him.

"It had to be Tokyo..." Vince muttered with an annoyed look.

"Would you like for me to make arrangements for you to head to Tokyo?" She asked, ignorning his annoyed look.

"No, I'll go by myself like last time. It'll be easier for me." He replied with a sigh.

"Very well, do be careful Vince." Helena warned him.

"I will. But why do you want me to tell him, isn't there somebody else that can do this?" Vince questioned in a slightly annoyed tone.

"I did but unfortunately he is recovering. He was a bit... rash on how to talk to Mr. Hayabusa." She said with a sigh.

"Fine. I'll be sure to give you a call when I'm done." Vince walked out of the office, while taking out his gray cellphone.

(I'm not taking any risks this time.) He thought as he pressed a button on his cellphone, causing his eye color to turn silver as a result.


Vince looked around the buildings before he sighed. (I hope this doesn't take as long as it did with Hayate. I really don't want to waste hours looking for the guy.)

He took out his gray cellphone and looked at Yume. "Do you sense him anywhere or something?"

[At the moment, no I don't. Don't worry, I'll let you know if I sense anything Vince. Just keep an eye out for Hayabusa-san.] She replied with a smile.


Four hours later Vince, palmed his face in irritation as he continued to walk around Tokyo. (Four hours later and still nothing, this is worse than Hayate. Guess, I'll have to look up then, since searching on ground didn't do any good.)

Seeing the look on Vince's face, Yume spoke up. [Vince, what are you going to do?]

"Make the search faster." He said as he walked into an alley.

After seeing no one in sight, Vince coated his feet in white lightning and quickly ran up the wall. He quickly jumped off the wall after reaching the near the top of the wall and landed on the roof. "I should have done this earlier."

[Yes, but be careful. It would cause problems if people saw you jumping from roof to roof.] Yume responded with a small sigh.

"Yeah, I know." Vince looked around the rooftops and turned to Yume. "Can you sense Hayabusa?"

[I can now. He seems to be near.] She answered.

"So, is there a reason why you've been looking for me?" A voice spoke up.

Vince's eyes widened greatly, he quickly turned around to see a man wearing black full-body armour, a cowl with silver decoration, kunai tied to the outer thighs, arm guards, and a tatty scarf which doubles as a mask for the lower half of the face. (Dammit! First Hayate, now this guy. I really need to find a way to stop getting sneaked up by ninja.)

The man looked at Vince, before his eyes slightly widen. "I see. So you're Hayate and Kasumi's friend, Vince Reinhart correct?"

Vince sighed before he nodded. "And your Ryu Hayabusa, right?"


"We're both busy, so I'll be brief. Helena wants to see you, she has new information involving Donovan." He said seriously.

Ryu folded his arms. "Tell her I will meet her when I've finished my business here."

Vince shurgged in response,"Alright, I'll tell her."

Ryu nodded, although he raised an eyebrow at his nonchalant response. "A word of warning. Do not get involved with Donovan he is a dangerous man."

"I'm already surrounded by danger, it wouldn't make much of a difference at this time." He said waving off the warning.

"...I see."

Vince turned around and looked at the buildings. "I have to go, I've got a few things to take care of." He created a wave of white water underneath his feet and jumped of the building.

Ryu's eyes slightly widened as he looked to see Vince riding against the wall on the wave of water, before he landed on the ground and walked away from the alley as if nothing ever happened.

"Hayate and Lady Ayame's description of him wasn't far off." He stated chuckling a little, before he vanished in a swirl of leaves.

Vince took out his regular cellphone and waited a few moments before he spoke. "Helena, I'm finished."

"That took longer than expected, what happened?" She asked in a curious tone.

"Because I was trying to track down a ninja." He said dryly.

"Oh, my apologies Vince. What did Mr. Hayabusa say?" Helena questioned.

"He'll visit you after he finishes doing is business." Vince replied with a shrug.

"I see. Thank you for giving him the message Vince, is there anything I can do?" She asked him.

"Well, I got nothing special in mind. So just regular pay then." He answered.

"Very well then. I will have the money ready by the time you come over here." Helena stated.

"Alright, I'll be there soon, later." Vince hung up and pocketed his cellphone.

[Vince are you going to go back to normal?] Yume asked in a curious tone.

"Not until I'm in the Freedom survivor." He replied with a sigh.

[You should get going then, you're going to time out soon Vince.] She replied as she saw his eye color slightly fade from silver to black.

"Damn. That's not good, I better speed up then." Vince coated his legs in white lightning and quickly took off at highspeeds.


Vince skided to a stop as his eye color turned black, signalifying that he's a human again. (I barely made it. Still, I should run like that more often, it was fun.)

He walked towards Helena's office and knocked on the door, a few moments later Vince opened the door and walked in. "Hey Helena, I'm back."

"Oh hello Vince, I am surprised that you've made from Tokyo that quickly." Helena spoke, sounding slightly surprised.

Vince raised his left foot and coated his foot lightning. "This makes traveling much easier."

Helena nodded as she took out a wad of cash, she handed it to him, who stopped channeling lightning in his foot and looked slightly surprised but took the cash and pocketed it.

Before Vince could speak a feminine voice spoke up. "Hello Helena-san."

The two turned around to see a young woman with long jet-black hair and gray eyes, wearing a tan school coat over a white shirt and a black necktie with a brown plaid skirt, white knee-high stockings, brown shoes and black glasses. The young woman noticed Vince and spoke, "Oh I'm sorry, am I interrupting something?"

Helena smiled, slightly surprising Vince. "Of course not. It's nice to see you again, Kokoro."

Kokoro also smiled and turned to Vince and blushed a little. "Hello, I don't think we've met before, my name is Kokoro."

"Vince Reinhart." He said, raising an eyebrow at her small blush.

Helena noticed the blush and her eyes narrowed a little at seeing Kokoro's small blush.

"It's nice to meet you too, Reinhart-san." Kokoro spoke as she bowed slightly.

Vince nodded as he looked between the two women. (Is it me, or do they look similar to each other? Could they be sisters?)

"Is something wrong Reinhart-san?" Kokoro asked, noticing him look between her and Helena.

"Nothing. Anyway, just call me Vince." He replied, running a hand through his hair.

"Okay, Vince-san." She replied.

(She's polite like Kasumi was around the time I met her. I wouldn't be surprised if she's shy too.) He thought to himself.

Helena noticed the Vince's behavior and raised an eyebrow when he looked between her and Kokoro but said nothing.

Vince looked between the two women and shurgged. "Anyway, I have to go now. Bye."

"Goodbye Vince." Helena spoke.

Vince nodded and left the room with Kokoro looking curious at the interactions between the two.

(Kuoh: Shopping District)

Vince walked inside a pharmacy store and sighed. (I better make this quick, I don't want to stay here any longer than I need to.)

He walked through the aisles quickly looking for something. His eyes widened when he saw what he was looking for behind a glass shelf with a lock on it. (Dammit, now I have to call a clerk over here in order to open it.)

[Vince. Why do you look a little nervous, and why are we at the pharmacy store?] Yume questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"...You'll find out in a moment Yume." He replied walking to the clerk.


Vince walked towards the clerk, who is a young woman that looked around in her mid twenties, with blue eyes, blonde waist-length hair, wearing a blue blouse that showed off her well endowed chest with a name tag on the right side of her chest, a pair of black jeans that hugged her ass nicely, and a pair of blue shoes. "Excuse me, miss?"

The clerk turned around and smiled at Vince. "Hello, how can I help you?"

(Ah hell, this is going to be even more awkward for me.) He thought with disdain.

Vince sighed before he spoke. "I need to buy a few things from the glass shelves."

The woman nodded and took out a set of keys from her pocket. "Sure, just let tell me where."

"Can I take you there instead? I don't want to say it." He said shaking his head.

She raised an eyebrow but nodded. "Okay, just show me then."

Vince nodded and led the clerk to the glass shelves he was at before. He stopped walked and pointed to the glass shelf. "I want a box of condoms and a bottle of birth control pills."

Yume's eyes widened greatly as the clerk's eyes also widened but nodded, while giggling a little. "Aren't you a bit too young to be having sex?"

"I'm sixteen, besides It's just incase I have to use it." He answered in a defensive tone.

"Okay okay, I get it." The clerk said opening the lock on the glass shelf with her key.

She turned to Vince and spoke with a cheeky smile. "So, which box are you going to buy? There are many varieties avaliable as you can see."

Vince's eye twitched before he pointed towards the box in the back row. "That one over there."

The clerk got the box and giggled again. "The thirity-six bareskin lubricated latex condoms, huh?"

"Yeah, yeah, can you not read it out loud?" He asked in an annoyed tone.

"Yes, yes. Now which bottle of birth control pills do you want to buy for your girlfriend?" She asked with a teasing smile.

"The extra strength birth control pills." Vince stated, trying to resist the urge to facepalm.

The clerk nodded and grabbed the bottle of birth control pills. "Need anything else?"


"Okay, then." She said walking to the register, with Vince following.

Vince pulled out his wallet from his pocket as the clerk spoke. "The total is fifty-six hundred yen."

He gave her the exact amount of yen as she took the yen and placed the box of condoms and the bottle of birth control pills in a small bag. Vince took the small bag and walked out of the store as the young woman spoke with a grin. "Try not to waste it all on your girlfriend!"

Vince's eye twitched in irritation but walked out the store, only to come face to face with Sona.

The two stared at each other for a few moments with Vince inwardly sighing, as Sona spoke up. "...You're buying that?"

"It's for Rias." He replied, surprising her.

"And judging by how things are going, I might need to buy this again." Vince took advantage of the situation and walked away from Sona before she could respond.

After a few minutes of walking Vince placed the small bag in his pocket and sat down on a bench, in the park. "We're alone, so go ahead and ask Yume."

[Why did you buy condoms and birth control pills, Vince?] Yume asked in a slightly irritated tone.

Vince blinked in surprise at her tone but sighed. "It's just a precaution incase Rias seduces me. I can at least protect myself, so she doesn't get pregnant."

[Condoms can break Vince.] She stated.

"Which is why I bought birth control pills, it's better to be prepared. Besides, I don't want to deal with Rias' family reacting to her getting pregnant, or my mom for that matter." He said wincing at the mention of his mother.

[You do have a point there. I think your mom would probably skin you alive for getting Rias pregnant. And then there's Kasumi reaction.] Yume added.

Vince flinched at the mention of Kasumi but nodded. "Yeah, which is why I bought these."

[Well, what are you going to do now, Vince?] She asked him.

"Go home, I don't have a reason to stay out longer." Vince got up from the bench and walked away, while putting the small bag in his pocket.


Vince opened the door to see Rias with an irritated look on her face. "I want a full explanation Vince."

"About what?" He questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"About what you've been doing when you're alone and an explanation about this woman Helena." Rias stated.

Vince's eye twitched, "I'm not going to talk about that, it's private. Besides, since when am I obligated to tell you everything I do?"

Before Rias could respond a phone started ringing. Vince took out his cellphone and looked at the Caller ID. "Oh, it's Yasaka."

Rias released a crimson aura and killing intent. "And who is Yasaka?"

"My friend from Kyoto." He replied dryly.

Vince folded his arms. "Again. I'm not obligated to tell you what I do. Yes, we're engaged, but that's just a facade until some time passes over from the previous engagement."

"Fine then do whatever you want!" Rias walked out of the home and slammed the door.

"Well, at least I'm alone in my house again." He said in a nonchalant tone.

[You're not going after her?] Yume asked raising an eyebrow.

"No, not really. Besides, Rias is a big girl she can take care of herself... I think." Vince replied answering his cellphone.

Yume shook her head in disbelief as Vince spoke. "Hey Yasaka, how are you?"

"I am doing well Vince. How are you doing? Kunou and I are a little worried that you haven't called for days." Yasaka spoke in a concerned tone.

"Oh right. Well, a lot of stuff has happened since the previous engagement, I can't talk about some of the stuff that's happened. But as of right now, I'm Rias Gremory's fiance." He stated.

"O-Oh, I see. Congratulations, Vince." She replied in a sombre tone.

"It's only in name though. After some time passes, I'll cut off the engagement." Vince answered, raising an eyebrow at her tone.

"Ah, now I understand. You should have mentioned that first Vince." Yasaka chided.


"So no one would misunderstand the situation." She answered with a sigh.

The two went into a long conversation, talking to each other on what happened during their respective days, with Vince leaving out about MIST, Phase-4 and the recent pharmacy store. The conversation continued for about an hour, until Vince yawned a little. "Sorry, about that. I'm a little tired."

"It's understandable, you've been very busy with the work Douglas-san has been giving you. Will you tell me the rest of the story when you've finished with your work?" Yasaka asked curiously.

"...Yeah, once the situation cools down a bit, I'll talk about it. Anyway, goodnight Yasaka." Vince said.

"Goodnight Vince." She replied.

Vince hung up and yawned loudly. "Damn, I'm tired."

[Vince, aren't you worried that Rias hasn't come back yet?] Yume asked seriously.

"I'm a little worried that Rias isn't here but, this is her territory to begin with. It's not like she's at an unfamiliar place. Besides, she still needs time to cool off." He reasoned.

[You do have a point, but I'm still worried about Rias.] She spoke in a concerned tone.

"She'll be okay, I'm sure at the moment Rias is probably reading some manga while sipping some tea." Vince replied in a reassuring tone.

He walked into his room and took out the small bag from his pocket. (I'm thankful she's gone so I can hide this. There's no way in hell, I want Rias to find out that I bought condoms and birth control pills today.)

(Next Day)

Vince rubbed his eyes as he yawned. He looked around and saw that Rias wasn't in his room. (Rias probbably slept at where she used to before she moved in here.)

He grabbed his grey cellphone and tapped the screen a little. "Morning Yume."

[Good morning Vince.] Yume greeted rubbing her eyes with her hand.

She looked around and blinked. [Rias didn't come back last night?]

"Doesn't look like it. Either way, I have to get ready for school." He said as he stretched his arms and legs.

Vince noticed Yume's look of disbelief and shrugged. "Don't worry about it. Rias won't miss school if she's absent, I'll look for here."

Yume smiled and nodded. [That's good. I'm glad you're starting to care more about other people, Vince.]

"You're reading too much into the situation, Yume." He replied shaking his head in denial.


Vince walked in the school grounds and saw Rias, talking with Akeno. (Yup, I was right all along.)

Rias noticed Vince looking at her and turned her head away with a small huff. Vince ignored Rias and turned to Akeno. "Morning Akeno."

"Ara, good morning Vince-kun. Did something happened?" Akeno asked raising an eyebrow at the interaction between the two.

"Nothing really important happened." He replied nonchantly, inwardly smirking at Rias' eye twitch a little.

"Later." Vince walked away from the two as he took out his grey cellphone.

[That was a bit mean, Vince. You didn't have to completely ignore Rias.] Yume said with a frown.

Vince shrugged, "Well, I don't see why I have to be nice when she isn't."

[Geez, you should at explain to her that it's not like what she thinks it is.] She spoke sighing.

"...I'll explain that small part at least, but I won't explain the other stuff for obvious reasons." He replied, also sighing.

[Fair enough.]


Vince walked with his hands in his pockets as he recollected his thoughts earlier from what happened in the clubroom. Issei and Asia talked to Vince while questioning what happened after noticing Rias ignoring him, as Koneko raised an eyebrow but said nothing. Akeno talked to him normally, to which he was thankful for.

As soon as Kiba entered an awkward atmosphere came into the room, with him constantly gazing at Vince with anger. Vince just completely ignored Kiba, already used to people glaring at him. Kiba glared harder at Vince for ignoring him, while releasing killing intent. The other club members tried to pacify the situation. But Vince got up and left the room, but not before turning to Kiba and speaking up. "Don't blame me for your crap."

Vince shook his head as he tried to forget what happened earlier. (I really should control my temper, but it's kind of hard to with everything else going on and Kiba's anger towards me isn't helping.)

"Hello." A feminine voice spoke.

Vince turned around to see Irina and Xenovia looking at him. "What is it?"

"You're the person we saw at during our meeting with Gremory. Who are you and how were you able to weild an Excalibur fragment?" Xenovia asked bluntly.

Vince's eye twitched in irritation. "Vince Reinhart. And like I said yesterday, I just took it from your friend's hand."

Irina pouted as she remembered what happened, but continued. "But still, it's amazing that we were able to find another holy-sword wielder out here."

"I agree the church will be pleased to hear about this." Xenovia spoke with a nod.

"I can still here you two. Either way, I have no intention of alligning myself with the church." Vince spoke frowning.

"Why?" Irina asked confused.

"I'm neutral, I don't care about what happens between the Three Factions." He explained.

"Then why are you here in Kuoh?" Xenovia asked suspiciously.

"I don't think that's any of your business." Vince answered as he walked away.

Before he could leave Xenovia placed her sword right in front of him. "I think it is. For all we know, you could have just lied to us about being neutral."

To Irina and Xenovia's surprise, Vince grabbed the blade of her sword and pointed at his heart. "I honestly don't care if you do believe me or not. But if you want, you can try to kill me and see how that works out for you."

Unbenowst to Irina and Xenovia who were currently staring at Vince, failed to notice his arm going closer to Xenovia's kidney. He looked directly at Xenovia and smirked as his hand is coated with a small amount of water to protect his hand from bleeding as he's currently touching the sharp end of the sword. "Go ahead and try to kill me. If your assumption of me is wrong, not only will you have killed someone innocent, I'm sure the church would be interested to hear how you killed a potential holy-sword user without any real evidence to back up your claim."

After an intense stare down from Xenovia she removes her sword from his heart as Vince let go of the blade. "Very well, I'll trust you... For now."

"Xenovia removes her sword and lets him go as Vince spoke up. "You made a smart choice and by the way, you might want to look at down."

Xenovia immediately looked down to see a lightning shaped armblade just one centimeter away from her kidney, causing her eyes to widen.

"If you would have used your sword against me, I would have destroyed one of your kidneys, while pumping your body with a lot of lightning. It also helps that the human's body is made up of two-third's of water." He explained casually, causing Irina's eyes to widen.

The lightning shaped arm blade disappeared and the water on his hand fell to the floor causing a loud splash, as Vince started to walk away. "Just because you were going to try and take my life, doesn't mean I wouldn't fight back."

(A few hours later)

Vince walked out of the arcade with a calm expression as he walked towards the park. (I may have wasted some cash on it, but at least it was worth it. Playing videogames always calmed me down. I'll have to go through the park in order to get home.)

He placed his hands into his pockets and walked through the park, stopping after reaching the fountain in the park.

"Vince-kun." A familiar spoke up.

Vince turned around to see Kiba looking at him with fiercly. "What do you want Kiba?"

"You're able to wield an Excalibur naturally." Kiba stated.

Vince's eyes narrowed as he folded his arms. "Yeah, so what's your point?"

"I saw you earlier with those the Excalibur wielders. That katana is also a fragment of Excalibur isn't it?!" Kiba demanded.

"Is that what you think? ...Your grudge it has to do with the church's Holy-Sword project doesn't it?" Vince asked sighing.

"So, Buchou told you about it?" Kiba questioned, frowning.

"Yeah, she's been worried about you." He replied with a shrug.

"Look, I really don't have time for your past because it's a waste of my time. Vince stated, causing Kiba to glare at him.

He picked up a stick from the ground and tossed it at Kiba's feet. "Here. Since you like taking your anger out on inanimate objects, go pretend that's Excalibur."

Kiba released an enormous amount of killing intent as half a dozen of demonic swords shot up from the ground. He grasped one of his swords and shot towards Vince with a furious look on his face.

Vince created a water shaped katana and easily blocked his attack. (Huh, Kiba's anger has made him a bit weak. Doesn't matter, I'm still gonna kick his ass regardless.) He swiftly slashed from left to right, but almost lost his footing due to him losing his balance.

Kiba took advantage of this slashed Vince with his sword. He quickly created a lightning shield that blocked the attack, but Kiba continued to slash ferociously at the lightning shield.

(At least I know now that using Sakura End, isn't going to help.) Vince tossed his water katana at Kiba to which he tilted his head to dodge. Vince smirked and flexed his fingers causing the water katana to stop and form into a mallet. The water shaped mallet swung into his rib cage. Kiba saw the water shaped mallet at the last second and tried getting out of the way but wasn't fast enough and was slammed into a bench.

Vince's shield disappeared as he moved his fingers again causing the water shaped mallet to disperse. "You know, you really pissed me off when you accused my katana of being an Excalibur fragment."

Kiba got up and glared at him while coughing up a little blood. "What's your point?" He demanded as he grabbed one of his other swords from the ground and charged at him.

Vince created multiple blades of water and sent them at Kiba. "This sword was given to me by a good friend, it's not even an Excalibur fragment. Don't blame my sword for your fucked up past!"

Kiba grunted in pain as he tried to block the water blades, each water blade made contact with Kiba's sword forcing him to skid back due to the force of the water. "Aargh!"

Vince brought his hands together and sent Kiba a water blade that is twice the size as the previous ones. "You've been a pain in the ass Kiba!"

Kiba tried to block the water blade but his eyes widened when the water blade sliced through his sword in half.

"Haaaaaaa!" Kiba created a gigantic sword that was easily his size, the sword itself is releasing a demonic aura, he then charged at him as fast as he could.

Vince glared at Kiba with anger, he placed both of his hands together and released a high-pressured beam of water. "You're finished!"

The beam of water boiled as it blasted Kiba directly as he charged at Vince. The force of the water easily shoved Kiba away and slammed him into to the fountain, causing him to scream in pain as he was burned by the boiling water and the sword was broken in half by Vince as he grabbed the sword and punched it after accumlating enough water under his fist, due to the high pressure from it. (Just one last thing to do.)

Vince breathed heavily as he glared at Kiba. The water around him began to boil up, he walked towards Kiba and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, who is currently coughing up blood and breathing heavily. Steam poured from Kiba as his skin is burned due to being scald, by Vince's attack.

Without warning Vince grabbed Kiba's right arm and painfully twisted it backwards. Kiba let out a painful scream as Vince kicked Kiba in the face with enough force to knock him unconscious. Vince then tossed Kiba's unconscious body to the side and jumped out of the fountain.

[Vince calm down, you're letting your emotions get to you. You know that if you continue to stay angry the water around you will be extremely hot to touch!] Yume warned.

Vince nodded and took a deep breath to calm down. After a few minutes the water stopped boiling and he sighed. "Don't worry, I'm calm now."

[Why were you so angry? You normally wouldn't normally get this furious up to the point where you have the water become hot enough to scald.] She asked worriedly.

"I think I just had my breaking point. The stress with Kasumi and Hayate, Kokabiel and the Excalibur fragments in Kuoh along with the church and now Kiba. It also doesn't help that he tried to blame my sword for his past, that really upsetted me." He replied with a sigh.

[It's understandable, but remember Vince, you need to control your anger otherwise the Sacred Gear will respond wildly to your emotional state.] Yume stated.

"I know." Vince ran hand through his hair. "Being angry will cause the water I create and the water around me to be hot enough to cause burn someone. With lightning it'll cause me to constantly discharge a lot of electricity from my body."

[Exactly. But moving on, what are you going to do with Kiba?] She asked looking at the unconsious Kiba.

Vince shrugged and grabbed Kiba by the shirt. He carelessly tossed Kiba's body in the middle of the park and took out his cellphone. "I guess he'll have to be treated."

[I don't think tossing his body like that will help.] Yume said sweatdropping.

"It's not. It's so it'll be easier to spot him." He dialed a number on his cellphone and spoke up. "Yeah, 911? I need an ambulance at the park. I see a blonde teenager boy in the middle of the park, he's badly burned and his arm is twisted backwards. Yes ma'am, I just saw him, he's in the middle of the park. Okay, bye."

Vince hung up on his cellphone and started to walk away. "All done."

[You're not going to wait until the paramedics arrive?] Yume asked in disbelief.

"Nope. Besides, he deserves it after attacking me. But at least this fight wasn't a complete waste of time. I did learn something from it." He said nonchantly.

[What's that?]

"I'll won't be using that sword techinque Sakura End anytime soon. I nearly got slashed because of it and it felt uncomfortable to use it. I'll have to learn something else." Vince answered as he left the park.


Authors Note: That was a good chapter to type. I had fun doing it, quite a few stuff has happened during it. And now for the explanations.

The pharmacy store, Vince decided to go buy the birth controls and condoms because he's living with Rias and he's still a sixteen year old teenager, I shouldn't have to explain any further than that.

The reason why I described the clerk in the pharmacy store was for pure fun. Vince may be cool, calm and collected but even he losses his cool from time to time. It also doesn't help that it was his first time buying it and was embarrassing for him to make things awkward for him, the clerk was an attractive blonde woman.

As for the scene with Rias. As shown, he does not ignore her. He does pay attention but tries not to make it noticeable. Also, Vince didn't go after her because he knows that Kuoh is her territory and she can take care of herself.

The scene with Xenovia and Irina, Vince pretty much knew that Xenovia wouldn't harm an innocent and he brought up the repercussions of her killing him, that's why he grabbed her sword and pointed it at his heart without hesitation. It also helps that he had a back-up plan incase she would attack.

The fight with Kiba. It should have been obvious that he would have contronted Vince about him weilding an Excalibur. Vince got annoyed and pretty much pressed his buttons after Kiba accused his sword for being an Excalibur fragment. Since Kiba was pretty much fighting in anger, the fight was pretty much one-sided with a slip up from Vince when he tried to use his sword techinque.

Before anyone else asks, yes Vince did lose his temper in the fight. The stress from what's been currently happening piled up, along with Kiba's attitude was the last straw for him. This is also the reason why Vince likes to stay calm most of the time, like explained earlier, his Sacred Gear will react to his anger and will cause some problems. For water it'll cause Vince to release scald and for the water around him to boil hot enough to burn someone, for lightning it'll cause him to constantly discharge electricity from his body. So far only his Element Brand Sacred Gear is affected by his anger.

And finally, Vince's sword technique did mess him up. The reason for that is it's not compatable with him. He just didn't really notice it until now, as for why I did that. Well, I wanted to show that even someone like Vince can make big mistakes, he's far from being perfect. Also, Vince will learn another technique to compisate for the sword technique, the new technique will be kept a surprise until I find a right time to introduce it.

That's all I have to say, let me know you think about the chapter and take care.

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