10.14% How to survive in the Romance Fantasy Game / Chapter 21: Levelling up under hidden blunders...

บท 21: Levelling up under hidden blunders...


This situation was truly bizarre.

I knew I was in a dungeon right now, but not a single presence could be felt.

Except for the foul smell and the obviously disgusting atmosphere, this place was devoid of any living creature.

Not even rats or spiders scuttled in the shadows. In the game, the moment you entered, goblins would rain down a few arrows at you, hoping to catch you by surprise. Yet, nothing of the sort had happened yet...

Did I come here too early? No, I don't think that's the problem. In my last playthroughs, I'm pretty sure I also rushed here, yet the same situation always occurred—the surprise attacks every time you enter.

Goblin arrows should be raining down on me right now...

As the place was dimly lit by magic torches with magic stones embedded on them, this place had little to no light source, making it dark despite the sun shining outside. It added an eerie aura to the whole situation, making it more ominous than imagined...

Hey, system, is something up with this dungeon?

[Message: Monsters are extremely sensitive to the essence behind their adversaries]

What the heck does that mean? They're aware of the essence of their adversaries? I've never heard of that aspect about monsters, even as an all-around veteran of this game...

From what I knew, monsters were just mindless malevolent beings hell-bent on tormenting and killing humanity.

'Being aware of one's essence...'

In other words, does that mean monsters are aware of the truth behind their enemies? Or is it just that monsters are aware of the power level of their enemies?

[Message: Yes]

Is it saying that both aspects are true? Then that's even more confusing. If they're truly aware of my essence or power level and whatnot, shouldn't they be rushing at me right now?

I'm weak as hell as it is.

Even with my all D-rank stats, I can probably only take on four goblins at max, and that's with the risk of dying as well.

Yet, none has happened yet so far...

Walking deeper and deeper into this place, it wouldn't be long before I reached the boss area, where the dungeon core was being protected.

Looking at the few pathways I could see in this enclosed dungeon, I was probably only around a hundred meters away from the boss area...

Hey, you can't be serious, right?

What's the point of farming for Exp then if there were no monsters here? And don't tell me there are no monsters in the boss area as well, right?

Hoping that wasn't the case at all, I finally arrived at the large door embedded on the rocky walls in front of me, adorned with human skulls and flesh all around it.

It was as disgusting as ever.

In the game, it was one thing, but now experiencing it in real life was truly nauseating.

At this rate, the vibe and atmosphere of this place was going to kill me before any goblins might...

Slowly, I touched it... as it lit up red before rumbling as it slowly opened.

The distinct "kekeke" laughter echoed through the chamber as the door slowly swung open, revealing the awaited confrontation.

A surge of anticipation filled me as I prepared to face the impending challenge.

Finally, the moment I had been waiting for had arrived.

However, my excitement quickly turned to disbelief as the door revealed not just a few adversaries, but a veritable army of goblins.

Their eerie red eyes glinted in the dim light, and their weapons were pointed menacingly in my direction. At the back of the horde stood the formidable hobgoblin boss, its wicked grin sending a chill down my spine.

Had these creatures been lying in ambush, patiently waiting for my arrival? The thought sent a shiver down my spine, but there was no time to dwell on it as chaos erupted around me.


With a thunderous roar, the hobgoblin boss signaled the attack, and a hail of arrows descended upon me.

Haha... fuck my luck.

Gripping my sword tightly, I advanced with purpose, my instincts kicking in as I leaped to the side, narrowly evading the volley of arrows aimed at me.

With a swift, fluid motion, I swung my blade, cleaving through the goblin that dared to leap at me. Its body fell to the ground in two halves.

It was surprising how easily I cut the goblin given my D rank stat, but I expected it considering the E-F rank status they had… to think I was as strong as these goblins just a few days ago.


The surrounding goblins erupted into a cacophony of shrieks and growls, their eyes filled with malice as they closed in on me, hungry for bloodshed.

Despite the overwhelming odds stacked against me, I knew I couldn't afford to back down.

I had a choice to make, and it boiled down to two options: retreat and live to fight another day, or confront the hobgoblin leading this horde head-on.

A chuckle escaped my lips at the absurdity of the situation.

Who am I kidding?

Run away?

That was out of the question.

I refused to let fear dictate my actions, especially when the stakes were so high.

I needed to face this challenge head-on, to prove to myself and to the world that I was capable of overcoming any obstacle thrown my way.

Survival in this harsh world depended on more than just luck or relying solely on others like Alice and the other heroines.

No, if I were to overcome the scenarios that lay ahead, I needed to become stronger—strong enough to rival the very best, perhaps even surpassing the protagonist Lucas himself.

It was a daunting task, one that seemed impossible given my current stats.

But as a seasoned veteran of this game, I possessed a valuable advantage: knowledge of the future.

Armed with foresight, I knew what lay ahead and how to navigate the treacherous waters of this world.

"HAHAHA… come at me, mobs!"

The words escaped my lips in a mix of frustration and exhilaration.

Despite the overwhelming odds stacked against me, I refused to accept defeat.

There was a fire burning within me, a determination to defy the odds and emerge victorious.

As two goblins charged towards me, their daggers coated in a deadly poison, I knew the stakes were high.

A single misstep could mean certain death in this unforgiving world.

But I refused to back down, meeting their advance head-on with a swift counterattack of my own.

The blade gleamed with an ethereal blue light as it found its mark, cleaving through flesh and bone with ruthless efficiency.

In an instant, two goblin heads tumbled to the ground, blood spraying in a crimson arc.

Their lifeless bodies crumpled to the ground. 

The air was thick with the metallic scent of blood, mingling with the acrid stench of poison that hung heavy in the air.

[Level up!]


[Available stat points: 10+3]

[Congratulations you have learned a new skill!]

[Basic swordsmanship learned!]

[Skill: Basic swordsmanship] [Proficiency (2%)]

As the remaining goblins hesitated, momentarily stunned by the sudden turn of events, I seized the opportunity to press my advantage.

My eyes locked onto the smirking bastard commanding them from behind.

'Killian Hall' stood as a beacon of opulence within the academy, a sanctuary reserved only for the elite—the top-ranked students whose prowess in academia and skill set them apart from their peers.

It was a place of luxury and refinement, where every need and desire of its inhabitants was catered to with meticulous care.

Within its hallowed halls, one could find amenities beyond compare: personalized training areas, lavish living quarters, and services tailored to the whims of its esteemed residents.

To set foot within Killian Hall was to ascend to the pinnacle of academic achievement, a privilege afforded only to the crème de la crème of the student body.

'The top 10 students of each year'

In other words, the A class students.

Among the chosen few who called Killian Hall home was Seo Gyeoul, a first-year student in the prestigious Knight Department.

As she reclined upon her bed, the plush surroundings enveloping her in comfort, she found solace in the pages of a thick book, her thoughts drifting back to the events of the day.

Despite her best intentions, she couldn't shake the nagging feeling of regret that lingered in her mind.

She had wanted to reach out, to forge a connection with a potential new friend, but in the end, all she had managed was to hand over a small snack and simple letter of thanks.

Now, she feared, he likely saw her as nothing more than an oddity—a sentiment that filled her with embarrassment and self-doubt.

With a sigh, Seo tightened her grip on the nearby pillow, seeking solace in its soft embrace as she buried her face within its comforting folds.

It was a moment of vulnerability, of her own insecurities and shortcomings.

"In the end, I haven't changed at all," she murmured softly to herself, the words a bitter acknowledgment of her own perceived failings.

From a young age, Seo had grappled with the challenge of forming meaningful connections with others. It wasn't for lack of trying; she simply struggled to bridge the gap between herself and her peers.

So, when she made the decision to leave behind the familiarity of the Eastern Empire and enroll in the prestigious academy, she did so with the hope of breaking free from her comfort zone and finally experiencing something she had long yearned for—friendship.

In her journey to navigate this new world of social interaction, she found an unexpected ally in Lucas, a fellow student who had extended a helping hand when she found herself lost in the labyrinthine corridors of the academy districts.

His kindness had left a lasting impression on her, serving as a glimmer of hope in her quest to connect with others.

As she turned the final page of her book titled "How to Make Friends" Seo couldn't help but let out a sigh of resignation.

Despite her diligent efforts to absorb its wisdom, she still felt no closer to unlocking the secrets of forging lasting friendships.

With a sense of determination, she rose from her bed, her thoughts lingering on the empty hours she had spent lost in the pages of her book.

Classes had ended early today, leaving her confined to the solitude of her room with nothing but her thoughts for company.

Gazing at her reflection in the large mirror adorning the wall, Seo took a moment to adjust her disheveled hair, her uniform still pristine from the day's activities.

But as she examined her reflection, a sense of restlessness gnawed at her. She craved something more—something beyond the confines of her solitary existence.

"I need a new book" ('I need to make friends') she said as she clenched her fists.


Making her way to the library was second nature to Seo; it was her small little sanctuary and haven or her now, even though it hasn't even been a week since classes started.

Greeting the librarian, Anis, with a nod, she wasted no time in venturing towards the back of the shelves, where she knew hidden gems of literature often lay.

Anis had once mentioned that the books tucked away in the rear held secrets and insights that could prove invaluable, especially to someone like Seo with her social struggles. Though she couldn't help but notice the librarian's habit of scratching her cheek whenever she dispensed this advice.

Skimming through the titles, Seo's eyes danced over a variety of intriguing options:

"How to Make Money as a Child."

"The Prince Who Was Betrothed to a Prince."

"The Princess and the Cat."

Each title sparked a flicker of curiosity within her, but today she was on a mission—to find a book that would help her overcome her difficulties in making friends.

As she delved deeper into the shelves, her keen senses picked up on a sudden fluctuation in mana nearby. Immediately, her instincts kicked in, and without hesitation, she activated her Heavenly Step technique, propelling herself towards the source of the disturbance.

To some, her swift reaction might have seemed exaggerated, but Seo knew better. In a world where mana fluctuations often heralded the manifestation of dangerous dungeons, every second counted. She couldn't afford to take any chances.

Arriving at the scene, her eyes widened in surprise as she beheld a lone figure—a blonde-haired man clutching onto a book with an intensity that piqued her curiosity.

Seo's mind raced as she observed the young man standing before her, his presence sparking a flicker of recognition.

Wasn't he the one who had bumped into her earlier that morning?

As she scrutinized his features, she nodded to herself, confirming that it was indeed him.

A curious thought crossed her mind—was he also here for the books? Could it be that he shared the same struggles and challenges she faced? Suddenly, a glimmer of hope ignited within her heart. If they were in the same predicament, perhaps befriending him would make their shared journey a bit easier and more enjoyable.

With newfound determination, Seo approached him, her steps slow and deliberate.

But as she drew closer, her movements faltered, coming to an abrupt halt.

A brilliant blue light emanated from the book he held, casting an ethereal glow around him.

In the blink of an eye, a pair of shimmering sapphire earrings materialized in his hands, which he calmly placed on his ears.

Seo's eyes widened in astonishment at the surreal scene unfolding before her.

The inexplicable magic at play, the way time seemed to stand still—it was unmistakably celestial in nature.

Could he be a celestial mage? she wondered, her mind buzzing with questions and intrigue.

As Seo watched the man before her, a perplexing puzzle began to form in her mind. If he truly possessed celestial magic, why would he be attending classes in the knight department? It didn't add up.

Yet, the display of mana magic he had just demonstrated was undeniably celestial in nature, leaving her with more questions than answers.

A spark of interest ignited in her eyes as she considered the possibilities. This man was clearly hiding something, but the nature of his secret remained elusive. What could it be?

Suddenly, his gaze shifted forward, and Seo instinctively activated her Shadow Steps technique, cloaking herself from his view. Though there was no need to hide, she couldn't shake the feeling of intrigue and pressure emanating from his calm, piercing eyes.

As he departed the library, Seo's curiosity got the better of her, compelling her to follow him from a discreet distance. Though she knew it was wrong to pry into his affairs, the allure of befriending someone with a mysterious secret proved too tantalizing to resist.

However, what she didn't anticipate was his unexpected detour into a random alleyway, disappearing into a hidden dungeon entrance, to which she entered as well…

The foul stench of the dungeon assaulted Seo's senses as she ventured deeper into its dimly lit depths. Disgusting remnants littered the floor, evidence of the horrors that lurked within.

Despite her revulsion, she pressed on, determined to follow the enigmatic man who had led her here.

As they navigated the treacherous corridors, Seo couldn't help but marvel at his composure in the face of danger.

'Is he using some kind of magic to ignore the foul smell? …. As expected of a celestial mage!'

He even walked with an air of calm confidence, seemingly unfazed by the looming threat of the goblins that surrounded him.

Then a sudden realization dawned on her: perhaps this was the perfect opportunity to forge a bond with him.

If she intervened and helped him out of this predicament, wouldn't befriending him become infinitely easier?

Whether he was oblivious to the danger or intentionally ignoring it didn't matter.

Seo saw a chance to prove herself and make a connection in the process, all she needs to do was act like she was saving him from the oncoming arrows… and surely a small bond would be formed right?

With determination in her heart, she tightened her grip on her katana, ready to spring into action at a moment's notice.

But just as she prepared to strike, something unexpected happened—the goblins fled in fear, their keen senses detecting the hidden bloodlust emanating from Seo.

Surprised by the sudden turn of events, Seo watched in disbelief as the creatures scattered, leaving her and the man alone in the eerie silence of the dungeon.

As Seo stood amidst the aftermath of the goblins' hasty retreat, a sense of unease settled over her.

It wasn't just the creatures within a 200-meter radius that had fled in fear; it was everything, everyone around her, scrambling for safety as if their very lives depended on it.

Which was why… she felt guilty.

Watching from the shadows, she observed the young man, her potential friend, as he fought for his life against the relentless onslaught of goblins that surrounded him.

'This was all clearly her fault…'

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ของขวัญ -- ได้รับของขวัญแล้ว


    Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
    Stone -- หินพลัง








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    โหวตด้วย Power Stone
    Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
    Stone -- หินพลัง



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