
บท 4: Chapter 4

I know I said I would help the goblins, but there's not much to do. They don't have a lot of resources to do much with.

"Ok, we should build a wall! Take as much wood as you can to build a wall around the village." Rimuru gave a somewhat questionable command that I just had to shut down.

"Wait, don't do that!" I stopped the goblins before they tore down what little houses and buildings they had for wood. "Rimuru, there's no need to do that. If you want a type of 'wall', I can fulfill that purpose. They're just direwolves, you alone could take care of that. Having me is complete overkill, which is the best type of kill."

 "But, that will leave the village defenseless."

"No, it wouldn't. Do you realize I am here? Trust me, with me here, not a single wolf will get past the border. If anything, the lack of defense will instill a false sense of confidence in them and they will recklessly charge in. That's a very good opportunity to set up traps and obstructions that will reap many casualties on the wolves side. And if someway, somehow it fails, I can just bail out the whole village." I sound like some general or something. Ah, must be the King of Knights skill.

"I'll trust you on that. So, what kind of traps can we set up? We only have until nightfall before the direwolves attack."

"Rimuru, that's simple. Think about what skills and abilities you have and focus on how you can use them to the best of your ability. You think about that and I'll go see the injured goblins and heal them." I left him with one piece of advice before heading to the building that held the injured goblins led by the goblin chief. 

While walking there the goblin chief started talking to me. "Rimuru said that your name was Artoria. You look human, do you have a last name or family name?"

"My full name is Artoria Pendragon and I'm not a human. My last name gives away part of what I am, but I'll tell you about my other part later, if not you'll probably find out on your own."

The goblin chief was quite shocked to say the least, even those who were close enough to hear. I didn't bother to hide my name and hint at what my race is. It was going to be revealed eventually, so I might as well reveal it here where they can't do much with the information and they won't plot some way to manipulate me or something like that. They are not smart enough to do anything like that, not trying to be mean, I'm just being honest.

The goblin chief led me into the building where all the injured goblins were. It was a very bad sight. It wasn't disturbing, but it was clear most of the damage to the goblins was due to lack of proper care and the wounds they suffered were made worse due to infection and things like that. My final verdict was…it was nothing Avalon couldn't fix. 

"These are the injured goblins we have. We've done everything we could, but we lack the things necessary to at least make them feel better." 

"Don't worry about that. I can easily heal them back to full health." I haven't used Avalon at this point, mostly cause there was no need to, but I just needed to use Avalon to cover this little area with the goblins so they would heal to full health. 

Using Avalon was like using another body part. It felt so natural and like I was meant to have it. Once I activated Avalon, making sure to only affect the little hut we were in, there was a burst of light that filled the area. After it settled down, the place looked more bright and beautiful than before, even for a place like this. It was like a picture that was edited to make it look as beautiful as possible on social media. There was a golden hue similar to the golden hour during sunrise and sunset. 

There were little motes of light going around the place which I noticed were little fairies and spirits. Instinctively, I knew there were supposed to be more fairies and spirits, but since the area is too small it can only hold these little ones. The little fairies and spirits were quick to gather around me. I could feel they were immensely happy to be able to be near me. It was like they were worshipping me, which would make since I have some sort of divinity.

Immediately the goblins that were injured, even the ones on the brink of death, were healing at a rate visible to the eye. The bite wounds, the infection, and even the lost limbs from the goblins were completely healed. The injured goblins then stood up and looked like they were never injured. Their bodies were perfectly healthy like they were in the prime of their lives.

The goblin chief along with all the newly healed goblins prostrated themselves before me. They were borderline worshipping me, which kind of felt good in a way. Not from a narcissistic perspective, but from a faith perspective, or something like that. It felt natural for me.

"Get up, the direwolves are still going to attack, so don't be too relaxed. Even if they don't have a chance, I recommend you to huddle up together since it will be easier to protect you and you will feel safer."

The goblins quickly got up and went to the goblin chief's hut to wait out until the next day. Probably should have told them they didn't have to do it now, but eh, doesn't matter. I went out and saw Rimuru bouncing around and setting up steel and sticky thread all around the village. 

"You seem to have come up with a defense. Tell me the details."

"Oh, Artoria! I set up sticky steel thread around the village so that when the wolves come charging they'll get stuck and be easy targets to kill."

"Not bad. The only thing left to do now is wait for nighttime for the wolves to attack."


(Goblin Village, Nighttime)

The time has arrived. The goblins were all huddled up in the goblin chief's building, while I stood outside guarding them. Well, more like just waiting for the leader to get his head cut off by Rimuru and then he takes them in, and then names all the goblins and direwolves, and then becomes the leader of this village. So yeah, I don't need to do much. I probably won't get involved until the trip to Dwargon. That's when I will start to really get known.

The howls of the direwolves were finally heard. I saw the leader and multiple other wolves up on some hill that overlooked the village. Unfortunately for them, high ground won't do much for them here since they have to give it up to be able to attack. 

The wolves quickly charged in before noticing Rimuru who just standing there. The future named Ranga was beside his father, and I got to be honest it's never a good sign when the son of the leader looks more cool and stands out more.

"Stand back now or face the consequences and die!" Rimuru gave a "warning", but it didn't do much since he did not sound menacing or intimidating at all.

The leader didn't even waste time talking and sent a signal for some of the wolves to attack. Some of the wolves went ahead at full speed straight into the steel thread. The wolves, at the speed they were going, had some limbs sliced off or were beheaded or suffered major cuts and slashes to their bodies leaving them to bleed to death.

The leader quickly gave a signal to stop the attack before finally noticing the thread. 

"How do you like that direwolves?! That was my skill steel thread! You fell into my trap!" Rimuru started taunting the pack leader of the wolves, which worked really well.

"You are just a mere and lowly slime! I'll show you my power and why protecting those goblins is a waste of time!" The leader ran straight towards RImuru and even knowing what was going to happen next, it made me a bit disappointed at how he as a leader was acting. He let his emotions get the best of him and it cost him everything.

The leader leaped towards Rimuru and he fell into the sticky thread trapping him in the air before Rimuru shot a water blade cutting off his head. 

It was sort of anti-climactic, but lives are on the line here, so it's best to do things as efficiently as possible.

The rest of the direwolves were left in shock and stood still after witnessing the death of their leader. 

Rimuru then absorbed the pack leader's body before using mimicry and this time his intimidation was much more effective. "I'll give you all one last chance at mercy! Submit to me or die just like your leader did!" Rimuru let out a very loud howl that I know for sure could be heard throughout the rest of the forest. 

The direwolves took on a submissive pose with their tails between their legs before slowly getting closer to Rimuru and all together they gave an oath of loyalty towards Rimuru fully cementing their defeat and surrender. I didn't even need to get involved.

I told the goblins in the building that it was safe to get out and that the threat was over. They all started celebrating. Rimuru came back to tell the goblins that the direwolves were now loyal and wouldn't harm them anymore.


It was nighttime, so the direwolves and goblins were asleep. It was just me and Rimuru awake during the night. 

I was sitting on a log when Rimuru came up to me and asked me a question. "Hey uh, Artoria?"

"What is it Rimuru?"

"I don't to pry or anything, but is that sword you have named Excalibur?" Rimuru wiggled a bit after asking the question. Looks like he's nervous about asking the question. Well, the legend of King Arthur seems to have even reached Japan, even if it's only the basics like his sword. 

"Yes, my sword is called Excalibur." I decided to mess with a little after answering his question. "How did you know in the first place? There should be no one who knows what my sword's name is." I released just a tiny bit of my aura and made sure to focus it only on him to not disturb the goblins and direwolves. "Do you have anything to say? Did you use some skill on me to find out?" I started talking in a more serious and accusatory tone.

'Woah woah woah! Wait hold on a minute! I can explain! There's no need to get so serious!"

"Let me guess you also know the name of my lance? I want you to answer and don't lie to me cause I'll know."

'Your lance is called Rhongomyniad right?! Just chill a bit and let me explain!" He's really panicking now. All that wiggling and squirming he's doing puts a small smile on my face.

"Hah, I'm just messing with you. You should've seen how you looked. All that wiggling and squirming was kind of funny. So, how do want to explain how you know the name of my sword and lance?"

"Well, I've heard stories in books and as well as myths and legends about Excalibur and Rhongomyniad and how they are holy weapons." Normally that would be a good reason, but there's one thing. He was in a cave for around three months and is now in a goblin village that has no books.

I'd like to see him explain his way out of this one without revealing he is a reincarnator. 

I'll probably tell him about me too. He might be too trusting of others, but he himself is a trustworthy person.

"Explain one thing to me Rimuru. You are a slime in a forest that has no human settlements and the one settlement you are in is a goblin village that has no books or literature about anything. They only have word of mouth to tell stories. So, tell me Rimuru, where did you read these books or hear these stories about Excalibur and Rhongomyniad?"

Rimuru looked completely shocked even for a slime at the complete destruction of his claim. I could literally see him try to come up with something on the spot. Even if he is using Thought Acceleration it wouldn't matter.

Hell, even Great Sage can't help him on this one. Try explaining how you know all this stuff, when you've only been in a cave and a goblin village for your entire new life without mentioning you're a reincarnator or otherworlder in this case. 

"Look Artoria can I trust you with something?" Wow. He's giving up his secret this fast. Well, I did kind of…not give him a choice in this matter. 

"That's a big question to ask for someone you barely met, but you can trust me. Well, it sounds suspicious when I say it like that, but you get the idea."

"The thing is…I reincarnated from another world and in that world there are many stories about someone named Arthur Pendragon who was a king who had a powerful sword and lance called Excalibur and Rhongomyniad. When I heard your last name was Pendragon I thought about those stories and I took a shot in the dark when saying the names of your weapons. I didn't expect it to actually be named that! It was coincidence I swear!"

"Oh…that's all?" I immediately retracted all my aura and returned to a nice, cool, and calm expression.

"I thought you react more to that though?" Well, it seems I left him confused, puzzled, flabbergasted even. You could even say bewildered. 

"Well, since you decided to trust me with that. I guess I should also tell you a secret of mine and I'll trust you to not tell anyone else unless given my permission. Got it?"

"Crystal clear."

"Well, I'm also a reincarnated person. My sword and lance are the real deal. They are very powerful weapons. My last name also isn't for show either. It has a purpose."

Rimuru looked even more shocked than he was before so I continued before he asked more questions.

"I was a human in my past life and now I reincarnated as part dragon and part divine spirit. I also know the stories of King Arthur, and the skills I have are a reflection of his legends and myths. I'm basically a female King Arthur."

"Wow, so you are also a reincarnator?! I was also a human and now I've reincarnated as slime as you can see. I was from Japan what about you?"

"I was from the United States. Texas to be specific, if you wanted to know."

"Texas?! The place with all the cowboys, barbecue, and where they all go yee-haw?" Rimuru seemed way too excited about me saying that. Is that what people from Japan think of Texas? 

I'll be honest. I was going to correct him but then I thought about it. The Houston Rodeo is a month long. There are also a bunch of other state fairs with livestock shows. A whole American football team called the Cowboys. Literal barbecue competitions, that have way more attention than you would expect. I mean, Texas A&M University has a literal class on how to barbecue.

"Uh…yeah. That Texas." I let out a sigh of defeat. I've lived in Texas my whole life and if there are three things all Texans like, it's football, barbecue, and guns. 

He's not entirely wrong…I guess. 


"'That's cool! Sometimes I would imagine myself as a cowboy in the Wild West with a revolver in a duel with tumbleweed in the background." He sounded like a kid getting all excited about it. 

'That's so cliche and stereotypical!' I'll admit maybe a tad bit ticked off at that one, but I guess it's just an example of how far American culture has spread throughout the world.

I don't know if I should be offended at that cliche thought or happy that someone from Japan would know about that kind of thing.

"I am kind of jealous that you are part dragon and divine spirit, while I'm just a slime."

'Oh Rimuru, if only you knew what was in store for you.'

"Wait you said divine spirit right? Does that mean you have divinity? Are you some kind of goddess?"

"Not a full goddess, but I'm close to it. I'm basically on the doorstep to goddesshood. I think if I gather enough faith or worshippers I'll be able to evolve into a goddess." It was a shot in the dark, but that felt like a good starting point for some kind of evolution.

"You can be a religious figure in this village! It might be small now, but eventually, I'm sure we can do something to get this up and running and attract more monsters and maybe you get that evolution you need!"

There goes Rimurus's helpful and trusting nature at work. He's lucky that he met the people he did or else things would gone a completely different route. 

"That sounds nice Rimuru, but you do know the work that will require right? It's more than just gathering a bunch of monsters. There will be many problems to face, but we can get to them when they get here."

"Does that mean you'll stay and help out with the village?"

"Yes RImuru it does. You'll need a lot of help and someone to tell you when you're wrong, even if I am blunt with my words at times, it's only to make you a better person."

Rimuru seemed to be in thought for a while so I got as comfortable as I could sitting on the ground with my back resting on a nearby tree stump. 

He noticed what I was doing and asked me a question. "Are you going to sleep? Do you even need to sleep?"

"No, I don't, but I still can. It's more of a relaxation method for me instead of a way to regain energy. So yeah I'm going to sleep. I would say goodnight, but I doubt you'llbe able to sleep since you're a slime."

"What! I can totally go to sleep!"

"Whatever you say." I then proceeded to let the sandman take me into a nice sleep filled with dreams.


(Goblin Village, Morning)

I woke up feeling good. Well, as good as I could for the situation I slept in.

I saw Rimuru on the log we were sitting on yesterday and he quickly noticed me. I could see the envy and jealousy oozing off of him.

"You were right. I can't sleep."

"Maybe someday you will. Come on, it looks like the goblins and direwolves are gathered waiting for us."

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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