49.84% Fanfiction I am reading / Chapter 1296: 41

บท 1296: 41

Chapter Text

"This is stupid."

It wasn't the first time that the words had left his lips or run through his mind. It'd been that way ever since his old man walked out of his room.

More than once he'd nearly talked himself out of this bullshit. But stubbornly, stupidly he always forced himself to keep moving forward which brought him ever closer to where he was now.

Right outside of Deku's apartment complex.

He hadn't walked in.

As he left his house.

As he got on the train.

As he walked the city blocks.

Drawing ever closer and closer his anxiety had risen in his gut. Coiling round and round his stomach and tightening until he felt like he'd be sick.

He wasn't scared of fights. He'd never backed down from conflict and he got in everyone's faces when he needed to, didn't matter who it was.

But somehow, some way... just the thought of looking at Midoriya Inko made him sick to his stomach.

He wasn't sure how long he'd been standing there, just staring at the building with its merry little balcony gardens and light green shadings, looking entirely too peaceful for how the sight of it alone made him feel.

"This is stupid." Katsuki repeated, snarling at himself.

He turned away.

And found himself staring straight at the woman he'd been dreading to see.

Midoriya Inko stood there, grocery bag in hand, an inscrutable menagerie of emotions on her face as she looked at him while he could only imagine the deer in the headlights look that decorated his own features.

She was gripping her keys in her hand, little metal strips clinking in her grip. Her surprise faded, and her eyes narrowed.

"Bakugo-san." She said, and her voice was colder than Icy-Hot's frost.

Katsuki shifted where he stood, and he was big enough to admit that he was fidgeting.

"Can we talk?" He finally bit out. Never one to beat around the bush anyway and it was clear that she didn't want to see him more than absolutely necessary.

She shifted her weight, both hands gripping the grocery bag in front of her, feet shoulder-width apart as she stared him down, and somehow Katsuki felt immeasurably small under her gaze.

"Talk then."

He blinked. "Out here?"

"You're not *welcome* in my home." She hissed.

That... stung.

A lot more than it should have.

He looked away, trying to find it in himself to be angry at the woman but discovering that the constant well of easily accessible fury had abandoned him, evaporating under her icy gaze.

Just get it over with.

"When did Deku find out about his damn quirk?"

It was the wrong thing to say, he knew it the second the words left his mouth and the way her features closed, like the shutting of a great iron gate had just confirmed it.

"After everything... that's what you've come to say to me?"

The rage on her face and her voice made him wince, hitting him almost like a physical blow.

"Go to hell."

She moved to march past him and before his brain had fully caught up with him, his legs had brought him to stand in front of her. "W-wait!"

She did, but the look on her normally gentle features told him that the plump woman was just about ready to move straight through him if he said one more wrong word.

Katsuki felt the muscles in his jaw jump, his throat dry, and it was a struggle to maintain eye contact.

"Look... I don't know what Deku told you bu-"

Again, he stepped on a verbal land mine and when Inko interrupted him his usual tactic of shouting over the person in question didn't even enter the foggiest corner of his mind.

"Are you going to try to tell me he lied? That I've got it all wrong? Despite everything Bakugo, I still thought you weren't an outright liar!"

His teeth ground together. How fucking bad did Deku paint the goddamn picture?! "He-"

"He didn't say anything!" She shouted, cutting him off again. "I have eyes, Katsuki. I have ears. I saw my son coming home with burn marks. I heard other kids laughing when they mentioned my son's name and saying what you did to him when they thought no one could hear them."

Katsuki found himself blinking, staring down at the shorter woman. "He never told you?"

She shook her head. "He never had the heart to. Somewhere deep down, for a reason I cannot fathom... my little boy always wanted to be your friend again when you were children. So he never did."

They fell into silence for a moment.

He'd never told her.

He figured Deku'd just been lying when he said that, like he'd been lying about his quirk.

"Why didn't you ever say anything to my parents?"

For the first time since the conversation began Inko seemed to shrivel in on herself, shame and guilt writhing in her like a worm. "I'm... I'm not a brave woman, Katsuki. I haven't been a good mother. Just as you've never been a good friend. There were times I attempted to call your parents, more than I can recall. But I always backed down, always gave some excuse. Some stupid rationalization. 'Maybe he'll change. Maybe it's just a phase. Maybe Masaru and Mitsuki know and they just don't care. Or they won't care.' Always I found ways to say no, reasons to not pick up the phone."

Katsuki felt his fingers twitch, tightening his hands into fists as the bones cracked and popped. "And after the tests? Why not say anything then? You wanted to. You had a chance to. So why?"

She looked to him, tears brimming in her eyes that she stubbornly refused to let fall in front of him. "My son... was happy."

That statement left him speechless.

"A poor mother and a worse friend. That's all my boy's had in life and…" She cut herself off, and Katsuki felt his insides contort as his jaw clenched up. "And so when I saw his joy.." She smiled a bit, staring at the ground as her eyes continued to glisten. "I do my damndest not to ruin it. Even if I hate it. When he found his quirk, it made him happy... It let him follow his dream. And when he saw your parents again, got to talk to them again… it made him happier. Believe me. It wasn't for you, or for me that I kept quiet."

Katsuki snarled, fists clenched. "Why the hell didn't he just say he had a fucking quirk to start with!?" It didn't make sense! Deku admired All Might as much as he did! He would have been through the roof just like himself if he had a Quirk like the Symbol of Peace! "Why fucking hide i-"

"Even if he would have known about the quirk it shouldn't have mattered!" Inko screamed at him, and the force of her anger was enough to make him take a step back. "You were his hero Katsuki! He looked up to you and when you thought he was quirkless you thought you could throw it all away because he didn't matter. My boy is worth more than that cursed quirk!"

She was breathing heavy, shoulders rising and falling, her face flush with anger.

"And if you still can't see that-" Inko spoke softer now, but still with an undercurrent of bandied steel. "Then you can still go to hell."

She met his gaze fiercely, tears still brimming along her eyes but she still refused to let them fall.

"Now please excuse me. I have to put these in the refrigerator before they spoil."

It wasn't a request.

Katsuki stepped out of her way as she marched past him without another word or a backward glance.


The sun's rays poking in were what woke Peter from his slumber as he sat up, rubbing his eyes and looking at the clock. It read 6:30 AM, which gave him plenty of time to get breakfast, slip on some clothes, and get prepared for Mei's little showcase.

He got up, stretching as he looked over at his suitcase. He'd brought along two of them. One containing his normal clothes, the other holding his formal attire… He turned, pulling open the curtains and seeing the sun rise over I-Island's walls.

He still couldn't believe that he'd ran into Momo, Midori and the Todoroki siblings too. Talk about crazy.

He grabbed his clothes to wear to the restaurant downstairs and went into the shower, washing up and before long, coming out dry and groomed. "Ok, time to check on her." He walked through his room, entered the luxury suite's living room and the wide open door at the other side.

Guess Mei was up…

"Heya Peter!" He saw Mei poke her head out… from the ceiling.

"Mei, why are you on the ceiling?" He asked as he walked closer, seeing her on her hands and knees on the ceiling. Her hands had some special gloves on them, and on her knees were some kneepads.

"Just testing some of my babies before we go show 'em off!" Peter noticed a trail of her babies in her room…

Good god it was like an explosion… Her crates were open and-

"How long have you been up?" Peter asked, eyebrow cocked as he looked up, hands on his hips.

"'Bout an hour. Why?"

"It's gonna be a long day. I mean, going to the front of the convention, and you showing off your gadgets for all the people going in and out..."

"Meh, I've stayed up longer. I'll be fine!" Mei giggled as she crawled along the ceiling before she reached over to touch some buttons. Her gear turned off and she landed on her feet with a big bright grin. "You get enough sleep too?"

"Plenty. Had a lot of fun yesterday at the park. Did you?" She didn't seem too wild about the rides, even if she had a big grin on her face the entire time. Was her face just locked into her having a smile?

"Oh yeah! Saw some unique ideas from that roller coaster we went on! Oh, and that anti-grav Sky Dive had me thinking on making babies of a similar caliber!" Mei had her arms spread wide. "It was an awesome field trip! And my baby demonstration will be even more profitable once I get…" She turned, beaming as she ran over to one of her crates. Peter poked his head in, seeing her rummage around as she was still in a set of blue PJs with wrenches and screwdrivers printed on it. She trotted back with… something and Peter's Spider Sense tingled. The brown-haired boy took a step back, and avoided something hard as Mei swung it with great enthusiasm. In her hand was some vest…

And on it, the words MEI HATSUME! JUST CONTACT ME FOR INQUIRY ON HERO SUPPORT GEAR! Followed by her phone number, email, and… home address? Wait, that wasn't some random address, it was U.A.'s!

"I don't think giving out U.A.'s address as your own is smart."


"Because it's not your home address."

"But I spend more time there anyway."

"But it's still not your home."


Peter groaned, hand rubbing his forehead. "Do you wanna go get breakfast or something?"

He heard the growl of a stomach and looked down, and at Mei who was also looking down. "Oh. Guess I'll need some too."

"I did order room service… did you eat any?"

"Nah, wasn't hungry. Also the food menu choices sounded too weird. What's an 'Eggs Benedict'?"

"You have a lot to learn…" Peter mused. "You take a shower before we get breakfast and then-"

"I can wear your shirt at your demonstration."

The girl beamed like the sun before throwing her kneepads and gloves aside, rushing into the bathroom in a jiffy. Peter couldn't help but chuckle and smile.


Four point five miles an hour the treadmill read as Momo ran on it. She looked at her phone which read her biological life signs of heart rate and other functions. Sweat poured down her brow and neck and onto her drenched workout T-shirt and basketball shorts. Thankfully the hotel gym was empty, leaving her to her thoughts.

Momo saw the TV up ahead show off some News Reports of the tropical storms dissipating around Japan, and she felt relieved. A storm that could have been a nasty typhoon had hit Japan yesterday. If they had left for I-Island last night as originally planned they would have been grounded.

She wouldn't have gotten to see her classmates, any of them. Or had as much fun as she had in the amusement park.

Her mind began to wander, thinking of her classmates. Of course immediately remembering Peter, Midoriya and Todoroki but also the others back home and everything that had happened so far.

A lot had happened.

And, quietly, she had to wonder if she'd even be here without her classmates. Certainly without Peter's web formula things would have been difficult, Jirou's friendship, even All Might after the... well...

Midoriya had also saved her during their mutual final exam.

Even her talk with Iida had reinforced her desire to become a hero in a way, reminding her of her own motivation.

Her thoughts had enveloped her so much so she didn't hear the door open.

"You seem to have had fun yesterday."

Momo jumped in place, startled.

"Oh, good morning mother."

"Good morning." Maiya nodded before she walked over to the mat and began to stretch, utilizing some yoga techniques. "Something on your mind?"


"Your father has the exact same look when the gears are turning in his head." Maiya responded.

Momo turned away, jogging as she breathed, figuring out what to say to her.

"I'm just... considering." She admitted quietly, stepping to the edge of the treadmill. "How I've become a hero. Everything that's happened." Maiya said nothing, but the look she had in the mirror facing her proved she had her attention. "And… I was wondering if… I have been going at it… the wrong way."

"How so?" She asked.

"Well…" The treadmill was going down in speed. "My classmates, all of them, have helped me... and I wonder if ... if, I wouldn't be where I am today if not for them. And if that's the case… is that wrong?

"That's what's on your mind?" Maiya asked, and Momo nodded, looking at her mother who took a deep breath and closed her eyes, seemingly gathering patience. Momo winced.

"Don't be so stupid and sentimental over such things. If you find any advantage or leverage to become better at something, whether it be your profession, status, or whatever else, do not feel ashamed over using it. Use those advantages, advance and better yourself. In your case, use those to become a better hero to save others. Don't apologize over such trivial matters."

Momo winced, remembering suddenly why it was so difficult to speak to the woman...

"And as for thinking you wouldn't be the same person or that you'd even be a hero without them don't be ridiculous. Even without any of them, you would have gotten where you are. You have a brain don't you?"

Momo felt her anger spike, but quelled it quickly.

"Yes." Her answer however was clipped, biting even as she tried to hide it.

Maiya looked at her, quiet for a moment.

"You know what I mean. Don't take it literally Momo." the woman said, in a voice that was almost an apology. "You're intelligent and resourceful enough to have gotten where you need to be on your own."

"I… well… thanks…" Momo muttered.

"Hn." Her mother said nothing, resuming her exercises before she finished stretching and going to a nearby pull up bar, leaping up and doing so with ease.

Momo can see the raw muscle on her mother's back, along with the countless scars and wounds of battle gained from her earlier career.

"Momo." She heard her mother grunt out after Momo finished her first set.

"Never sell yourself short." Maiya paused, looking back at her through the mirror before she let go, taking a break from her rep.

"Yes mother."


He still wasn't here.

By all accounts, that observation should've made Shoto happier. He was here, on an island full of all the greatest technologies that the world could offer, and practically given full reign on what he could do to have fun with his sister beside him.

Until the meetings started, there was no expectations, no rules or traditions that he had to follow. Simply being a teenager, with his classmates of all people, was all that was expected of him.

And while it was good, better than he could've thought it would be, the thought of going into a meeting such as this without his father was something of a frightening prospect.

Loath as he was to admit, Endeavor was still the Number Two hero in Japan for a very good reason. No ordinary man could claim that spot and keep it for years on end. It spoke of an experience, a drive, and self-control that few others had.

He'd seen a bit of it, and if he was being honest, he wanted that close by when the meetings started.

Yet, as if in response to some cosmic karma going against Shoto's wishes, Dad wasn't here. All there was consisted of him and his sister, preparing their formal wear like they were told. Fuyumi wouldn't have to do much, just enjoy the procession as well as she could given the company that no doubt was going to be there.

Well, most of the company that was going to be there. Yaoyorozu-san and Shield-san would be the sole exceptions.

Everyone else… Shoto couldn't imagine them being much better company than the average politician.

"You finished Shoto?" Fuyumi asked.

Shoto blinked away his thoughts, and looked himself over in the mirror. He still had the suit jacket and the tie to go.

At the edge of the door, Fuyumi peeked in, sighing at his state. The disappointment made him shift slightly, but she wordlessly came towards him, motioning him to turn around to face her. He complied without complaint, and it let him know exactly how long he'd been overthinking things.

They only had a little bit before they would need to be worried about making it on time.

Fuyumi made quick work of his tie, and handed him his suit coat. A quick shrug of his shoulders let him put it on, and he took a moment to double check himself in the mirror.

"Look at you," Fuyumi said with a teasing grin, "An up and coming hero ready to take on the world."

"You're giving me a bit too much credit," he said, dismissively.

"I'm your sister," Fuyumi said, "I'm allowed to give you as much credit as I want."

The corners of his lips curled a little bit upwards.

"I think that I'm going to need a bit more than credit to make an impression tonight," he said, walking off.

"Obviously," Fuyumi said, giving his hair a quick flick of her finger, straightening a misplaced strand, "Which is why I'll be looking out for you."

Shoto blinked, and Fuyumi shook her finger at him.

"Don't give me that look," she said, "This is a big night for you, so I'm going to help."

"Fuyumi," Shoto said in exasperation, "There's infinitely better things that you could be doing with your time tonight."

Fuyumi gave him a small smile.

"Shoto, there is nothing better than helping my brother."

Shoto stood there for a moment. That… that was good to hear.

Yet, there were thoughts that still stayed with him that made him ask, "What makes you think that I'll be able to make it work?"

She shrugged without a care.

"You'll be able to, and that's all that there is to it, right?"

Again, Shoto just stood there for a moment.

There was a thought, a memory of the last time he needed to make something work, make it better, but he couldn't. The nightmare of Hosu lingered in the back of his mind, along with the phantom screams and roars.

Yet, it didn't matter.

"Right," he said.

"Then let's get going," Fuyumi said, "I know people say that you should be fashionably late, but that idea isn't true."

A poor fact for their father, but Shoto declined to comment on that. Instead, he said nothing as he followed his sister, his hand fidgeting at the tie around his neck.


"Peter, we've been over this."

"I know but this thing makes no sense!"

"Peter, you can figure out ninety-eight percent of the circuitry to a form-fitting biosuit in an afternoon, this is a simple bow-tie."

"...can I have the circuits?" Peter asked hopefully.

If it were possible for a program to give him a flat look, Karen would've excelled at the task. Part of Peter wanted to argue to give him a break, but there were a million reasons that wouldn't work against someone like Karen, especially when he and Mei were starting to cut it a little too close for comfort.

But in all fairness to him, he'd never had to tie a tie by himself.

Though… that excuse didn't exactly improve his self-esteem looking at the mirror. He was dressed in formal attire, and they had to rush to put on their duds for the Gala tonight, to which he and Mei had been invited to. They'd spent a long time at the outside of the I-Expo, with Peter helping Mei showcase her gadgets and gizmos to Expo-goers and other civilians. For hours on end.

Peter rubbed his chest under his blue suit. Mei could have adjusted the harness to be a little looser… that was gonna be a rash in the morning. Then again, the way he was flying all over as she controlled him like some drone didn't help. A tight harness was preferable then.

"If we take a taxi, will we make it in time Karen?" Peter asked, watching the video again as he did his best to get the tie right… in and out… then in and out agai-Gah!

"If you get your tie done, well, we'll have about seven minutes to spare considering traffic and the taxi and commute…"

"Okay… lemme try this again… In and out… and through the loop and-It's inside out now!"

"Six minutes and forty-five seconds…"

"You're. Not. Helping!"

"You almost done in there Peter?" Called out Mei from the other side of the door.

"Uhhh, just a minute!" He said, looking down at his suit. Pants, shoes, belt, and shirt were on and the jacket was on the bed. Where was Yu when he needed her?! Next time he'd ask her in person how to tie a tie. Or just have someone else do a bunch so he could have them on call. This was annoying!

"You sound a bit frustrated, you okay?" She asked.

"I'm fine! Just the tie and once that's on we can go!" Peter's fingers were busy trying to get his red tie in order. "And up and over… in and out… and- Why is it sideways now!?"

"It's almost impressive how much you're failing at this." Karen said. "I think you're getting worse."

Peter breathed in through his nose.

"Uh oh! I hear nose breathing! Someone's mad!" The door opened, and in came Mei with her wide grin as Peter turned.

"Huh, guess it's the tie huh. Here, lemme help!" Mei said as she walked forward. The girl wearing a dark form-fitting gunmetal grey dress closed in and put her hands on his tie, taking it around her own neck and… "There! Done!" She handed the complete tie to him, and Peter looked down dumbly at it, then at her.

"I… I was almost expecting you in your school uniform to begin with, and number two, how did you do that?" He asked, utterly bamboozled at the sight before him and the action that had taken place.

Mei shrugged nonchalantly.

"It's not that hard. I gotta do 'em myself ya know! If I can't be a great Inventor, how can I not make a simple loop of cloth?" Mei explained.

Peter examined the tie around his neck and tightened it up before flattening out his collar. "I can see that… you look great by the way." The pinkette simply shrugged.

"If I had a choice I'd rather not wear this, but it's for one night. No biggie." Mei mused as she walked out, and Peter's eyes followed her departure. "Drafty down there though…"

Yeah, that dress was as form-fitting as Momo's hero costume…

He shook his head, pushing away such thoughts before putting his jacket on and grabbing his phone, pulling it from the charger and placing his custom earpiece inside his ear. "We good?"

"You have five minutes and change if you leave now." Peter rushed into his bathroom, did his hair with some mousse, prepped some cologne, and trotted on out. "Ready?"

"Mmhmm!" Mei nodded, and Peter noticed she… wasn't wearing heels.

"Didn't… bring heels?"

"Those suck. Let's go!" Mei said, walking out the door in her dress and tennis shoes. Peter sighed before smiling and following after her.

"Hey Mei?"

As they walked, Mei turned around, a big grin on her face as her eyes seemed to zoom in. "Hmm?"

"Thanks." Peter smiled sheepishly, holding up his tie a bit.

"It's what Supporters are for!" The pink-haired manic genius exclaimed, marching ahead as Peter followed after her.

"So, what's the plan again Karen? Refresh my memory." Peter said as they got to the elevator as it went down.

"Your plan is to meet up with the Todorokis, Izuku, Momo and Melissa at the Gala if at all possible. I cannot seem to obtain their seating arrangements though, what with the unique firewall they have."

"Firewall?" Peter asked as Mei hummed, inspecting the holopad where the elevator buttons were as her eyes zoomed in and out. He could make out her comments on the circuitry and material. "Can you hack it?"

Never a dull moment with her.

"Yes, I can hack it. However, how long would you like your itinerary?" Karen asked.

"Lemme guess, processing power from my lil old phone huh?" Peter mused, patting his phone in his pocket.

"Correct. By the time we get there, you would have the RSVP list."


"Ah Dave! There you are!"

It was a simple greeting, bog standard even, without any of Toshinori's normal flair that came with his All Might form. Even if he was hulked out and the two stood by the railing looming over the first floor.

Still, David turned a little too fast. Though, that could've just been the gala, tonight was a big night for him and his daughter. The head scientist and founder of I-Island gave Toshinori a tiny little wave before leaning over the edge of a railing. Toshinori took a spot next to him, and spied a certain blonde-haired girl trying to teach the successor of One for All how to dance to a tiny tune on the dance floor below.

"I think that you're taking eagle eye parenting to a new level," Toshinori joked.

David cracked a smile at that.

"Hey, I haven't got every camera on I-Island trained on her at all times."

"I applaud your restraint," Toshinori commented, getting as comfortable as he could on the railing in his suit. It felt constraining around the neck, though that was for every suit that wasn't his All Might attire.

"I didn't know that you had a suit in that size," David said.

Toshinori shrugged, "Got it via rush order, or Nighteye did. And I have my hero costume on underneath. Gotta make the big show at the party and all that!"

"He always did have a knack for getting what you needed before you knew it," David said, "Although, this is one of the few things that I wish he didn't need to get you."

"It's not so bad," Toshinori shrugged. "Rather refreshing actually, first time in years that I haven't been the center of attention."

"You really should be," David muttered, almost solemnly.

Toshinori gave his old friend a quick clap on the back with his big paw.

"Thanks, but I'm fine with stepping out, have you seen the crop of students that's following me?"

David shrugged, "They're not half bad, especially that kid of yours you brought too."

Toshinori smiled at that, no matter how many times he heard it, the acknowledgment of Young Madoryia's potential always seemed to fill him with pride.

Although… he couldn't tell him everything. The true secret of One for All had to be kept secret. The fewer who knew, the fewer targets the enemy had.

"However, he could go without stepping on my daughter's feet," David joked. Down below, they could hear Midoriya bowing profusely while apologizing for his clumsy dance moves, while Melissa took it all in stride as she laughed and encouraged him.

"Worried that he'll be a better dancer by the time that we get down there?" Toshinori asked comfortably.

David rolled his eyes, "I don't remember you ever being any good at it either."

All Might let slip his trademark grin. But, he noticed something. The moment that he mentioned the party, David tensed. It was slight, and he wouldn't have noticed it if the chestnut-haired man had changed since their days back in the states, but it was definitely there.

Was he that nervous about the party? No, he'd thrown around a dozen parties like this. David had to as the founder of I-Island, Toshinori was sure of that. Not to mention hiring organizers.

So what made this different?

It couldn't be because of him. He and David had done too much to care about seeming cool, or even professional in front of one another.

So why….

"Well, I only handled some of it," David said, "Melissa could honestly tell you more than I could. She talks more to the organizers lately. Trying to teach her and what not."

"Really?" Toshinori asked, feeling a little better. "Well, that's good for her."

"We can ask her, if you want," David offered with an apologetic smile.

"... sure," Toshinori said, his eyebrow slowly notching upwards, but David was already moving before Toshinori even started leaning off the railing.

He had to hurry for a moment to catch up to his old sidekick, who walked far faster than he really should. At this point, Toshinori could practically smell that something was wrong. For it to affect David this bad, it was probably something personal.

Though… he shouldn't bring it up here, not yet at least, not so close to Melissa.

First chance he got, he'd get to the bottom of this.

For now, he had to keep a straight face when Young Midoriya tried to do the starting few steps to a solo dance. A rather… interesting attempt that really made Toshinori wonder if he ever did any leg training. People gave them a wide berth, all whispering as All Might walked by, smiling and waving as he approached.

"I think you're supposed to hit the floor, not your shoes," All Might commented.

"Ack!" Young Midoryia went ramrod straight, flush with embarrassment. All the while, Melissa and David did their best not to laugh.

"I-I was just trying to p-put Melissa's teachings to use!" Midoriya blurted out in English.

"The right word you're looking for is 'into practice'," Melissa corrected him before looking up at All Might. "Enjoying the lead up to the party, Uncle Might?"

"I've been keeping off to the side thankfully," Toshinori said with a wave as he looked down at the two. "So I haven't been swamped, but give it some time. The people at this party are quite restrained, hehe." All Might mused as he looked around, seeing people looking at him and gossiping amongst themselves, but whenever his eyes settled on one they would smile and wave.

"When I learned you were coming yesterday, I had to make a memo not to overwhelm you." David said from the side, glancing down at his watch before looking back. Again, he was looking nervous…

"Something wrong Dave? Eat anything bad?" The man flinched noticeably.

"Oh no, n-not at all. Just a little tired… once I get an expresso in me, I-I'll be as right as rain." David smiled, closing his eyes and waving it off.

"Okay, I'll go make final preparations. All Might, if you'd like to join me?" David said, turning as he gestured with his head.

"Right away old buddy!" All Might said with a waving salute. He turned around and placed his big hands on Izuku's shoulders. "Oh, and Young Midoriya..." He spoke in Japanese as he leaned down to whisper in his ear. Melissa tilted her head.

"Plus Ultraaaaa." He said in a whisper, and Izuku tilted his head. "At dancing!" All Might posed with a fist to the sky before turning around.

He saw David walking on ahead, and looking at his watch yet again. Yes, this had gone far enough.

He walked over to his friend, and his mere presence made David flinch.

"David," All Might said, his voice low, yet fully serious, "What's wrong?"

His old sidekick practically broke out into a nervous sweat at the words. He looked around, as if considering his options.

"I… All Might, I set something up for tonight," David fully admitted.

All Might crossed his arms. He didn't answer, he wasn't the one that was supposed to talk here.


"Hey All Might!"

Both David and All Might snapped to the side, watching as a happy Fuyumi Todoroki and a seemingly drained Shoto walked up, her eyes darting between the two.

"Are we interrupting something important?" she asked, "We were hoping to talk to Mr. Shield, if we could."

David and All Might shared a look. It was enough for David to take another quick glance at his watch.

"N-No, it's no problem, just a tight schedule. I've got a few minutes," he said.

"We won't take long," Fuyumi said, "I was just hoping, Mr. Shield, if you could give a quick tip or two to Shoto here."

The dual-haired boy shot a frankly betrayed look at his sister.

A glare that could've frozen an army or burned a country down bounced off of the sister like a fly off a Tiger tank.

"He's trying to talk to everyone here, you wouldn't happen to know how to start a decent pitch, would you?"

"Fuyumi," Shoto said, "I'm more than capable of talking to people."

"The last three executives would beg to differ."

Shoto pursed his lips, but had no words. David offered a nervous laugh, one that All Might would've joined if the situation were any different.

Fuyumi noticed the forceful nature of the sound, but a ring stopped any comment that might've formed.

"Oh excuse me," Fuyumi said sheepishly as she reached into her purse, pulling out her phone and Shoto noticed her wince.

"Hey Dad." She spoke in Japanese under her breath. "Sorry, I can't hear you." She got up, and walked out of the busy reception room.

The old man was here…

Shoto took a deep breath, bowing politely before following her. "Please excuse us. Important family call." He said as he trotted after his sister, a scowl on his face.


"A family call?" David spoke to himself, then his eyes widened.

Wait… All Might was the only Top Ten Pro coming here. Those were Enji Todoroki's children. Did that mean-?!

"Huh, Izu looks a little worried." Melissa said by his side.

"Hey dad, I'm gonna use the restroom one last time."

"Right before our big announcement?" David asked, cocking an eyebrow.

"Bob is gonna be the one doing all the hyping up before All Might is called up, right?" Melissa winked. "I'll make my way around the back, it'll be fine!" She said before she trotted away, and David saw her go.

On some level, he was a little relieved to see her out of the room. She wouldn't have to see first-hand what was coming next. On the other… the worry she would have…

He closed his eyes, taking a deep breath and a sip from his cognac. It was for the greater good now.


"Quite the line, ain't it?" Shiki said pleasantly. He had the same calm smile on his face, while Maiya had her typical neutral expression, eyes looking over the area as they got inside the tower on the first floor. To the side they noticed a map of the I-Expo Opening Night Gala. The first floor was for mingling, checking in, and ordering some drinks. The second was the Reception Hall where the opening talks would take place, along with a big dining room as Momo looked up, seeing the interior of I-Tower's front lobby, with the escalators going up to the second floor. She could just make out the massive spire that was the elevator far in the distance at the spine of the building, just past the windows outside the tower.

"Nothing major of course." Maiya replied as she led the way, face as hard as stone compared to the smile on her husband's face. Momo fingered the fabric of her lime-green dress. They approached the reception desk right beside the escalators leading up to the second floor.

"Reservation?" The woman said, sitting by someone with a turtle shell on their back.

"Yaoyorozu, table for three." Maiya replied in crisp English.

"Ah, there you are! Hope you enjoy tonight's Gala!" She said, the tortoise-shell man giving the trio paper bracelets to check themselves in with.

Momo looked around. Everyone from last night said they were coming so…

"Eyes forward Momo." Maiya cut in, and Momo turned, seeing the auburn-haired woman looking back at her.

"I was looking for my friends."

"Your friends? From yesterday?" Maiya mused.

"Y-Yes, they were going to attend the Gala."

"Weren't they your classmates from school?" Shiki mused.

"Todoroki is here with his sister on their own accord, and Peter is here because he won the Festival."

"Todoroki… That's Endeavor's boy isn't it? And Peter was the one who helped host that study group, yes?" Shiki said.

"So he was." Maiya turned forward.

"He seemed to take your cooking the best, dear." Shiki laughed, and Momo felt the temperature drop by several degrees as she had chills, seeing Maiya glare at her husband.

Yaoyorozu Maiya was an amazing businesswoman and a former military contractor, but a cook was not something she could call a talent.

"You're cute when you're angry like that." Shiki patted his wife's cheek.

Maiya let out a frustrated sigh.

"Mother, I've been meaning to ask… why did you cook that day?" She asked, and now she felt the brunt of her mother's stare.

"Later. Come, let's get our-"

"Yaoyorozu!" Said a voice, and the trio turned as they were about to climb the escalator. A man in a sharp violet suit, wavy brown hair and soft ruby eyes approached with a playful grin. "It's so nice to see you here."

"Ah, Yagami." Maiya droned. "I see you're here too." She turned towards Momo. "You go get us our table alright? Your father and I must talk a little."

"I can handle things. Yagami-san is a friend." Shiki said, putting his hand on his wife's shoulder. "You should hurry to the complimentary salad bar and load up." He gave his wife a playful elbow.

"I ate enough spinach today for breakfast." Maiya replied.

"Yet you were going over the menu they had at the buffet quite intently." Shiki winked, and Maiya looked… flushed.

"I actually wouldn't mind." Yagami said, hands up. "It'll only be for a quick catch up and clarification is all."

"I'll fill you in when I get back." The long dark-haired man said as Maiya sighed and walked towards Momo.

"If you insist. Let's go Momo."

"Right mother." She saw Yagami give a wave and pat Shiki on the back.

Momo nodded.

"How is Yotsubashi-san doing by the way?" Shiki said as Momo began to ascend the escalator.

"Fine indeed, Detnarat is going well with us expanding…" And she lost them as she got to the top, standing silently with her mother.

"You're usually in on those dealings. Don't you usually do the talking?" Momo asked.

"Your father may know the DOW like the back of his hand, but he wants to learn on discussing business matters. Besides, Yagami Haruto is just a rep sent from Detnarat to inspect the Expo and talk. He's not the true brains, just a puppet." Maiya said as they got to the top and began to walk towards their assigned reception hall. There were three in total.

"Multiple halls huh?"

"It's a big party, only makes sense they can't fit everyone in one room. Besides, our room has the lentils and cashews in their salad bar. After the opening speeches from Shield and All Might, we can mingle freely."


"Hello?" Fuyumi asked.

"Fuyumi," Enji said, a tired and gruff echo coming through the phone line, "Are you and Shoto at the Gala?"

Movement in the corner of her eye prompted Fuyumi to look back. Her brother, Izuku, and even Melissa were approaching.

"Y-yes, we were just talking to David Shield."

"... good, he's a good man to know," Enji said, and it seemed as if he was leaning away from the phone.

For a few moments, he didn't say anything.

"Father?" she asked.

"... sorry, I was just thinking a few things over," he said, "Are the two of you… having a good time?"

Fuyumi blinked, "Y-yeah, it's a fun party, why?"

"No reason," Enji said, "But just…"

His voice trailed off for a few seconds.

"Make sure that he's not so stiff when talking to everyone," Enji finally said, "No one respects a person that isn't willing to show some humility when they're starting out."

"Uh, okay," Fuyumi replied, "I'll be sure to tell him."

"Can I talk to him?" Fuyumi looked up, and Shoto took a deep breath through his nose, eyes narrowed.

"He's not at the table at the moment. Looking at the pasta salad." She let out a forced laugh. "You know, replacement to soba…"

"Hmm. Alright. Thank you, I'll be down at the Gala in half an hour. Just landed, have a good night."

With that said, the line died.

Fuyumi pulled her phone away from her ear, staring at it like it was a bomb ready to go off.

"Something wrong?" Shoto asked.

"I… I don't think so?" Fuyumi answered.

"Should that be a question?" Melissa asked, a sentiment that Izuku seemed to mirror.

"Probably not," Fuyumi admitted, "But it's just… I guess I haven't heard him sound like that before."

"Who?" Izuku asked.

"Our father," Shoto answered coldly.

"Is that a bad thing?" the tech heiress said. "Or am I out of the loop on something?"

"W-well," Izuku said, "It's complicated."

Understatement of the century.

"It doesn't concern you. You're fine Shield-san." Shoto muttered, and Fuyumi paled.


"It's the truth."

"Okay okay, family matter. Sorry." Melissa raised her hands in surrender.

"Umm, maybe we should go back to the party…" Izuku spoke up, stepping in. Shoto sighed.

"I apologize for my rudeness Shield-san. I acted out of turn." He bowed lightly. "Forgive me."

"You're fine Todoroki, it's some family stuff and you're high-strung over it." She shrugged. "It's as you say, ain't my place."

Shoto closed his eyes and rubbed his forehead. "Alright, we should-"

"I swear to god this thing is going to be the death of me!"

Everyone in the hall paused for a moment, turning as one down the hall to where their friends had walked through. Hatsume looked as happy as she could be, while Parker seemed to be… arguing with his phone?

"For the last time I did the knot correct-Oh sup guys," The American said, casually pocketing his phone in his suit jacket.

"Parker," Shoto said with a quirked eyebrow, "Are you just arriving?"

"Uhhhhh… would you believe that I got stuck fighting a necktie?"

Shoto opened his mouth, only to close it, because it was not worth getting into.

"But we're here now!" Parker declared, "We didn't miss the big show, did we?"

"You mean that big show!?" Hatsume exclaimed, pointing up at the screen as Parker turned, everyone else's eyes following. It was All Might talking! He was in his Hero costume, on a stage in one of the reception rooms holding some champagne.

"Thank you for inviting me everyone. I'm not usually one for speeches, but-"

Suddenly the lights ahead began to flicker…


"Hm?" Peter looked up.

A loud blaring noise began to sound out from within the lobby as steel walls behind them began to rise up. Many of the people were caught off guard, yelping in shock.

"The windows!" Someone said, and Peter saw steel coming down where it met the rising steel from the ground. The entire lobby was now blocked off with metal!

"What the hell is going on?!"

"Is this some prank?!"

"Mommy it's too loud!"

"Karen?" Peter whispered as he and Mei walked closer and closer towards rest of the group near the restrooms.

"I'm trying to get a clue… Peter, the firewall won't let me in, but this looks like a hack, or a cyber attack."

"A cyber attack?" Peter asked.

"What's going on?" Mei asked, her smile still present, but Peter could see that her eyes looked a little worried.

"Shield-san, what's happening?" Fuyumi asked.

"The security system is activating… but why now?" She asked, perplexed. Peter ignored her, hand to his ear to block out the other voices in a bid to hear Karen's updates.

"Can you probe it? See what's up from outside the firewall?"

"Give me a moment…"

"This is the I-Island Security System with an important announcement." Said a female automated voice as Peter and the rest of the residents in the lobby looked up. "We have received a report of a bomb within the I-Expo Convention Center. As such, I-Island is undergoing a Code Red Lockdown."

That didn't sound good…

"All residents and tourists should return to their homes and lodgings immediately. Those who are too far away should relocate to the nearest bomb shelter."

"A bomb?!" More voices yelled out from below.

"We can't go anywhere! Let us out!"

"Peter?" Mei asked, and Peter looked around.

"Peter-san, are you talking to someone?" Izuku asked, and the American boy felt the group's eyes on him.

"Yeah! Talking to his adopted baby!" Mei exclaimed proudly.

"What?" Melissa asked.

"It's her word for gadget. Parker, you were muttering under your breath." Shoto asked. "Is something going on here?"

"I tried to call dad. Service is dead." Fuyumi raised her phone, all the reception bars dead. Peter was quiet, lips tight as everyone looked up at the sound of the alarms.

"Anyone who is outside ten minutes from now will be considered a villain and arrested immediately. Please refrain from going outdoors. Priority One buildings will be safeguarded by the system." The automatic voice said as more and more people became anxious and worried. "I repeat most-"

Spider Sense!

"Hide!" Peter grabbed Mei and dived to the door leading to the boys restroom, and right on time too as gunfire erupted along with screaming from the civilians. Everyone rushed in before he closed the door and quietly opened it a crack. Overlooking the first floor lobby were men in masks… and they had guns! More of them marched down the hallway they were in prior, thankfully not spotting them.

"Okay, we're in trouble." Peter muttered.

"Peter look!" Mei whispered, resting her chin on his shoulder and he felt her chest against his back… Peter desperately focused his attention on more important matters.

"What's going o-Uncle Might?" Melissa muttered, fear laced in her voice.

They had a line of sight on the main TV screen that overlooked the first two floors, the camera now… pointing at a group of men entering the room where All Might was!

Peter let his hands relax. If All Might got here…

"All Might should handle this, he's the-" Izuku was cut off.

All of a sudden, blue whips lashed out from the stage, wrapping around the limbs of the Symbol of Peace and forcing him to his knees, much to the shock and horror of the crowd as they screamed out in shock.

"Or not." Peter finished, everyone behind him gasping in horror. The armored men took position overlooking the first floor by the railings….


"Good evening ladies and gentlemen." Wolfram exclaimed as he and several of his men walked on in, his eyes set on the now restrained Symbol of Peace. "As you can see, your security system is undergoing a little maintenance. Particularly, it's under our control." He could hear the grunts and cries of defiance from the other heroes, and the shocked and frightened look of the various fat cat sheep within the room. He set his eyes on Shield with a smirk.

"Now, I see a lot of you Heroes in attendance," He said as he put his eyes on All Might before he brought his fingers together as if for a flick. Wolfram snapped his fingers, and the camera feed changed to a display outside the tower. Some of the drones had various civilians cornered, as planned. And not just outside the tower as the images began to circulate all throughout I-Island. "And if you try anything funny, the cases of police brutality will go from zero to… I dunno, a couple thousand in a hurry." He couldn't help but grin like the devil. "So if I were you lot, I'd just take a little nap on the ground. Because as of right now?" He held his arms out wide. "Every single person on this island, is our hostage."

"You fiend!"


Wolfram couldn't but chuckle at the little curses being thrown his way by the so-called heroes. Talk was cheap after all. Gotta have the bite to back it up. He saw the pain on All Might's face as his hands, currently bound due to the Light-Tether Whips, relaxed. So much for trying to do a full force power flick of sorts. He turned towards All Might, who was glaring at him hard.

"Release them all!" He growled as Wolfram kept on walking up to the stage.

"Oh I have something planned for you, Mr. All Smiles." He said as he climbed up on the stage before kicking at All Might's leg hard enough to make him fall. The Light-Tethers only tightened their grip, the blonde hulk wincing as he tried to resist. "You so much as move off this stage, you try one little act of heroism, my men will kill everyone here."

"The military will be here soon asshole!" Said a voice, and Wolfram turned, seeing a portly man step up. He was sweating and nervous, but clearly trying to put on a brave face. How cute. "If I-Island has any major catastrophes the US military-"

"Is not coming. We have the entire island under our control, fool. Nothing is coming in or out in terms of a signal." The red-haired man in the iron mask grinned as he saw the rich guy's face collapse in despair. "So don't bother trying to call anyone." He made a gesture with his head, his men dragging the fat fool up to him. "All Might." He growled. "To show you that we mean business…" He aimed his handgun at the man's face.


And fired, causing screams and shrieks to go off as the man fell off the stage, but with no bullet wound at all. The bullet hole was actually in the adjacent wall. He staggered, backing away in pure terror as David Shield knelt by his side, sharing his look of fear. Ah yes, Samuel Arnold and David Shield, prominent researchers of the Shield Foundation and it's founder.

And his 'clients'.

Wolfram couldn't help but display his sharp grin. Oh the look on their faces...

"This is your first and last warning. I told you that already but," Around the room, his men readied their weapons as everyone yelped in surprise. "Now you have a refresher and KNOW we're serious. Next time, my men won't miss."

"W-What do you want?!" Said a well dressed woman.

"I-I have money! We have that we-" Wolfram raised his hand and discharged his gun into the ceiling.

"Shut up. We aren't here for your money and jewels." He turned, leering down at Shield. "Mr. Shield, if you would be so kind…" Wolfram oiled.

"Dave… no! Don't-"

"Who gave ya permission to speak!?" Wolfram barked, his steel-toed boot smashing against All Might's side. The man let out a pained grimace. Huh, world's strongest man, brought down this low?

Too easy…

"Please!" David got up, hands clenched at his sides. "Just don't hurt anyone here. I… I'll listen to your demands." The auburn-haired man said as Wolfram smirked.

"Good… now, we will release you all unharmed once we have what we need and are on our merry way." Wolfram assured the hostages as he walked through the room, his men holding Shield as he tapped his earpiece. "And life will go on peachy keen. So just take a load off and relax. Status." Always helped to get an update.

"Security's going smoothly. We have the entire island on lockdown." Swordkill spoke in his ear, Wolfram nodding.

"Anyone outside causing trouble?"

"None. Drones are keeping them under control and escorting them to the centers like good sheep." The red haired man smirked.

"Good. Joker, you?"

"We have the servers under lock and key, we have the maintenance guys restrained." Kane spoke. "I'm going through my prospects now and-"

"My daughter! Where's my-" Said a voice as his men turned while raising their guns, seeing a well-dressed man run up into the reception room. The man, an unassuming causcian with brown hair stopped, his face pale.

"Came from the emergency stairs." Said Nix, going by his voice. Wolfram narrowed his eyes.

"On your knees." Wolfram raised his gun, and the man raised his hands, looking terrified as he did so.

"Don't hurt him! He's done nothing wrong!" David pleaded.

"It's clear he didn't heed my message, but since you asked nicely... " He turned, and gestured to his men. The two gunmen to his side kicked the man down. "Search him, then throw him into the room. If he tries anything..." He turned, glaring. "Kill him first."

"Understood." Two mercs searched the man in the suit, grabbing his phone and wallet before tossing them aside. Wolfram bent down to look at the wallet's ID.

Richard O'Neil from Jersey City. Wolfram tossed it aside as the men threw him against the table in the room, causing food and punch to spray out everywhere.

"Now, if all goes well, this will take no longer than a half hour out of your night." Wolfram declared to the room. "So sit tight, don't bite, and you all live. Don't, you die. Simple as that." He leered. He jabbed his handgun into David Shield's back. "Elevators my boy." He smirked, and Shield nodded, glaring at him before complying. Arnold did the same as he and two of his men walked out of the room.


"Okay… we cannot stay here in this bathroom…" Peter spoke as he did his utmost to get a bead on the area through the crack in the door. The armed men were overlooking the railing at regular intervals, and had posts established closer to the Reception Hall.

"Where can we go though? From the look and sounds of things, villains have taken over the tower." Fuyumi whispered, the group as a whole keeping a low profile in the restroom. Melissa was biting on her thumb, pacing while Izuku washed his face. Shoto leaned against the wall, arms crossed and brow creased in thought while Mei stood close by with a smile on her face.

"The first basement." Melissa spoke. "If we can get to the emergency stairs, we should be able to get down there no problem."

"Assuming that place isn't being watched by guards." Shoto spoke in English. "We don't know how many villains there are. But the fact that they were able to restrain All Might and all the Pros in the Gala using that security system is a big tell."

"Yeah, someone.. Someone's in the Security Sector here in the Tower. And worst of all, they're using it on the entire island." Melissa mused, arms crossed as her brow was furrowed in thought. "And if our phone service and internet are down, then that means they have access to the Server Room in the fifth basement floor."

"So this entire thing is a coordinated operation…" Peter muttered, keeping an eye on the door crack. He saw some guards move away from the rail… "Melissa, where's the stairwell?" He asked.

"Outside, to the left, second door." Melissa whispered, having taken Mei's spot. Peter craned his head as best as he could, and found it.

"Okay," He turned back, seeing everyone at the ready. "Let's go!" He opened it, and walked silently but quickly towards it. He glanced back, seeing everyone else following his lead with Izuku bringing up the rear. He got to the door, opening it and gesturing everyone inside. Izuku finally came through and he closed the door. Everyone began running down the stairs, their footfalls loud and heavy in the stairwell which made Peter flinch.

Soon they got to the basement, far enough away from any potential gunmen that Peter sighed in relief. "Okay…" He spoke first, looking at Izuku. "What's our plan here?"

"All Might." Shoto spoke up first. "If there's anyone who can handle things, it's him."

"Except he's bound, and there's lots of villains in that room with guns trained on everyone." Melissa replied, cupping her chin. "I hope Dad's okay… But how and why are villains here?"

"Well, if they have the most secure place in the world under their control, could it be, like, an inside job?" Fuyumi suggested. Izuku crossed his arms, brow furrowed in thought.

"It's possible… what do villains have to gain from being here? There's only research on quirks and techno-" He snapped his head up, answering his own question.

"Answered it on your own." Peter said. "So, villains have locked up the tower, so they don't want anyone getting in or out. They have control of security, and the servers as well considering that we can't get a signal out to the satellites or any internet connection." He began to pace, taking note of everyone here. "Midori, what's our sitch?"

"Sitch? Umm, I don't get it. What does that-"

"It's slang for situation, Izuku." Melissa answered for him, offering a small smile.

"Um, well… Me, Peter, and Todoroki can fight with our quirks. H-Hatsume-san, you don't happen to have any, well, gear on your person, do you?" He asked, and the smiling girl shook her head.

"Nope. But, this does give me the idea for a baby to make now that ya mention it Midoriya!" She pulled a small notepad out of her cleavage and a pen-

"Why do you have those in there?" Peter uttered in bewilderment.

"Cause I can. I have room!" Mei chirped as she began writing. Peter sighed, hand to his forehead.

"I know how to use my fire, but it's not as strong as Shoto's. Best I can do is melt locks or set things on fire." Fuyumi said shamefully, her fingers emitting little jets of flame.

"And I'm quirkless, sorry everyone." Melissa said, her shoulders slumping.

"Don't be, in fact you're probably the most important person here!" Izuku spoke out. "I mean, you know this tower like the back of your hand!"

"Midori's right." Peter stepped up. "In any case, how can we get to the security and server rooms?"

"Well, the server room is four floors below us, but the security room is even trickier… it's on floor two-hundred. Just several floors below Dad's office and the vault…" Melissa's eyes widened. "That has to be where they're going. The villains anyway."

"We're gonna have to cut them off then." Shoto spoke up. "Can we access the elevators?"

"We'll have to try." Izuku said. "But we do need to get help from the outside and-"

"Peter." Karen spoke in his ear. "Put me on speaker."

"You have a plan?" He asked aloud, and everyone's eyes were on him.

"Ummm, we're talking about one right now and…" Izuku was cut off as Shoto stepped forward.

"You have an earpiece, and you're talking to someone despite the signal and service being jammed. Parker," He said with narrowed eyes. "Who is that?"

Peter stood, biting his lip before he took a big breath. He reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone. The A symbol of the Avengers appeared before a flat line was shown, everyone's eyes on it.

"Hello everyone, I am Karen."

Silence reigned in the group.

"Who?" Shoto asked.

"Wait, Karen. Peter, is that…" Izuku asked, eyes wide as Peter rubbed the back of his head.

"Yeah. She's my… personal digital assistant, thing-"

"Artificial Intelligence, but, I am more of a Personal Cyber Assistant." Karen cheekily said. "From the sound of things, it seems like this entire mechanized Island is under lockdown due to outside forces having infiltrated from the inside."

"Wait, Peter you have an AI?" Melissa asked. "Top-Bottom or Bottom-Up?" She asked, looking at the phone as she approached.

"She's a Bottom-Up." Mei elaborated with a big grin, and Melissa's jaw dropped.

"How did you…" She asked, eyes now alight with interest and awe.

"Look, I'll explain later ok?" Peter said. "Karen, you said you had a plan?" All eyes were on the phone.

"So… Peter has an AI like those robots in his phone?" Fuyumi asked.

"Sounds like it." Shoto affirmed.

"If I can have the attention of the class…" Karen spoke. "As I said, it seems that we will need to counter our opponents with their own medicine. If I can get direct access into the server, then we use that saying you humans like so much. 'Fight fire with fire,' right?"


"Now stay down, if you know what's good for you lot." Said the leader of the men that had the entire reception room under guard. It was smaller than the main room where All Might and the other main heroes were, but Momo and Maiya were sitting down, men patrolling with rifles in hand.

Momo had her hand concealed under the table, and her phone was poking out. No service even as she moved it back and forth. "Everything's being jammed mother." She whispered.

"I can tell. All Might and over a dozen heroes are here… They're in no position to intervene." Maiya replied back lightly, Momo could see that her eyes were scanning over the room like a hawk. Momo looked back at the TV screen behind her, wincing at the sight of All Might on the floor of the stage bound by those Light-Tethers.

The Symbol of Peace brought down like this, all thanks to the videos of those drones pinning the civilians down. She bit her lip. With so many men in the room, she couldn't afford to do anything, lest she or the other civilians get gunned down. She didn't notice any of the armed villains having any noteworthy quirks.

"Seven men, two at the door, two to the right and left… one behind…" Maiya uttered lightly under her breath as Momo turned. "Momo." Her eye was on her. "You need to listen to what I have to say…"


"Quiet." She whispered sharply. "I need you to make a smoke machine… create one under the table." Her eyes were on the men patrolling around the tables. "And have a flashbang ready too…" Momo widened her eyes.

She turned, glaring at her. "Listen to me, I'm going to get us out of here… There's several Light-Tether ports in this room… But… they only target those ID'd on the security system as threats, so we'll have to be fast." She hissed, turning away and focusing on the men walking away.

Momo frowned, and shoved her hand under the table. "What are you going to do?" She asked, her hand getting to work as she winced. She much preferred creating bulkier items from her back or stomach. An item like a smoking machine would take time, maybe a minute or so.

"Trust me." Maiya replied.

That training under Yoroi Musha was paying-

"Hey you." She froze as she turned, seeing a man standing there with an assault rifle. "Take your hand out from under the table."

"I, uhh…" Momo felt cold, and Maiya turned.

"My daughter has had a long day, forgive-"

"Shut up chink bitch!" He backhanded her, and Maiya was knocked to the floor without so much as a grunt.

"Mother!" Momo yelled, canceling the smoke machine halfway as she rushed to her parent's side. She felt her hair get tugged and yelled, the man pulling her away.

"You're up to something, aren't you?" The man growled, gun trained on Maiya as a muscular arm went around Momo's neck, the girl gasping.

Maiya turned, and Momo saw something in her mother's eyes…

"Let her go. Now." The auburn-haired woman growled, keeling over and finger tapping the floor.

"Piss off, you should have obeyed first thing." He said, gun trained on her. "For all we know, your daughter probably has some quirk. Hey Nwusu, check under that table." One of the masked men nodded as he walked over. "Try something..." He hissed in her ear. "...and your mom's a fucking corpse."

Momo saw one of the bulkier men approach, the other civilians hustled up in concern and worry as she had her eyes on her mother, who was finger tapping the floor as she glared right at Momo.

The motions… Morse Code! Momo's brain went to work, deciphering it as she saw Nwusu approach…


Momo understood, struggling lightly, grunting as the man brought his elbow up to her neck as the men approached. Her quirk was at work… First ear plugs in the ears…

Then she felt something bulge on her thigh… her dress hiding it.

Nwusu had almost reached them. Maiya placed her hands on her ears and Momo saw her right hand beginning to glow like the rainbow.

"Hey!" He raised his gun.

Now or never.

At that moment, the pinless flashbang dropped out before Momo kicked it in front of her. She closed her eyes, and bit down hard on the man's arm.


Yells of surprise from the other hostages and one of pain from the man erupted as Momo conjured a quick shiv and stabbed the man in the side as she was dropped, falling to the floor with her back bulging. A massive metal plate shield was conjured behind her, tearing open her expensive dress as her hands were behind her head. She could hear muffled gunfire in the distance and she looked up, trying to regain her bearings.

It felt like forever, but she could hear the rattling of gunfire before it abruptly stopped after several well-placed muffled shots. She did her best to breathe, in and out, in and out before she felt the shield taken off of her and looked up, seeing her mother pulling her up.

"Well done." She said, and Momo looked down at her spare hand. It had morphed into a customized silenced machine pistol. She looked around, seeing each of the masked and armed men dead. Several of the ports where the Light-Tether Whips were stationed had also been destroyed via gunshots. Any bullets capable of that would have had to be armor piercing…

Suddenly the muffled gunshots being able to eliminate the mercenaries who had been wearing body armor made a lot more sense...

Her mother had killed them.

There was groaning all around them as the other hostages recovered, not having been warned about the flashbang. Momo confirmed that the enemy were all dead with a quick glance.

She shot them dead...

Maiya dashed over to the nearest table and grabbed a salad bowl, scarfing down on a handful of spinach. She turned towards the people who were still gaining their bearings. "On your feet! We have to barricade the doors!" She barked, running to the main door and locking it via the nearby console. "Momo! Come!" She yelled.

"You… you killed them…" Momo uttered in shock. In some ways… she had expected this. But… she never would have expected to see her mother's quirk used as it was when she was still a contractor, like… this.

"Momo!" Maiya barked, and Momo was brought back to reality, running over to her. Maiya's transformed hand was aimed at the console, and she began ripping out some wires with her other hand, then fired repeatedly into it.

The door was now shut quite firmly, Momo estimating that only welding equipment could open it now.

"That should do it. For now." Maiya breathed. "They have access to the security systems." She ran over to the other door, eyeing it and going to the control panel. She could hear yelling down the hall, and fired at the console again, frying it as the doors shut down.

"Now we can't get out!" Said a civilian from behind them, a well-dressed black man approaching. "What are we supposed to do now!?"

"Yeah! We should have waited for the heroes!" Added his fair-skinned companion, a lady with a pompous hairstyle as Maiya turned, glaring at them.

"Go out and ask them to take you hostage again then. I'm sure if you're nice enough they'll shoot you last."

No one moved, or said anything.

She growled before she turned towards Momo, who was in her sports bra, a tattered dress, and her dress shoes. "Momo, I need you to prime up some gear."

Momo wasn't listening, staring at the dead men bleeding across the floor.

"FOCUS YOUNG LADY!" Maiya shouted, cupping Momo's chin and bringing it close, glaring right into her eyes. "You're in danger, and there isn't a law on this earth that will stop me from doing exactly what I need to do right now. All Might is in the next room, as is the rest of the heroes on this island, so focus. Now." She let Momo go before she turned towards the center of the room. The black haired girl didn't move. She remembered those scars on her mother's back...

"Did you do this all the time? Back before you met Da-"

"Momo!" Maiya growled, looking back, her eyes hard and hot. "For the last time I said to focus. When the time comes, we will discuss it. For now, make some gear… anything… Let's see..." She looked around, and looked up to see the third or fourth floor balcony beyond the glass. She raised her gun-hand up and fired several shots. The glass shattered as Maiya stood back, people yelping in surprise.

"Momo, make a grappling gun and a pair of walkies. I'll need you to make some trip mines as well. Then-"


All Might perked up. He heard a loud bang and gunfire… which sounded like it was from a room barely twenty yards away! He writhed in his bindings, feeling completely helpless. He looked up, seeing the clock.

He'd made sure to use his form sparingly today… He was over the two hour mark though. Less than an hour before he ran out.

'Got to hold on… Young Midoriya… Dave… Melissa… stay safe!'


"What do you mean we've lost men down there!?" Wolfram barked as he and his team waited for the elevator to come down. He growled as David looked to his side, Samuel standing stoically but shellshocked.

To think they had agreed to this…

"We had all the heroes in one room," Wolfram said over his earpiece. "They took out the comms? Fucking hell Shield, the one room where you didn't install your little prime security system and this shit happens…"

"We did." David replied. "Someone took them out faster than the system could respond."

"I didn't ask for your commentary." The red-haired man growled, wagging his finger at him. "And where's that damn elevator?" He put his hand to his earpiece. "Swordkill, Joker, status."

"Camera in Ball Room Three is out. Flashbang probably did it, or that bitch with the gun-hand quirk."

"Gun-hand quirk?" Wolfram uttered. "Can you open it up?"

"We could, but the system down there is destroyed because they shot the panels. Trying to back-channel now, but it'll take several minutes."

Wolfram sighed. "Keep an eye on it, bigger pay all around, silver lining to all this... " He uttered and David narrowed his eyes. THAT was all he cared about upon losing his men? A bigger cut of his pay?

"For what it's worth, I'm sorry for what hap-"

"What did I say?" Wolfram harshly elbowed David to the ground.

"Hey!" Samuel yelled, but he got a butt of an assault rifle to the back for his trouble.

"We… hired you." David bit out as Wolfram walked over. He placed his boot on the auburn-haired man's chest and pressed down, making him cough.

"You did. But someone else hired us in turn." Wolfram smirked darkly, and David's eyes widened.


"We aren't some fancy acting stunt troupe, we're the real deal among the mercenary groups. On top of that… we have quite the client too. Paid not just quadruple what you were offering but… bonuses in all that fancy gear at the top of this tower." Wolfram leered, his yellow eyes shining like the devil himself.

David felt his heart sink.

"Elevator is almost here, look!" Said one of the mercs as Wolfram looked up, seeing the pod coming down.

"There we are. Now up on your feet." He said, aiming his pistol at him as David was pulled up and shoved inside, the more elderly Samuel following suit.

These men… were real villains. He'd just wanted to get that device out…

Oh what would Melinda think of him now, watching him from Heaven above?

They got inside before Wolfram tapped on the topmost button, but there was no reaction.

"Huh, guess it's fingerprint-locked. Shield." Wolfram ordered. "Top floor, your office and the Vault. If you please…" He said with a devilish smirk as David glared back at him.

He hated this monster. But… he hated himself even more for concocting this stupid ruse.

So he pressed the top button. As the holographic panel recognized that it was him… his hand scanned across the top two dozen floors in an instant!

He promptly took a pistol butt to the head, slamming him against the glass pane and David saw stars. He heard Samuel cry out his name.

"Trying to die a hero, eh Shield?" Wolfram hissed. "Guess you'll be joining your wifey then!"

"You won't get in!" David yelled. "Kill me, you'll never get inside!"

"Oh really?" Wolfram cocked back his pistol. "Why?"

"Quad-Lock at the true Vault…" David breathed, hand cradling his temple where the pistol struck. "Voice Recognition… Eye Scan… and Fingerprint… All while putting down a special password…" He glared, and Wolfram's eyes widened, hand going to his earpiece.

"Swordkill, can you get into the Vault?"

"Trying sir… fuck, not even the virus he made can help us get in!" Wolfram's eyes were back on David, alight with fury.

"The plan was for me to give you the controls and the virus to put I-Island on lockdown, under your control…" David smirked. "About ninety-nine point nine percent of it that is…" The trenchcoat-wearing villain grabbed David by the scruff of his shirt and slammed him against the glass.

"You're lucky I need you alive." He hissed, getting up in his face.

"You need me for the vault… I won't open it for you then… even if we get up there… you're stuck…"

Wolfram growled, before his bared teeth expression turned upside down into a smirk. "Alright. If dying or those hostages won't motivate you then…" He brought up his hand to his earpiece, dropping David as the man slumped down. Samuel bent down, checking on him.

"Eyes on the girl?" He spoke.

"Going through the cameras, haven't seen her since she left the ballroom. She ain't inside any of them, or down in the first floor lobby."

David's blood went cold. "No… leave her alone." Wolfram looked back down, and leered at him.

"Bring her to me. I want all cameras to search for her and-"

"Ohhh bingo!" Said a female voice that made Wolfram wince.

"Pipe down Joker! And not so loud!"

"You're looking for Melissa Shield yeah?" Said this 'Joker'. "One of my prospects is with her now…"

"Where?" Wolfram grinned darkly.

"First basement, bunch of brats."

"I'll send some men down there, they'll flush them out to you if able."

"Sounds like a plan, big dog." 'Joker' replied back. "Me and the gang will prepare. Joker out."

"Leave her alone I-"

"Melissa Shield will live, along with all the hostages I have on this Island, as per my word." Wolfram spoke, gun trained on David's face. "As long as you agree to open the vault."

David remained silent.


Enji looked down at his phone, seeing that the call had been cut off as he was waiting for a taxi after retrieving his luggage from the baggage claim. Then the red glow of the lockdown from the security system began flashing as he saw more of those security drones roaming near people.

The fact that his phone's signal had been cut off, combined with how these robots were acting... The following announcement from the public address system brought his thoughts to a screeching halt. A bomb in I-Island? One of the most heavily guarded places in the entire world?

"Hey! We have to get to a hotel!" Said one of the nearby civilians as Enji turned, seeing them move past the security drones… only for the drones to open fire with their standard loadout of rubber bullets! Screams sounded out.

"Hostile Activity detected. Preventative Counter-Measures engaged." The drones lifted the top plate on their heads and began to fire… some kind of foam followed by another round of gunfire.

"Flashfire Fist!" Heat erupted just under his skin, honed from decades of training, focusing it into the frontal point of his finger. "Hell Spider!" Enji swiped his finger in a hard line, superheated fire arcing through the air, slicing through metal and vegetation like a sword through butter. The security drones fell to the ground, little more than sparking slag.

The people looked to him as his mask and beard ignited around his face.

"To the hotel, all of you!" He bellowed.

His raging tone brought some out of their shock while others stood there, happy and content due to his presence.

But, they weren't moving.

"MOVE!" He declared, fire arcing off his form to motivate them.

That inspired anyone else that was unwilling to move before. Streams of people flowed past on either side of him, giving him their thanks as they moved towards safety. Enji stood vigilant, eyes on a swivel for any additional security drones. There weren't any, but more pressingly, the sounds of battle were present in the central hall, where the gala was supposed to be.

Endeavor couldn't help but sneer.

What was that showboating oaf doing? He was there, in the thick of it, but he wasn't pulling his weight.

That idiot, didn't the so-called Number One hero know that people in there needed saving? That his family was there?

He stormed forwards, fire curling off of him so intensely that metal trash cans turned to slag and concrete steamed under his feet.

Endeavor didn't know what had caused all of this, but whoever was responsible, they were going down.



Minutes prior

It was dark in this enclosed space. She had scrambled in there when she heard the first gunshots.

All she wanted to do was explore this place. Daddy always held off on that due to work getting in the way… but on the night of the I-Expo Opening Night Gala when he was invited, she finally got her chance. To explore Daddy's workplace! She'd always dreamed of working there some day, but he didn't wanna show her. No place for kids and all that.

She went down more and more floors, happy to be away from his smothering self, annoying as it was, and managed to even get down to the cold cold basement where a bunch of servers the size of houses were! And the entire basement was as big as an apartment complex!

But then.. Gunshots rang out. People began dying.

She did the first thing she could by dashing off to a janitor closet and hiding. She heard… footsteps and covered her mouth, her eye at the keyhole of the door. She could even hear the clanging of… blades.

And an assortment of people passed as the young black-haired girl did her best not to make a sound.

"Hmmph, all clear here." The mass of swords with a male voice said. The girl heard footsteps, and saw someone approach from the other side.

"Yeah, just finished my route too. Seems like we have this place in lockdown. Now we hold the fort, and wait till Wolfram gets the goods." It was a woman, a sly sounding one at that as she got a look at her from the keyhole, albeit briefly. Body armor all over her, armed with a pistol, short buzzed brown hair… but what stood out was that one of her eyes was missing, and in its place, was a bright multi-faceted gem of some kind in her eye socket. "But, gotta check on our prospects first… Oh?" She moved her hand rapidly as her jewel-eye glowed and displayed some kind of holographic screen as the man with…. swords on his very hands walked over.

"Ohhh bingo!" She chirped, hand on her earpiece.

"Pipe down Joker! And not so loud!" Barked a male voice on the other side.

"You're looking for Melissa Shield yeah?" Said this 'Joker'. "One of my prospects is with her now…"

"Where?" The other voice demanded in satisfaction.

"First basement, bunch of brats." Joker said, the holograph before her showing a first person display of… someone talking to an assortment of people, mostly Asian save for a blond-haired girl.

"I'll send some men down there, they'll flush them out to you if able."

"Sounds like a plan, big dog." 'Joker' replied back, grinning darkly. "Me and the gang will prepare. Joker out." She let her hand fall. "Okay Claude, let's get Obi, Morgana, and Leonard ready."

"Big fight coming our way?"

"Possibly, I recognize some of those kids from the recent Sports Festival," Joker said, "They're all finalists."

"Aren't they still a bunch of brats?" the man asked.

Joker scoffed, "If you're going to blow a job on underestimating the group of kids that could fill a stadium with ice or blast through concrete like it was paper mache, go right ahead."

Something clicked into place, and the safety of something else flipped off.

"I'm making damn sure I'm getting paid for this shit."

The two walked, and slowly a terrified set of eyes watched as the mercenaries moved out. The girl huddled in the closet, keeping quiet, and prayed silently. For someone… anyone. address will not be published.Guest name:Guest email:

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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