3.07% 001 - What Makes it Hard to Go Home ? / Chapter 2: 1.5 - Rias PoV

บท 2: 1.5 - Rias PoV

Heya me again, again i don't really remember the background of DxD and the plot too because it's been years so sorry about that

Don't forget to give me your feedback

Thank you ~


Rias really did not expect that today would end like this.

She thought that after resolving the issue with her engagement to Riser, she could go back to enjoying anime as usual and marry someone she liked.

You might ask what about Issei?

Well... Rias doesn't really know how she feels about him.

It could be said that she is somewhat interested in Issei because he is the Red Dragon Emperor, but because his power is still weak, her feelings are only slightly interested.

As a devil, she is only interested in someone with great power.

Perhaps her feelings will change if Issei increases his power even more, but for now she is only slightly interested in him.

Besides, she finds his perverted nature of always shouting "oppai oppai" irritating, but when he is given what he wants, he seems hesitant to take it.

If he had great power, Rias would not mind his extremely perverted nature, because at least he has strong power to support his perverted nature.

Today, as usual, she woke up and wanted to watch anime, but suddenly Akeno, her Queen told her that there were 2 exorcists who wanted to speak with the ruler of the Kuoh area.

Rias was somewhat annoyed to hear this because she wanted to see the continuation of the anime she was watching, but as one of the owner of this territory, she had to meet with both of them and find out what the people from the church wanted.

I then informed Akeno to call the others to come to the club room and listen to their conversation.

Talking about the others, since they went to Issei's house and saw Issei photo album, Kiba started acting strange since then.

Maybe seeing issei childhood friend made him remember his past and his friends who died because of the fallen angel's actions.

At first, I let him be so that he could calm down a bit before I talked to him, but he kept avoiding all of us, even Issei.

But oh well, I will talk to him after these two exorcists come and tell us what they want.

Akeno, hearing my order, immediately nodded and created a magic circle in front of her mouth to call everyone.

Not long after, Koneko appeared and without much talking, she sat on the sofa while eating the snacks she brought.

Then Issei, along with Asia, appeared, and seeing the two of them, Rias felt sorry for Asia because it was clear that she loved Issei, but Issei seemed to not care about her feeling and was only focused on Akeno and my breasts.

My thoughts were interrupted by Issei asking why they were called here, so I told them that there were two exorcists who wanted to talk to me so she call everyone so they can listen to their conversation.

Upon hearing that, Issei nodded, and together with Asia, they sat on one of the sofas in the club.

After some time, there was still no sign of Kiba, which made me worried about what he was doing. But before I could ask Issei about Kiba, we heard a knocking on the door.

Upon hearing that, Akeno immediately opened the door, and I could see that the two exorcists had arrived, using cloaks to cover their faces.

However, for some reason, they did not use the cloaks to cover their chests, but perhaps that was just their fashion.

Issei, Asia, and Koneko, upon seeing the two exorcists, stood up and went to the back of the sofa.

I then welcomed them and asked them to sit where Koneko was sitting before.

While I sat in front of them and asked Akeno to make tea for the three of us.

But upon hearing that, one of the exorcists refused to have tea made for them because they did not want anything made by devils.

Huh, that reaction was a bit extreme, but I didn't really care. Besides, exorcists from the church are known for their blind faith in the big guy.

Just like Asia, who, even though she died and became a reincarnated devil, still continues to pray to the big guy, even though she doesn't receive any answers.

Issei looks upset because the two exorcists are treating them like that, but I raise my right hand and stop him before he speaks.

I then tell the two exorcists to tell us the purpose of coming to the city guarded by devils.

They look at each other and nod, finally telling us that they are here to search for the lost fragments of Excalibur.

They received information that the Excalibur fragments are in this city in the hands of Kokabiel, and they have been assigned to defeat him and retrieve the Excalibur fragments.

Hearing that makes me wonder how the church only send two people to defeat a fallen angel with 10 wings and Excalibur fragments.

After that, I can see the two of them smile and make me slightly regret asking that because they seem to want to show off something.

And my suspicions were correct – they arrogantly displayed the Excalibur fragments they brought and told us not to interfere with their mission.

I replied that it would not be a problem, and they could carry out their mission without our interference.

But Issei looks worried about the two of them because he knows the power of Freed Selizen, the rogue exorcist who attacked him before.

But I don't really care about their fate, and finally they both stand up and start leaving the club room.

Finally, I can go back to watching anime and ask Akeno to tell Sona what the two exorcists want.

But suddenly they stop and start scolding Asia, calling her a witch and traitor from the church and threatening to kill her.

That's really going overboard, but before I can stop them, Kiba suddenly opens the door to the club room and challenges them to a duel.

I really didn't expect Kiba to suddenly appear and challenge them to a duel, and Issei also wants to fight them because he is upset with their attitude towards Asia.

I'm sure Issei will lose because he doesn't have the ability to fight exorcists, but I hope Kiba can at least defeat one of them.

Because I am also angry they treated Asia like that and because asia is a member of my peerage, so I cannot let my cute member be insulted like that.

But I didn't expect the two exorcists to be so strong – they easily defeated Kiba and Issei.

Even though Issei used his Dress Break, the exorcists didn't care if their bodies were naked and still beat them.

The two exorcists leave to continue their mission while Kiba looks upset and eventually leaves as well.


After that, everything went quickly, with Kiba chasing the two of them and then Issei, Koneko, and Saji, one of the members of Sona's peerage, following Kiba.

They helped the two injured exorcists and then found out that Kokabiel wanted to combine the fragments of Excalibur to create a single Excalibur sword and attack them.

They then discussed what they knew with Sona and the others, and agreed to create a protective barrier to reduce damage when Kokabiel attacked the school.

As the night approached and Kokabiel and his minions attacked Kuoh Academy, Akeno suddenly told me to inform my brother.

Of course, I refused her suggestion, believing I could handle this on my own and did not need my brother's help.

Furthermore, we had Phoenix Tears, so if we were injured, we could drink them to heal.

I saw Akeno listening to my reasons, sighing and finally agreeing with my words.

I felt lucky to have a queen who understood me so well, so I would prove that I didn't need my brother's help to handle this.

But upon thinking it again, I should have at least informed my brother so that we had a backup plan if we failed.

However, it was too late, and everything was already happening.

We managed to kill the Cerberus they summoned, and Kiba successfully unlocked his Balance Break and defeated Freed.

Now, all that was left was to defeat Kokabiel and everything would return to normal, but I didn't expect a fallen angel with 10 wings to be this strong.

We couldn't harm him even when he taunted us and instructed Issei to boost my destruction power to hit him, but it still didn't affect him at all.

I should not have been stubborn when Akeno told me to call my brother, because due to my actions, Kokabiel would kill me and my peerage members, and his goal of repeating the Great War would come true.

But suddenly, Kokabiel stopped talking and stared at something, making me curious because he had been talking nonstop about his plans until now, and now suddenly he fell silent.

Suddenly, I felt a pressure that made my body shiver, I had never felt this kind of pressure before except when I saw my brother training.

I looked in the direction Kokabiel was looking because it seemed like he was feeling the same thing, I saw that only Kokabiel and I could feel it because the others looked confused at Kokabiel's reaction.

Then I saw cracks beginning to appear in the air around the direction I was looking, was that teleportation magic? But as far as I can remember, magicians or teleportation magic require a magic circle to be used.

But I didn't see any magic circle, only cracks appearing in the air.

The cracks in the air multiplied and the more cracks there were, the stronger I felt the pressure.

I saw that the others were starting to feel the pressure too.

[Be careful Partner!]

[I can sense something coming from those cracks, be cautious of this person, it seems like the person who will come out is not ordinary]

I heard Ddraig speak from Issei's hand and from his words the person who will appear is not an ordinary person even one of the heavenly dragons warned them.

But the cracks didn't stop, and finally, the air around it shattered, and we could all see dark smoke coming from within.

But I couldn't see inside because it was too dark, then suddenly the aura we felt disappeared as if the pressure we felt had never appeared.

I saw someone coming out from inside, but I couldn't see their appearance because of the cloak they were wearing.

"What the fack?"

I heard them speaking in English? Are they from North America? I didn't see any wings on their back, so I assumed they were just a normal human.

If I hadn't sensed their aura previously, I might have thought of them as a regular human who knew nothing about the supernatural world at all, because I didn't sense any aura from them.

They seemed to be observing Kokabiel and then us, but because their face was covered by their cloak, I couldn't see their expression.

"Who are you?" I heard Kokabiel asking the person who had suddenly appeared.

But I saw the person immediately turn around and hurriedly try to go back inside, but they failed to enter because they bumped into someone and made that person fall.

"##$$**$###$," huh? I heard them speak, but I didn't understand what they were saying, but from their voice, I knew they were a man.

Strange, our devil magic should be able to translate any language, but it didn't work when he was speaking with the person who fell.

The man helped the fallen person, but from her chest, which I was sure was as big as mine, I knew that she was a woman.

"Hehe, oppai~," I heard Issei, as usual, immediately admiring those big oppai.

I was a bit annoyed because from her height, she should be younger than me, but she had breasts equivalent or even bigger than mine.

The girl talked to the man, but I didn't understand what they were saying at all, then suddenly I saw Kokabiel throwing a spear of light at them.

"Watch out!" I panicked because I didn't want others to get involved in our problems, even getting injured.

But my body was still very weak, even standing like this required all of my energy so I wouldn't fall.

But suddenly the spear of light thrown by Kokabiel stopped just before touching the girl.

"Ugh!" My body fell immediately when the man released his aura again, the pressure from his aura made my body tremble and weaken, but for some reason, there was a pleasant feeling inside me.

This feeling wasn't too bad either… ahh! I immediately shook my head because this wasn't the time to get horny.


Suddenly, I heard someone's voice that made me look at the man and saw him emitting lasers from his fingers, but the two lasers looked smaller, but still hit Kokabiel because they moved quickly.

"Ahhhhhhh!" Kokabiel screamed in pain after the lasers hit him, and I just realized that he was on the ground when he had been flying before.

Seeing Kokabiel in pain like that made me satisfied because he deserved it for making us hurt like this.

But suddenly I saw someone wearing white armor and blue wings? Could that person be the White Dragon Emperor? Approaching Kokabiel.

He checked on Kokabiel and talked to the man, but the man just shrugged and flicked his fingers, and Kokabiel stopped screaming and fainted.

Seeing Kokabiel's screams stop, I felt unsatisfied and wanted him to keep screaming, but what could I do.

Then the man was seen turning back and wanting to return to his portal, which made me curious why he wanted to leave so quickly.

But suddenly, the person wearing white armor spoke to the man and challenged him to a duel.

Huh, pretty random to suddenly come and challenge someone to a duel. I then saw that the man seemed to want to refuse, but when he saw the expression of his female friend, he immediately accepted the challenge.

The man then removed his cloak, and I was shocked to see his handsome appearance, white hair, and bright blue eyes. I thought I was used to seeing handsome men because of Kiba, but this man was truly different.

Then I heard Ddraig speaking to the man in armor and calling him his rival, which confirmed my thoughts that he was the White Dragon Emperor, Albion.

And the man seemed ready to fight the White Dragon Emperor, whom many said was the strongest white dragon emperor in history.

I won't lie; I was really curious about how this man would face the strongest White Dragon Emperor in history.

But suddenly, he revealed his 12 black wings, which surprised me. 12 black wings? I thought only Azazel had them, and he was a fallen angel?

I had never heard of a fallen angel with 12 black wings, and I was sure that if the fallen angel faction had someone with 12 black wings, they wouldn't stay silent and would immediately show them off.

I saw Akeno also looked surprised when she saw his wings; Akeno really hated fallen angels and seemed impressed by the man's appearance, but when she realized he was a fallen angel, she seemed a bit remorseful.

The man then flew to be at the same level as the White Dragon Emperor, and they seemed to be talking about something, but I couldn't hear them.

Then the fallen angel drew a golden sword, which made me shudder because of its pressure, this was no joke.

[I have never seen a sword like that... but from its pressure, I'm sure it must be stronger than the Excalibur before.]

Ddraig spoke again, surprising all of us because even fighting Excalibur had been a challenge for us, let alone something stronger.

Xenovia looked upset and wanted to protest that her Excalibur couldn't possibly be weaker than that sword, but before she could speak, they all felt a strong wind.

The wind made some of them fall and be thrown off, including Issei. I turned to see them fighting and saw that the man easily evaded the White Dragon Emperor's attacks.


I heard the White Dragon Emperor say "Divide," a power that would cut half of your strength and give it to the user, a dreadful ability that could only be countered by the "Boost" ability, the rival of the White Dragon.

But suddenly, the white dragon emperor lost his armor and seemed to convulse, so the man caught him to prevent him from falling.

The man then descended and placed the White Dragon Emperor on the grass in our school field and started to pay attention to us, especially Issei's gauntlet.

I panicked a bit because from our experience, fallen angels always wanted to take Issei's sacred gear, and seeing that he could easily defeat the White Dragon Emperor, we couldn't stop him.

But thankfully, the man just looked at it and finally walked towards his female friend; both of them appeared to want to return to the portal.

But seeing the man leave, I felt that if I let him go, I would never meet him again, and I would regret it for the rest of my life.

I forced my body to wake up and tried to chase them.

"Rias?" "Rias-Buchou?" I heard Akeno and Issei calling me.

But I didn't have time to answer them; I finally used the last of my energy to stand up and run towards them.

I managed to grab the man's left hand, and I could feel that his hand was really soft and his skin looked very white.

The man looked at me, and I could see his beautiful blue eyes, but because I was so exhausted, I finally fainted towards him.

"Eh?" I heard the man speak, but everything had already turned dark.

IamReallySalad IamReallySalad


Don't forget to give me your feedback on this chapter.

Thank you~

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Stone -- หินพลัง








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โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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