8.48% Panda Gets EXP By Sleeping?! / Chapter 11: A Day in the Life of Aergia the Panda

บท 11: A Day in the Life of Aergia the Panda

As dawn crept over the horizon, the first gentle rays of sunlight pierced the dense canopy of Peridot Woods, signaling the start of a new day. Nestled in her newly claimed den, Aergia, the panda, slowly roused from her sleep. The den was a comforting embrace of earthy smells and cool shadows, with moss lining the entrance, adding a fresh, dewy scent to the morning air.

Aergia's awakening was a languid affair. She yawned widely, her mouth opening in a slow, deliberate motion that showed off her impressive set of teeth, more out of habit than any real threat. She stretched each limb in succession, feeling the pleasant pull of muscles not often used in her previous human form. Her paws pressed against the cool, sandy floor of the cave, pushing back until she felt a satisfying crack along her spine.

With her body now somewhat limber, Aergia's thoughts turned to breakfast. She remembered the magical properties of the Luminous Leaf, a plant she had encountered before, which emitted a soft glow. The memory of its light was not just appealing for its beauty but also practical; it would help her navigate the darker patches of the forest in the early dawn.

Sniffing the air, Aergia detected the faint luminescence of the Luminous Leaves nearby. She ambled out of her den, her steps quiet despite her size, her eyes adjusting to the low light of morning. The forest was alive with the sounds of birds calling and the rustle of small creatures stirring in the underbrush. Aergia moved with a surprising grace for her bulky form, her instincts guiding her to a small grove bathed in the soft light of the glowing herbs.

The grove was a magical sight. Each leaf shimmered with a gentle light, casting eerie, dancing shadows around her. Aergia sat down amid the glowing plants, her black and white fur catching the light and reflecting it in a spectrum of subtle colors. She picked the leaves carefully, her large paws surprisingly dexterous as she brought the glowing foliage to her mouth.

As she chewed on the Luminous Leaves, Aergia felt a warm glow spread through her body. It wasn't just physical; it seemed to fill her with a brightness that was more than the sum of its parts. Experimenting with her newfound luminosity, Aergia focused, and to her delight, her fur began to emit a soft, radiant light.

Excited by this magical ability, Aergia decided to have some fun. She began to trot around the grove, her movements causing her fur to sparkle and glow more intensely with each step. She darted between trees, under branches, around trunks, each movement weaving a tapestry of light through the dark forest. Her play was not just an expression of joy but a dance with the dawn, a celebration of her new life in this mystical world.

The spectacle was enchanting. Small forest animals, initially startled by the display, soon gathered at a safe distance, their eyes wide with wonder. 

As the sun rose higher and the light of day took hold, the glow of the Luminous Leaves faded, and Aergia's fur returned to its normal black and white. But the joy of the morning's play remained, a bright spark in her heart that would carry her through the day's adventures yet to come.


After her playful morning frolicking among the glowing Luminous Leaves, Aergia felt energized and ready to continue exploring the enchanting capabilities granted by Morphantasia's diverse flora. As the sun climbed higher, casting sharper shadows and dappling the forest floor through the dense canopy, Aergia set off toward the cliffside region of Peridot Woods, known for its rich biodiversity and the unique magical herbs that thrived there.

The journey to the cliffside was both a physical and sensory exploration. Aergia ambled along ancient forest paths lined with towering ferns and overgrown moss that softened her steps. The air was cool and fresh, filled with the earthy scent of damp soil mixed with the sweet fragrance of blooming flowers. Birdsong filled the air, creating a symphony of natural sounds that accompanied her every step.

As she reached the cliffside, the terrain became rockier, and the dense foliage gradually gave way to a more rugged landscape. The cliffs offered a panoramic view of the surrounding forest, with mists rising from the lower valleys and intertwining with the morning light. Here, nestled among the rocks, grew the rare Echo Blossoms, their petals resembling delicate sound waves.

The Echo Blossoms vibrated gently in the slight breeze, a natural phenomenon that intrigued Aergia. She approached them cautiously, her large panda body maneuvering deftly among the rocky outcrops. Reaching out with a paw, she gently touched one of the flowers, and to her amusement, it emitted a soft, harmonic sound in response.

Delighted by this discovery, Aergia decided to sample the Echo Blossoms, curious about the skills they might impart. As she chewed the petals, she felt a tingling sensation in her throat, a sign that the herb was imbuing her with new abilities. Excited, she experimented with her voice, letting out a gentle roar. The sound echoed, amplified by the cliff's acoustics, creating a cascading echo that traveled across the woods.

Aergia's amplified roar had unintended consequences. The sound waves stirred a flock of birds from their perches, sending them soaring into the sky in a flurry of activity. Below, a small herd of deer paused, their ears twitching as the echoes reached them, and then bounded off, startled by the unexpected noise. Aergia watched, her eyes wide with a mix of surprise and fascination at the chain reaction she had initiated.

Emboldened by her new skill, Aergia spent the remainder of the morning experimenting with different vocal tones and volumes, watching how each variation altered the echoes. She played a sort of symphony with her roars, creating patterns of sound that bounced back to her in mesmerizing sequences. It was a new form of interaction with her environment, one that filled her with a deep sense of connection to the natural world around her.

As mid-morning turned to noon, Aergia found a secluded spot near the cliffside where the sun broke through the canopy, casting warm patches of light perfect for a rest. She settled down, tucking her paws under her body, and reflected on the morning's adventures. The joy of discovering her voice's power mixed with the peacefulness of her surroundings, providing a perfect balance to her spirited start to the day.

Lying there, Aergia felt a profound peace, her body warmed by the sun and her spirit lifted by her new experiences. It was a moment of tranquility that underscored her transformation from a human adventurer to a creature deeply embedded in the magical tapestry of Morphantasia. As she drifted into a light nap, the echoes of her roars seemed to blend with the forest sounds, a reminder of her place in this vibrant, living world.

Late Morning:

As the sun climbed higher, casting a kaleidoscope of light through the dense foliage of Peridot Woods, Aergia, content with her newfound vocal powers from the Echo Blossoms, decided it was time to continue her exploration. The thrill of discovering new magical herbs was addictive, and she was keen to see what other mystical capabilities she could uncover in the lush forest.

Aergia's journey led her towards a serene part of the woods known for its misty streams and moisture-rich environment. This area was famous among the local fauna for its abundance of Mistroot, a unique herb that thrived in the damp undergrowth near water sources. The air here was cooler, filled with the gentle sounds of flowing water and the soft rustling of leaves stirred by the gentle breeze that carried the mist across the forest floor.

As Aergia approached a particularly dense patch of undergrowth near the stream, her keen panda senses detected the subtle minty aroma of Mistroot. The plants were nestled among the rocks at the water's edge, their leaves covered in fine dew droplets that never seemed to dry. She pawed at the ground, carefully digging up a small clump of the herb, and took a tentative nibble. Almost instantly, she felt a chill spread through her body, refreshing and invigorating against the warmth of the sun.

Curious about the effects of the Mistroot, Aergia decided to test its properties. Concentrating on the sensations within her, she activated the herb's magic. A cool mist began to emanate from her fur, enveloping her in a thick, swirling fog. Amazed by her ability to create this natural camouflage, Aergia played with the extent of the mist, expanding and contracting it, watching it dance around her in the morning light.

The mist was so thick at one point that Aergia could barely see her own paws. Deciding to have a bit of fun, she started moving stealthily around the area, her large body surprisingly agile as she darted between trees and bushes, completely hidden by her misty shroud.

A family of ducks, waddling along the stream's edge, paused and quacked in confusion as they encountered the sudden fog. Aergia, finding delight in her playful mischief, gently herded the ducks through the mist, guiding them without revealing her presence. The ducks, though bewildered, continued on their path, leaving a trail of quacks that echoed softly in the misty air.

After her amusing interactions, Aergia settled by the edge of the stream, watching as the mist she created slowly dissipated in the warm air. The water was clear and calm, reflecting the verdant greens and dappled sunlight of the surrounding forest. She dipped a paw into the cool water, enjoying the refreshing touch against her skin.

Sitting there, Aergia felt a deep connection to the natural world of Morphantasia. The stream murmured beside her, carrying whispers of ancient magic and tales of the woods. It was a moment of profound tranquility and reflection for Aergia, as she contemplated her journey and the new life she was carving for herself in this enchanting virtual world.

As noon approached, the sun's rays began to warm the air, causing the last tendrils of mist to vanish. Aergia rose, her body refreshed and her spirit buoyed by the magical experiences of the morning. Ready for the adventures the afternoon might bring, she took one last look at the peaceful stream and ambled back into the heart of Peridot Woods, her heart full of wonder and anticipation.


As noon passed and the forest of Peridot Woods bathed in the full brilliance of the sun, Aergia felt a surge of curiosity to explore further. Her morning encounters with magical herbs had left her eager for more mystical experiences. Her next destination was an area known for its celestial flora, particularly the Starvine, rumored to be as beautiful as it was powerful.

The trek to the Starvine grove was through a part of the forest that gradually thickened, the trees towering and ancient, their massive trunks covered in thick moss and their canopies so dense that they dimmed the daylight to a soft twilight. This part of the woods was quieter, the usual chatter of wildlife hushed, as if in reverence to the mystical plants that grew here.

Aergia found the Starvine in a secluded clearing that seemed designed by nature for contemplation and awe. The vines clung to the taller trees, weaving through their branches, with small, delicate flowers that opened only in the indirect light, emitting a soft, star-like glow. The air around the vines shimmered slightly, filled with tiny motes of light that drifted lazily in the still air.

With a gentle touch, Aergia plucked a few flowers, the petals cool and smooth against her paw. Eating them, she immediately felt a surge of energy, and her fur began to sparkle with a myriad of tiny, star-like points of light. The effect was mesmerizing, making her appear as if she were a part of the night sky itself.

Excited by her new discovery, Aergia experimented with focusing the sparkling energy into a shield around her. Concentrating deeply, she managed to form a shimmering barrier that radiated out from her, the light bending around her form protectively. As she moved, the shield moved with her, the starlight twinkling and flowing like a celestial river.

The light from the Starvine attracted a variety of forest denizens, drawn by its unusual glow. A few curious pixie-like creatures, rarely seen by day, fluttered closer, their wings iridescent in the starry light. Aergia sat very still, allowing them to approach. They circled her, intrigued by the shield, their tiny faces filled with wonder.

Seeing their fascination, Aergia played along, creating small bursts of starlight from her paws, which the creatures chased like cats with laser pointers. Their laughter, high and musical, filled the clearing, adding to the magic of the afternoon.

As the afternoon wore on, Aergia felt a gentle fatigue from her explorations and decided to rest within the grove. She lay back against a tree trunk, her shield dimming to a gentle pulse, mirroring her breathing. The pixies settled nearby, their tiny bodies glowing softly in harmony with Aergia's starlight.

In this quiet repose, Aergia watched the play of light and shadow across the grove, her heart content with the day's adventures. She thought about her friends and their efforts to help her, and how despite the initial fears and challenges, she had found a way to thrive in her new form.

As the sun began to set, casting long shadows through the grove, Aergia slowly deactivated her starry shield, letting the natural light of the setting sun take over. She rose, stretched, and with one last look at the peaceful grove, set off back toward her den.

Her afternoon had been a perfect blend of discovery and interaction, of playing with the magic that this virtual world afforded her. And as she made her way back through the whispering trees, Aergia felt a deep, abiding connection to Morphantasia, a world that had become as real to her as any she had known.

Late Afternoon:

As the late afternoon light softened, casting a golden glow through the dense foliage of Peridot Woods, Aergia, feeling rejuvenated from her starlit rest, decided to explore a different part of the forest renowned for its rare botanical specimens. Her adventures thus far had imbued her with a keen interest in discovering more about the unique flora that Morphantasia had to offer, particularly those with magical properties.

The path led Aergia to a cooler, shaded region of the forest known for its Frost Ferns. This area, marked by a sudden drop in temperature, was a stark contrast to the sun-warmed paths she had wandered earlier. The air here was crisp and tinged with a slight frostiness that hinted at the presence of the frost ferns. The terrain became rockier, and mist began to rise from the ground as the ambient temperature dropped, creating an ethereal atmosphere that felt almost otherworldly.

Nestled among the stones and low-hanging fog, Aergia found clusters of Frost Ferns, their fronds dusted with a fine, sparkling frost even in the absence of snow. The ferns thrived in the cold microclimate of the grotto, their icy touch a curiosity in the otherwise temperate forest. Aergia reached out tentatively to touch the frost-covered fronds, her breath visible in the chilly air.

When she ate a small portion of the Frost Fern, she immediately felt a chill spread through her body, invigorating and sharp. It was a refreshing sensation that brought a new clarity to her senses. Excited by the possibilities of this new herb, Aergia decided to test the skill it imparted.

With a focus, Aergia attempted to harness the cold energy within her. Exhaling slowly, she was thrilled to see a stream of frosty air flow from her mouth, crystallizing the moisture in the air and forming intricate patterns of frost on the nearby foliage. Delighted with her new ability, she breathed across a small pond, watching as a thin layer of ice formed on the surface.

Emboldened by her success, Aergia experimented further with her Chill Breath, creating icy slides on sloped rocks and freezing parts of the stream to slide her large panda body across. Her playful antics were met with curiosity by the local wildlife; a group of otters watched with evident amusement as the large panda clumsily slid across the ice, occasionally tumbling into soft snowbanks.

The otters, ever playful, joined in, sliding alongside Aergia, their sleek bodies effortlessly maneuvering on the ice. Aergia found joy in this shared play, a moment of connection with the creatures of the forest that transcended the barriers between species.

As the sun began to set, painting the sky with hues of orange and purple, Aergia took a moment to rest by the edge of the now partially frozen stream. She watched the sky change colors, reflecting on the day's discoveries and the magical skills she had acquired. The tranquility of the grotto, with its gentle sounds of flowing water beneath the ice and the soft calls of evening birds, offered her a peaceful respite from her adventures.

Feeling a deep contentment and a connection to the natural world around her, Aergia slowly made her way back towards her den. The day had been full of learning and laughter, and as the chill of the evening air wrapped around her, she felt ready to embrace the quiet of the night, her heart warmed by the magical experiences of her day in Peridot Woods.


As dusk settled over Peridot Woods, painting the sky in deep shades of twilight blue and the last traces of orange fading on the horizon, Aergia made her leisurely way back to her den. The events of the day, filled with discovery and playful exploration, lingered in her mind, a series of joyful memories that made her feel deeply connected to this virtual world that was now her home.

The path to her den was familiar and comforting. The forest around her buzzed with the sounds of nocturnal life stirring— the distant hoot of an owl, the rustle of small mammals in the underbrush, and the ever-present whisper of the wind through the trees. Aergia's steps were unhurried, her body relaxed but her senses alert, absorbing the serene beauty of the woods at night.

As she approached her den, the cool, moss-covered entrance welcomed her. Inside, the familiar scent of earth and stone greeted her, a natural perfume that spoke of safety and solitude. She entered, her large form filling the space, and settled down onto her bed of soft, sandy soil she had shaped herself.

In the quiet solitude of her den, Aergia took a moment to reflect on the skills she had learned that day. From the glowing light of the Luminous Leaf to the icy breath granted by the Frost Fern, each ability felt like a gift, enhancing her connection to the forest and its magic. She pondered the uses of these skills, not just for amusement but also how they could help her adapt and thrive in the unpredictable world of Morphantasia.

She also thought about her friends, their efforts to protect and support her, and how despite the virtual nature of their connection, it felt as real and important as anything in her previous human life. These thoughts brought a sense of warmth and gratitude that filled the spacious den.

With the day's adventures replaying softly in her mind, Aergia began to make herself comfortable for the night. She used her paws to adjust the moss and leaves around her, creating a perfect nestling spot that suited her body's contours. Once settled, she took a deep breath, letting the cool, fresh air of the cave fill her lungs, and exhaled slowly, releasing the last bits of tension from her body.

The gentle, rhythmic sound of her own breathing combined with the subtle, natural noises of the cave and the forest outside formed a lullaby that eased her into relaxation. Her eyelids grew heavy, and as she surrendered to sleep, her thoughts drifted to the magical herbs she might discover the next day, and the new adventures that awaited her.

As sleep fully overtook her, Aergia's body relaxed completely, her breaths deep and even. In her dreams, she wandered through a starlit forest, her path illuminated by bioluminescent plants, her steps silent but for the soft crunch of frost underpaw. She played with echoes that danced around ancient trees, and breathed mist that wrapped the world in mystery.

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