
ตอน 12: Haunted by Past (2)

Chapter 12: Haunted by Past (2)

Their discussion moved from topic to topic, after the pandora box was opened by Jeanne regarding her 'ability' to see Ghosts, and clearly him appearing not surprised or creeped out made her more comfortable around him.

He didn't bother to know much about her personal life, such as her backstory, instead, inquired calmly how she got into the Club if she had a fiance? There were some assumptions made by him with his 'discerning' eye, but it was better to come clean so as to avoid unnecessary Drama. 

Women in general love drama, and clearly Jeanne wasn't an exception to the rule. She didn't gaslight him, at least this is how it appeared when she told him she got cheated on by her fiancé with one of her best friends.

"I knew something was up," she sighed, stirring her half-empty coffee cup. "But I didn't expect it to be that bad. I found texts on his phone, videos he took of the affair, and the evidence was clear as day. To think he was such a piece of shit."

Carl listened carefully, offering a comforting nod. "That must have been tough," he sympathized. "I can't imagine finding out something like that."

"Yeah," she grimaced, shaking her head. "It hurt more than I could ever express.

I was betrayed by two people I trusted the most," Jeanne revealed, her voice wavering slightly. "I needed to get away. To forget. I was done lamenting on my failed relationship, so, I decided to experience something new, and that's when you came to lift me up."

Carl nodded sympathetically, knowing the sting of betrayal all too well, both in his past life and in the current life. "I hope I managed to instill some peace for you," he assured her. "Well, maybe not so much considering I drank your blood. But we'll work past this together, if you want."

"I always had a deep rooted hatred for cheaters."

Jeanne smiled gratefully, her gaze lingering on Carl for a moment longer than necessary. "Thank you, Carl," she murmured softly. "For understanding. For listening."

Carl's grip tightened around her hand, a sudden rush of warmth filling his chest. "Don't thank me just yet," he said gently. "You'll need a strong drink later."

Jeanne laughed nervously, her gaze darting around the room. "I'm okay. I've been through worse."

Carl shook his head, the corners of his mouth quirking upwards. "Perhaps you have, but this is different. You'll need strength..." Carl insisted, his gaze piercing through her like a laser beam. 

He lifted the mug of coffee to his lips, swallowing the bitter liquid with a wince. The caffeine kick was nothing compared to the intoxicating taste of her blood. It lingered on his tongue, taunting him.

"...I've been through worse," Jeanne protested weakly, her eyes meeting Carl's gaze. He smiled wickedly, his fangs gleaming like silver daggers.

"You're stronger than you give yourself credit for, Jeanne. Don't underestimate yourself."

She swallowed hard, her pulse quickening at the sight of his fangs. "You're scaring me, Carl. Don't flash your fangs at me."

Carl chuckled darkly, his hand tightening around hers. "Huhuhu, that's a nice reaction. Trust me, I won't harm you. I promised."

Lifting up the mood, Carl asks Jeanne her phone number so they could stay in touch, and in case she wanted his help in dealing with her cheating ex-fiance, he would be there for her. 

"So, Jeanne," Carl began casually, a glint of mischief dancing in his eyes. "We've reached this point without even sharing our contact info? Since we got to know each other, would you mind sharing your phone number with me?"

"Heh, any ulterior motives for asking a girl's number?"

"Heh. wouldn't you feel sorry for the next woman that might get her neck bitten off once I get thirsty for blood? Jokes aside, it would be a shame to squander this opportunity to spend time with a woman like you."

"Ahh, and also, just in case you ever need someone to talk to or in case you want me to act like your bodyguard when confronting your ex? My services can be quite expensive, but with you it can be something else."

Jeanne blinked in surprise, caught off guard by Carl's sudden request. She didn't hesitate, but her mind raced a bit with intrigue. His playful demeanor and the mischievous glint in his eyes hinted at an underlying depth to his character, one that she couldn't quite unravel.

She couldn't help but smile at his charm, feeling a sense of ease in his presence despite the lingering doubts clouding her thoughts. "Well, you certainly know how to make a girl feel special," she replied, her tone light yet tinged with curiosity. "I suppose I could share my number with you, but only if you promise not to abuse it."

Carl raised an eyebrow in mock offense, his lips curving into a playful smirk. "Me? Abuse such a precious gift?" he feigned innocence, a hint of mischief dancing in his eyes. "I assure you, Jeanne, I am the epitome of discretion and responsibility."

Jeanne chuckled softly, her apprehension melting away in the warmth of Carl's infectious laughter. "Alright, then," she relented, reaching for her phone. "But if I start receiving prank calls in the middle of the night, you'll be the first suspect."

Carl grinned, his eyes sparkling with amusement as he watched Jeanne input her number into his phone. "Fair enough," he conceded, accepting the device with a grateful nod.

A sense of anticipation tingled in the air, Jeanne handed back Carl's phone, their fingers brushing briefly in the exchange. As she watched him save her number into his contacts, she couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement at the prospect of staying in touch with this enigmatic man who had entered her life in such an unexpected way.

Meanwhile, Carl's mind churned with a devilish satisfaction as he achieved one of his goals. The thought of Jeanne's cheating fiance and her betraying friend filled him with a deep rooted disgust, and he wanted to make them feel miserable. Yet, beneath his calm exterior, a mischievous smirk danced on his lips, a silent promise of retribution.

"Do you want to torment them, Jeanne?" Carl inquired casually, his tone tinged with an ominous edge. "Make their lives miserable? I could entertain that idea with ease, you know. Show them a taste of their own medicine."

Jeanne shook her head, her expression firm yet resolute, it was better to just walk away without any further Drama. "No," she replied firmly, "As tempting as it may be to seek revenge, I've had enough drama to last a lifetime. It's better to walk away and leave them to their own devices."

"But before I do, I'll make sure they're exposed for the lying, cheating bastards they are," she added, her gaze hardening with determination. "I won't let them get away with destroying five years of my life."

Carl nodded in understanding, a flicker of respect gleaming in his crimson eyes. "Very well, Jeanne," he conceded, his tone tinged with approval, while tapping on his smartphone. "You're stronger than you know. If you ever need my help, though, you know where to find me." 

With a silent nod of gratitude, hours passed and they continued to chat, with Jeanne showing curiosity and interest over the Vampire before her, but he didn't reveal too much that would put her in danger. By morning she bid farewell to Carl.

As Jeanne stood in the doorway, preparing to bid Carl farewell, she couldn't help but feel a twinge of sadness at the thought of parting ways, slight reluctance, as if she wanted to spend more time with him. Despite the briefness of their encounter, she had grown surprisingly fond of the enigmatic Vampire who had entered her life in such an unexpected manner.

Carl, seated on the edge of the bed, glanced up from his phone as Jeanne approached. 

His crimson eyes held a hint of weariness, a testament to the fact that he hadn't slept a single hour throughout the night, nor did he feel the need to sleep as a Creature of the Night.

"Hey," Jeanne began softly, her voice tinged with a hint of reluctance. "I guess this is goodbye for now."

Carl nodded, a faint smile playing at the corners of his lips. "For now," he echoed, his tone thoughtful. "But who knows what the future holds? Perhaps our paths will cross again soon enough."

Jeanne nodded in agreement, a sense of hope flickering in her chest. "I'd like that," she admitted, her gaze meeting Carl's with a mixture of fondness.

Carl was looking at Jeanne as she appeared smocking hot even in daylight, and her expression looked cheerful unlike when he first met her in the Nightclub. 

'Is this the Stockholm Syndrome? Or are the innate charms of a Vampire that overpowered against women?'

[Don't know what you're talking about, kid. But, this reaction from this woman can be interpreted as her finding a 'kindling' spirit in you?]

[Surprisingly, she was connected with the Supernatural without her being in control, and now that she found you, in her perception, you're more controllable than some lost spirit damned to linger on Earth for Eternity.]

'She's quite the interesting one, not going to lie. Which retard would cheat on such a gal? He must have half of his brain fried or something to let go on the blondy. Or could it be that he wanted to be a 'Chad'/'Tyrone' and bounce around women?'

'I'm curious about the guy now. Huhuhu. Right, I can use the Blood Manipulation for a Spying Trinket just like when I escaped from the coffin.'

[You're wasting your time again.]

'Not at all, mister. It can be considered training. Blood Manipulation consumes a decent amount of Mana and of my Mental Energy just keeping the link between the Blood Familiars and me.'

As Jeanne stood there in silence, the weight of their impending parting hanging heavy in the air, Carl's mind was already at work, planning his next move. With a subtle flicker of his fingers, he activated his ability of 'Blood Manipulation', focusing his dense mana on a small droplet of blood that he extracted from his own body.

'What to make? Something small, maybe a fly? Too inauspicious. Aha, that one would do.'

His crimson eyes flashed with an ominous aura, while the pendant appeared around his neck, along with those changes, Carl shaped the blood droplet into a tiny, intricate creature, barely visible to the naked eye. It resembled a miniature spider, with delicate legs and a pulsating core that glowed with a faint crimson hue.

'Good. You'll act as my eyes in case she is in danger.'

Without Jeanne even noticing, Carl planted the blood creature onto her clothes, near the hem of her blouse. The creature nestled into the fabric, blending in seamlessly with its surroundings, its movements imperceptible to anyone but Carl himself.

'Mental Link Established.'

With a silent command, Carl linked his consciousness to the blood creature, establishing a psychic connection that allowed him to see and hear everything that the creature did. It was a crude form of surveillance, but it served its purpose well.

Sorting this problem for now, he flashed Jeanne a small smile while nodding at her farewell. It was an acknowledgment that made Jeanne feel better, and turning to leave, her footsteps echoed softly against the hotel floor.

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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